package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; import; import; import; /** * The installation manager. * * @author Emanuel Muckenhuber */ public class InstallationManagerImpl extends InstallationManager { private final InstalledImage installedImage; private InstalledIdentity defaultIdentity; private List<File> moduleRoots; private List<File> bundleRoots; /** * This field is set to true when a patch is applied/rolled back at runtime. * It prevents another patch to be applied and overrides the modifications brought by the previous one * unless the process is restarted first * * This field has to be {@code static} in order to survive server reloads. */ private static final AtomicBoolean restartRequired = new AtomicBoolean(false); public InstallationManagerImpl(InstalledImage installedImage, final List<File> moduleRoots, final List<File> bundlesRoots, final ProductConfig productConfig) throws IOException { this.installedImage = installedImage; this.moduleRoots = moduleRoots; this.bundleRoots = bundlesRoots; defaultIdentity = LayersFactory.load(installedImage, productConfig, moduleRoots, bundleRoots); } /** * This method returns the installed identity with the requested name and version. * If the product name is null, the default identity will be returned. * * If the product name was recognized and the requested version was not null, * the version comparison will take place. If the version of the currently installed product * doesn't match the requested one, the exception will be thrown. * If the requested version is null, the currently installed identity with the requested name * will be returned. * * If the product name was not recognized among the registered ones, a new installed identity * with the requested name will be created and returned. (This is because the patching system * is not aware of how many and what the patching streams there are expected). * * @param productName * @param productVersion * @return * @throws PatchingException */ @Override public InstalledIdentity getInstalledIdentity(String productName, String productVersion) throws PatchingException { final String defaultIdentityName = defaultIdentity.getIdentity().getName(); if(productName == null) { productName = defaultIdentityName; } final File productConf = new File(installedImage.getInstallationMetadata(), productName + Constants.DOT_CONF); final String recordedProductVersion; if(!productConf.exists()) { recordedProductVersion = null; } else { final Properties props = loadProductConf(productConf); recordedProductVersion = props.getProperty(Constants.CURRENT_VERSION); } if(defaultIdentityName.equals(productName)) { if(recordedProductVersion != null && !recordedProductVersion.equals(defaultIdentity.getIdentity().getVersion())) { // this means the patching history indicates that the current version is different from the one specified in the server's version module, // which could happen in case: // - the last applied CP didn't include the new version module or // - the version module version included in the last CP didn't match the version specified in the CP's metadata, or // - the version module was updated from a one-off, or // - the patching history was edited somehow // In any case, here I decided to rely on the patching history. defaultIdentity = loadIdentity(productName, recordedProductVersion); } if(productVersion != null && !defaultIdentity.getIdentity().getVersion().equals(productVersion)) { throw new PatchingException(PatchLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.productVersionDidNotMatchInstalled( productName, productVersion, defaultIdentity.getIdentity().getVersion())); } return defaultIdentity; } if(recordedProductVersion != null && !Constants.UNKNOWN.equals(recordedProductVersion)) { if(productVersion != null) { if (!productVersion.equals(recordedProductVersion)) { throw new PatchingException(PatchLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.productVersionDidNotMatchInstalled(productName, productVersion, recordedProductVersion)); } } else { productVersion = recordedProductVersion; } } return loadIdentity(productName, productVersion); } private InstalledIdentity loadIdentity(String productName, String productVersion) throws PatchingException { try { return LayersFactory.load(installedImage, new ProductConfig(productName, productVersion == null ? Constants.UNKNOWN : productVersion, null), moduleRoots, bundleRoots); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PatchingException(PatchLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.failedToLoadInfo(productName), e); } } private Properties loadProductConf(File productConf) throws PatchingException { final Properties props = new Properties(); try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(productConf)){ props.load(fis); } catch(IOException e) { throw new PatchingException(PatchLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.failedToLoadInfo(productConf.getAbsolutePath()), e); } return props; } @Override public InstalledIdentity getDefaultIdentity() { return defaultIdentity; } /** * This method will return a list of installed identities for which * the corresponding .conf file exists under .installation directory. * The list will also include the default identity even if the .conf * file has not been created for it. */ @Override public List<InstalledIdentity> getInstalledIdentities() throws PatchingException { List<InstalledIdentity> installedIdentities; final File metadataDir = installedImage.getInstallationMetadata(); if(!metadataDir.exists()) { installedIdentities = Collections.singletonList(defaultIdentity); } else { final String defaultConf = defaultIdentity.getIdentity().getName() + Constants.DOT_CONF; final File[] identityConfs = metadataDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.isFile() && pathname.getName().endsWith(Constants.DOT_CONF) && !pathname.getName().equals(defaultConf); } }); if(identityConfs == null || identityConfs.length == 0) { installedIdentities = Collections.singletonList(defaultIdentity); } else { installedIdentities = new ArrayList<InstalledIdentity>(identityConfs.length + 1); installedIdentities.add(defaultIdentity); for(File conf : identityConfs) { final Properties props = loadProductConf(conf); String productName = conf.getName(); productName = productName.substring(0, productName.length() - Constants.DOT_CONF.length()); final String productVersion = props.getProperty(Constants.CURRENT_VERSION); InstalledIdentity identity; try { identity = LayersFactory.load(installedImage, new ProductConfig(productName, productVersion, null), moduleRoots, bundleRoots); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PatchingException(PatchLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.failedToLoadInfo(productName), e); } installedIdentities.add(identity); } } } return installedIdentities; } @Override public InstalledImage getInstalledImage() { return installedImage; } public boolean requiresRestart() { return restartRequired.get(); } public boolean restartRequired() { return restartRequired.compareAndSet(false, true); } public void clearRestartRequired() { restartRequired.set(false); } }