/*********************************************************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 by the Stratosphere project (http://stratosphere.eu) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. **********************************************************************************************************************/ package eu.stratosphere.yarn; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.protocolrecords.GetNewApplicationResponse; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationReport; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationSubmissionContext; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerLaunchContext; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeReport; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.YarnApplicationState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.YarnClusterMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.YarnClient; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.YarnClientApplication; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.Records; import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout; import eu.stratosphere.client.CliFrontend; import eu.stratosphere.configuration.ConfigConstants; import eu.stratosphere.configuration.GlobalConfiguration; /** * All classes in this package contain code taken from * https://github.com/apache/hadoop-common/blob/trunk/hadoop-yarn-project/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-applications/hadoop-yarn-applications-distributedshell/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/yarn/applications/distributedshell/Client.java?source=cc * and * https://github.com/hortonworks/simple-yarn-app * and * https://github.com/yahoo/storm-yarn/blob/master/src/main/java/com/yahoo/storm/yarn/StormOnYarn.java * * The Stratosphere jar is uploaded to HDFS by this client. * The application master and all the TaskManager containers get the jar file downloaded * by YARN into their local fs. * */ public class Client { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Client.class); /** * Command Line argument options */ private static final Option QUERY = new Option("q","query",false, "Display available YARN resources (memory, cores)"); // --- or --- private static final Option VERBOSE = new Option("v","verbose",false, "Verbose debug mode"); private static final Option GEN_CONF = new Option("g","generateConf",false, "Place default configuration file in current directory"); private static final Option QUEUE = new Option("qu","queue",true, "Specify YARN queue."); private static final Option SHIP_PATH = new Option("s","ship",true, "Ship files in the specified directory"); private static final Option STRATOSPHERE_CONF_DIR = new Option("c","confDir",true, "Path to Stratosphere configuration directory"); private static final Option STRATOSPHERE_JAR = new Option("j","jar",true, "Path to Stratosphere jar file"); private static final Option JM_MEMORY = new Option("jm","jobManagerMemory",true, "Memory for JobManager Container [in MB]"); private static final Option TM_MEMORY = new Option("tm","taskManagerMemory",true, "Memory per TaskManager Container [in MB]"); private static final Option TM_CORES = new Option("tmc","taskManagerCores",true, "Virtual CPU cores per TaskManager"); private static final Option CONTAINER = new Option("n","container",true, "Number of Yarn container to allocate (=Number of" + " TaskTrackers)"); /** * Constants */ // environment variable names public final static String ENV_TM_MEMORY = "_CLIENT_TM_MEMORY"; public final static String ENV_TM_CORES = "_CLIENT_TM_CORES"; public final static String ENV_TM_COUNT = "_CLIENT_TM_COUNT"; public final static String ENV_APP_ID = "_APP_ID"; public final static String STRATOSPHERE_JAR_PATH = "_STRATOSPHERE_JAR_PATH"; // the stratosphere jar resource location (in HDFS). public static final String ENV_CLIENT_HOME_DIR = "_CLIENT_HOME_DIR"; public static final String ENV_CLIENT_SHIP_FILES = "_CLIENT_SHIP_FILES"; public static final String ENV_CLIENT_USERNAME = "_CLIENT_USERNAME"; private static final String CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "stratosphere-conf.yaml"; private