package org.sigmah.server.dao; /* * #%L * Sigmah * %% * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 URD * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.sigmah.server.dao.util.SQLDialect; import org.sigmah.server.dao.util.SiteOrder; import org.sigmah.server.dao.util.SiteProjectionBinder; import org.sigmah.server.dao.util.SiteTableColumn; import org.sigmah.server.dao.util.SqlQueryBuilder; import org.sigmah.server.domain.AdminEntity; import org.sigmah.server.domain.AdminLevel; import org.sigmah.server.domain.Bounds; import org.sigmah.server.domain.User; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.AdminLevelDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.IndicatorDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.DimensionType; import; import org.sigmah.shared.util.Filter; /** * SQL implementation of {@link SiteTableDAO}. * Was made for the Google Gear version of the offline mode. * * @author Alexander Bertram ( * @author Denis Colliot ( */ public class SqlSiteTableDAO implements SiteTableDAO { // TODO [SqlSiteTableDAO] Replace native SQL with constants (see EntityConstants). private final Connection connection; private final SQLDialect dialect; public SqlSiteTableDAO(Connection connection, SQLDialect dialect) { this.connection = connection; this.dialect = dialect; } /** * @param <RowT> * The type of the data structure used to store the results of the query. * @param filter * Filter to apply to the "base" query. * @param orderings * orderings to apply to the "base" query. * @param binder * Instanceof {@link SiteProjectionBinder} responsible for binding the results of the query to the * <code>RowT</code> data structure. * @param retrieve * Bitmask of additional entities to flatten and retrieve: RETRIEVE_ALL, RETRIEVE_NONE, RETRIEVE_ADMIN, * RETRIEVE_INDICATORS, RETRIEVE_ATTRIBS. * @param offset * For paged queries, the first row to retrieve (0-based). * @param limit * For paged queries, the maximum number of rows to retrieve. * @return the query results list. */ @Override public <RowT> List<RowT> query(User user, Filter filter, List<SiteOrder> orderings, final SiteProjectionBinder<RowT> binder, final int retrieve, int offset, int limit) { try { Integer databaseId = null; for (Integer restriction : filter.getRestrictions(DimensionType.Database)) { databaseId = restriction; break; } BaseQueryBuilder builder = new BaseQueryBuilder(databaseId).appendFieldList(SiteTableColumn.values()); if (orderings != null) { builder.appendOrderings(orderings); } if (filter != null) { builder.filteredBy(filter); } if (offset > 0 || limit > 0) { builder.setLimitClause(dialect.limitClause(offset, limit)); } final Map<Integer, RowT> siteMap = new HashMap<Integer, RowT>(); final List<RowT> sites = new ArrayList<RowT>(); ResultSet rs = builder.executeQuery(connection); while ( { RowT site = binder.newInstance(builder.aliases(), rs); sites.add(site); if (retrieve != 0) { siteMap.put(rs.getInt(, site); } } if (!sites.isEmpty()) { if ((retrieve & RETRIEVE_ADMIN) != 0) { joinAdminEntities(siteMap, binder); } if ((retrieve & RETRIEVE_ATTRIBS) != 0) { this.joinAttributeValues(siteMap, binder); } if ((retrieve & RETRIEVE_INDICATORS) != 0) { joinIndicatorValues(siteMap, binder); } } return sites; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public int queryCount(User user, Filter filter) { try { BaseQueryBuilder builder = new BaseQueryBuilder(user.getId()); builder.appendField("count(*)"); if (filter != null) { builder.filteredBy(filter); } ResultSet rs = builder.executeQuery(connection); if ( { return rs.getInt(1); } else { return 0; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public int queryPageNumber(User user, Filter filter, List<SiteOrder> orderings, int pageSize, int siteId) { try { BaseQueryBuilder builder = new BaseQueryBuilder(user.getId()); builder.appendField("site.SiteId"); if (orderings != null) { builder.appendOrderings(orderings); } if (filter != null) { builder.filteredBy(filter); } ResultSet rs = builder.executeQuery(connection); int index = 0; while ( { if (rs.getInt(1) == siteId) { return index / pageSize; // java integer division rounds down to zero } index++; } return -1; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected <SiteT> void joinAdminEntities(Map<Integer, SiteT> siteMap, SiteProjectionBinder<SiteT> binder) throws SQLException { Map<Integer, AdminEntity> adminEntities = queryEntities(siteMap); linkAdminEntitiesToSites(binder, siteMap, adminEntities); } private <SiteT> Map<Integer, AdminEntity> queryEntities(Map<Integer, SiteT> siteMap) throws SQLException { Map<Integer, AdminEntity> map = new HashMap<Integer, AdminEntity>(); ResultSet rs = SqlQueryBuilder .select("e.AdminEntityId, e.Name, e.AdminEntityParentId, e.AdminLevelId, e.X1, e.Y1, e.X2, e.Y2") .from("AdminEntity e") .where("e.AdminEntityId") .in("AdminEntityId").from("LocationAdminLink").where("LocationId") .in("LocationId").from("Site").where("SiteId").in(siteMap.keySet()))).executeQuery(connection); while ( { AdminEntity entity = new AdminEntity(); entity.setId(rs.getInt(1)); entity.setName(rs.getString(2)); AdminEntity parent = new AdminEntity(); parent.setId(rs.getInt(3)); if (!rs.wasNull()) { entity.setParent(parent); } AdminLevel level = new AdminLevel(); level.setId(rs.getInt(4)); entity.setLevel(level); Bounds bounds = new Bounds(); bounds.setX1(rs.getDouble(5)); bounds.setY1(rs.getDouble(6)); bounds.setX2(rs.getDouble(7)); bounds.setY2(rs.getDouble(8)); if (!rs.wasNull()) { entity.setBounds(bounds); } map.put(entity.getId(), entity); } return map; } private <SiteT> void linkAdminEntitiesToSites(SiteProjectionBinder<SiteT> binder, Map<Integer, SiteT> siteMap, Map<Integer, AdminEntity> adminEntities) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = SqlQueryBuilder .select("Site.SiteId, Link.AdminEntityId ") .from( "Site INNER JOIN Location ON (Location.LocationId = Site.LocationId) " + "INNER JOIN LocationAdminLink Link ON (Link.LocationId = Location.LocationId) ").where("Site.SiteId").in(siteMap.keySet()) .executeQuery(connection); while ( { int siteId = rs.getInt(1); int entityId = rs.getInt(2); AdminEntity adminEntity = adminEntities.get(entityId); binder.setAdminEntity(siteMap.get(siteId), adminEntity); } } protected <SiteT> void joinIndicatorValues(Map<Integer, SiteT> siteMap, SiteProjectionBinder<SiteT> binder) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = SqlQueryBuilder .select("P.SiteId, V.IndicatorId, V.Value") .from( "ReportingPeriod P " + "INNER JOIN IndicatorValue V ON (P.ReportingPeriodId = V.ReportingPeriodId) " + "INNER JOIN Indicator I ON (I.IndicatorId = V.IndicatorId)").where("P.SiteId").in(siteMap.keySet()).and("I.dateDeleted IS NULL") .executeQuery(connection); while ( { int siteId = rs.getInt(1); int indicatorId = rs.getInt(2); double indicatorValue = rs.getDouble(3); if (!rs.wasNull()) { binder.addIndicatorValue(siteMap.get(siteId), indicatorId, 0, indicatorValue); } } } protected <SiteT> void joinAttributeValues(Map<Integer, SiteT> siteMap, SiteProjectionBinder<SiteT> transformer) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs ="V.SiteId, V.AttributeId, V.Value").from("AttributeValue V").where("V.SiteId").in(siteMap.keySet()).and("NOT V.Value