package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import net.osmand.LogUtil; import net.osmand.OsmAndFormatter; import net.osmand.osm.LatLon; import net.osmand.osm.MapUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.location.Location; import android.util.FloatMath; import android.widget.Toast; public class RoutingHelper { private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = LogUtil.getLog(RoutingHelper.class); public static interface IRouteInformationListener { public void newRouteIsCalculated(boolean updateRoute); public void routeWasCancelled(); } private final double DISTANCE_TO_USE_OSMAND_ROUTER = 20000; private List<IRouteInformationListener> listeners = new ArrayList<IRouteInformationListener>(); private Context context; // activity to show messages & refresh map when route is calculated private Activity uiActivity; private boolean isFollowingMode = false; private List<Location> currentGPXRoute = null; // instead of this properties RouteCalculationResult could be used private List<Location> routeNodes = new ArrayList<Location>(); private List<RouteDirectionInfo> directionInfo = null; private int[] listDistance = null; // Note always currentRoute > get(currentDirectionInfo).routeOffset, // but currentRoute <= get(currentDirectionInfo+1).routeOffset protected int currentDirectionInfo = 0; protected int currentRoute = 0; private LatLon finalLocation; private Location lastFixedLocation; private Thread currentRunningJob; private long lastTimeEvaluatedRoute = 0; private int evalWaitInterval = 3000; private ApplicationMode mode; private RouteProvider provider = new RouteProvider(); private VoiceRouter voiceRouter; public RoutingHelper(ApplicationMode mode, Context context, CommandPlayer player){ this.mode = mode; this.context = context; voiceRouter = new VoiceRouter(this, player); } public boolean isFollowingMode() { return isFollowingMode; } public void setFollowingMode(boolean isFollowingMode) { this.isFollowingMode = isFollowingMode; } public void setFinalAndCurrentLocation(LatLon finalLocation, Location currentLocation){ setFinalAndCurrentLocation(finalLocation, currentLocation, null); } public synchronized void setFinalAndCurrentLocation(LatLon finalLocation, Location currentLocation, List<Location> gpxRoute){ this.finalLocation = finalLocation; this.routeNodes.clear(); listDistance = null; directionInfo = null; evalWaitInterval = 3000; currentGPXRoute = gpxRoute; for(IRouteInformationListener l : listeners){ l.routeWasCancelled(); } // to update route setCurrentLocation(currentLocation); } public List<Location> getCurrentGPXRoute() { return currentGPXRoute; } public void setFinalLocation(LatLon finalLocation){ setFinalAndCurrentLocation(finalLocation, getCurrentLocation()); } public void setAppMode(ApplicationMode mode){ this.mode = mode; voiceRouter.updateAppMode(); } public ApplicationMode getAppMode() { return mode; } public LatLon getFinalLocation() { return finalLocation; } public boolean isRouterEnabled(){ return finalLocation != null && lastFixedLocation != null; } public boolean isRouteCalculated(){ return !routeNodes.isEmpty(); } public VoiceRouter getVoiceRouter() { return voiceRouter; } public boolean finishAtLocation(Location currentLocation) { Location lastPoint = routeNodes.get(routeNodes.size() - 1); if(currentRoute > routeNodes.size() - 3 && currentLocation.distanceTo(lastPoint) < 60){ if(lastFixedLocation != null && lastFixedLocation.distanceTo(lastPoint) < 60){ showMessage(context.getString(R.string.arrived_at_destination)); OsmandSettings.setFollowingByRoute(context, false); setFollowingMode(false); voiceRouter.arrivedDestinationPoint(); updateCurrentRoute(routeNodes.size() - 1); // clear final location to prevent all time showing message finalLocation = null; } lastFixedLocation = currentLocation; return true; } return false; } public void setUiActivity(Activity uiActivity) { this.uiActivity = uiActivity; } public Location getCurrentLocation() { return lastFixedLocation; } private void updateCurrentRoute(int currentRoute){ this.currentRoute = currentRoute; if(directionInfo != null){ while(currentDirectionInfo < directionInfo.size() - 1 && directionInfo.get(currentDirectionInfo + 1).routePointOffset < currentRoute){ currentDirectionInfo ++; } } } public void addListener(IRouteInformationListener l){ listeners.add(l); } public boolean removeListener(IRouteInformationListener l){ return listeners.remove(l); } public void setCurrentLocation(Location currentLocation) { if(finalLocation == null || currentLocation == null){ return; } boolean calculateRoute = false; synchronized (this) { if(routeNodes.isEmpty() || routeNodes.size() <= currentRoute){ calculateRoute = true; } else { // Check whether user follow by route in correct direction // 1. try to mark passed route (move forward) float dist = currentLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); while(currentRoute + 1 < routeNodes.size()){ float newDist = currentLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute + 1)); boolean proccesed = false; if (newDist < dist){ if(newDist > 150){ // may be that check is really not needed ? only for start position if(currentRoute > 0 ){ // check that we are not far from the route (if we are on the route distance doesn't matter) float bearing = routeNodes.get(currentRoute - 1).bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); float bearingMovement = currentLocation.bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); float d = Math.abs(currentLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)) * FloatMath.sin((bearingMovement - bearing)*3.14f/180f)); if(d > 50){ proccesed = true; } } else { proccesed = true; } if(proccesed && log.isDebugEnabled()){ log.debug("Processed distance : " + newDist + " " + dist); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ } } else { // case if you are getting close to the next point after turn // but you haven't turned before (could be checked bearing) if(currentLocation.hasBearing() || lastFixedLocation != null){ float bearingToPoint = currentLocation.bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); float bearingBetweenPoints = routeNodes.get(currentRoute).bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute+1)); float bearing = currentLocation.hasBearing() ? currentLocation.getBearing() : lastFixedLocation.bearingTo(currentLocation); if(Math.abs(bearing - bearingToPoint) > Math.abs(bearing - bearingBetweenPoints)){ if(log.isDebugEnabled()){ log.debug("Processed point bearing : " + Math.abs(currentLocation.getBearing() - bearingToPoint) + " " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ + Math.abs(currentLocation.getBearing() - bearingBetweenPoints)); } proccesed = true; } } } } if(proccesed){ // that node already passed updateCurrentRoute(currentRoute + 1); dist = newDist; } else { break; } } // 2. check if destination found if(finishAtLocation(currentLocation)){ return; } // 3. check if closest location already passed if(currentRoute + 1 < routeNodes.size()){ float bearing = routeNodes.get(currentRoute).bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute + 1)); float bearingMovement = currentLocation.bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); // only 35 degrees for that case because it wrong catches sharp turns if(Math.abs(bearing - bearingMovement) > 140 && Math.abs(bearing - bearingMovement) < 220){ if(log.isDebugEnabled()){ log.debug("Processed point movement bearing : "+bearingMovement +" bearing " + bearing); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } updateCurrentRoute(currentRoute + 1); } } // 3.5 check that we already pass very sharp turn by missing one point (so our turn is sharper than expected) // instead of that rule possible could be introduced another if the dist < 5m mark the location as already passed if(currentRoute + 2 < routeNodes.size()){ float bearing = routeNodes.get(currentRoute + 1).bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute + 2)); float bearingMovement = currentLocation.bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute + 1)); // only 15 degrees for that case because it wrong catches sharp turns if(Math.abs(bearing - bearingMovement) > 165 && Math.abs(bearing - bearingMovement) < 195){ if(log.isDebugEnabled()){ log.debug("Processed point movement bearing 2 : "+bearingMovement +" bearing " + bearing); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } updateCurrentRoute(currentRoute + 2); } } // 4. evaluate distance to the route and reevaluate if needed if(currentRoute > 0){ float bearing = routeNodes.get(currentRoute - 1).bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); float bearingMovement = currentLocation.bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); float d = Math.abs(currentLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)) * FloatMath.sin((bearingMovement - bearing)*3.14f/180f)); if(d > 50) {"Recalculate route, because correlation : " + d); //$NON-NLS-1$ calculateRoute = true; } } // 5. also check bearing by summing distance if(!calculateRoute){ float d = currentLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); if (d > 80) { if (currentRoute > 0) { // possibly that case is not needed (often it is covered by 4.) float f1 = currentLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute - 1)) + d; float c = routeNodes.get(currentRoute - 1).distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); if (c * 2 < d + f1) {"Recalculate route, because too far from points : " + d + " " + f1 + " >> " + c); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ calculateRoute = true; } } else { // that case is needed"Recalculate route, because too far from start : " + d); //$NON-NLS-1$ calculateRoute = true; } } } // 5. Also bearing could be