package org.sigmah.shared.dto.element; /* * #%L * Sigmah * %% * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 URD * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.sigmah.client.i18n.I18N; import org.sigmah.client.ui.res.icon.project.category.CategoryIconProvider; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.FlexibleGrid; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.HistoryTokenText; import org.sigmah.shared.command.result.ValueResult; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.category.CategoryTypeDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.event.RequiredValueEvent; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.event.ValueEvent; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.history.HistoryTokenListDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.quality.QualityCriterionDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.util.ValueResultUtils; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style.SelectionMode; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Events; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.SelectionChangedEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.SelectionChangedListener; import; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Component; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.ContentPanel; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.ComboBox; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.ComboBox.TriggerAction; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.CheckBoxSelectionModel; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.ColumnConfig; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.ColumnData; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.Grid; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.GridCellRenderer; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.ValueEventChangeType; /** * QuestionElementDTO. * * @author Denis Colliot ( (v2.0) * @author Renato Almeida ( */ public class QuestionElementDTO extends FlexibleElementDTO { /** * Serial version UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8520711106031085130L; /** * DTO corresponding entity name. */ public static final String ENTITY_NAME = "element.QuestionElement"; // DTO attributes keys. public static final String CHOICES = "choices"; public static final String MULTIPLE = "multiple"; public static final String CATEGORY_TYPE = "categoryType"; public static final String QUALITY_CRITERION = "qualityCriterion"; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getEntityName() { return ENTITY_NAME; } // Question choices list public List<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> getChoices() { return get(CHOICES); } public void setChoices(List<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> choices) { set(CHOICES, choices); } // Question multiple mode public Boolean getMultiple() { return get(MULTIPLE); } public void setMultiple(Boolean multiple) { set(MULTIPLE, multiple); } // Question category type public CategoryTypeDTO getCategoryType() { return get(CATEGORY_TYPE); } public void setCategoryType(CategoryTypeDTO categoryType) { set(CATEGORY_TYPE, categoryType); } // Question quality criterion public QualityCriterionDTO getQualityCriterion() { return get(QUALITY_CRITERION); } public void setQualityCriterion(QualityCriterionDTO qualityCriterion) { set(QUALITY_CRITERION, qualityCriterion); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected Component getComponent(ValueResult valueResult, boolean enabled) { final boolean canEdit = enabled && userCanPerformChangeType(ValueEventChangeType.EDIT); // Question's component. final Component component; // Creates choices store. final ListStore<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> store = new ListStore<QuestionChoiceElementDTO>(); store.add(getChoices()); // Creates the listener of selection changes. final ComboBoxSelectionListener listener = new ComboBoxSelectionListener(); // Selection. List<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> selectedChoices = Collections.emptyList(); // Single selection case. if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(getMultiple())) { final ComboBox<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> comboBox = new ComboBox<QuestionChoiceElementDTO>(); comboBox.setEmptyText(I18N.CONSTANTS.flexibleElementQuestionEmptyChoice()); comboBox.setStore(store); comboBox.setFieldLabel(getLabel()); comboBox.setDisplayField(LABEL); comboBox.setValueField(ID); comboBox.setLabelSeparator(""); comboBox.setTriggerAction(TriggerAction.ALL); comboBox.setEditable(false); comboBox.setAllowBlank(true); if (getCategoryType() != null) { for (final QuestionChoiceElementDTO choiceDTO : store.getModels()) { if (choiceDTO.getCategoryElement() != null) { choiceDTO.getCategoryElement().setIconHtml(CategoryIconProvider.getIconHtml(choiceDTO.getCategoryElement(), false)); } } comboBox.setTemplate(CategoryIconProvider.getComboboxIconTemplate()); } if (valueResult != null && valueResult.isValueDefined()) { final String idChoice = valueResult.getValueObject(); for (QuestionChoiceElementDTO choiceDTO : getChoices()) { if (idChoice.equals(String.valueOf(choiceDTO.getId()))) { comboBox.setValue(choiceDTO); selectedChoices = Collections.singletonList(choiceDTO); break; } } } // Listens to the selection changes. comboBox.addSelectionChangedListener(listener); comboBox.setEnabled(enabled); component = comboBox; } // Multiple selection case. else { // Selection model. final CheckBoxSelectionModel<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> selectionModel = new CheckBoxSelectionModel<QuestionChoiceElementDTO>(); selectionModel.setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.MULTI); selectionModel.addListener(Events.SelectionChange, listener); // Defines grid column model. final ColumnConfig labelColumn = new ColumnConfig(); labelColumn.setId(LABEL); labelColumn.setHeaderText(I18N.CONSTANTS.flexibleElementQuestionMutiple()); labelColumn.setWidth(500); if (getCategoryType() != null) { labelColumn.setRenderer(new GridCellRenderer<QuestionChoiceElementDTO>() { @Override public Object render(QuestionChoiceElementDTO model, String property, ColumnData config, int rowIndex, int colIndex, ListStore<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> store, Grid<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> grid) { final panel = new, 2); panel.setCellPadding(0); panel.setCellSpacing(0); panel.setWidget(0, 0, CategoryIconProvider.getIcon(model.getCategoryElement())); panel.setText(0, 1, (String) model.get(property)); final Element element = panel.getCellFormatter().getElement(0, 