package net.osmand.binary; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.TIntSet; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLongHashSet; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.MapIndex; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.SearchRequest; import net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader.TagValuePair; import net.osmand.osm.LatLon; import net.osmand.osm.MapRenderingTypes; import net.osmand.osm.MapUtils; import net.osmand.LogUtil; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; public class BinaryRouteDataReader { private final BinaryMapIndexReader[] map; private static final Log log = LogUtil.getLog(BinaryRouteDataReader.class); public BinaryRouteDataReader(BinaryMapIndexReader... map){ = map; } private static class CarRouter { // no distinguish for speed in city/outside city (for now) private Map<String, Double> autoNotDefinedValues = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(); private Map<String, Double> autoPriorityValues = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>(); { autoNotDefinedValues.put("motorway", 110d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("motorway_link", 80d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("trunk", 100d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("trunk_link", 80d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("primary", 65d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("primary_link", 45d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("secondary", 50d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("secondary_link", 40d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("tertiary", 35d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("tertiary_link", 30d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("residential", 30d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("road", 30d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("service", 20d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("unclassified", 20d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("track", 20d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("path", 20d); autoNotDefinedValues.put("living_street", 20d); autoPriorityValues.put("motorway", 1.5); autoPriorityValues.put("motorway_link", 1.0); autoPriorityValues.put("trunk", 1.5); autoPriorityValues.put("trunk_link", 1d); autoPriorityValues.put("primary", 1.3d); autoPriorityValues.put("primary_link", 1d); autoPriorityValues.put("secondary", 1.0d); autoPriorityValues.put("secondary_link", 1.0d); autoPriorityValues.put("tertiary", 1.0d); autoPriorityValues.put("tertiary_link", 1.0d); autoPriorityValues.put("residential", 0.8d); autoPriorityValues.put("service", 0.6d); autoPriorityValues.put("unclassified", 0.4d); autoPriorityValues.put("road", 0.4d); autoPriorityValues.put("track", 0.1d); autoPriorityValues.put("path", 0.1d); autoPriorityValues.put("living_street", 0.5d); } private boolean acceptLine(TagValuePair pair){ if(pair.tag.equals("highway")){ return autoNotDefinedValues.containsKey(pair.value); } return false; } private boolean acceptPoint(TagValuePair pair){ if(pair.tag.equals("traffic_calming")){ return true; } else if(pair.tag.equals("highway") && pair.value.equals("traffic_signals")){ return true; } else if(pair.tag.equals("highway") && pair.value.equals("speed_camera")){ return true; } else if(pair.tag.equals("railway") && pair.value.equals("crossing")){ return true; } else if(pair.tag.equals("railway") && pair.value.equals("level_crossing")){ return true; } return false; } public boolean isOneWay(int highwayAttributes){ return MapRenderingTypes.isOneWayWay(highwayAttributes) || MapRenderingTypes.isRoundabout(highwayAttributes); } /** * return delay in seconds */ public double defineObstacle(BinaryMapDataObject road, int point) { if ((road.getTypes()[0] & 3) == MapRenderingTypes.POINT_TYPE) { // possibly not only first type needed ? TagValuePair pair = road.getTagValue(0); if (pair != null) { if(pair.tag.equals("highway") && pair.value.equals("traffic_signals")){ return 20; } else if(pair.tag.equals("railway") && pair.value.equals("crossing")){ return 25; } else if(pair.tag.equals("railway") && pair.value.equals("level_crossing")){ return 25; } } } return 0; } /** * return speed in m/s */ public double