package; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.osmand.LogUtil; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapDataObject; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.TagValuePair; import; import net.osmand.osm.MapRenderingTypes; import net.osmand.osm.MultyPolygon; import net.sf.junidecode.Junidecode; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextPaint; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.FloatMath; import android.view.WindowManager; public class OsmandRenderer { private static final Log log = LogUtil.getLog(OsmandRenderer.class); private final int clFillScreen = Color.rgb(241, 238, 232); private TextPaint paintText; private Paint paint; private Paint paintFillEmpty; private Paint paintIcon; public static final int TILE_SIZE = 256; private Map<String, PathEffect> dashEffect = new LinkedHashMap<String, PathEffect>(); private Map<Integer, Shader> shaders = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Shader>(); private Map<Integer, Bitmap> cachedIcons = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Bitmap>(); private final Context context; private DisplayMetrics dm; private static class TextDrawInfo { public TextDrawInfo(String text){ this.text = text; } public void fillProperties(RenderingContext rc, float centerX, float centerY){ this.centerX = centerX + rc.textDx; this.centerY = centerY + rc.textDy; textColor = rc.textColor; textSize = rc.textSize; textShadow = (int) rc.textHaloRadius; textWrap = rc.textWrapWidth; bold = rc.textBold; minDistance = rc.textMinDistance; shieldRes = rc.textShield; } String text = null; Path drawOnPath = null; float vOffset = 0; float centerX = 0; float pathRotate = 0; float centerY = 0; float textSize = 0; float minDistance = 0; int textColor = Color.BLACK; int textShadow = 0; int textWrap = 0; boolean bold = false; int shieldRes = 0; } private static class IconDrawInfo { float x = 0; float y = 0; int resId; } /*package*/ static class RenderingContext { public boolean interrupted = false; List<TextDrawInfo> textToDraw = new ArrayList<TextDrawInfo>(); List<IconDrawInfo> iconsToDraw = new ArrayList<IconDrawInfo>(); float leftX; float topY; int width; int height; int zoom; float rotate; float tileDivisor; // debug purpose int pointCount = 0; int pointInsideCount = 0; int visible = 0; int allObjects = 0; // use to calculate points PointF tempPoint = new PointF(); float cosRotateTileSize; float sinRotateTileSize; // These properties are used for rendering one object // polyline props boolean showTextOnPath = false; String showAnotherText = null; float textSize = 0; int textColor = 0; int textMinDistance = 0; int textWrapWidth = 0; float textDx = 0; float textDy = 0; float textHaloRadius = 0; boolean textBold; int textShield = 0; RenderingPaintProperties main = new RenderingPaintProperties(); RenderingPaintProperties second = new RenderingPaintProperties(); RenderingPaintProperties third = new RenderingPaintProperties(); RenderingPaintProperties[] adds = null; public void clearText() { showAnotherText = null; showTextOnPath = false; textSize = 0; textColor = 0; textMinDistance = 0; textWrapWidth = 0; textDx = 0; textDy = 0; textHaloRadius = 0; textBold = false; textShield = 0; } } /* package*/ static class RenderingPaintProperties { int color; float strokeWidth; int shadowLayer; int shadowColor; boolean fillArea; PathEffect pathEffect; Shader shader; Cap cap; public void emptyLine(){ color = 0; strokeWidth = 0; cap = Cap.BUTT; pathEffect = null; fillArea = false; shader = null; shadowColor = 0; shadowLayer = 0; } public void updatePaint(Paint p){ p.setStyle(fillArea ? Style.FILL_AND_STROKE : Style.STROKE); p.setColor(color); p.setShader(shader); if(shadowColor == 0){ shadowLayer = 0; } p.setShadowLayer(shadowLayer, 0, 0, shadowColor); p.