package org.wildfly.core.testrunner; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.junit.Assert; import org.wildfly.core.launcher.Launcher; import org.wildfly.core.launcher.ProcessHelper; import org.wildfly.core.launcher.StandaloneCommandBuilder; /** * encapsulation of a server process * * @author Stuart Douglas * @author Tomaz Cerar */ public class Server { public static final String LEGACY_JAVA_HOME = ""; private final String jbossHome = System.getProperty("jboss.home", System.getenv("JBOSS_HOME")); private final String modulePath = System.getProperty("module.path"); private final String jvmArgs = System.getProperty("jvm.args", "-Xmx512m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m"); private final String jbossArgs = System.getProperty("jboss.args"); private final String javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home", System.getenv("JAVA_HOME")); //Use this when specifying an older java to be used for running the server private final String legacyJavaHome = System.getProperty(LEGACY_JAVA_HOME); private String serverConfig = System.getProperty("server.config", "standalone.xml"); private final int managementPort = Integer.getInteger("management.port", 9990); private final String managementAddress = System.getProperty("management.address", "localhost"); private final String managementProtocol = System.getProperty("management.protocol", "remote+http"); private final String serverDebug = "wildfly.debug"; private final int serverDebugPort = Integer.getInteger("wildfly.debug.port", 8787); private StartMode startMode = StartMode.NORMAL; private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Server.class.getName()); private Thread shutdownThread; private volatile Process process; private final ManagementClient client = new ManagementClient(new DelegatingModelControllerClient(ServerClientProvider.INSTANCE), managementAddress, managementPort, managementProtocol); private static boolean processHasDied(final Process process) { try { process.exitValue(); return true; } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) { // good return false; } } /** * Sets server config to use * @param serverConfig */ public void setServerConfig(String serverConfig) { this.serverConfig = serverConfig; } public void setStartMode(StartMode startMode) { this.startMode = startMode; } protected void start() { start(System.out); } protected void start(PrintStream out) { try { final Path jbossHomeDir = Paths.get(jbossHome); if (Files.notExists(jbossHomeDir) && !Files.isDirectory(jbossHomeDir)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find: " + jbossHomeDir); } final StandaloneCommandBuilder commandBuilder = StandaloneCommandBuilder.of(jbossHomeDir); if (modulePath != null && !modulePath.isEmpty()) { commandBuilder.setModuleDirs(modulePath.split(Pattern.quote(File.pathSeparator))); } commandBuilder.setJavaHome(legacyJavaHome == null ? javaHome : legacyJavaHome); if (jvmArgs != null) { commandBuilder.setJavaOptions(jvmArgs.split("\\s+")); } if(Boolean.getBoolean(serverDebug)) { commandBuilder.setDebug(true, serverDebugPort); } if (this.startMode == StartMode.ADMIN_ONLY) { commandBuilder.setAdminOnly(); } else if (this.startMode == StartMode.SUSPEND){ commandBuilder.setStartSuspended(); } //we are testing, of course we want assertions and set-up some other defaults commandBuilder.addJavaOption("-ea") .setServerConfiguration(serverConfig) .setBindAddressHint("management", managementAddress); if (jbossArgs != null) { commandBuilder.addServerArguments(jbossArgs.split("\\s+")); } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Starting container with: "); for(String arg : { builder.append(arg).append(" "); }; process = Launcher.of(commandBuilder) // Redirect the output and error stream to a file .setRedirectErrorStream(true) .launch(); new Thread(new ConsoleConsumer(process.getInputStream(), out)).start(); final Process proc = process; shutdownThread = ProcessHelper.addShutdownHook(proc); createClient(); long startupTimeout = 30; long timeout = startupTimeout * 1000; boolean serverAvailable = false; long sleep = 1000; while (timeout > 0 && !serverAvailable) { long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); serverAvailable = client.isServerInRunningState(); timeout -= (System.currentTimeMillis() - before); if (!serverAvailable) { if (processHasDied(proc)) break; Thread.sleep(sleep); timeout -= sleep; sleep = Math.max(sleep / 2, 100); } } if (!serverAvailable) { destroyProcess(); throw new RuntimeException("Managed server was not started within 30s"); } } catch (Exception e) { safeCloseClient(); throw new RuntimeException("Could not start container", e); } } protected void stop() { if (shutdownThread != null) { Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(shutdownThread); shutdownThread = null; } try { if (process != null) { Thread shutdown = new Thread(() -> { long timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000; while (process != null && System.currentTimeMillis() < timeout) { try { process.exitValue(); process = null; } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) { } } // The process hasn't shutdown within 60 seconds. Terminate forcibly. if (process != null) { process.destroy(); } }); shutdown.start(); try { // AS7-6620: Create the shutdown operation and run it asynchronously and wait for process to terminate client.getControllerClient().executeAsync(Operations.createOperation("shutdown"), null); } catch (AssertionError | RuntimeException e) { //ignore as this can only fail if shutdown is already in progress } if (process != null) { process.waitFor(); process = null; } shutdown.interrupt(); } } catch (Exception e) { try { if (process != null) { process.destroy(); process.waitFor(); } } catch (Exception ignore) { } throw new RuntimeException("Could not stop container", e); } finally { safeCloseClient(); } } private int destroyProcess() { if (process == null) return 0; process.destroy(); try { return process.