package org.sigmah.client.computation; /* * #%L * Sigmah * %% * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 URD * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Component; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.Field; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.sigmah.client.dispatch.monitor.LoadingMask; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.Loadable; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.form.StringField; import org.sigmah.offline.sync.SuccessCallback; import org.sigmah.shared.computation.Computation; import org.sigmah.shared.computation.dependency.Dependency; import org.sigmah.shared.computation.dependency.SingleDependency; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.ContactDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.ContactModelDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.IsModel; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.OrgUnitModelDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.ProjectDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.ProjectModelDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.ComputationElementDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.FlexibleElementContainer; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.FlexibleElementDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.HistoryWrapper; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.event.ValueEvent; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.event.ValueHandler; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.orgunit.OrgUnitDTO; /** * Manage computation element triggers. * * @author Raphaël Calabro ( * @since 2.1 */ public class ComputationTriggerManager { @Inject private ClientValueResolver valueResolver; private final Map<ComputationElementDTO, Computation> computations = new HashMap<ComputationElementDTO, Computation>(); private final Map<FlexibleElementDTO, List<ComputationElementDTO>> dependencies = new HashMap<FlexibleElementDTO, List<ComputationElementDTO>>(); private final Map<FlexibleElementDTO, Field<String>> components = new HashMap<FlexibleElementDTO, Field<String>>(); private final Map<Integer, ComputationElementDTO> elementsWithHandlers = new HashMap<Integer, ComputationElementDTO>(); private FlexibleElementContainer container; /** * Prepare the trigger manager. * * @param project * Project to display. */ public void prepareForProject(final ProjectDTO project) { this.container = project; clearMaps(); final ProjectModelDTO model = project.getProjectModel(); for (final ProjectDTO.LocalizedElement<ComputationElementDTO> localizedElement : project.getLocalizedElements(ComputationElementDTO.class)) { final ComputationElementDTO computationElement = localizedElement.getElement(); prepareForComputationElement(computationElement, model); } // TODO: Chercher les ComputationField des projets liés et appeler prepareForComputationElement. } /** * Prepare the trigger manager. * * @param orgUnit * OrgUnit to display. */ public void prepareForOrgUnit(final OrgUnitDTO orgUnit) { this.container = orgUnit; clearMaps(); final OrgUnitModelDTO model = orgUnit.getOrgUnitModel(); for (final OrgUnitDTO.LocalizedElement localizedElement : orgUnit.getLocalizedElements(ComputationElementDTO.class)) { final ComputationElementDTO computationElement = (ComputationElementDTO) localizedElement.getElement(); prepareForComputationElement(computationElement, model); } } /** * Prepare the trigger manager. * * @param contactDTO * Contact to display. */ public void prepareForContact(ContactDTO contactDTO) { this.container = contactDTO; clearMaps(); for (final ContactDTO.LocalizedElement localizedElement : contactDTO.getLocalizedElements(ComputationElementDTO.class)) { final ComputationElementDTO computationElement = (ComputationElementDTO) localizedElement.getElement(); prepareForComputationElement(computationElement, contactDTO.getContactModel()); } } /** * Remove the content of every maps. */ private void clearMaps() { this.dependencies.clear(); this.computations.clear(); this.components.clear(); this.elementsWithHandlers.clear(); } /** * List the dependencies of the given element. * * @param computationElement * Computation element to prepare. * @param model * Model of the current container. */ private void prepareForComputationElement(final ComputationElementDTO computationElement, final IsModel model) { final Computation computation = computationElement.getComputationForModel(model); computations.put(computationElement, computation); for (final Dependency dependency : computation.getDependencies()) { List<ComputationElementDTO> list = dependencies.get(dependency); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<ComputationElementDTO>(); if (dependency instanceof SingleDependency) { dependencies.put(((SingleDependency) dependency).getFlexibleElement(), list); } } list.add(computationElement); } } /** * Add a value change handler to the given element if it is a dependency * of a computation. * * @param element * Element to listen. * @param component * Component associated to the given element. * @param modifications * Value change list. */ public void listenToValueChangesOfElement(final FlexibleElementDTO element, final Component component, final List<ValueEvent> modifications) { if (component == null) { Log.trace("Element '" + element.getId() + "' is not accessible by the current user."); return; } if (element instanceof ComputationElementDTO) { StringField stringField = null; if (component instanceof StringField) { stringField = (StringField) component; } else if (component instanceof HistoryWrapper && ((HistoryWrapper) component).getField() instanceof StringField) { stringField = (StringField) ((HistoryWrapper) component).getField(); } if (stringField != null) { components.put(element, stringField); elementsWithHandlers.put(element.getId(), (ComputationElementDTO) element); initialUpdateIfCurrentValueIsEmpty((ComputationElementDTO) element, stringField); } } final List<ComputationElementDTO> computationElements = dependencies.get(element); if (computationElements != null) { element.addValueHandler(new ValueHandler() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueEvent event) { updateComputations(computationElements, modifications); } }); } } /** * Compute the value of the given element if no value has been provided. * * @param computationElement * Computation element to update. * @param component * Component associated to the given element. */ private void initialUpdateIfCurrentValueIsEmpty(final ComputationElementDTO computationElement, final Field<String> field) { if (field.getValue() == null || field.getValue().isEmpty()) { updateComputation(computationElement, new ArrayList<ValueEvent>(), false); } } /** * Update the given computation elements. * * @param computationElements * List of elements to update. * @param modifications * Value change list. */ private void updateComputations(final List<ComputationElementDTO> computationElements, final List<ValueEvent> modifications) { if (computationElements == null) { return; } for (final ComputationElementDTO computationElement : computationElements) { updateComputation(computationElement, modifications, true); } } /** * Update the given computation element. * * @param computationElement * Element to update. * @param modifications * Value change list. */ private void updateComputation(final ComputationElementDTO computationElement, final List<ValueEvent> modifications, final boolean fireEvents) { final Computation computation = computations.get(computationElement); final Loadable loadable; final Field<String> computationView = components.get(computationElement); if (computationView != null) { loadable = new LoadingMask(computationView); } else { loadable = null; } computation.computeValueWithModificationsAndResolver(container, modifications, valueResolver, new SuccessCallback<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { updateComputationElementWithValue(computationElement, result, modifications, fireEvents); } }, loadable); } /** * Update the given computation element with the given value. * * @param computationElement * Computation element to update. * @param value * Result of the computation. * @param modifications * Value change list. */ private void updateComputationElementWithValue(final ComputationElementDTO computationElement, final String value, final List<ValueEvent> modifications, final boolean fireEvents) { final Field<String> field = components.get(computationElement); if (field != null) { field.setValue(value); if (fireEvents) { fireValueEvent(computationElement, value); } } else { // The affected computation is not displayed. // Manually adding the value to the modifications. modifications.add(new ValueEvent(computationElement, value)); // Manually firing the dependencies. updateComputations(dependencies.get(computationElement), modifications); } } /** * Fire a value event for the given computation element. * * @param computationElement * Modified computation field. * @param value * New value. */ private void fireValueEvent(final ComputationElementDTO computationElement, final String value) { // Firing a value event to register the change and trigger dependencies update. final ComputationElementDTO withHandlers = elementsWithHandlers.get(computationElement.getId()); if (withHandlers != null) { withHandlers.fireValueEvent(value); } else { computationElement.fireValueEvent(value); } } }