defineSpeed(BinaryMapDataObject road) { TagValuePair pair = road.getTagValue(0); double speed = MapRenderingTypes.getMaxSpeedIfDefined(road.getHighwayAttributes()) / 3.6d; boolean highway = "highway".equals(pair.tag); double priority = highway && autoPriorityValues.containsKey(pair.value) ? autoPriorityValues.get(pair.value) : 1d; if(speed == 0 && highway) { speed = autoNotDefinedValues.get(pair.value) / 3.6d; } return speed * priority; } /** * Used for A* routing to calculate g(x) * @return minimal speed at road */ public double getMinDefaultSpeed() { return 9; } /** * Used for A* routing to predict h(x) : it should be < (!) any g(x) * @return maximum speed to calculate shortest distance */ public double getMaxDefaultSpeed() { return 30; } public double calculateTurnTime(int middley, int middlex, int x, int y, RouteSegment segment, RouteSegment next, int j) { boolean lineAreNotConnected = j < segment.road.getPointsLength() - 1 || next.segmentStart != 0; if(lineAreNotConnected){ return 25; } else { if (next.road.getPointsLength() > 1) { double a1 = Math.atan2(y - middley, x - middlex); double a2 = Math.atan2(y - next.road.getPoint31YTile(1), x - next.road.getPoint31XTile(1)); double diff = Math.abs(a1 - a2); if (diff > Math.PI / 2 && diff < 3 * Math.PI / 2) { return 25; } } } return 0; } } public static class RoutingContext { TLongObjectMap<BinaryMapDataObject> idObjects = new TLongObjectHashMap<BinaryMapDataObject>(); TLongObjectMap<RouteSegment> routes = new TLongObjectHashMap<RouteSegment>(); CarRouter router = new CarRouter(); TIntSet loadedTiles = new TIntHashSet(); long timeToLoad = 0; long timeToCalculate = 0; public Collection<BinaryMapDataObject> values(){ return idObjects.valueCollection(); } } // 12 doesn't give result on the phone (?) private final static int ZOOM_LOAD_TILES = 13; public static class RouteSegment { int segmentStart = 0; int segmentEnd = 0; BinaryMapDataObject road; // needed to store intersection of routes RouteSegment next = null; // search context (needed for searching route) // Initially it should be null (!) because it checks was it segment visited before RouteSegment parentRoute = null; int parentSegmentEnd = 0; // distance measured in time (seconds) double distanceFromStart = 0; double distanceToEnd = 0; public BinaryMapDataObject getRoad() { return road; } } public static class RouteSegmentResult { public LatLon startPoint; public LatLon endPoint; public BinaryMapDataObject object; public int startPointIndex; public int endPointIndex; } private static double squareRootDist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { // translate into meters double dy = (y1 - y2) * 0.01863d; double dx = (x1 - x2) * 0.011d; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } // private static int absDist(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { // return Math.abs(x1 - x2) + Math.abs(y1 - y2); // } public void loadRoutes(final RoutingContext ctx, int tileX, int tileY) throws IOException { int tileC = (tileX << ZOOM_LOAD_TILES) + tileY; if(ctx.loadedTiles.contains(tileC)){ return; } long now = System.nanoTime(); SearchRequest<BinaryMapDataObject> request = new SearchRequest<BinaryMapDataObject>(); request.left = tileX << (31 - ZOOM_LOAD_TILES); request.right = (tileX + 1) << (31 - ZOOM_LOAD_TILES); = tileY << (31 - ZOOM_LOAD_TILES); request.bottom = (tileY + 1) << (31 - ZOOM_LOAD_TILES); request.zoom = 15; request.setSearchFilter(new BinaryMapIndexReader.SearchFilter(){ @Override public boolean accept(TIntArrayList types, MapIndex index) { for (int j = 0; j < types.size(); j++) { int wholeType = types.get(j); TagValuePair pair = index.decodeType(wholeType); if (pair != null) { int t = wholeType & 3; if(t == MapRenderingTypes.POINT_TYPE){ if(ctx.router.acceptPoint(pair)){ return true; } } else if(t == MapRenderingTypes.POLYLINE_TYPE){ if(ctx.router.acceptLine(pair)){ return true; } } } } return false; } }); for (BinaryMapIndexReader r : map) { r.searchMapIndex(request); for (BinaryMapDataObject o : request.searchResults) { BinaryMapDataObject old = ctx.idObjects.get(o.getId()); // sometimes way are presented only partially in one index if (old != null && old.getPointsLength() >= o.getPointsLength()) { continue; } ctx.idObjects.put(o.getId(), o); for (int j = 0; j < o.getPointsLength(); j++) { long l = (((long) o.getPoint31XTile(j)) << 