package; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import net.osmand.Algoritms; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.osmand.osm.Entity; import net.osmand.osm.LatLon; import net.osmand.osm.MapUtils; import net.osmand.osm.Node; import net.osmand.osm.Relation; import net.osmand.osm.Way; import rtree.IllegalValueException; import rtree.LeafElement; import rtree.RTree; import rtree.RTreeInsertException; import rtree.Rect; public class DataIndexWriter { private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 1000; public static void insertAmenityIntoPoi(PreparedStatement prep, Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> map, Amenity amenity, int batchSize) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.POI_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ prep.setLong(1, amenity.getId()); prep.setInt(2, MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(amenity.getLocation().getLongitude())); prep.setInt(3, MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(amenity.getLocation().getLatitude())); prep.setString(4, amenity.getEnName()); prep.setString(5, amenity.getName()); prep.setString(6, AmenityType.valueToString(amenity.getType())); prep.setString(7, amenity.getSubType()); prep.setString(8, amenity.getOpeningHours()); prep.setString(9, amenity.getSite()); prep.setString(10, amenity.getPhone()); addBatch(map, prep, batchSize); } public static PreparedStatement createStatementAmenityInsert(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ return conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + IndexConstants.POI_TABLE + "(id, x, y, name_en, name, type, subtype, opening_hours, site, phone) " + //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } public static void createPoiIndexStructure(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.executeUpdate("create table " + IndexConstants.POI_TABLE + //$NON-NLS-1$ "(id bigint, x int, y int, name_en varchar(255), name varchar(255), " + "type varchar(255), subtype varchar(255), opening_hours varchar(255), phone varchar(255), site varchar(255)," + "primary key(id, type, subtype))"); stat.executeUpdate("create index poi_loc on poi (x, y, type, subtype)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index poi_id on poi (id, type, subtype)"); if(IndexCreator.usingSQLite()){ stat.execute("PRAGMA user_version = " + IndexConstants.POI_TABLE_VERSION); //$NON-NLS-1$ } stat.close(); } public static PreparedStatement getStreetNodeInsertPreparedStatement(Connection conn) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.STREET_NODE_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return conn.prepareStatement("insert into street_node (id, latitude, longitude, street, way) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } public static void writeStreetWayNodes(PreparedStatement prepStreetNode, Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> count, Long streetId, Way way, int batchSize) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.STREET_NODE_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ for (Node n : way.getNodes()) { if (n == null) { continue; } prepStreetNode.setLong(1, n.getId()); prepStreetNode.setDouble(2, n.getLatitude()); prepStreetNode.setDouble(3, n.getLongitude()); prepStreetNode.setLong(5, way.getId()); prepStreetNode.setLong(4, streetId); addBatch(count, prepStreetNode, BATCH_SIZE); } } public static PreparedStatement getBuildingInsertPreparedStatement(Connection conn) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.BUILDING_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return conn.prepareStatement("insert into building (id, latitude, longitude, name, name_en, street, postcode) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } public static void writeBuilding(PreparedStatement prepBuilding, Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> count, Long streetId, Building building, int batchSize) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.BUILDING_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ prepBuilding.setLong(1, building.getId()); prepBuilding.setDouble(2, building.getLocation().getLatitude()); prepBuilding.setDouble(3, building.getLocation().getLongitude()); prepBuilding.setString(4, building.getName()); prepBuilding.setString(5, building.getEnName()); prepBuilding.setLong(6, streetId); prepBuilding.setString(7, building.getPostcode() == null ? null : building.getPostcode().toUpperCase()); addBatch(count, prepBuilding); } public static PreparedStatement getSearchStreetPreparedStatement(Connection mapConnection) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.STREET_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return mapConnection.prepareStatement("SELECT ID FROM street WHERE ? = city AND ? = name"); } public static PreparedStatement getSearchBuildingPreparedStatement(Connection mapConnection) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.BUILDING_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return mapConnection.