Configuration conf; public void run(String[] args) throws Exception { if(UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) { throw new RuntimeException("Stratosphere YARN client does not have security support right now." + "File a bug, we will fix it asap"); } //Utils.logFilesInCurrentDirectory(LOG); // // Command Line Options // Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(VERBOSE); options.addOption(STRATOSPHERE_CONF_DIR); options.addOption(STRATOSPHERE_JAR); options.addOption(JM_MEMORY); options.addOption(TM_MEMORY); options.addOption(TM_CORES); options.addOption(CONTAINER); options.addOption(GEN_CONF); options.addOption(QUEUE); options.addOption(QUERY); options.addOption(SHIP_PATH); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse( options, args); } catch(MissingOptionException moe) { System.out.println(moe.getMessage()); printUsage(); System.exit(1); } if (System.getProperty("log4j.configuration") == null) { Logger root = Logger.getRootLogger(); root.removeAllAppenders(); PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout("%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %-60c %x - %m%n"); ConsoleAppender appender = new ConsoleAppender(layout, "System.err"); root.addAppender(appender); if(cmd.hasOption(VERBOSE.getOpt())) { root.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); LOG.debug("CLASSPATH: "+System.getProperty("java.class.path")); } else { root.setLevel(Level.INFO); } } // Jar Path Path localJarPath; if(cmd.hasOption(STRATOSPHERE_JAR.getOpt())) { String userPath = cmd.getOptionValue(STRATOSPHERE_JAR.getOpt()); if(!userPath.startsWith("file://")) { userPath = "file://" + userPath; } localJarPath = new Path(userPath); } else { localJarPath = new Path("file://"+Client.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath()); } if(cmd.hasOption(GEN_CONF.getOpt())) { LOG.info("Placing default configuration in current directory"); File outFile = generateDefaultConf(localJarPath); LOG.info("File written to "+outFile.getAbsolutePath()); System.exit(0); } // Conf Path Path confPath = null; String confDirPath = ""; if(cmd.hasOption(STRATOSPHERE_CONF_DIR.getOpt())) { confDirPath = cmd.getOptionValue(STRATOSPHERE_CONF_DIR.getOpt())+"/"; File confFile = new File(confDirPath+CONFIG_FILE_NAME); if(!confFile.exists()) { LOG.fatal("Unable to locate configuration file in "+confFile); System.exit(1); } confPath = new Path(confFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { System.out.println("No configuration file has been specified"); // no configuration path given. // -> see if there is one in the current directory File currDir = new File("."); File[] candidates = currDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final File dir, final String name) { return name != null && name.endsWith(".yaml"); } }); if(candidates == null || candidates.length == 0) { System.out.println("No configuration file has been found in current directory.\n" + "Copying default."); File outFile = generateDefaultConf(localJarPath); confPath = new Path(outFile.toURI()); } else { if(candidates.length > 1) { System.out.println("Multiple .yaml configuration files were found in the current directory\n" + "Please specify one explicitly"); System.exit(1); } else if(candidates.length == 1) { confPath = new Path(candidates[0].toURI()); } } } List<File> shipFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); // path to directory to ship if(cmd.hasOption(SHIP_PATH.getOpt())) { String shipPath = cmd.getOptionValue(SHIP_PATH.getOpt()); File shipDir = new File(shipPath); if(shipDir.isDirectory()) { shipFiles = new ArrayList<File>(Arrays.asList(shipDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return !