package; import net.osmand.LogUtil; import net.osmand.osm.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import android.util.FloatMath; /** * Thread for animated dragging. * Defines accelerator to stop dragging screen. */ public class AnimateDraggingMapThread implements Runnable { protected static final Log log = LogUtil.getLog(AnimateDraggingMapThread.class); public interface AnimateDraggingCallback { public void dragTo(float curX, float curY, float newX, float newY, boolean notify); public void setLatLon(double latitude, double longitude, boolean notify); public void zoomTo(float zoom, boolean notify); public void rotateTo(float rotate); public float getRotate(); } private boolean animateDrag = true; private float curX; private float curY; private float vx; private float vy; private float ax; private float ay; private byte dirX; private byte dirY; private final float a = 0.0014f; private long time; private volatile boolean stopped; // 0 - zoom out, 1 - moving, 2 - zoom in private byte phaseOfMoving ; private int endZ; private byte dirZ; private int intZ; private byte dirIntZ; private float curZ; private int timeZEnd; private int timeZInt; private int timeMove; private float moveX; private float moveY; private double moveLat; private double moveLon; private volatile Thread currentThread = null; private AnimateDraggingCallback callback = null; private boolean notifyListener; private double targetLatitude = 0; private double targetLongitude = 0; private int targetZoom = 0; private float targetRotate = 0; @Override public void run() { currentThread = Thread.currentThread(); try { boolean conditionToCountinue = true; while (!stopped && conditionToCountinue) { // calculate sleep long sleep = 0; if(animateDrag){ // sleep = (long) (40d / (Math.max(vx, vy) + 0.45)); sleep = 80; } else { sleep = 80; } Thread.sleep(sleep); long curT = System.currentTimeMillis(); int dt = (int) (curT - time); float newX = animateDrag && vx > 0 ? curX + dirX * vx * dt : curX; float newY = animateDrag && vy > 0 ? curY + dirY * vy * dt : curY; float newZ = curZ; if(!animateDrag){ if (phaseOfMoving == 0 || phaseOfMoving == 2) { byte dir = phaseOfMoving == 2 ? dirZ : dirIntZ; int time = phaseOfMoving == 2 ? timeZEnd : timeZInt; float end = phaseOfMoving == 2 ? endZ : intZ; if (time > 0) { newZ = newZ + dir * (float) dt / time; } if (dir > 0 == newZ > end) { newZ = end; } } else { if(timeMove > 0){ newX = newX + moveX * (float) dt / timeMove; newY = newY + moveY * (float) dt / timeMove; if(moveX > 0 == newX > moveX){ newX = moveX; } if(moveY > 0 == newY > moveY){ newY = moveY; } } } } if (!stopped && callback != null) { if (animateDrag || phaseOfMoving == 1) { callback.dragTo(curX, curY, newX, newY, notifyListener); } else { callback.zoomTo(newZ, notifyListener); } } time = curT; if(animateDrag){ vx -= ax * dt; vy -= ay * dt; curX = newX; curY = newY; conditionToCountinue = vx > 0.5 || vy > 0.5; } else { if(phaseOfMoving == 0){ curZ = newZ; if(curZ == intZ){ curX = 0; curY = 0; phaseOfMoving ++; } } else if(phaseOfMoving == 2){ curZ = newZ; conditionToCountinue = curZ != endZ; } else { curX = newX; curY = newY; if(curX == moveX && curY == moveY){ phaseOfMoving ++; callback.setLatLon(moveLat, moveLon, notifyListener); } } } } if(curZ != ((int) Math.round(curZ))){ if(Math.abs(curZ - endZ) > 3){ callback.zoomTo(Math.round(curZ), notifyListener); } else { callback.zoomTo(endZ, notifyListener); } } //rotate after animation conditionToCountinue = true; while (conditionToCountinue && callback != null) { conditionToCountinue = false; float rotationDiff = targetRotate-callback.getRotate(); if (Math.abs((rotationDiff+360)%360) < Math.abs((rotationDiff-360)%360)) { rotationDiff = (rotationDiff+360)%360; } else { rotationDiff = (rotationDiff-360)%360; } float absDiff = Math.abs(rotationDiff); if (absDiff > 0) { Thread.sleep(60); if (absDiff < 1) { callback.rotateTo(targetRotate); } else { conditionToCountinue = true; callback.rotateTo(((absDiff/10)*Math.signum(rotationDiff) + callback.getRotate())%360); } } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } currentThread = null; } /** * Stop dragging async */ public void stopAnimating(){ stopped = true; } public boolean isAnimating(){ return currentThread != null; } /** * Stop dragging sync */ public void stopAnimatingSync(){ // wait until current thread != null stopped = true; while(currentThread != null){ try { currentThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } public void startZooming(int zoomStart, int zoomEnd){ stopAnimatingSync(); targetZoom = 0; this.notifyListener = false; if(zoomStart < zoomEnd){ dirZ = 1; } else { dirZ = -1; } curZ = zoomStart; endZ = zoomEnd; timeZEnd = 600; phaseOfMoving = 2; animateDrag = false; time = System.currentTimeMillis(); stopped = false; Thread thread = new Thread(this,"Animatable dragging"); //$NON-NLS-1$ thread.start(); } public void startMoving(double curLat, double curLon, double finalLat, double finalLon, int curZoom, int endZoom, int tileSize, float rotate, boolean notifyListener){ stopAnimatingSync(); targetLatitude = finalLat; targetLongitude = finalLon; targetZoom = endZoom; this.notifyListener = notifyListener; curZ = curZoom; intZ = curZoom; float mX = (float) ((MapUtils.getTileNumberX(intZ, curLon) - MapUtils.getTileNumberX(intZ, finalLon)) * tileSize); float mY = (float) ((MapUtils.getTileNumberY(intZ, curLat) - MapUtils.getTileNumberY(intZ, finalLat)) * tileSize); while (Math.abs(mX) + Math.abs(mY) > 1200 && intZ > 4) { intZ--; mX = (float) ((MapUtils.getTileNumberX(intZ, curLon) - MapUtils.getTileNumberX(intZ, finalLon)) * tileSize); mY = (float) ((MapUtils.getTileNumberY(intZ, curLat) - MapUtils.getTileNumberY(intZ, finalLat)) * tileSize); } float rad = (float) Math.toRadians(rotate); moveX = FloatMath.cos(rad) * mX - FloatMath.sin(rad) * mY; moveY = FloatMath.sin(rad) * mX + FloatMath.cos(rad) * mY; moveLat = finalLat; moveLon = finalLon; if(curZoom < intZ){ dirIntZ = 1; } else { dirIntZ = -1; } if(intZ < endZoom){ dirZ = 1; } else { dirZ = -1; } endZ = endZoom; // timeZInt = Math.abs(curZoom - intZ) * 300; // if (timeZInt > 900) { // // } timeZInt = 600; timeZEnd = 500; timeMove = (int) (Math.abs(moveX) + Math.abs(moveY) * 3); if(timeMove > 2200){ timeMove = 2200; } animateDrag = false; phaseOfMoving = (byte) (intZ == curZoom ? 1 : 0); curX = 0; curY = 0; time = System.currentTimeMillis(); stopped = false; Thread thread = new Thread(this,"Animatable dragging"); //$NON-NLS-1$ thread.start(); } public void startDragging(float velocityX, float velocityY, float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY){ stopAnimatingSync(); targetZoom = 0; this.notifyListener = true; vx = velocityX; vy = velocityY; dirX = (byte) (endX > startX ? 1 : -1); dirY = (byte) (endY > startY ? 1 : -1); animateDrag = true; ax = vx * a; ay = vy * a; time = System.currentTimeMillis(); stopped = false; Thread thread = new Thread(this,"Animatable dragging"); //$NON-NLS-1$ thread.start(); } public void startRotate(float rotate) { this.targetRotate = rotate; if (!isAnimating()) { //stopped = false; //do we need to kill and recreate the thread? wait would be enough as now it //also handles the rotation? Thread thread = new Thread(this,"Animatable dragging"); //$NON-NLS-1$ thread.start(); } } public int getTargetZoom() { return targetZoom; } public double getTargetLatitude() { return targetLatitude; } public double getTargetLongitude() { return targetLongitude; } public AnimateDraggingCallback getCallback() { return callback; } public void setCallback(AnimateDraggingCallback callback) { this.callback = callback; } }