package; import static; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; import org.jboss.staxmapper.XMLExtendedStreamReader; import org.jboss.staxmapper.XMLExtendedStreamWriter; /** * A representation of a resource as needed by the XML parser. * * @author Tomaz Cerar * @author Stuart Douglas */ public final class PersistentResourceXMLDescription { protected final PathElement pathElement; private final String xmlElementName; private final String xmlWrapperElement; private final LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, AttributeDefinition>> attributesByGroup; protected final List<PersistentResourceXMLDescription> children; private final Map<String, AttributeDefinition> attributeElements = new HashMap<>(); private final boolean useValueAsElementName; private final boolean noAddOperation; private final AdditionalOperationsGenerator additionalOperationsGenerator; private boolean flushRequired = true; private boolean childAlreadyRead = false; private final Map<String, AttributeParser> attributeParsers; private final Map<String, AttributeMarshaller> attributeMarshallers; private final boolean useElementsForGroups; private final String namespaceURI; private final Set<String> attributeGroups; private final String forcedName; private final boolean marshallDefaultValues; //name of the attribute that is used for wildcard elements private final String nameAttributeName; private PersistentResourceXMLDescription(PersistentResourceXMLBuilder builder) { this.pathElement = builder.pathElement; this.xmlElementName = builder.xmlElementName; this.xmlWrapperElement = builder.xmlWrapperElement; this.useElementsForGroups = builder.useElementsForGroups; this.attributesByGroup = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.namespaceURI = builder.namespaceURI; this.attributeGroups = new HashSet<>(); if (useElementsForGroups) { // Ensure we have a map for the default group even if there are no attributes so we don't NPE later this.attributesByGroup.put(null, new LinkedHashMap<>()); // Segregate attributes by group for (AttributeDefinition ad : builder.attributeList) { LinkedHashMap<String, AttributeDefinition> forGroup = this.attributesByGroup.get(ad.getAttributeGroup()); if (forGroup == null) { forGroup = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.attributesByGroup.put(ad.getAttributeGroup(), forGroup); this.attributeGroups.add(ad.getAttributeGroup()); } forGroup.put(ad.getXmlName(), ad); AttributeParser ap = builder.attributeParsers.getOrDefault(ad.getXmlName(), ad.getParser()); if (ap != null && ap.isParseAsElement()) { attributeElements.put(ap.getXmlName(ad), ad); } } } else { LinkedHashMap<String, AttributeDefinition> attrs = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (AttributeDefinition ad : builder.attributeList) { attrs.put(ad.getXmlName(), ad); if (ad.getParser() != null && ad.getParser().isParseAsElement()) { attributeElements.put(ad.getParser().getXmlName(ad), ad); } } // Ignore attribute-group, treat all as if they are in the default group this.attributesByGroup.put(null, attrs); } this.children = new ArrayList<>(); for (PersistentResourceXMLBuilder b : builder.childrenBuilders) { this.children.add(; } builder.children.forEach(this.children::add); this.useValueAsElementName = builder.useValueAsElementName; this.noAddOperation = builder.noAddOperation; this.additionalOperationsGenerator = builder.additionalOperationsGenerator; this.attributeParsers = builder.attributeParsers; this.attributeMarshallers = builder.attributeMarshallers; this.forcedName = builder.forcedName; this.marshallDefaultValues = builder.marshallDefaultValues; this.nameAttributeName = builder.nameAttributeName; } public PathElement getPathElement() { return this.pathElement; } public void parse(final XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, PathAddress parentAddress, List<ModelNode> list) throws XMLStreamException { ModelNode op = Util.createAddOperation(); boolean wildcard = getPathElement().isWildcard(); String name = parseAttributeGroups(reader, op, wildcard); if (wildcard && name == null) { if (forcedName != null) { name = forcedName; } else { throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.missingRequiredAttributes(new StringBuilder(NAME), reader.getLocation()); } } PathElement path = wildcard ? PathElement.pathElement(getPathElement().getKey(), name) : getPathElement(); PathAddress address = parentAddress.append(path); if (!noAddOperation) { op.get(ADDRESS).set(address.toModelNode()); list.add(op); } if (additionalOperationsGenerator != null) { additionalOperationsGenerator.additionalOperations(address, op, list); } if (!reader.isEndElement()) { //only