is NULL") .executeQuery(connection); while ( { int siteId = rs.getInt(1); int attributeId = rs.getInt(2); boolean value = rs.getBoolean(3); transformer.setAttributeValue(siteMap.get(siteId), attributeId, value); } } /** * Constructs the "base query" that is common to all the queryXX methods Here, the base query is a list of records * from the Site table with all the tables that are Many-to-One with the SiteTable. This includes: * <ul> * <li>Site</li> * <li>Location</li> * <li>Partner (now: OrgUnit)</li> * <li>Activity → UserDatabase</li> * </ul> * * @return an SQLQueryBuilder instance */ private class BaseQueryBuilder extends SqlQueryBuilder { private String[] aliases; private BaseQueryBuilder(int databaseId) { from( "Site " + " LEFT JOIN Activity ON (Site.ActivityId = Activity.ActivityId) " + " LEFT JOIN UserDatabase ON (Site.DatabaseId = UserDatabase.DatabaseId) " + " LEFT JOIN Location ON (Site.LocationId = Location.LocationId) " + " LEFT JOIN LocationType ON (Location.LocationTypeId = LocationType.LocationTypeId) " + " LEFT JOIN Partner ON (Site.PartnerId = Partner.PartnerId) ").whereTrue("Site.dateDeleted IS NULL").and("Activity.dateDeleted IS NULL") .and("UserDatabase.dateDeleted IS NULL"); // Permissions if (!GWT.isClient()) { whereClause.append(" AND UserDatabase.DatabaseId=?"); parameters.add(databaseId); } } public BaseQueryBuilder appendFieldList(SiteTableColumn[] columns) { aliases = new String[columns.length]; int aliasIndex = 0; for (SiteTableColumn column : columns) { if (fieldList.length() != 0) { fieldList.append(", "); } fieldList.append(" AS ").append(column.alias()); aliases[aliasIndex] = column.alias(); } return this; } public BaseQueryBuilder appendOrderings(List<SiteOrder> orderings) { for (SiteOrder order : orderings) { String expr; if (order.getColumn().startsWith(AdminLevelDTO.PROPERTY_PREFIX)) { int adminLevelId = AdminLevelDTO.levelIdForPropertyName(order.getColumn()); expr = adminOrdering(adminLevelId); } else if (order.getColumn().startsWith(IndicatorDTO.PROPERTY_PREFIX)) { int indicatorId = IndicatorDTO.indicatorIdForPropertyName(order.getColumn()); expr = indicatorOrdering(indicatorId); } else { expr = order.getColumn(); } if (orderByClause.length() != 0) { orderByClause.append(", "); } orderByClause.append(expr); if (order.isDescending()) { orderByClause.append(" DESC"); } } return this; } private String indicatorOrdering(int indicatorId) { String alias = "Indicator" + indicatorId; leftJoin( select("P.SiteId as SiteId, V.Value Value").from("Site").leftJoin("ReportingPeriod P").on("P.SiteId = Site.SiteId").leftJoin("IndicatorValue V") .on("V.ReportingPeriodId = P.ReportingPeriodId").where("V.IndicatorId").equalTo(indicatorId), alias).on(alias + ".SiteId = Site.SiteId"); return alias + ".Value"; } private String adminOrdering(int adminLevelId) { String derivedTableAlias = "Admin" + adminLevelId; tableList .append( "LEFT JOIN " + "(SELECT Link.LocationId, Entity.Name Name FROM LocationAdminLink Link " + "LEFT JOIN AdminEntity Entity ON (Link.AdminEntityId = Entity.AdminEntityId))" + " AS ").append(derivedTableAlias).append("ON (").append(derivedTableAlias).append(".LocationId = Site.LocationId) "); return derivedTableAlias + ".Name"; } @Override protected void addIndicatorFilter(Filter filter, DimensionType type) { String alias = "IndicatorLJ"; leftJoin( select("P.SiteId as SiteId").from("Site").leftJoin("ReportingPeriod P").on("P.SiteId = Site.SiteId").leftJoin("IndicatorValue V") .on("V.ReportingPeriodId = P.ReportingPeriodId"), alias).on(alias + ".SiteId = Site.SiteId"); } public String[] aliases() { return aliases; } } }