package crosby.binary.file; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import crosby.binary.Fileformat; /** * Stores the position in the stream of a fileblock so that it can be easily * read in a random-access fashion. * * We can turn this into a 'real' block by appropriately seeking into the file * and doing a 'read'. * * */ public class FileBlockPosition extends FileBlockBase { protected FileBlockPosition(String type, ByteString indexdata) { super(type, indexdata); } /** Parse out and decompress the data part of a fileblock helper function. */ FileBlock parseData(byte buf[]) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { FileBlock out = FileBlock.newInstance(type, null, indexdata); Fileformat.Blob blob = Fileformat.Blob.parseFrom(buf); if (blob.hasRaw()) { = blob.getRaw(); } else if (blob.hasZlibData()) { byte buf2[] = new byte[blob.getRawSize()]; Inflater decompresser = new Inflater(); decompresser.setInput(blob.getZlibData().toByteArray()); // decompresser.getRemaining(); try { decompresser.inflate(buf2); } catch (DataFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Error(e); } assert (decompresser.finished()); decompresser.end(); = ByteString.copyFrom(buf2); } return out; } public int getDatasize() { return datasize; } /* * Given any form of fileblock and an offset/length value, return a * reference that can be used to dereference and read the contents. */ static FileBlockPosition newInstance(FileBlockBase base, long offset, int length) { FileBlockPosition out = new FileBlockPosition(base.type, base.indexdata); out.datasize = length; out.data_offset = offset; return out; } public FileBlock read(InputStream input) throws IOException { if (input instanceof FileInputStream) { ((FileInputStream) input).getChannel().position(data_offset); byte buf[] = new byte[getDatasize()]; (new DataInputStream(input)).readFully(buf); return parseData(buf); } else { throw new Error("Random access binary reads require seekability"); } } /** * TODO: Convert this reference into a serialized representation that can be * stored. */ public ByteString serialize() { throw new Error("TODO"); } /** TODO: Parse a serialized representation of this block reference */ static FileBlockPosition parseFrom(ByteString b) { throw new Error("TODO"); } protected int datasize; /** Offset into the file of the data part of the block */ long data_offset; }