checked (is it same direction) // float bearing; // if(currentLocation.hasBearing()){ // bearing = currentLocation.getBearing(); // } else if(lastFixedLocation != null){ // bearing = lastFixedLocation.bearingTo(currentLocation); // } // bearingRoute = currentLocation.bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); // if (Math.abs(bearing - bearingRoute) > 60f && 360 - Math.abs(bearing - bearingRoute) > 60f) { // something wrong however it could be starting movement // } } } voiceRouter.updateStatus(); lastFixedLocation = currentLocation; if(calculateRoute){ calculateRoute(lastFixedLocation, finalLocation, currentGPXRoute); } } private synchronized void setNewRoute(RouteCalculationResult res){ boolean updateRoute = !routeNodes.isEmpty(); routeNodes = res.getLocations(); directionInfo = res.getDirections(); listDistance = res.getListDistance(); currentDirectionInfo = 0; currentRoute = 0; if(isFollowingMode){ voiceRouter.newRouteIsCalculated(updateRoute); } for(IRouteInformationListener l : listeners){ l.newRouteIsCalculated(updateRoute); } } public synchronized int getLeftDistance(){ if(listDistance != null && currentRoute < listDistance.length){ int dist = listDistance[currentRoute]; Location l = routeNodes.get(currentRoute); if(lastFixedLocation != null){ dist += lastFixedLocation.distanceTo(l); } return dist; } return 0; } public Location getLocationFromRouteDirection(RouteDirectionInfo i){ if(i.routePointOffset < routeNodes.size()){ return routeNodes.get(i.routePointOffset); } return null; } public RouteDirectionInfo getNextRouteDirectionInfo(){ if(directionInfo != null && currentDirectionInfo < directionInfo.size() - 1){ return directionInfo.get(currentDirectionInfo + 1); } return null; } public RouteDirectionInfo getNextNextRouteDirectionInfo(){ if(directionInfo != null && currentDirectionInfo < directionInfo.size() - 2){ return directionInfo.get(currentDirectionInfo + 2); } return null; } public List<RouteDirectionInfo> getRouteDirections(){ if(directionInfo != null && currentDirectionInfo < directionInfo.size()){ if(currentDirectionInfo == 0){ return directionInfo; } if(currentDirectionInfo < directionInfo.size() - 1){ return directionInfo.subList(currentDirectionInfo + 1, directionInfo.size()); } } return Collections.emptyList(); } public int getDistanceToNextRouteDirection() { if (directionInfo != null && currentDirectionInfo < directionInfo.size()) { int dist = listDistance[currentRoute]; if (currentDirectionInfo < directionInfo.size() - 1) { dist -= listDistance[directionInfo.get(currentDirectionInfo + 1).routePointOffset]; } if(lastFixedLocation != null){ dist += lastFixedLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute)); } return dist; } return 0; } public synchronized int getLeftTime(){ if(directionInfo != null && currentDirectionInfo < directionInfo.size()){ int t = directionInfo.get(currentDirectionInfo).afterLeftTime; int e = directionInfo.get(currentDirectionInfo).expectedTime; if (e > 0) { int passedDist = listDistance[directionInfo.get(currentDirectionInfo).routePointOffset] - listDistance[currentRoute]; int wholeDist = listDistance[directionInfo.get(currentDirectionInfo).routePointOffset]; if (currentDirectionInfo < directionInfo.size() - 1) { wholeDist -= listDistance[directionInfo.get(currentDirectionInfo + 1).routePointOffset]; } if (wholeDist > 0) { t = (int) (t + ((float)e) * (1 - (float) passedDist / (float) wholeDist)); } } return t; } return 0; } public void calculateRoute(final Location start, final LatLon end, final List<Location> currentGPXRoute){ if(start == null || end == null){ return; } // temporary check while osmand offline router is not stable RouteService serviceToUse= OsmandSettings.getRouterService(OsmandSettings.getPrefs(context)); if (serviceToUse == RouteService.OSMAND && !OsmandSettings.isOsmandRoutingServiceUsed(context)) { double distance = MapUtils.getDistance(end, start.getLatitude(), start.getLongitude()); if (distance > DISTANCE_TO_USE_OSMAND_ROUTER) { showMessage(context.getString(R.string.osmand_routing_experimental)); serviceToUse = RouteService.CLOUDMADE; } } final RouteService service = serviceToUse; if(currentRunningJob == null){ // do not evaluate very often if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTimeEvaluatedRoute > evalWaitInterval) { final boolean fastRouteMode = OsmandSettings.isFastRouteMode(context); synchronized (this) { currentRunningJob = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { RouteCalculationResult res = provider.calculateRouteImpl(start, end, mode, service, context, currentGPXRoute, fastRouteMode); synchronized (RoutingHelper.this) { if (res.isCalculated()) { setNewRoute(res); // reset error wait interval evalWaitInterval = 3000; } else { evalWaitInterval = evalWaitInterval * 4 / 3; if (evalWaitInterval > 120000) { evalWaitInterval = 120000; } } currentRunningJob = null; } if (res.isCalculated()) { int[] dist = res.getListDistance(); int l = dist != null && dist.length > 0 ? dist[0] : 0; showMessage(context.getString(R.string.new_route_calculated_dist) + " : " + OsmAndFormatter.getFormattedDistance(l, context)); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (uiActivity instanceof MapActivity) { // be aware that is non ui thread ((MapActivity) uiActivity).getMapView().refreshMap(); } } else { if (res.getErrorMessage() != null) { showMessage(context.getString(R.string.error_calculating_route) + " : " + res.getErrorMessage()); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (res.getLocations() == null) { showMessage(context.getString(R.string.error_calculating_route_occured)); } else { showMessage(context.getString(R.string.empty_route_calculated)); } } lastTimeEvaluatedRoute = System.currentTimeMillis(); } }, "Calculating route"); //$NON-NLS-1$ currentRunningJob.start(); } } } } public boolean isRouteBeingCalculated(){ return currentRunningJob != null; } private void showMessage(final String msg){ if (uiActivity != null) { uiActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if(uiActivity != null){ Toast.makeText(uiActivity, msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } }); } } public boolean hasPointsToShow(){ return finalLocation != null && !routeNodes.isEmpty(); } protected Context getContext() { return context; } public synchronized void fillLocationsToShow(double topLatitude, double leftLongitude, double bottomLatitude,double rightLongitude, List<Location> l){ l.clear(); boolean previousVisible = false; if(lastFixedLocation != null){ if(leftLongitude <= lastFixedLocation.getLongitude() && lastFixedLocation.getLongitude() <= rightLongitude && bottomLatitude <= lastFixedLocation.getLatitude() && lastFixedLocation.getLatitude() <= topLatitude){ l.add(lastFixedLocation); previousVisible = true; } } for (int i = currentRoute; i < routeNodes.size(); i++) { Location ls = routeNodes.get(i); if(leftLongitude <= ls.getLongitude() && ls.getLongitude() <= rightLongitude && bottomLatitude <= ls.getLatitude() && ls.getLatitude() <= topLatitude){ l.add(ls); if (!previousVisible) { if (i > currentRoute) { l.add(0, routeNodes.get(i - 1)); } else if (lastFixedLocation != null) { l.add(0, lastFixedLocation); } } previousVisible = true; } else if(previousVisible){ l.add(ls); previousVisible = false; // do not continue make method more efficient (because it calls in UI thread) // this break also has logical sense ! break; } } } public static class TurnType { public static final String C = "C"; // continue (go straight) //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String TL = "TL"; // turn left //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String TSLL = "TSLL"; // turn slight left //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String TSHL = "TSHL"; // turn sharp left //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String TR = "TR"; // turn right //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String TSLR = "TSLR"; // turn slight right //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String TSHR = "TSHR"; // turn sharp right //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String TU = "TU"; // U-turn //$NON-NLS-1$ public static String[] predefinedTypes = new String[] {C, TL, TSLL, TSHL, TR, TSLR, TSHR, TU}; public static TurnType valueOf(String s){ for(String v : predefinedTypes){ if(v.equals(s)){ return new TurnType(v); } } if(s!= null && s.startsWith("EXIT")){ //$NON-NLS-1$ return getExitTurn(Integer.parseInt(s.substring(4)), 0); } return null; } private final String value; private int exitOut; // calculated CW head rotation if previous direction to NORTH private float turnAngle; public static TurnType getExitTurn(int out, float angle){ TurnType r = new TurnType("EXIT", out); //$NON-NLS-1$ r.setTurnAngle(angle); return r; } private TurnType(String value, int exitOut){ this.value = value; this.exitOut = exitOut; } // calculated CW head rotation if previous direction to NORTH public float getTurnAngle() { return turnAngle; } public void setTurnAngle(float turnAngle) { this.turnAngle = turnAngle; } private TurnType(String value){ this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } public int getExitOut() { return exitOut; } public boolean isRoundAbout(){ return value.equals("EXIT"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } public static class RouteDirectionInfo { public String descriptionRoute = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ // expected time after route point public int expectedTime; public TurnType turnType; // location when you should action (turn or go ahead) public int routePointOffset; // calculated vars // after action (excluding expectedTime) public int afterLeftTime; // distance after action (for i.e. after turn to next turn) public int distance; } }