31) + (long) o.getPoint31YTile(j); RouteSegment segment = new RouteSegment(); segment.road = o; segment.segmentEnd = segment.segmentStart = j; if (ctx.routes.get(l) != null) { = ctx.routes.get(l); } ctx.routes.put(l, segment); } } ctx.loadedTiles.add(tileC); ctx.timeToLoad += (System.nanoTime() - now); } } public RouteSegment findRouteSegment(double lat, double lon, RoutingContext ctx) throws IOException { double tileX = MapUtils.getTileNumberX(ZOOM_LOAD_TILES, lon); double tileY = MapUtils.getTileNumberY(ZOOM_LOAD_TILES, lat); loadRoutes(ctx, (int) tileX , (int) tileY); RouteSegment road = null; double dist = 0; int px = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(lon); int py = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(lat); for(BinaryMapDataObject r : ctx.values()){ if(r.getPointsLength() > 1){ double prevDist = squareRootDist(r.getPoint31XTile(0), r.getPoint31YTile(0), px, py); for (int j = 1; j < r.getPointsLength(); j++) { double cDist = squareRootDist(r.getPoint31XTile(j), r.getPoint31YTile(j), px, py); double mDist = squareRootDist(r.getPoint31XTile(j), r.getPoint31YTile(j), r.getPoint31XTile(j - 1), r.getPoint31YTile(j - 1)); if (road == null || prevDist + cDist - mDist < dist) { road = new RouteSegment(); road.road = r; road.segmentStart = j - 1; road.segmentEnd = j; dist = prevDist + cDist - mDist; } prevDist = cDist; } } } return road; } // TODO write unit tests // TODO add information about turns // TODO think about u-turn // TODO fix roundabout // TODO access // TODO bicycle router (?) // TODO fastest/shortest way /** * Calculate route between start.segmentEnd and end.segmentStart (using A* algorithm) * return list of segments */ public List<RouteSegmentResult> searchRoute(RoutingContext ctx, RouteSegment start, RouteSegment end) throws IOException { List<RouteSegmentResult> result = new ArrayList<RouteSegmentResult>(); // measure time ctx.timeToLoad = 0; long now = System.nanoTime(); // Initializing priority queue to visit way segments PriorityQueue<RouteSegment> graphSegments = new PriorityQueue<RouteSegment>(50, new Comparator<RouteSegment>(){ @Override public int compare(RouteSegment o1, RouteSegment o2) { // f(x) = g(x) + h(x) --- g(x) - distanceFromStart, h(x) - distanceToEnd (not exact) return + o1.distanceToEnd, o2.distanceFromStart + o2.distanceToEnd); } }); // initialize temporary lists to calculate not forbidden ways at way intersections ArrayList<RouteSegment> segmentsToVisitPrescricted = new ArrayList<RouteSegment>(5); ArrayList<RouteSegment> segmentsToVisitNotForbidden = new ArrayList<RouteSegment>(5); // Set to not visit one segment twice (stores << X + segmentStart) TLongHashSet visitedSegments = new TLongHashSet(); int endX = end.road.getPoint31XTile(end.segmentEnd); int endY = end.road.getPoint31YTile(end.segmentEnd); int startX = start.road.getPoint31XTile(start.segmentStart); int startY = start.road.getPoint31YTile(start.segmentStart); // for start : f(start) = g(start) + h(start) = 0 + h(start) = h(start) start.distanceToEnd = squareRootDist(startX, startY, endX, endY) / ctx.router.getMaxDefaultSpeed(); // add start segment to priority queue graphSegments.add(start); // because first point of the start is not visited do the same as in cycle but only for one point long ls = (((long) startX) << 31) + (long) startY; loadRoutes(ctx, (startX >> (31 - ZOOM_LOAD_TILES)), (startY >> (31 - ZOOM_LOAD_TILES))); RouteSegment startNbs = ctx.routes.get(ls); while(startNbs != null) { // >> 3, >> 3 if( !={ startNbs.parentRoute = start; startNbs.parentSegmentEnd = start.segmentStart; startNbs.distanceToEnd = start.distanceToEnd; long nt = ( << 8l) + startNbs.segmentStart; visitedSegments.add(nt); graphSegments.add(startNbs); } startNbs =; } // final segment before end RouteSegment finalRoute = null; // Extract & analyze segment with min(f(x)) from queue while final segment is not found while(!graphSegments.isEmpty() && finalRoute == null){ RouteSegment segment = graphSegments.poll(); BinaryMapDataObject road = segment.road; // Always start from segmentStart (!), not from segmentEnd // It makes difference only for the first start segment // Middle point will always be skipped from observation considering already visited int middle = segment.segmentStart; int middlex = road.getPoint31XTile(middle); int