1); element.getStyle().setPaddingTop(1, Unit.PX); element.getStyle().setPaddingLeft(5, Unit.PX); return panel; } }); } // Visible columns. final ColumnConfig[] columnConfigs = canEdit ? new ColumnConfig[] {selectionModel.getColumn(), labelColumn} : new ColumnConfig[] {labelColumn}; // Grid used as a list box. final FlexibleGrid<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> multipleQuestion = new FlexibleGrid<QuestionChoiceElementDTO>(store, selectionModel, columnConfigs); multipleQuestion.setAutoExpandColumn(LABEL); multipleQuestion.setVisibleElementsCount(5); final ContentPanel contentPanel = new ContentPanel(); contentPanel.setHeaderVisible(true); contentPanel.setBorders(true); contentPanel.setHeadingText(getLabel()); contentPanel.setTopComponent(null); contentPanel.add(multipleQuestion); // Selects the already selected choices. if (valueResult != null && valueResult.isValueDefined()) { final HashSet<Integer> selectedChoicesId = new HashSet<Integer>(ValueResultUtils.splitValuesAsInteger(valueResult.getValueObject())); selectedChoices = new ArrayList<QuestionChoiceElementDTO>(); for (final QuestionChoiceElementDTO choiceDTO : getChoices()) { if (selectedChoicesId.contains(choiceDTO.getId())) { selectedChoices.add(choiceDTO); } }, false); } component = contentPanel; } // If the component is a category and/or a quality criterion. if (getCategoryType() != null) { if (getQualityCriterion() != null) { component.setToolTip(I18N.MESSAGES.flexibleElementQuestionCategory(getCategoryType().getLabel()) + "<br/>" + I18N.MESSAGES.flexibleElementQuestionQuality(getQualityCriterion().getInfo())); } else { component.setToolTip(I18N.MESSAGES.flexibleElementQuestionCategory(getCategoryType().getLabel())); } } else if (getQualityCriterion() != null) { component.setToolTip(I18N.MESSAGES.flexibleElementQuestionQuality(getQualityCriterion().getInfo())); } // Remove disabled options (not selected) for (QuestionChoiceElementDTO choice : getChoices()) { if (choice.isDisabled() && !selectedChoices.contains(choice)) { store.remove(choice); } } return component; } @Override public boolean isCorrectRequiredValue(ValueResult result) { if (result == null || !result.isValueDefined()) { return false; } // Single selection case. if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(getMultiple())) { try { final String value = result.getValueObject(); return value != null && !"".equals(value); } catch (ClassCastException e) { return false; } } // Multiple selection case. else { final List<Integer> selectedChoicesId = ValueResultUtils.splitValuesAsInteger(result.getValueObject()); return selectedChoicesId != null && selectedChoicesId.size() > 0; } } /** * Basic selection changes listener implementation to fire value changes events of the current flexible element. * * @author tmi */ private class ComboBoxSelectionListener extends SelectionChangedListener<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> { @Override public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> se) { String value = null; final boolean isValueOn; // Single selection case. if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(getMultiple())) { // Gets the selected choice. final QuestionChoiceElementDTO choice = se.getSelectedItem(); // Checks if the choice isn't the default empty choice. isValueOn = choice != null && choice.getId() != null && choice.getId() != -1; if (choice != null) { value = String.valueOf(choice.getId()); } } // Multiple selection case. else { // Gets the selected choices. final List<QuestionChoiceElementDTO> choices = se.getSelection(); isValueOn = choices != null && choices.size() != 0; if (choices != null) { value = ValueResultUtils.mergeValues(choices); } } if (value != null) { // Fires value change event. handlerManager.fireEvent(new ValueEvent(QuestionElementDTO.this, value)); } // Required element ? if (getValidates()) { handlerManager.fireEvent(new RequiredValueEvent(isValueOn)); } } } private String toLabel(String value) { QuestionChoiceElementDTO singleChoice; try { singleChoice = pickChoice(Integer.valueOf(value)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { GWT.log("Value is not an id: '" + value + "'.", e); // Searching for the element. singleChoice = pickChoice(value); } if (singleChoice != null) { return singleChoice.getLabel(); } else { return ""; } } private List<String> toLabels(String values) { final ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>(); try { final List<Integer> selectedChoicesId = ValueResultUtils.splitValuesAsInteger(values); for (final Integer id : selectedChoicesId) { final QuestionChoiceElementDTO choice = pickChoice(id.intValue()); if (choice != null) { labels.add(choice.getLabel()); } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { GWT.log("Values is not an array of ids:'" + values + "'.", e); final String valuesAsString = (String) values; final String[] labelArray = valuesAsString.trim().split("-"); for (final String label : labelArray) { final String trimmedLabel = label.trim(); if (!trimmedLabel.isEmpty()) { labels.add(trimmedLabel); } } } return labels; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object renderHistoryToken(HistoryTokenListDTO token) { // Single selection case. if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(getMultiple())) { return new HistoryTokenText(toLabel(token.getTokens().get(0).getValue())); } // Multiple selection case. else { return new HistoryTokenText(toLabels(token.getTokens().get(0).getValue())); } } @Override public String toHTML(String value) { if(value == null || value.length() == 0) { return ""; } final StringBuilder htmlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Single selection case. if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(getMultiple())) { htmlBuilder.append(toLabel(value)); } // Multiple selection case. else { for(final String entry : toLabels(value)) { htmlBuilder.append(" -").append(entry).append("<br>"); } } return htmlBuilder.toString(); } /** * Select a choice among the list of the choices. * * @param id * The wanted choice's id. * @return The choice if it exists, <code>null</code> otherwise. */ private QuestionChoiceElementDTO pickChoice(int id) { if (getChoices() != null) { for (final QuestionChoiceElementDTO choice : getChoices()) { if (choice.getId().equals(id)) { return choice; } } } return null; } /** * Select a choice among the list of the choices. * * @param label * The wanted choice's label. * @return The choice if it exists, <code>null</code> otherwise. */ private QuestionChoiceElementDTO pickChoice(final String label) { if (getChoices() != null) { for (final QuestionChoiceElementDTO choice : getChoices()) { if (choice.getLabel().equals(label)) { return choice; } } } return null; } }