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); p.setStrokeCap(cap); if (!fillArea) { p.setPathEffect(pathEffect); } } public void emptyArea(){ color = 0; strokeWidth = 0; cap = Cap.BUTT; fillArea = false; shader = null; pathEffect = null; shadowColor = 0; shadowLayer = 0; } } public OsmandRenderer(Context context) { this.context = context; paintIcon = new Paint(); paintIcon.setStyle(Style.STROKE); paintText = new TextPaint(); paintText.setStyle(Style.FILL); paintText.setColor(Color.BLACK); paintText.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER); paintText.setTypeface(Typeface.create("Droid Serif", Typeface.NORMAL)); //$NON-NLS-1$ paintText.setAntiAlias(true); paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paintFillEmpty = new Paint(); paintFillEmpty.setStyle(Style.FILL); paintFillEmpty.setColor(clFillScreen); dm = new DisplayMetrics(); WindowManager wmgr = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); wmgr.getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(dm); } public PathEffect getDashEffect(String dashes){ if(!dashEffect.containsKey(dashes)){ String[] ds = dashes.split("_"); //$NON-NLS-1$ float[] f = new float[ds.length]; for(int i=0; i<ds.length; i++){ f[i] = Float.parseFloat(ds[i]); } dashEffect.put(dashes, new DashPathEffect(f, 0)); } return dashEffect.get(dashes); } public Shader getShader(int resId){ if(shaders.get(resId) == null){ Shader sh = new BitmapShader( BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), resId), TileMode.REPEAT, TileMode.REPEAT); shaders.put(resId, sh); } return shaders.get(resId); } private void put(TFloatObjectHashMap<TIntArrayList> map, Float k, int v, int init){ if(!map.containsKey(k)){ map.put(k, new TIntArrayList()); } map.get(k).add(v); } public Bitmap generateNewBitmap(RenderingContext rc, List<BinaryMapDataObject> objects, Bitmap bmp, boolean useEnglishNames, BaseOsmandRender renderer, List<IMapDownloaderCallback> notifyList) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // fill area Canvas cv = new Canvas(bmp); if(renderer != null){ int dc = renderer.getDefaultColor(); if(dc != 0){ paintFillEmpty.setColor(dc); } } cv.drawRect(0, 0, bmp.getWidth(), bmp.getHeight(), paintFillEmpty); // put in order map int sz = objects.size(); int init = sz / 4; TFloatObjectHashMap<TIntArrayList> orderMap = new TFloatObjectHashMap<TIntArrayList>(); if (renderer != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { BinaryMapDataObject o = objects.get(i); int sh = i << 8; if (o instanceof MultyPolygon) { int mask = MapRenderingTypes.MULTY_POLYGON_TYPE; int layer = ((MultyPolygon) o).getLayer(); put(orderMap, renderer.getObjectOrder(((MultyPolygon) o).getTag(), ((MultyPolygon) o).getValue(), mask, layer), sh, init); } else { for (int j = 0; j < o.getTypes().length; j++) { // put(orderMap, BinaryMapDataObject.getOrder(o.getTypes()[j]), sh + j, init); int wholeType = o.getTypes()[j]; int mask = wholeType & 3; int layer = 0; if (mask != 1) { layer = MapRenderingTypes.getNegativeWayLayer(wholeType); } TagValuePair pair = o.getMapIndex().decodeType(MapRenderingTypes.getMainObjectType(wholeType), MapRenderingTypes.getObjectSubType(wholeType)); if (pair != null) { put(orderMap, renderer.getObjectOrder(pair.tag, pair.value, mask, layer), sh + j, init); } } } if (rc.interrupted) { return null; } } } if (objects != null && !objects.isEmpty() && rc.width > 0 && rc.height > 0) { // init rendering context rc.tileDivisor = (int) (1 << (31 - rc.zoom)); rc.cosRotateTileSize = FloatMath.cos((float) Math.toRadians(rc.rotate)) * TILE_SIZE; rc.sinRotateTileSize = FloatMath.sin((float) Math.toRadians(rc.rotate)) * TILE_SIZE; float[] keys = orderMap.keys(); Arrays.sort(keys); int objCount = 0; for (int k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { TIntArrayList list = orderMap.get(keys[k]); for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { int i = list.get(j); int ind = i >> 8; int l = i & 0xff; BinaryMapDataObject obj = objects.get(ind); // show text only for main type drawObj(obj, renderer, cv, rc, l, l == 0); objCount++; } if(objCount > 25){ notifyListeners(notifyList); objCount = 0; } if(rc.interrupted){ return null; } } notifyListeners(notifyList); int skewConstant = (int) (16 * dm.density); int iconsW = rc.width / skewConstant ; int iconsH = rc.height / skewConstant; int[] alreadyDrawnIcons = new int[iconsW * iconsH / 32]; for(IconDrawInfo icon : rc.iconsToDraw){ if (icon.resId != 0) { if (cachedIcons.get(icon.resId) == null) { cachedIcons.put(icon.resId, UnscaledBitmapLoader.loadFromResource(context.getResources(), icon.resId, null, dm)); } Bitmap ico = cachedIcons.get(icon.resId); if (ico != null) { if (icon.y >= 0 && icon.y < rc.height && icon.x >= 0 && icon.x < rc.width) { int z = (((int) icon.x / skewConstant) + ((int) icon.y / skewConstant) * iconsW); int i = z / 32; if (i >= alreadyDrawnIcons.length) { continue; } int ind = alreadyDrawnIcons[i]; int b = z % 32; // check bit b if it is set if (((ind >> b) & 1) == 0) { alreadyDrawnIcons[i] = ind | (1 << b); cv.drawBitmap(ico, icon.x - ico.getWidth() / 2, icon.y - ico.getHeight() / 2, paintIcon); } } } } if(rc.interrupted){ return null; } } notifyListeners(notifyList); drawTextOverCanvas(rc, cv, useEnglishNames); long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;"Rendering has been done in %s ms. (%s points, %s points inside, %s visile from %s)",//$NON-NLS-1$ time, rc.pointCount, rc.pointInsideCount, rc.visible, rc.allObjects)); } return bmp; } private void notifyListeners(List<IMapDownloaderCallback> notifyList) { if (notifyList != null) { for (IMapDownloaderCallback c : notifyList) { c.tileDownloaded(null); } } } private final static boolean findAllTextIntersections = true; public void drawTextOverCanvas(RenderingContext rc, Canvas cv, boolean useEnglishNames) { List<RectF> boundsNotPathIntersect = new ArrayList<RectF>(); List<RectF> boundsPathIntersect = new ArrayList<RectF>(); int size = rc.textToDraw.size(); Comparator<RectF> c = new Comparator<RectF>(){ @Override public int compare(RectF object1, RectF object2) { return, object2.left); } }; next: for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { TextDrawInfo text = rc.textToDraw.get(i); if(text.text != null){ int d = text.text.indexOf(MapRenderingTypes.DELIM_CHAR); // not used now functionality // possibly it will be used specifying english names after that character if(d > 0){ text.text = text.text.substring(0, d); } if(useEnglishNames){ text.text = Junidecode.unidecode(text.text); } RectF bounds = new RectF(); paintText.setTextSize(text.textSize * dm.density); paintText.setFakeBoldText(text.bold); float mes = paintText.measureText(text.text); if(text.drawOnPath == null || (text.pathRotate > 45 && text.pathRotate < 135) || (text.pathRotate > 225 && text.pathRotate < 315)){ bounds.set(text.centerX - mes / 2, text.centerY - 3 * text.textSize / 2 , text.centerX + mes / 2 , text.centerY + 3 * text.textSize / 2 ); } else { bounds.set(text.centerX - 3 * text.textSize , text.centerY - mes, text.centerX + 3 * text.textSize , text.centerY + mes ); } if(text.minDistance > 0){ bounds.set(bounds.left - text.minDistance / 2, - text.minDistance / 2, bounds.right + text.minDistance / 2, bounds.bottom + text.minDistance / 2); } List<RectF> boundsIntersect = text.drawOnPath == null || findAllTextIntersections? boundsNotPathIntersect : boundsPathIntersect; if(boundsIntersect.isEmpty()){ boundsIntersect.add(bounds); } else { final int diff = (int) (3 * dm.density); final int diff2 = (int) (15 * dm.density); // implement binary search int index = Collections.binarySearch(boundsIntersect, bounds, c); if (index < 0) { index = -(index + 1); } // find sublist that is appropriate int e = index; while (e < boundsIntersect.size()) { if (boundsIntersect.get(e).left < bounds.right ) { e++; } else { break; } } int st = index - 1; while (st >= 0) { // that's not exact algorithm that replace comparison rect with each other // because of that comparison that is not obvious // (we store array sorted by left boundary, not by right) - that's euristic if (boundsIntersect.get(st).right > bounds.left ) { st--; } else { break; } } if (st < 0) { st = 0; } for (int j = st; j < e; j++) { RectF b = boundsIntersect.get(j); float x = Math.min(bounds.right, b.right) - Math.max(b.left, bounds.left); float y = Math.min(bounds.bottom, b.bottom) - Math.max(,; if ((x > diff && y > diff2) || (x > diff2 && y > diff)) { continue next; } } // store in list sorted by left boundary if(text.minDistance > 0){ bounds.set(bounds.left + text.minDistance / 2, + text.minDistance / 2, bounds.right - text.minDistance / 2, bounds.bottom - text.minDistance / 2); } boundsIntersect.add(index, bounds); } // Shadow layer // paintText.setShadowLayer(text.textShadow, 0, 0, Color.WHITE); // if(text.textShadow > 0){ // paintText.setColor(Color.WHITE); // paintText.setTextSize(text.textSize + text.textShadow * 2); // if(text.drawOnPath != null){ // cv.drawTextOnPath(text.text, text.drawOnPath, 0, text.vOffset, paintText); // } else { // cv.drawText(text.text, text.centerX, text.centerY, paintText); // } // paintText.setTextSize(text.textSize); // } paintText.setColor(text.textColor); if(text.drawOnPath != null){ cv.drawTextOnPath(text.text, text.drawOnPath, 0, text.vOffset, paintText); } else { if(text.textWrap == 0){ // set maximum for all text text.textWrap = 40; } if(text.shieldRes != 0){ if(cachedIcons.get(text.shieldRes) == null){ cachedIcons.put(text.shieldRes, BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), text.shieldRes)); } Bitmap ico = cachedIcons.get(text.shieldRes); if (ico != null) { cv.drawBitmap(ico, text.centerX - ico.getWidth() / 2 - 0.5f * dm.density, text.centerY - text.textSize / 2 - 6.5f * dm.density, paintIcon); } } if(text.text.length() > text.textWrap){ int start = 0; int end = text.text.length(); int lastSpace = -1; int line = 0; int pos = 0; int limit = 0; while(pos < end){ lastSpace = -1; limit += text.textWrap; while(pos < limit && pos < end){ if(!Character.isLetterOrDigit(text.text.charAt(pos))){ lastSpace = pos; } pos++; } if(lastSpace == -1){ cv.drawText(text.text.substring(start, pos), text.centerX, text.centerY + line * (text.textSize + 2), paintText); start = pos; } else { cv.drawText(text.text.substring(start, lastSpace), text.centerX, text.centerY + line * (text.textSize + 2), paintText); start = lastSpace + 1; limit += (start - pos) - 1; } line++; } } else { cv.drawText(text.text, text.centerX, text.centerY, paintText); } } } } } protected void drawObj(BinaryMapDataObject obj, BaseOsmandRender render, Canvas canvas, RenderingContext rc, int l, boolean renderText) { rc.allObjects++; if (obj instanceof MultyPolygon) { drawMultiPolygon(obj, render,canvas, rc); } else { int mainType = obj.getTypes()[l]; int t = mainType & 3; int type = MapRenderingTypes.getMainObjectType(mainType); int subtype = MapRenderingTypes.getObjectSubType(mainType); TagValuePair pair = obj.getMapIndex().decodeType(type, subtype); if (t == MapRenderingTypes.POINT_TYPE) { drawPoint(obj, render, canvas, rc, pair, renderText); } else if (t == MapRenderingTypes.POLYLINE_TYPE) { int layer = MapRenderingTypes.getNegativeWayLayer(mainType); drawPolyline(obj, render, canvas, rc, pair, layer); } else if (t == MapRenderingTypes.POLYGON_TYPE) { drawPolygon(obj, render, canvas, rc, pair); } else { if (t == MapRenderingTypes.MULTY_POLYGON_TYPE && !(obj instanceof MultyPolygon)) { // log this situation return; } } } } private PointF calcPoint(BinaryMapDataObject o, int ind, RenderingContext rc){ rc.pointCount ++; float tx = o.getPoint31XTile(ind) / rc.tileDivisor; float ty = o.getPoint31YTile(ind) / rc.tileDivisor; float dTileX = tx - rc.leftX; float dTileY = ty - rc.topY; float x = rc.cosRotateTileSize * dTileX - rc.sinRotateTileSize * dTileY; float y = rc.sinRotateTileSize * dTileX + rc.cosRotateTileSize * dTileY; rc.tempPoint.set(x, y); if(rc.tempPoint.x >= 0 && rc.tempPoint.x < rc.width && rc.tempPoint.y >= 0 && rc.tempPoint.y < rc.height){ rc.pointInsideCount++; } return rc.tempPoint; } private PointF calcMultiPolygonPoint(MultyPolygon o, int i, int b, RenderingContext rc){ rc.pointCount ++; float tx = o.getPoint31XTile(i, b)/ rc.tileDivisor; float ty = o.getPoint31YTile(i, b) / rc.tileDivisor; float dTileX = tx - rc.leftX; float dTileY = ty - rc.topY; float x = rc.cosRotateTileSize * dTileX - rc.sinRotateTileSize * dTileY; float y = rc.sinRotateTileSize * dTileX + rc.cosRotateTileSize * dTileY; rc.tempPoint.set(x, y); if(rc.tempPoint.x >= 0 && rc.tempPoint.x < rc.width && rc.tempPoint.y >= 0 && rc.tempPoint.y < rc.height){ rc.pointInsideCount++; } return rc.tempPoint; } public void clearCachedResources(){ cachedIcons.clear(); shaders.clear(); } private void drawMultiPolygon(BinaryMapDataObject obj, BaseOsmandRender render, Canvas canvas, RenderingContext rc) { String tag = ((MultyPolygon)obj).getTag(); String value = ((MultyPolygon)obj).getValue(); if(render == null || tag == null){ return; } rc.main.emptyArea(); rc.second.emptyLine(); rc.main.color = Color.rgb(245, 245, 245); boolean rendered = render.renderPolygon(tag, value, rc.zoom, rc, this); if(!rendered){ return; } rc.visible++; Path path = new Path(); for (int i = 0; i < ((MultyPolygon) obj).getBoundsCount(); i++) { int cnt = ((MultyPolygon) obj).getBoundPointsCount(i); float xText = 0; float yText = 0; for (int j = 0; j < cnt; j++) { PointF p = calcMultiPolygonPoint((MultyPolygon) obj, j, i, rc); xText += p.x; yText += p.y; if (j == 0) { path.moveTo(p.x, p.y); } else { path.lineTo(p.x, p.y); } } if (cnt > 0) { String name = ((MultyPolygon) obj).getName(i); if (name != null) { rc.clearText(); name = render.renderObjectText(name, tag, value, rc, false); if (rc.textSize > 0 && name != null) { TextDrawInfo info = new TextDrawInfo(name); info.fillProperties(rc, xText / cnt, yText / cnt); rc.textToDraw.add(info); } } } } rc.main.updatePaint(paint); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); // for test purpose // rc.second.strokeWidth = 1.5f; // rc.second.color = Color.BLACK; if (rc.second.strokeWidth != 0) { rc.second.updatePaint(paint); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } } private void drawPolygon(BinaryMapDataObject obj, BaseOsmandRender render, Canvas canvas, RenderingContext rc, TagValuePair pair) { if(render == null || pair == null){ return; } float xText = 0; float yText = 0; int zoom = rc.zoom; Path path = null; rc.main.emptyArea(); rc.second.emptyLine(); // rc.main.color = Color.rgb(245, 245, 245); boolean rendered = render.renderPolygon(pair.tag, pair.value, zoom, rc, this); if(!rendered){ return; } rc.visible++; int len = obj.getPointsLength(); for (int i = 0; i < obj.getPointsLength(); i++) { PointF p = calcPoint(obj, i, rc); xText += p.x; yText += p.y; if (path == null) { path = new Path(); path.moveTo(p.x, p.y); } else { path.lineTo(p.x, p.y); } } if (path != null && len > 0) { rc.main.updatePaint(paint); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); if (rc.second.strokeWidth != 0) { rc.second.updatePaint(paint); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } String name = obj.getName(); if(name != null){ rc.clearText(); name = render.renderObjectText(name, pair.tag, pair.value, rc, false); if (rc.textSize > 0 && name != null) { xText /= len; yText /= len; TextDrawInfo info = new TextDrawInfo(name); info.fillProperties(rc, xText, yText); rc.textToDraw.add(info); } } } return; } private void drawPoint(BinaryMapDataObject obj, BaseOsmandRender render, Canvas canvas, RenderingContext rc, TagValuePair pair, boolean renderText) { if(render == null || pair == null){ return; } Integer resId = render.getPointIcon(pair.tag, pair.value, rc.zoom); String name = null; if (renderText) { name = obj.getName(); if (name != null) { rc.clearText(); name = render.renderObjectText(name, pair.tag, pair.value, rc, false); } } if((resId == null || resId == 0) && name == null){ return; } int len = obj.getPointsLength(); rc.visible++; PointF ps = new PointF(0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { PointF p = calcPoint(obj, i, rc); ps.x += p.x; ps.y += p.y; } if(len > 1){ ps.x /= len; ps.y /= len; } if(resId != null && resId != 0){ IconDrawInfo ico = new IconDrawInfo(); ico.x = ps.x; ico.y = ps.y; ico.resId = resId; rc.iconsToDraw.add(ico); } if (name != null && rc.textSize > 0) { TextDrawInfo info = new TextDrawInfo(name); info.fillProperties(rc, ps.x, ps.y); rc.textToDraw.add(info); } } private void drawPolyline(BinaryMapDataObject obj, BaseOsmandRender render, Canvas canvas, RenderingContext rc, TagValuePair pair, int layer) { if(render == null || pair == null){ return; } int length = obj.getPointsLength(); if(length < 2){ return; } rc.main.emptyLine(); rc.second.emptyLine(); rc.third.emptyLine(); rc.adds = null; boolean res = render.renderPolyline(pair.tag, pair.value, rc.zoom, rc, this, layer); if(rc.main.strokeWidth == 0 || !res){ return; } if(rc.zoom >= 16 && "highway".equals(pair.tag) && MapRenderingTypes.isOneWayWay(obj.getHighwayAttributes())){ //$NON-NLS-1$ rc.adds = getOneWayProperties(); } rc.visible++; Path path = null; float pathRotate = 0; float xLength = 0; float yLength = 0; boolean inverse = false; float xPrev = 0; float yPrev = 0; float xMid = 0; float yMid = 0; PointF middlePoint = new PointF(); int middle = obj.getPointsLength() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < length ; i++) { PointF p = calcPoint(obj, i, rc); if(i == 0 || i == length -1){ xMid += p.x; yMid += p.y; } if (path == null) { path = new Path(); path.moveTo(p.x, p.y); } else { xLength += p.x - xPrev; // not