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public ManagementClient getClient() { return client; } private void createClient() { ServerClientProvider.INSTANCE.setClient(createModelControllerClient()); } private ModelControllerClient createModelControllerClient() { ModelControllerClient modelControllerClient = null; try { modelControllerClient = ModelControllerClient.Factory.create( managementProtocol, managementAddress, managementPort, Authentication.getCallbackHandler()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return modelControllerClient; } private void safeCloseClient() { try { if (client != null) { client.close(); } } catch (final Exception e) { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).warnf(e, "Caught exception closing ModelControllerClient"); } } /** * Reload current server * This method makes sure client on server is still operational after reload is done. * @param adminOnly tells server to boot in admin only mode or normal * @param timeout time in miliseconds to wait for server to come back after reload */ public void reload(boolean adminOnly, int timeout) { reload(adminOnly ? StartMode.ADMIN_ONLY : StartMode.NORMAL, timeout); } /** * Reload current server * This method makes sure client on server is still operational after reload is done. * @param startMode tells server to boot in admin only mode, suspended or normal * @param timeout time in miliseconds to wait for server to come back after reload */ public void reload(StartMode startMode, int timeout) { reload(startMode, timeout, null); } /** * Reload current server * This method makes sure client on server is still operational after reload is done. * @param adminOnly tells server to boot in admin only mode or normal * @param timeout time in miliseconds to wait for server to come back after reload */ public void reload(boolean adminOnly, int timeout, String serverConfig) { executeReload(adminOnly ? StartMode.ADMIN_ONLY : StartMode.NORMAL, serverConfig); waitForLiveServerToReload(timeout); //30 seconds } /** * Reload current server * This method makes sure client on server is still operational after reload is done. * @param startMode tells server to boot in admin only mode, suspended or normal * @param timeout time in miliseconds to wait for server to come back after reload */ public void reload(StartMode startMode, int timeout, String serverConfig) { executeReload(startMode, serverConfig); waitForLiveServerToReload(timeout); //30 seconds } private void executeReload(StartMode startMode, String serverConfig) { ModelNode operation = new ModelNode(); operation.get(OP_ADDR).setEmptyList(); operation.get(OP).set("reload"); if(startMode == StartMode.ADMIN_ONLY) { operation.get("admin-only").set(true); } else if(startMode == StartMode.SUSPEND) { operation.get("start-mode").set("suspend"); } if (serverConfig != null) { operation.get(SERVER_CONFIG).set(serverConfig); } try { ModelNode result = client.getControllerClient().execute(operation); Assert.assertEquals("success", result.get(ClientConstants.OUTCOME).asString()); } catch (IOException e) { final Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (!(cause instanceof ExecutionException) && !(cause instanceof CancellationException) && !(cause instanceof SocketException) ) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // else ignore, this might happen if the channel gets closed before we got the response }finally { safeCloseClient();//close existing client } } private void recreateClient(){ safeCloseClient(); ServerClientProvider.INSTANCE.setClient(createModelControllerClient()); } void waitForLiveServerToReload(int timeout) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); ModelNode operation = new ModelNode(); operation.get(OP_ADDR).setEmptyList(); operation.get(OP).set(READ_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION); operation.get(NAME).set("server-state"); while (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < timeout) { recreateClient(); ModelControllerClient liveClient = client.getControllerClient(); try { ModelNode result = liveClient.execute(operation); if ("running".equals(result.get(RESULT).asString())) { return; } } catch (IOException e) { } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } fail("Live Server did not reload in the imparted time."); } /** * Runnable that consumes the output of the process. If nothing consumes the output the AS will hang on some * platforms * * @author Stuart Douglas */ private class ConsoleConsumer implements Runnable { private final InputStream source; private final PrintStream target; private ConsoleConsumer(final InputStream source, final PrintStream target) { this.source = source; = target; } @Override public void run() { final InputStream source = this.source; try { byte[] buf = new byte[32]; int num; // Do not try reading a line cos it considers '\r' end of line while ((num = != -1) { target.write(buf, 0, num); } } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } private static class ServerClientProvider implements DelegatingModelControllerClient.DelegateProvider { static final ServerClientProvider INSTANCE = new ServerClientProvider(); private final AtomicReference<ModelControllerClient> client = new AtomicReference<>(); void setClient(final ModelControllerClient client) { assert client != null; this.client.set(client); } @Override public ModelControllerClient getDelegate() { final ModelControllerClient result = client.get(); if (result == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("The client has been closed"); } return result; } } public enum StartMode { NORMAL, ADMIN_ONLY, SUSPEND } }