package com.jonathan.survivor.entity; import java.util.HashMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pool.Poolable; import com.esotericsoftware.spine.Skeleton; import com.jonathan.survivor.Assets; import com.jonathan.survivor.inventory.Wood; public class Tree extends InteractiveObject { /** Stores the width and height of a tree's rectangle collider in world units. */ public static final float COLLIDER_WIDTH = 2.313f, COLLIDER_HEIGHT = 4.063f; /** Stores the default health of the tree. */ public static final float DEFAULT_HEALTH = 150; /** Stores the tree's health. Once it drops below zero, it is destroyed. */ private float health = DEFAULT_HEALTH; /** Creates a tree whose bottom-center is at position (0, 0). */ public Tree() { this(0,0); } /** Creates a tree whose bottom-center is at position (x, y). */ public Tree(float x, float y) { super(x, y, COLLIDER_WIDTH, COLLIDER_HEIGHT); setupItemProbabilityMap(); //Creates the skeleton used by the tree to render itself. The TreeSkeletonData is used to load the bone information for the skeleton. setSkeleton(new Skeleton(Assets.instance.treeSkeletonData)); //Tells the tree it has just spawned. Tells the renderer what animations for the tree to play. setInteractiveState(InteractiveState.SPAWN); } /** Updates the tree every frame. */ public void update(float deltaTime) { //Increments the stateTime of the tree to keep track of what point of the tree's animation should be playing. stateTime += deltaTime; //Updates the position of the collider to follow the tree's position. updateCollider(); } /** Called whenever this tree GameObject has been pushed back into a pool. In this case, we reset the tree's state and health back to default. */ @Override public void reset() { //Resets the Tree to SPAWN state. super.reset(); //Reset the tree to default health. setHealth(DEFAULT_HEALTH); } /** Called on tree creation in order to populate the HashMap which dictates the probability of certain items dropping when the tree is destroyed. */ private void setupItemProbabilityMap() { //Creates the item probability map where the key dictates which item can drop once the tree is destroyed, and the float is a number from 0 to 1 //dicatating the probability of that item being dropped. Note that 1 means that the item will be dropped every time a tree is destroyed. HashMap<Class, Float> probabilityMap = new HashMap<Class, Float>(); //Adds the items which will be dropped from the tree once it is destroyed. probabilityMap.put(Wood.class, 1f); //Sets the itemProbabilityMap of the tree to the probability map created in this method. Tells the tree which items will be dropped once it destroyed. setItemProbabilityMap(probabilityMap); } /** Deals damage to the tree by removing the given amount from its health. */ public void takeDamage(float damage) { //Subtract the tree's health by the damage dealt. health -= damage; //If the tree has been destroyed if(health <= 0) { //Tell the tree it has been scavenged. scavenged(); } } /** Called when the tree's health has been depleted to zero and has been scavenged. */ public void scavenged() { //Set the tree to scavenged state. setInteractiveState(InteractiveState.SCAVENGED); } /** Gets the tree's health. */ public float getHealth() { return health; } /** Sets the tree's health. */ public void setHealth(float health) { = health; } }