parse children if we are not on end of tag already parseChildren(reader, address, list, op); } } private String parseAttributeGroups(final XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, ModelNode op, boolean wildcard) throws XMLStreamException { String name = parseAttributes(reader, op, attributesByGroup.get(null), wildcard); //parse attributes not belonging to a group if (!attributeGroups.isEmpty()) { while (reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { boolean element = attributeElements.containsKey(reader.getLocalName()); //it can be a group or element attribute if (attributeGroups.contains(reader.getLocalName()) || element) { if (element) { AttributeDefinition ad = attributeElements.get(reader.getLocalName()); ad.getParser().parseElement(ad, reader, op); if (attributeGroups.contains(reader.getLocalName())) { parseGroup(reader, op, wildcard); } else if (reader.isEndElement() && !attributeGroups.contains(reader.getLocalName()) && !attributeElements.containsKey(reader.getLocalName())) { childAlreadyRead = true; break; } } else { parseGroup(reader, op, wildcard); } } else { //don't break, as we read all attributes, we set that child was already read so readChildren wont do .nextTag() childAlreadyRead = true; return name; } } flushRequired = false; } return name; } private void parseGroup(XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, ModelNode op, boolean wildcard) throws XMLStreamException { Map<String, AttributeDefinition> groupAttrs = attributesByGroup.get(reader.getLocalName()); parseAttributes(reader, op, groupAttrs, wildcard); // Check if there are also element attributes inside a group while (reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() != END_ELEMENT) { String attrName = reader.getLocalName(); if (attributeElements.containsKey(attrName) && groupAttrs.containsKey(attrName)) { AttributeDefinition ad = attributeElements.get(reader.getLocalName()); ad.getParser().parseElement(ad, reader, op); } else { throw ParseUtils.unexpectedElement(reader); } } } private String parseAttributes(final XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, ModelNode op, Map<String, AttributeDefinition> attributes, boolean wildcard) throws XMLStreamException { String name = null; for (int i = 0; i < reader.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String attributeName = reader.getAttributeLocalName(i); String value = reader.getAttributeValue(i); if (wildcard && nameAttributeName.equals(attributeName)) { name = value; } else if (attributes.containsKey(attributeName)) { AttributeDefinition def = attributes.get(attributeName); AttributeParser parser = attributeParsers.getOrDefault(attributeName, def.getParser()); assert parser != null; parser.parseAndSetParameter(def, value, op, reader); } else { Set<String> possible = new LinkedHashSet<>(attributes.keySet()); possible.add(nameAttributeName); throw ParseUtils.unexpectedAttribute(reader, i, possible); } } //only parse attribute elements here if there are no attribute groups defined if (attributeGroups.isEmpty() && !attributeElements.isEmpty() && reader.isStartElement()) { String originalStartElement = reader.getLocalName(); if (reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) { do { if (attributeElements.containsKey(reader.getLocalName())) { AttributeDefinition ad = attributeElements.get(reader.getLocalName()); AttributeParser parser = attributeParsers.getOrDefault(ad.getXmlName(), ad.getParser()); parser.parseElement(ad, reader, op); } else { return name; //this means we only have children left, return so child handling logic can take over } childAlreadyRead = true; } while (!reader.getLocalName().equals(originalStartElement) && reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT); } } return name; } private Map<String, PersistentResourceXMLDescription> getChildrenMap() { Map<String, PersistentResourceXMLDescription> res = new HashMap<>(); for (PersistentResourceXMLDescription child : children) { if (child.xmlWrapperElement != null) { res.put(child.xmlWrapperElement, child); } else { res.put(child.xmlElementName, child); } } return res; } private void parseChildren(final XMLExtendedStreamReader reader, PathAddress parentAddress, List<ModelNode> list, ModelNode op) throws XMLStreamException { if (children.size() == 0) { if (flushRequired && attributeGroups.isEmpty() && attributeElements.isEmpty()) { ParseUtils.requireNoContent(reader); } if (childAlreadyRead) { throw ParseUtils.unexpectedElement(reader); } } else { Map<String, PersistentResourceXMLDescription> children = getChildrenMap(); if (childAlreadyRead || (reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT)) { do { PersistentResourceXMLDescription child = children.get(reader.getLocalName()); if (child != null) { if (child.xmlWrapperElement != null) { if (reader.getLocalName().equals(child.xmlWrapperElement)) { if (reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() == END_ELEMENT) { return; } } else { throw ParseUtils.unexpectedElement(reader); } child.parse(reader, parentAddress, list); while (reader.nextTag() != END_ELEMENT && !reader.getLocalName().equals(child.xmlWrapperElement)) { child.parse(reader, parentAddress, list); } } else { child.parse(reader, parentAddress, list); } } else if (attributeElements.containsKey(reader.getLocalName())) { AttributeDefinition ad = attributeElements.get(reader.getLocalName()); ad.getParser().parseElement(ad, reader, op); } else { throw ParseUtils.unexpectedElement(reader, children.keySet()); } } while (reader.hasNext() && reader.nextTag() != XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT); } } } public void persist(XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, ModelNode model) throws XMLStreamException { persist(writer, model, namespaceURI); } private void writeStartElement(XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, String namespaceURI, String localName) throws XMLStreamException { if (namespaceURI != null) { writer.writeStartElement(namespaceURI, localName); } else { writer.writeStartElement(localName); } } private void startSubsystemElement(XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, String namespaceURI, boolean empty) throws XMLStreamException { if (writer.getNamespaceContext().getPrefix(namespaceURI) == null) { // Unknown namespace; it becomes default writer.setDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI); if (empty) { writer.writeEmptyElement(Element.SUBSYSTEM.getLocalName()); } else { writer.writeStartElement(Element.SUBSYSTEM.getLocalName()); } writer.writeNamespace(null, namespaceURI); } else { if (empty) { writer.writeEmptyElement(namespaceURI, Element.SUBSYSTEM.getLocalName()); } else { writer.writeStartElement(namespaceURI, Element.SUBSYSTEM.getLocalName()); } } } public void persist(XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, ModelNode model, String namespaceURI) throws XMLStreamException { boolean wildcard = getPathElement().isWildcard(); model = wildcard ? model.get(getPathElement().getKey()) : model.get(getPathElement().getKeyValuePair()); boolean isSubsystem = getPathElement().getKey().equals(ModelDescriptionConstants.SUBSYSTEM); if (!isSubsystem && !model.isDefined() && !useValueAsElementName) { return; } boolean writeWrapper = xmlWrapperElement != null; if (writeWrapper) { writeStartElement(writer, namespaceURI, xmlWrapperElement); } if (wildcard) { for (String name : model.keys()) { ModelNode subModel = model.get(name); if (useValueAsElementName) { writeStartElement(writer, namespaceURI, name); } else { writeStartElement(writer, namespaceURI, xmlElementName); writer.writeAttribute(nameAttributeName, name); } persistAttributes(writer, subModel); persistChildren(writer, subModel); writer.writeEndElement(); } } else { final boolean empty = attributeGroups.isEmpty() && children.isEmpty(); if (useValueAsElementName) { writeStartElement(writer, namespaceURI, getPathElement().getValue()); } else if (isSubsystem) { startSubsystemElement(writer, namespaceURI, empty); } else { writeStartElement(writer, namespaceURI, xmlElementName); } persistAttributes(writer, model); persistChildren(writer, model); // Do not attempt to write end element if the <subsystem/> has no elements! if (!isSubsystem || !empty) { writer.writeEndElement(); } } if (writeWrapper) { writer.writeEndElement(); } } private void persistAttributes(XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, ModelNode model) throws XMLStreamException { marshallAttributes(writer, model, attributesByGroup.get(null).values(), null); if (useElementsForGroups) { for (Map.Entry<String, LinkedHashMap<String, AttributeDefinition>> entry : attributesByGroup.