middley = road.getPoint31YTile(middle); // +/- diff from middle point int d = 1; boolean oneway = ctx.router.isOneWay(road.getHighwayAttributes()); boolean minus = true; boolean plus = true; if( == && end.segmentStart == middle){ finalRoute = segment; } // collect time for obstacles double obstaclesTime = 0; // Go through all point of the way and find ways to continue while(finalRoute == null && ((!oneway && minus) || plus)) { // 1. calculate point not equal to middle // (algorithm should visit all point on way if it is not oneway) int j = middle + d; if(oneway){ d++; } else { if(d <= 0){ d = -d + 1; } else { d = -d; } } if(j < 0){ minus = false; continue; } if(j >= road.getPointsLength()){ plus = false; continue; } // if we found end point break cycle if( == && end.segmentStart == j){ finalRoute = segment; break; } // 2. calculate point and try to load neighbor ways if they are not loaded long l = (((long) road.getPoint31XTile(j)) << 31) + (long) road.getPoint31YTile(j); loadRoutes(ctx, (road.getPoint31XTile(j) >> (31 - ZOOM_LOAD_TILES)), (road.getPoint31YTile(j) >> (31 - ZOOM_LOAD_TILES))); long nt = ( << 8l) + segment.segmentStart; visitedSegments.add(nt); // 3. get intersected ways RouteSegment next = ctx.routes.get(l); if (next != null) { segmentsToVisitPrescricted.clear(); segmentsToVisitNotForbidden.clear(); boolean exclusiveRestriction = false; // 3.1 calculate time for obstacles (bumps, traffic_signals, level_crossing) if (d != 0) { RouteSegment possibleObstacle = next; while (possibleObstacle != null) { ctx.router.defineObstacle(possibleObstacle.road, possibleObstacle.segmentStart); possibleObstacle =; } } // 3.2 calculate possible ways to put into priority queue while(next != null){ long nts = ( << 8l) + next.segmentStart; /* >> 3 != >> 3 - used that line for debug with osm map */ // could be equal on roundabout, but we should accept them if(!visitedSegments.contains(nts)){ int type = -1; for(int i = 0; i< road.getRestrictionCount(); i++){ if(road.getRestriction(i) =={ type = road.getRestrictionType(i); break; } } if(type == -1 && exclusiveRestriction){ // next =; continue; } else if(type == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_NO_LEFT_TURN || type == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_NO_RIGHT_TURN || type == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_NO_STRAIGHT_ON || type == MapRenderingTypes.RESTRICTION_NO_U_TURN){ // next =; continue; } else { int x = road.getPoint31XTile(j); int y = road.getPoint31YTile(j); // Using A* routing algorithm // g(x) - calculate distance to that point and calculate time double speed = ctx.router.defineSpeed(road); if(speed == 0){ speed = ctx.router.getMinDefaultSpeed(); } double distanceFromStart = segment.distanceFromStart + squareRootDist(x, y, middlex, middley) / speed; // calculate turn time distanceFromStart += ctx.router.calculateTurnTime(middley, middlex, x, y, segment, next, j); // add obstacles time distanceFromStart += obstaclesTime; double distanceToEnd = squareRootDist(x, y, endX, endY) / ctx.router.getMaxDefaultSpeed(); if(next.parentRoute == null || next.distanceFromStart + next.distanceToEnd > distanceFromStart + distanceToEnd){ next.distanceFromStart = distanceFromStart; next.distanceToEnd = distanceToEnd; if(next.parentRoute != null){ // already in queue remove it graphSegments.remove(next); } // put additional information to recover whole route after next.parentRoute = segment; next.parentSegmentEnd = j; if(type == -1){ // case no restriction segmentsToVisitNotForbidden.add(next); } else { // case exclusive restriction (only_right, only_straight, ...) exclusiveRestriction = true; segmentsToVisitNotForbidden.clear(); segmentsToVisitPrescricted.add(next); } } } } next =; } // add all allowed route segments to priority queue for(RouteSegment s : segmentsToVisitNotForbidden){ graphSegments.add(s); } for(RouteSegment s : segmentsToVisitPrescricted){ graphSegments.add(s); } } } } // 4. Route is found : collect all segments and prepare result // Try to define direction of last movement and reverse start and end point for end if needed int parentSegmentEnd = finalRoute != null && finalRoute.segmentStart <= end.segmentStart ? end.segmentEnd : end.segmentStart; RouteSegment segment = finalRoute; System.out.println("ROUTE : "); System.out.println("Start