(name.equals(".") || name.equals("..") ); } }))); } else { LOG.warn("Ship directory is not a directory!"); } } boolean hasLog4j = false; //check if there is a log4j file if(confDirPath.length() > 0) { File l4j = new File(confDirPath+"/log4j.properties"); if(l4j.exists()) { shipFiles.add(l4j); hasLog4j = true; } } // queue String queue = "default"; if(cmd.hasOption(QUEUE.getOpt())) { queue = cmd.getOptionValue(QUEUE.getOpt()); } // JobManager Memory int jmMemory = 512; if(cmd.hasOption(JM_MEMORY.getOpt())) { jmMemory = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue(JM_MEMORY.getOpt())); } // Task Managers memory int tmMemory = 1024; if(cmd.hasOption(TM_MEMORY.getOpt())) { tmMemory = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue(TM_MEMORY.getOpt())); } // Task Managers vcores int tmCores = 1; if(cmd.hasOption(TM_CORES.getOpt())) { tmCores = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue(TM_CORES.getOpt())); } Utils.getStratosphereConfiguration(confPath.toUri().getPath()); int jmPort = GlobalConfiguration.getInteger(ConfigConstants.JOB_MANAGER_IPC_PORT_KEY, 0); if(jmPort == 0) { LOG.warn("Unable to find job manager port in configuration!"); jmPort = ConfigConstants.DEFAULT_JOB_MANAGER_IPC_PORT; } conf = Utils.initializeYarnConfiguration(); // intialize HDFS LOG.info("Copy App Master jar from local filesystem and add to local environment"); // Copy the application master jar to the filesystem // Create a local resource to point to the destination jar path final FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); if(fs.getScheme().startsWith("file")) { LOG.warn("The file system scheme is '" + fs.getScheme() + "'. This indicates that the " + "specified Hadoop configuration path is wrong and the sytem is using the default Hadoop configuration values." + "The Stratosphere YARN client needs to store its files in a distributed file system"); } // Create yarnClient final YarnClient yarnClient = YarnClient.createYarnClient(); yarnClient.init(conf); yarnClient.start(); // Query cluster for metrics if(cmd.hasOption(QUERY.getOpt())) { showClusterMetrics(yarnClient); } if(!cmd.hasOption(CONTAINER.getOpt())) { LOG.fatal("Missing required argument "+CONTAINER.getOpt()); printUsage(); yarnClient.stop(); System.exit(1); } // TM Count final int taskManagerCount = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue(CONTAINER.getOpt())); System.out.println("Using values:"); System.out.println("\tContainer Count = "+taskManagerCount); System.out.println("\tJar Path = "+localJarPath.toUri().getPath()); System.out.println("\tConfiguration file = "+confPath.toUri().getPath()); System.out.println("\tJobManager memory = "+jmMemory); System.out.println("\tTaskManager memory = "+tmMemory); System.out.println("\tTaskManager cores = "+tmCores); // Create application via yarnClient YarnClientApplication app = yarnClient.createApplication(); GetNewApplicationResponse appResponse = app.getNewApplicationResponse(); Resource maxRes = appResponse.getMaximumResourceCapability(); if(tmMemory > maxRes.getMemory() || tmCores > maxRes.getVirtualCores()) { LOG.fatal("The cluster does not have the requested resources for the TaskManagers available!\n" + "Maximum Memory: "+maxRes.getMemory() +", Maximum Cores: "+tmCores); yarnClient.stop(); System.exit(1); } if(jmMemory > maxRes.getMemory() ) { LOG.fatal("The cluster does not have the requested resources for the JobManager available!\n" + "Maximum Memory: "+maxRes.getMemory()); yarnClient.stop(); System.exit(1); } // respect custom JVM options in the YAML file final String javaOpts = GlobalConfiguration.getString(ConfigConstants.STRATOSPHERE_JVM_OPTIONS, ""); // Set up the container launch context for the application master ContainerLaunchContext amContainer = Records .newRecord(ContainerLaunchContext.class); String amCommand = "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" + " -Xmx"+jmMemory+"M " +javaOpts; if(hasLog4j) { amCommand += " -Dlog.file=\""+ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR +"/jobmanager-log4j.log\" -Dlog4j.configuration=file:log4j.properties"; } amCommand += " eu.stratosphere.yarn.ApplicationMaster" + " " + " 1>" + ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR + "/jobmanager-stdout.log" + " 2>" + ApplicationConstants.LOG_DIR_EXPANSION_VAR + "/jobmanager-stderr.log"; amContainer.setCommands(Collections.singletonList(amCommand)); System.err.println("amCommand="+amCommand); // Set-up ApplicationSubmissionContext for the application ApplicationSubmissionContext appContext = app.getApplicationSubmissionContext(); final ApplicationId appId = appContext.getApplicationId(); // Setup jar for ApplicationMaster LocalResource appMasterJar = Records.newRecord(LocalResource.class); LocalResource stratosphereConf = Records.newRecord(LocalResource.class); Path remotePathJar = Utils.setupLocalResource(conf, fs, appId.toString(), localJarPath, appMasterJar, fs.getHomeDirectory()); Path remotePathConf = Utils.setupLocalResource(conf, fs, appId.toString(), confPath, stratosphereConf, fs.getHomeDirectory()); Map<String, LocalResource> localResources = new HashMap<String, LocalResource>(2); localResources.put("stratosphere.jar", appMasterJar); localResources.put("stratosphere-conf.yaml", stratosphereConf); // setup security tokens (code from apache storm) final Path[] paths = new Path[3 + shipFiles.size()]; StringBuffer envShipFileList = new StringBuffer(); // upload ship files for (int i = 0; i < shipFiles.size(); i++) { File shipFile = shipFiles.get(i); LocalResource shipResources = Records.newRecord(LocalResource.class); Path shipLocalPath = new Path("file://" + shipFile.getAbsolutePath()); paths[3 + i] = Utils.setupLocalResource(conf, fs, appId.toString(), shipLocalPath, shipResources, fs.getHomeDirectory()); localResources.put(shipFile.getName(), shipResources); envShipFileList.append(paths[3 + i]); if(i+1 < shipFiles.size()) { envShipFileList.append(','); } } paths[0] = remotePathJar; paths[1] = remotePathConf; paths[2] = new Path(fs.getHomeDirectory(), ".stratosphere/" + appId.toString() + "/"); FsPermission permission = new FsPermission(FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL, FsAction.ALL); fs.setPermission(paths[2], permission); // set permission for path. Utils.setTokensFor(amContainer, paths, this.conf); amContainer.setLocalResources(localResources); fs.close(); // Setup CLASSPATH for ApplicationMaster Map<String, String> appMasterEnv = new HashMap<String, String>(); Utils.setupEnv(conf, appMasterEnv); // set configuration values appMasterEnv.put(Client.ENV_TM_COUNT, String.valueOf(taskManagerCount)); appMasterEnv.put(Client.ENV_TM_CORES, String.valueOf(tmCores)); appMasterEnv.put(Client.ENV_TM_MEMORY, String.valueOf(tmMemory)); appMasterEnv.put(Client.STRATOSPHERE_JAR_PATH, remotePathJar.toString() ); appMasterEnv.put(Client.ENV_APP_ID, appId.toString()); appMasterEnv.put(Client.ENV_CLIENT_HOME_DIR, fs.getHomeDirectory().toString()); appMasterEnv.put(Client.ENV_CLIENT_SHIP_FILES, envShipFileList.toString() ); appMasterEnv.put(Client.ENV_CLIENT_USERNAME, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getShortUserName()); amContainer.setEnvironment(appMasterEnv); // Set up resource type requirements for ApplicationMaster Resource capability = Records.newRecord(Resource.class); capability.setMemory(jmMemory); capability.setVirtualCores(1); appContext.setApplicationName("Stratosphere"); // application name appContext.setAMContainerSpec(amContainer); appContext.setResource(capability); appContext.setQueue(queue); // file that we write into the conf/ dir containing the jobManager address. final File addrFile = new File(confDirPath + CliFrontend.JOBMANAGER_ADDRESS_FILE); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { LOG.info("Killing the Stratosphere-YARN application."); yarnClient.killApplication(appId); LOG.info("Deleting files in "+paths[2]); FileSystem shutFS = FileSystem.get(conf); shutFS.delete(paths[2], true); // delete conf and jar file. shutFS.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Exception while killing the YARN application", e); } try { addrFile.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Exception while deleting the jobmanager address file", e); } LOG.info("YARN Client is shutting down"); yarnClient.stop(); } }); LOG.info("Submitting application master " + appId); yarnClient.submitApplication(appContext); ApplicationReport appReport = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(appId); YarnApplicationState appState = appReport.getYarnApplicationState(); boolean told = false; char[] el = { '/', '|', '\\', '-'}; int i = 0; while (appState != YarnApplicationState.FINISHED && appState != YarnApplicationState.KILLED && appState != YarnApplicationState.FAILED) { if(!told && appState == YarnApplicationState.RUNNING) { System.err.println("Stratosphere JobManager is now running on "+appReport.getHost()+":"+jmPort); System.err.println("JobManager Web Interface: "+appReport.getTrackingUrl()); // write jobmanager connect information PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(addrFile); out.println(appReport.getHost()+":"+jmPort); out.close(); addrFile.setReadable(true, false); // readable for all. told = true; } if(!told) { System.err.print(el[i++]+"\r"); if(i == el.length) { i = 0; } Thread.sleep(500); // wait for the application to switch to RUNNING } else { Thread.sleep(5000); } appReport = yarnClient.getApplicationReport(appId); appState = appReport.getYarnApplicationState(); } LOG.info("Application " + appId + " finished with" + " state " + appState + " at " + appReport.getFinishTime()); if(appState == YarnApplicationState.FAILED || appState == YarnApplicationState.KILLED ) { LOG.warn("Application failed. Diagnostics "+appReport.getDiagnostics()); } } private void printUsage() { System.out.println("Usage:"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.setWidth(200); formatter.setLeftPadding(5); formatter.setSyntaxPrefix(" Required"); Options req = new Options(); req.addOption(CONTAINER); formatter.printHelp(" ", req); formatter.setSyntaxPrefix(" Optional"); Options opt = new Options(); opt.addOption(VERBOSE); // opt.addOption(GEN_CONF); // opt.addOption(STRATOSPHERE_CONF); // opt.addOption(STRATOSPHERE_JAR); opt.addOption(JM_MEMORY); opt.addOption(TM_MEMORY); opt.addOption(TM_CORES); opt.addOption(QUERY); opt.addOption(QUEUE); formatter.printHelp(" ", opt); } private void showClusterMetrics(YarnClient yarnClient) throws YarnException, IOException { YarnClusterMetrics metrics = yarnClient.getYarnClusterMetrics(); System.out.println("NodeManagers in Cluster " + metrics.getNumNodeManagers()); List<NodeReport> nodes = yarnClient.getNodeReports(); final String format = "|%-16s |%-16s %n"; System.out.printf("|Property |Value %n"); System.out.println("+---------------------------------------+"); int totalMemory = 0; int totalCores = 0; for(NodeReport rep : nodes) { final Resource res = rep.getCapability(); totalMemory += res.getMemory(); totalCores += res.getVirtualCores(); System.out.format(format, "NodeID", rep.getNodeId()); System.out.format(format, "Memory", res.getMemory()+" MB"); System.out.format(format, "vCores", res.getVirtualCores()); System.out.format(format, "HealthReport", rep.getHealthReport()); System.out.format(format, "Containers", rep.getNumContainers()); System.out.println("+---------------------------------------+"); } System.out.println("Summary: totalMemory "+totalMemory+" totalCores "+totalCores); List<QueueInfo> qInfo = yarnClient.getAllQueues(); for(QueueInfo q : qInfo) { System.out.println("Queue: "+q.getQueueName()+", Current Capacity: "+q.getCurrentCapacity()+" Max Capacity: "+q.getMaximumCapacity()+" Applications: "+q.getApplications().size()); } yarnClient.stop(); System.exit(0); } private File generateDefaultConf(Path localJarPath) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { JarFile jar = null; try { jar = new JarFile(localJarPath.toUri().getPath()); } catch(FileNotFoundException fne) { LOG.fatal("Unable to access jar file. Specify jar file or configuration file.", fne); System.exit(1); } InputStream confStream = jar.getInputStream(jar.getEntry("stratosphere-conf.yaml")); if(confStream == null) { LOG.warn("Given jar file does not contain yaml conf."); confStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("stratosphere-conf.yaml"); if(confStream == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find stratosphere-conf in jar file"); } } File outFile = new File("stratosphere-conf.yaml"); if(outFile.exists()) { throw new RuntimeException("File unexpectedly exists"); } FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile); int read = 0; byte[] bytes = new byte[1024]; while ((read = confStream.read(bytes)) != -1) { outputStream.write(bytes, 0, read); } confStream.close(); outputStream.close(); jar.close(); return outFile; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Client c = new Client(); c.run(args); } }