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey() == null) { continue; } marshallAttributes(writer, model, entry.getValue().values(), entry.getKey()); } } } private void marshallAttributes(XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, ModelNode model, Collection<AttributeDefinition> attributes, String group) throws XMLStreamException { boolean started = false; //we sort attributes to make sure that attributes that marshall to elements are last List<AttributeDefinition> sortedAds = new ArrayList<>(attributes.size()); List<AttributeDefinition> elementAds = null; for (AttributeDefinition ad : attributes) { if (ad.getParser().isParseAsElement()) { if (elementAds == null) { elementAds = new ArrayList<>(); } elementAds.add(ad); } else { sortedAds.add(ad); } } if (elementAds != null) { sortedAds.addAll(elementAds); } for (AttributeDefinition ad : sortedAds) { AttributeMarshaller marshaller = attributeMarshallers.getOrDefault(ad.getXmlName(), ad.getAttributeMarshaller()); if (marshaller.isMarshallable(ad, model, marshallDefaultValues)) { if (!started && group != null) { if (elementAds != null) { writer.writeStartElement(group); } else { writer.writeEmptyElement(group); } started = true; } marshaller.marshall(ad, model, marshallDefaultValues, writer); } } if (elementAds != null && started) { writer.writeEndElement(); } } public void persistChildren(XMLExtendedStreamWriter writer, ModelNode model) throws XMLStreamException { for (PersistentResourceXMLDescription child : children) { child.persist(writer, model); } } /** * @param resource resource for which path we are creating builder * @return PersistentResourceXMLBuilder * @deprecated please use {@linkplain PersistentResourceXMLBuilder(PathElement, String)} variant */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated public static PersistentResourceXMLBuilder builder(PersistentResourceDefinition resource) { return new PersistentResourceXMLBuilder(resource.getPathElement()); } /** * @param resource resource for which path we are creating builder * @return PersistentResourceXMLBuilder * @deprecated please use {@linkplain PersistentResourceXMLBuilder(PathElement, String)} variant */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated public static PersistentResourceXMLBuilder builder(ResourceDefinition resource) { return new PersistentResourceXMLBuilder(resource.getPathElement()); } /** * * @param resource resource for which path we are creating builder * @param namespaceURI xml namespace to use for this resource, usually used for top level elements such as subsystems * @return PersistentResourceXMLBuilder * @deprecated please use {@linkplain PersistentResourceXMLBuilder(PathElement, String)} variant */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Deprecated public static PersistentResourceXMLBuilder builder(PersistentResourceDefinition resource, String namespaceURI) { return new PersistentResourceXMLBuilder(resource.getPathElement(), namespaceURI); } /** * Creates builder for passed path element * @param pathElement for which we are creating builder * @return PersistentResourceXMLBuilder */ public static PersistentResourceXMLBuilder builder(final PathElement pathElement) { return new PersistentResourceXMLBuilder(pathElement); } /** * Creates builder for passed path element * * @param pathElement for which we are creating builder * @param namespaceURI xml namespace to use for this resource, usually used for top level elements such as subsystems * @return PersistentResourceXMLBuilder */ public static PersistentResourceXMLBuilder builder(final PathElement pathElement, final String namespaceURI) { return new PersistentResourceXMLBuilder(pathElement, namespaceURI); } public static final class PersistentResourceXMLBuilder { protected final PathElement pathElement; private final String namespaceURI; private String xmlElementName; private String xmlWrapperElement; private boolean useValueAsElementName; private boolean noAddOperation; private AdditionalOperationsGenerator additionalOperationsGenerator; private final LinkedList<AttributeDefinition> attributeList = new LinkedList<>(); private final List<PersistentResourceXMLBuilder> childrenBuilders = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<PersistentResourceXMLDescription> children = new ArrayList<>(); private final LinkedHashMap<String, AttributeParser> attributeParsers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final LinkedHashMap<String, AttributeMarshaller> attributeMarshallers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private boolean useElementsForGroups = true; private String forcedName; private boolean marshallDefaultValues = false; private String nameAttributeName = NAME; private PersistentResourceXMLBuilder(final PathElement pathElement) { this.pathElement = pathElement; this.namespaceURI = null; this.xmlElementName = pathElement.isWildcard() ? pathElement.getKey() : pathElement.getValue(); } private PersistentResourceXMLBuilder(final PathElement pathElement, String namespaceURI) { this.pathElement = pathElement; this.namespaceURI = namespaceURI; this.xmlElementName = pathElement.isWildcard() ? pathElement.getKey() : pathElement.getValue(); } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder addChild(PersistentResourceXMLBuilder