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM building where ? = id"); } public static PreparedStatement getStreeNodeSearchPreparedStatement(Connection mapConnection) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.STREET_NODE_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return mapConnection.prepareStatement("SELECT way FROM street_node WHERE ? = way"); } public static PreparedStatement getUpdateBuildingPostcodePreparedStatement(Connection mapConnection) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.BUILDING_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return mapConnection.prepareStatement("UPDATE building SET postcode = ? WHERE id = ?"); } public static PreparedStatement getCityInsertPreparedStatement(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ assert IndexConstants.CITY_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return conn.prepareStatement("insert into city (id, latitude, longitude, name, name_en, city_type) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } public static void writeCity(PreparedStatement prepCity, Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> count, City city, int batchSize) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.CITY_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ prepCity.setLong(1, city.getId()); prepCity.setDouble(2, city.getLocation().getLatitude()); prepCity.setDouble(3, city.getLocation().getLongitude()); prepCity.setString(4, city.getName()); prepCity.setString(5, city.getEnName()); prepCity.setString(6, CityType.valueToString(city.getType())); addBatch(count, prepCity, batchSize); } public static PreparedStatement getStreetInsertPreparedStatement(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ assert IndexConstants.STREET_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return conn.prepareStatement("insert into street (id, latitude, longitude, name, name_en, city) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } public static void insertStreetData(PreparedStatement addressStreetStat, long id, String name, String nameEn, double latitude, double longitude, Long cityId) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.STREET_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ addressStreetStat.setLong(1, id); addressStreetStat.setString(4, name); addressStreetStat.setString(5, nameEn); addressStreetStat.setDouble(2, latitude); addressStreetStat.setDouble(3, longitude); addressStreetStat.setLong(6, cityId); } public static void createAddressIndexStructure(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); assert IndexConstants.CITY_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ assert IndexConstants.STREET_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ assert IndexConstants.STREET_NODE_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ assert IndexConstants.STREET_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ stat.executeUpdate("create table city (id bigint primary key, latitude double, longitude double, " + "name varchar(255), name_en varchar(255), city_type varchar(32))"); stat.executeUpdate("create index city_ind on city (id, city_type)"); stat.executeUpdate("create table street (id bigint primary key, latitude double, longitude double, " + "name varchar(255), name_en varchar(255), city bigint)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index street_city on street (city)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index street_id on street (id)"); // create index on name ? stat.executeUpdate("create table building (id bigint, latitude double, longitude double, " + "name varchar(255), name_en varchar(255), street bigint, postcode varchar(255), primary key(street, id))"); stat.executeUpdate("create index building_postcode on building (postcode)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index building_street on building (street)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index building_id on building (id)"); stat.executeUpdate("create table street_node (id bigint, latitude double, longitude double, " + "street bigint, way bigint)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index street_node_street on street_node (street)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index street_node_way on street_node (way)"); if(IndexCreator.usingSQLite()){ stat.execute("PRAGMA user_version = " + IndexConstants.ADDRESS_TABLE_VERSION); //$NON-NLS-1$ } stat.close(); } public static PreparedStatement createStatementTransportStopInsert(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ assert IndexConstants.TRANSPORT_STOP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return conn.prepareStatement("insert into transport_stop(id, latitude, longitude, name, name_en) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } public static PreparedStatement createStatementTransportRouteStopInsert(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ assert IndexConstants.TRANSPORT_ROUTE_STOP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return conn.prepareStatement("insert into transport_route_stop(route, stop, direction, ord) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } private static void writeRouteStops(RTree transportStopsTree, PreparedStatement prepRouteStops, PreparedStatement prepStops, Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> count, Set<Long> writtenStops, TransportRoute r, List<TransportStop> stops, boolean direction) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.TRANSPORT_STOP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ assert IndexConstants.TRANSPORT_ROUTE_STOP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ int i = 0; for(TransportStop s : stops){ if (!writtenStops.contains(s.getId())) { prepStops.setLong(1, s.getId()); prepStops.setDouble(2, s.getLocation().getLatitude()); prepStops.setDouble(3, s.getLocation().getLongitude()); prepStops.setString(4, s.getName()); prepStops.setString(5, s.getEnName()); int x = (int) MapUtils.getTileNumberX(24, s.getLocation().getLongitude()); int y = (int) MapUtils.getTileNumberY(24, s.getLocation().getLatitude()); addBatch(count, prepStops); try { transportStopsTree.insert(new LeafElement(new Rect(x, y, x, y), s.getId())); } catch (RTreeInsertException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } catch (IllegalValueException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } writtenStops.add(s.getId()); } prepRouteStops.setLong(1, r.getId()); prepRouteStops.setLong(2, s.getId()); prepRouteStops.setInt(3, direction ? 1 : 0); prepRouteStops.setInt(4, i++); addBatch(count, prepRouteStops); } } public static PreparedStatement createStatementTransportRouteInsert(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ assert IndexConstants.TRANSPORT_ROUTE_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return conn.prepareStatement("insert into transport_route(id, type, operator, ref, name, name_en, dist) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } public static void insertTransportIntoIndex(PreparedStatement prepRoute, PreparedStatement prepRouteStops, PreparedStatement prepStops, RTree transportStopsTree, Set<Long> writtenStops, TransportRoute route, Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> statements, int batchSize) throws SQLException { assert IndexConstants.TRANSPORT_ROUTE_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ prepRoute.setLong(1, route.getId()); prepRoute.setString(2, route.getType()); prepRoute.setString(3, route.getOperator()); prepRoute.setString(4, route.getRef()); prepRoute.setString(5, route.getName()); prepRoute.setString(6, route.getEnName()); prepRoute.setInt(7, route.getAvgBothDistance()); addBatch(statements, prepRoute); writeRouteStops(transportStopsTree, prepRouteStops, prepStops, statements, writtenStops, route, route.getForwardStops(), true); writeRouteStops(transportStopsTree, prepRouteStops, prepStops, statements, writtenStops, route, route.getBackwardStops(), false); } public static void createTransportIndexStructure(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); assert IndexConstants.TRANSPORT_ROUTE_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ assert IndexConstants.TRANSPORT_STOP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ assert IndexConstants.TRANSPORT_ROUTE_STOP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ stat.executeUpdate("create table transport_route (id bigint primary key, type varchar(255), operator varchar(255)," + "ref varchar(255), name varchar(255), name_en varchar(255), dist int)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index transport_route_id on transport_route (id)"); stat.executeUpdate("create table transport_route_stop (stop bigint, route bigint, ord int, direction smallint, primary key (route, ord, direction))"); stat.executeUpdate("create index transport_route_stop_stop on transport_route_stop (stop)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index transport_route_stop_route on transport_route_stop (route)"); stat.executeUpdate("create table transport_stop (id bigint primary key, latitude double, longitude double, name varchar(255), name_en varchar(255))"); stat.executeUpdate("create index transport_stop_id on transport_stop (id)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index transport_stop_location on transport_stop (latitude, longitude)"); if(IndexCreator.usingSQLite()){ stat.execute("PRAGMA user_version = " + IndexConstants.TRANSPORT_TABLE_VERSION); //$NON-NLS-1$ } stat.close(); } public static void createMapIndexStructure(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); assert IndexConstants.BINARY_MAP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ assert IndexConstants.LOW_LEVEL_MAP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ stat.executeUpdate("create table binary_map_objects (id bigint primary key, name varchar(255), " + "types binary, restrictions binary, nodes binary, highway int)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index binary_map_objects_ind on binary_map_objects (id)"); stat.executeUpdate("create table low_level_map_objects (id bigint primary key, start_node bigint, " + "end_node bigint, name varchar(255), nodes binary, type bigint, level smallint)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index low_level_map_objects_ind on low_level_map_objects (id)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index low_level_map_objects_ind_st on low_level_map_objects (start_node, type)"); stat.executeUpdate("create index low_level_map_objects_ind_end on low_level_map_objects (end_node, type)"); stat.close(); } public static PreparedStatement createStatementMapBinaryInsert(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ assert IndexConstants.BINARY_MAP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return conn.prepareStatement("insert into binary_map_objects(id, name, types, restrictions, nodes, highway) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } public static