/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2012, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.as.controller.transform; import static org.jboss.as.controller.descriptions.ModelDescriptionConstants.NAME; import static org.jboss.as.controller.descriptions.ModelDescriptionConstants.SUBSYSTEM; import static org.jboss.as.controller.descriptions.ModelDescriptionConstants.VALUE; import static org.jboss.as.controller.transform.AttributeTransformationRequirementChecker.SIMPLE_EXPRESSIONS; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.jboss.as.controller.AttributeDefinition; import org.jboss.as.controller.logging.ControllerLogger; import org.jboss.as.controller.ModelVersion; import org.jboss.as.controller.OperationFailedException; import org.jboss.as.controller.PathAddress; import org.jboss.as.controller.PathElement; import org.jboss.as.controller.registry.Resource; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; /** * A transformer rejecting values containing an expression. * * @author Emanuel Muckenhuber * @author Kabir Khan */ public class RejectExpressionValuesTransformer implements ResourceTransformer, OperationTransformer { private final Set<String> attributeNames; private final Map<String, AttributeTransformationRequirementChecker> attributeCheckers; private final OperationTransformer writeAttributeTransformer = new WriteAttributeTransformer(); public RejectExpressionValuesTransformer(AttributeDefinition... attributes) { this(namesFromDefinitions(attributes)); } private static Set<String> namesFromDefinitions(AttributeDefinition... attributes) { final Set<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (final AttributeDefinition def : attributes) { names.add(def.getName()); } return names; } public RejectExpressionValuesTransformer(Set<String> attributeNames) { this(attributeNames, null); } public RejectExpressionValuesTransformer(String... attributeNames) { this(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(attributeNames))); } public RejectExpressionValuesTransformer(Set<String> allAttributeNames, Map<String, AttributeTransformationRequirementChecker> specialCheckers) { this.attributeNames = allAttributeNames; this.attributeCheckers = specialCheckers; } public RejectExpressionValuesTransformer(Map<String, AttributeTransformationRequirementChecker> specialCheckers) { this(specialCheckers.keySet(), specialCheckers); } public RejectExpressionValuesTransformer(String attributeName, AttributeTransformationRequirementChecker checker) { this(Collections.singletonMap(attributeName, checker)); } /** * Get a "write-attribute" operation transformer. * * @return a write attribute operation transformer */ public OperationTransformer getWriteAttributeTransformer() { return writeAttributeTransformer; } @Override public TransformedOperation transformOperation(final TransformationContext context, final PathAddress address, final ModelNode operation) throws OperationFailedException { // Check the model final Set<String> attributes = checkModel(operation, context); final boolean reject = attributes.size() > 0; final OperationRejectionPolicy rejectPolicy; if (reject) { rejectPolicy = new OperationRejectionPolicy() { @Override public boolean rejectOperation(ModelNode preparedResult) { // Reject successful operations return true; } @Override public String getFailureDescription() { return context.getLogger().getAttributeWarning(address, operation, ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.attributesDontSupportExpressions(), attributes); } }; } else { rejectPolicy = OperationTransformer.DEFAULT_REJECTION_POLICY; } // Return untransformed return new TransformedOperation(operation, rejectPolicy, OperationResultTransformer.ORIGINAL_RESULT); } @Override public void transformResource(final ResourceTransformationContext context, final PathAddress address, final Resource resource) throws OperationFailedException { // Check the model final ModelNode model = resource.getModel(); final Set<String> attributes = checkModel(model, context); if (attributes.size() > 0) { if (context.getTarget().isIgnoredResourceListAvailableAtRegistration()) { // Slave is 7.2.x or higher and we know this resource is not ignored List<String> msg = Collections.singletonList(context.getLogger().getAttributeWarning(address, null, ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.attributesDontSupportExpressions(), attributes)); final TransformationTarget tgt = context.getTarget(); final String legacyHostName = tgt.getHostName(); final ModelVersion coreVersion = tgt.getVersion(); final String subsystemName = findSubsystemName(address); final ModelVersion usedVersion = subsystemName == null ? coreVersion : tgt.getSubsystemVersion(subsystemName); // Target is 7.2.x or higher so we should throw an error if (subsystemName != null) { throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.rejectAttributesSubsystemModelResourceTransformer(address, legacyHostName, subsystemName, usedVersion, msg); } throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.rejectAttributesCoreModelResourceTransformer(address, legacyHostName, usedVersion, msg); } else { // 7.1.x slave; resource *may* be ignored so we can't fail; just log context.getLogger().logAttributeWarning(address, ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.attributesDontSupportExpressions(), attributes); } } final ResourceTransformationContext childContext = context.addTransformedResource(PathAddress.EMPTY_ADDRESS, resource); childContext.processChildren(resource); } private static String findSubsystemName(PathAddress pathAddress) { for (PathElement element : pathAddress) { if (element.getKey().equals(SUBSYSTEM)) { return element.getValue(); } } return null; } /** * Check the model for expression values. * * @param model the model * @return the attribute containing an expression */ private Set<String> checkModel(final ModelNode model, TransformationContext context) throws OperationFailedException { final Set<String> attributes = new HashSet<String>(); AttributeTransformationRequirementChecker checker; for (final String attribute : attributeNames) { if (model.hasDefined(attribute)) { if (attributeCheckers != null && (checker = attributeCheckers.get(attribute)) != null) { if (checker.isAttributeTransformationRequired(attribute, model.get(attribute), context)) { attributes.add(attribute); } } else if (SIMPLE_EXPRESSIONS.isAttributeTransformationRequired(attribute, model.get(attribute), context)) { attributes.add(attribute); } } } return attributes; } class WriteAttributeTransformer implements OperationTransformer { @Override public TransformedOperation transformOperation(final TransformationContext context, final PathAddress address, final ModelNode operation) throws OperationFailedException { final String attribute = operation.require(NAME).asString(); boolean containsExpression = false; if (attributeNames.contains(attribute)) { if (operation.hasDefined(VALUE)) { AttributeTransformationRequirementChecker checker; if (attributeCheckers != null && (checker = attributeCheckers.get(attribute)) != null) { if (checker.isAttributeTransformationRequired(attribute, operation.get(VALUE), context)) { containsExpression = true; } } else if (SIMPLE_EXPRESSIONS.isAttributeTransformationRequired(attribute, operation.get(VALUE), context)) { containsExpression = true; } } } final boolean rejectResult = containsExpression; if (rejectResult) { // Create the rejection policy final OperationRejectionPolicy rejectPolicy = new OperationRejectionPolicy() { @Override public boolean rejectOperation(ModelNode preparedResult) { // Reject successful operations return true; } @Override public String getFailureDescription() { return context.getLogger().getAttributeWarning(address, operation, ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.attributesDontSupportExpressions(), attribute); } }; return new TransformedOperation(operation, rejectPolicy, OperationResultTransformer.ORIGINAL_RESULT); } // In case it's not an expressions just forward unmodified return new TransformedOperation(operation, OperationResultTransformer.ORIGINAL_RESULT); } } }