builder) { this.childrenBuilders.add(builder); return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder addChild(PersistentResourceXMLDescription builder) { this.children.add(builder); return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder addAttribute(AttributeDefinition attribute) { this.attributeList.add(attribute); return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder addAttribute(AttributeDefinition attribute, AttributeParser attributeParser) { this.attributeList.add(attribute); this.attributeParsers.put(attribute.getXmlName(), attributeParser); return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder addAttribute(AttributeDefinition attribute, AttributeParser attributeParser, AttributeMarshaller attributeMarshaller) { this.attributeList.add(attribute); this.attributeParsers.put(attribute.getXmlName(), attributeParser); this.attributeMarshallers.put(attribute.getXmlName(), attributeMarshaller); return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder addAttributes(AttributeDefinition... attributes) { Collections.addAll(this.attributeList, attributes); return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder setXmlWrapperElement(final String xmlWrapperElement) { this.xmlWrapperElement = xmlWrapperElement; return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder setXmlElementName(final String xmlElementName) { this.xmlElementName = xmlElementName; return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder setUseValueAsElementName(final boolean useValueAsElementName) { this.useValueAsElementName = useValueAsElementName; return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder setNoAddOperation(final boolean noAddOperation) { this.noAddOperation = noAddOperation; return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder setAdditionalOperationsGenerator(final AdditionalOperationsGenerator additionalOperationsGenerator) { this.additionalOperationsGenerator = additionalOperationsGenerator; return this; } /** * This method permit to set a forced name for resource created by parser. * This is useful when xml tag haven't an attribute defining the name for the resource, * but the tag name itself is sufficient to decide the name for the resource * For example when you have 2 different tag of the same xsd type representing same resource with different name * * @param forcedName the name to be forced as resourceName * @return the PersistentResourceXMLBuilder itself */ public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder setForcedName(String forcedName) { this.forcedName = forcedName; return this; } /** * Sets whether attributes with an {@link attribute group} * defined should be persisted to a child element whose name is the name of the group. Child elements * will be ordered based on the order in which attributes are added to this builder. Child elements for * attribute groups will be ordered before elements for child resources. * * @param useElementsForGroups {@code true} if child elements should be used. * @return a builder that can be used for further configuration or to build the xml description */ public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder setUseElementsForGroups(boolean useElementsForGroups) { this.useElementsForGroups = useElementsForGroups; return this; } /** * If set to false, default attribute values won't be persisted * * @param marshallDefault weather default values should be persisted or not. * @return builder */ public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder setMarshallDefaultValues(boolean marshallDefault) { this.marshallDefaultValues = marshallDefault; return this; } /** * Sets name for "name" attribute that is used for wildcard resources. * It defines name of attribute one resource xml element to be used for such identifier * If not set it defaults to "name" * * @param nameAttributeName xml attribute name to be used for resource name * @return builder */ public PersistentResourceXMLBuilder setNameAttributeName(String nameAttributeName) { this.nameAttributeName = nameAttributeName; return this; } public PersistentResourceXMLDescription build() { return new PersistentResourceXMLDescription(this); } } /** * Some resources require more operations that just a simple add. This interface provides a hook for these to be plugged in. */ public interface AdditionalOperationsGenerator { /** * Generates any additional operations required by the resource * * @param address The address of the resource * @param addOperation The add operation for the resource * @param operations The operation list */ void additionalOperations(final PathAddress address, final ModelNode addOperation, final List<ModelNode> operations); } }