PreparedStatement createStatementLowLevelMapBinaryInsert(Connection conn) throws SQLException{ assert IndexConstants.LOW_LEVEL_MAP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ return conn.prepareStatement("insert into low_level_map_objects(id, start_node, end_node, name, nodes, type, level) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } public static void insertLowLevelMapBinaryObject(Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> statements, PreparedStatement mapLowLevelBinaryStat, int level,long types, long id, List<Node> nodes, String name) throws SQLException{ assert IndexConstants.LOW_LEVEL_MAP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ boolean first = true; long firstId = -1; long lastId = -1; ByteArrayOutputStream bnodes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { for (Node n : nodes) { if (n != null) { if (first) { firstId = n.getId(); first = false; } lastId = n.getId(); Algoritms.writeInt(bnodes, Float.floatToRawIntBits((float) n.getLatitude())); Algoritms.writeInt(bnodes, Float.floatToRawIntBits((float) n.getLongitude())); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } if(firstId == -1){ return; } // conn.prepareStatement("insert into binary_map_objects(id, name, types, restrictions, nodes, highway) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); mapLowLevelBinaryStat.setLong(1, id); mapLowLevelBinaryStat.setLong(2, firstId); mapLowLevelBinaryStat.setLong(3, lastId); mapLowLevelBinaryStat.setString(4, name); mapLowLevelBinaryStat.setBytes(5, bnodes.toByteArray()); mapLowLevelBinaryStat.setLong(6, types); mapLowLevelBinaryStat.setShort(7, (short) level); addBatch(statements, mapLowLevelBinaryStat); } public static void insertBinaryMapRenderObjectIndex(Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> statements, PreparedStatement mapBinaryStat, RTree mapTree, Entity e, String name, long id, int type, List<Integer> typeUse, int highwayAttributes, List<Long> restrictions, boolean inversePath, boolean writeAsPoint, boolean commit) throws SQLException { if(e instanceof Relation){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } boolean init = false; int minX = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxX = 0; int minY = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int maxY = 0; Collection<Node> nodes; if (e instanceof Way) { if (writeAsPoint) { LatLon center = MapUtils.getCenter(((Way) e)); nodes = Collections.singleton(new Node(center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude(), -1)); } else { nodes = ((Way) e).getNodes(); } } else { nodes = Collections.singleton((Node) e); } if(inversePath){ nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(nodes); Collections.reverse((List<?>) nodes); } ByteArrayOutputStream bnodes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream btypes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream brestrictions = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { Algoritms.writeSmallInt(btypes, type); for (Integer i : typeUse) { Algoritms.writeSmallInt(btypes, i); } for (Long i : restrictions) { Algoritms.writeLongInt(brestrictions, i); } for (Node n : nodes) { if (n != null) { int y = MapUtils.get31TileNumberY(n.getLatitude()); int x = MapUtils.get31TileNumberX(n.getLongitude()); minX = Math.min(minX, x); maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); minY = Math.min(minY, y); maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); init = true; Algoritms.writeInt(bnodes, x); Algoritms.writeInt(bnodes, y); } } } catch (IOException es) { throw new IllegalStateException(es); } if (init) { assert IndexConstants.BINARY_MAP_TABLE != null : "use constants here to show table usage "; //$NON-NLS-1$ // conn.prepareStatement("insert into binary_map_objects(id, name, types, restrictions, nodes, highway) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); mapBinaryStat.setLong(1, id); mapBinaryStat.setString(2, name); mapBinaryStat.setBytes(3, btypes.toByteArray()); mapBinaryStat.setBytes(4, brestrictions.toByteArray()); mapBinaryStat.setBytes(5, bnodes.toByteArray()); mapBinaryStat.setInt(6, highwayAttributes); addBatch(statements, mapBinaryStat, commit); try { mapTree.insert(new LeafElement(new Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY), id)); } catch (RTreeInsertException e1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e1); } catch (IllegalValueException e1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e1); } } } private static void addBatch(Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> count, PreparedStatement p) throws SQLException { addBatch(count, p, BATCH_SIZE, true); } public static void addBatch(Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> count, PreparedStatement p, boolean commit) throws SQLException{ addBatch(count, p, BATCH_SIZE, commit); } public static void addBatch(Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> count, PreparedStatement p, int batchSize) throws SQLException{ addBatch(count, p, batchSize, true); } public static void addBatch(Map<PreparedStatement, Integer> count, PreparedStatement p, int batchSize, boolean commit) throws SQLException{ p.addBatch(); if(count.get(p) >= batchSize){ p.executeBatch(); if(commit){ p.getConnection().commit(); } count.put(p, 0); } else { count.put(p, count.get(p) + 1); } } }