abs yLength += p.y - yPrev; // not abs if(i == middle){ middlePoint.set(p.x, p.y); double rot = - Math.atan2(p.x - xPrev, p.y - yPrev) * 180 / Math.PI; if (rot < 0) { rot += 360; } if (rot < 180) { rot += 180; inverse = true; } pathRotate = (float) rot; } path.lineTo(p.x, p.y); } xPrev = p.x; yPrev = p.y; } if (path != null) { rc.main.updatePaint(paint); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); if (rc.second.strokeWidth != 0) { rc.second.updatePaint(paint); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); if (rc.third.strokeWidth != 0) { rc.third.updatePaint(paint); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } } if (rc.adds != null) { for (int i = 0; i < rc.adds.length; i++) { rc.adds[i].updatePaint(paint); canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } } if (obj.getName() != null && obj.getName().length() > 0) { String name = obj.getName(); String ref = null; if(name.charAt(0) == MapRenderingTypes.REF_CHAR){ ref = name.substring(1); name = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ for(int k = 0; k < ref.length(); k++){ if(ref.charAt(k) == MapRenderingTypes.REF_CHAR){ if(k < ref.length() - 1){ name = ref.substring(k + 1); } ref = ref.substring(0, k); break; } } } if(ref != null && ref.trim().length() > 0){ rc.clearText(); ref = render.renderObjectText(ref, pair.tag, pair.value, rc, true); TextDrawInfo text = new TextDrawInfo(ref); if(!rc.showTextOnPath){ text.fillProperties(rc, middlePoint.x, middlePoint.y); } else { // TODO } rc.textToDraw.add(text); } if(name != null && name.trim().length() > 0){ rc.clearText(); name = render.renderObjectText(name, pair.tag, pair.value, rc, false); if (rc.textSize > 0) { TextDrawInfo text = new TextDrawInfo(name); if (!rc.showTextOnPath) { text.fillProperties(rc, middlePoint.x, middlePoint.y); rc.textToDraw.add(text); } else { if (paintText.measureText(obj.getName()) < Math.max(Math.abs(xLength), Math.abs(yLength))) { if (inverse) { path.rewind(); boolean st = true; for (int i = obj.getPointsLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PointF p = calcPoint(obj, i, rc); if (st) { st = false; path.moveTo(p.x, p.y); } else { path.lineTo(p.x, p.y); } } } text.fillProperties(rc, xMid / 2, yMid / 2); text.pathRotate = pathRotate; text.drawOnPath = path; text.vOffset = rc.main.strokeWidth / 2 - 1; rc.textToDraw.add(text); } } } } } } } private static RenderingPaintProperties[] oneWay = null; public static RenderingPaintProperties[] getOneWayProperties(){ if(oneWay == null){ PathEffect arrowDashEffect1 = new DashPathEffect(new float[] { 0, 12, 10, 152 }, 0); PathEffect arrowDashEffect2 = new DashPathEffect(new float[] { 0, 12, 9, 153 }, 1); PathEffect arrowDashEffect3 = new DashPathEffect(new float[] { 0, 18, 2, 154 }, 1); PathEffect arrowDashEffect4 = new DashPathEffect(new float[] { 0, 18, 1, 155 }, 1); oneWay = new RenderingPaintProperties[4]; oneWay[0] = new RenderingPaintProperties(); oneWay[0].emptyLine(); oneWay[0].color = 0xff6c70d5; oneWay[0].strokeWidth = 1; oneWay[0].pathEffect = arrowDashEffect1; oneWay[1] = new RenderingPaintProperties(); oneWay[1].emptyLine(); oneWay[1].color = 0xff6c70d5; oneWay[1].strokeWidth = 2; oneWay[1].pathEffect = arrowDashEffect2; oneWay[2] = new RenderingPaintProperties(); oneWay[2].emptyLine(); oneWay[2].color = 0xff6c70d5; oneWay[2].strokeWidth = 3; oneWay[2].pathEffect = arrowDashEffect3; oneWay[3] = new RenderingPaintProperties(); oneWay[3].emptyLine(); oneWay[3].color = 0xff6c70d5; oneWay[3].strokeWidth = 4; oneWay[3].pathEffect = arrowDashEffect4; } return oneWay; } }