lat=" + MapUtils.get31LatitudeY(start.road.getPoint31YTile(start.segmentEnd)) + " lon=" + MapUtils.get31LongitudeX(start.road.getPoint31XTile(start.segmentEnd))); System.out.println("END lat=" + MapUtils.get31LatitudeY(end.road.getPoint31YTile(end.segmentStart)) + " lon=" + MapUtils.get31LongitudeX(end.road.getPoint31XTile(end.segmentStart))); while(segment != null){ RouteSegmentResult res = new RouteSegmentResult(); res.object = segment.road; res.endPointIndex = parentSegmentEnd; res.startPointIndex = segment.segmentStart; parentSegmentEnd = segment.parentSegmentEnd; // System.out.println( + " time to go " + // (segment.distanceFromStart / 60) + " estimate time " + (segment.distanceToEnd / 60)); segment = segment.parentRoute; // reverse start and end point for start if needed if(segment == null && res.startPointIndex >= res.endPointIndex){ res.startPointIndex = start.segmentEnd; } // do not add segments consists from 1 poitn if(res.startPointIndex != res.endPointIndex) { System.out.println("id="+( >> 3) + " start=" + res.startPointIndex + " end=" + res.endPointIndex); result.add(0, res); } res.startPoint = convertPoint(res.object, res.startPointIndex); res.endPoint = convertPoint(res.object, res.endPointIndex); } ctx.timeToCalculate = (System.nanoTime() - now);"Time to calculate : " + ctx.timeToCalculate / 1e6 +", time to load : " + ctx.timeToLoad / 1e6 + ", loaded tiles : " + ctx.loadedTiles.size()); return result; } private LatLon convertPoint(BinaryMapDataObject o, int ind){ return new LatLon(MapUtils.get31LatitudeY(o.getPoint31YTile(ind)), MapUtils.get31LongitudeX(o.getPoint31XTile(ind))); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(new File("d:\\android\\data\\Belarus.obf"), "r"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ BinaryMapIndexReader reader = new BinaryMapIndexReader(raf); BinaryRouteDataReader router = new BinaryRouteDataReader(reader); //double lon = 27.5967; //double lat = 53.9204; // akad // double lon = 27.5993; // double lat = 53.9186; double lon = 27.6024; double lat = 53.9141; double elon = 27.6018; double elat = 53.9223; RoutingContext ctx = new RoutingContext(); long ms = System.currentTimeMillis(); // find closest way RouteSegment start = router.findRouteSegment(lat, lon, ctx); if (start != null) { BinaryMapDataObject road = start.road; TagValuePair pair = road.mapIndex.decodeType(road.getTypes()[0]); System.out.println("ROAD TO START " + pair.tag + " " + pair.value + " " + + " " + start.segmentStart + " " + ( >> 3)); } RouteSegment end = router.findRouteSegment(elat, elon, ctx); if (end != null) { BinaryMapDataObject road = end.road; TagValuePair pair = road.mapIndex.decodeType(road.getTypes()[0]); System.out.println("ROAD TO END " + pair.tag + " " + pair.value + " " + + " " + end.segmentStart + " " + ( >> 3)); } // double tileX = Math.round(MapUtils.getTileNumberX(ZOOM_LOAD_TILES, lon)); // double tileY = Math.round(MapUtils.getTileNumberY(ZOOM_LOAD_TILES, lat)); // preload neighboors // router.loadRoutes(ctx, (int) tileX, (int) tileY); // router.loadRoutes(ctx, (int) tileX - 1, (int) tileY); // router.loadRoutes(ctx, (int) tileX, (int) tileY - 1); // router.loadRoutes(ctx, (int) tileX - 1, (int) tileY - 1); for(RouteSegmentResult s : router.searchRoute(ctx, start, end)){ double dist = MapUtils.getDistance(s.startPoint, s.endPoint); System.out.println("Street " + + " distance " + dist); } Collection<BinaryMapDataObject> res = ctx.values(); System.out.println(res.size() + " objects for " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - ms) + " ms"); LatLon ls = new LatLon(0, 5); LatLon le = new LatLon(1, 5); System.out.println("X equator " + MapUtils.getDistance(ls, le) / (MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(ls.getLongitude()) - MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(le.getLongitude()))); System.out.println("Y equator " + MapUtils.getDistance(ls, le) / (MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(ls.getLatitude()) - MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(le.getLatitude()))); // for(BinaryMapDataObject r : res){ // TagValuePair pair = r.mapIndex.decodeType(r.getTypes()[0]); // if( != null){ // System.out.println(pair.tag + " " + pair.value + " " + ); // } else { // System.out.println(pair.tag + " " + pair.value + " " + ( >> 3)); // } // } } }