package org.sigmah.shared.dto.element; /* * #%L * Sigmah * %% * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 URD * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.TextArea; import; import; import; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.BaseEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.DatePickerEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Events; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Listener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.SelectionChangedEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.SelectionChangedListener; import; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Component; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.ComboBox; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.DateField; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.Field; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.LabelField; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.NumberField; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.TextField; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.sigmah.client.dispatch.CommandResultHandler; import org.sigmah.client.i18n.I18N; import org.sigmah.client.util.DateUtils; import org.sigmah.shared.command.GetCountries; import org.sigmah.shared.command.GetCountry; import org.sigmah.shared.command.result.ListResult; import; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.event.RequiredValueEvent; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.element.event.ValueEvent; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.orgunit.OrgUnitDTO; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log; public abstract class AbstractDefaultFlexibleElementDTO extends FlexibleElementDTO { protected static final String EMPTY_VALUE = "-"; protected transient ListStore<CountryDTO> countriesStore; protected transient ListStore<OrgUnitDTO> orgUnitsStore; protected void fireEvents(String value, boolean isValueOn) { Log.debug("raw Value is : " + value + " isValueOn is :" + isValueOn); handlerManager.fireEvent(new ValueEvent(this, value)); // Required element ? if (getValidates()) { handlerManager.fireEvent(new RequiredValueEvent(isValueOn)); } } /** * Create a text field to represent a default flexible element. * * @param length The max length of the field. * @param allowBlank If the field allow blank value. * @return The text field. */ protected TextField<String> createStringField(final int length, final boolean allowBlank) { final TextField<String> textField = new TextField<String>(); textField.setAllowBlank(allowBlank); // Sets the max length. textField.setMaxLength(length); // Adds the listeners. textField.addListener(Events.OnKeyUp, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { String rawValue = textField.getValue(); if (rawValue == null) { rawValue = ""; } // The value is valid if it contains at least one non-blank // character. final boolean isValueOn = !rawValue.trim().equals("") && !(rawValue.length() > length); if (!(!allowBlank && !isValueOn)) { fireEvents(rawValue, isValueOn); } } }); return textField; } /** * Create a date field to represent a default flexible element. * * @param allowBlank If the field allow blank value. * @return The date field. */ protected DateField createDateField(final boolean allowBlank) { final DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateUtils.DATE_SHORT; // Creates a date field which manages date picker selections and // manual selections. final DateField dateField = new DateField(); dateField.getPropertyEditor().setFormat(dateFormat); dateField.setEditable(allowBlank); dateField.setAllowBlank(allowBlank); preferredWidth = FlexibleElementDTO.NUMBER_FIELD_WIDTH; // Adds the listeners. dateField.getDatePicker().addListener(Events.Select, new Listener<DatePickerEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(DatePickerEvent be) { // The date is saved as a timestamp. final String rawValue = String.valueOf(be.getDate().getTime()); // The date picker always returns a valid date. final boolean isValueOn = true; fireEvents(rawValue, isValueOn); } }); dateField.addListener(Events.OnKeyUp, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { final Date date = dateField.getValue(); // The date is invalid, fires only a required event to // invalidate some previously valid date. if (date == null) { // Required element ? if (getValidates()) { handlerManager.fireEvent(new RequiredValueEvent(false)); } if (allowBlank) { fireEvents("", false); } return; } // The date is saved as a timestamp. final String rawValue = String.valueOf(date.getTime()); // The date is valid here. final boolean isValueOn = true; if (!(!allowBlank && !isValueOn)) { fireEvents(rawValue, isValueOn); } } }); return dateField; } /** * Create a number field to represent a default flexible element. * * @param allowBlank If the field allow blank value. * @return The number field. */ protected NumberField createNumberField(final boolean allowBlank) { final NumberField numberField = new NumberField(); numberField.setAllowDecimals(true); numberField.setAllowNegative(false); numberField.setAllowBlank(allowBlank); preferredWidth = FlexibleElementDTO.NUMBER_FIELD_WIDTH; // Decimal format final NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat(); numberField.setFormat(format); // Sets the min value. final Number minValue = 0.0; numberField.setMinValue(minValue); return numberField; } /** * Create a label field to represent a default flexible element. * * @return The label field. */ protected LabelField createLabelField() { final LabelField labelField = new LabelField(); labelField.setLabelSeparator(":"); return labelField; } /** * Create a label field and sets its value. * * @param value Value to set. * @return The label field. */ protected LabelField createLabelField(String value) { final LabelField labelField = createLabelField(); labelField.setValue(value); return labelField; } /** * Creates a text field. <br/> * This method is shared between the code and the title fields. * * @param label Label of the field. * @param value Current value. * @param size Maximum number of characters allowed. * @param enabled <code>true</code> if the field must be editable, <code>false</code> otherwise. * @return A new text field. */ protected Field<?> buildTextField(String label, String value, int size, boolean enabled, boolean allowBlank) { final Field<?> field; // Builds the field and sets its value. if (enabled) { final TextField<String> textField = createStringField(size, allowBlank); textField.setValue(value); field = textField; } else { field = createLabelField(value); } // Sets the field label. setLabel(label); field.setFieldLabel(getLabel()); return field; } protected Field<?> buildParagraphField(final String label, final String value, final int size, final boolean enabled, boolean allowBlank) { // Builds the field and sets its value. final TextField<String> textArea = new TextArea(); textArea.addStyleName("flexibility-textarea"); textArea.setAllowBlank(allowBlank); // Sets the max length. textArea.setMaxLength(size); textArea.setToolTip(I18N.MESSAGES.flexibleElementTextAreaTextLength(String.valueOf(size))); // Adds the listeners. textArea.addListener(Events.OnKeyUp, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { String rawValue = textArea.getValue(); if (rawValue == null) { rawValue = ""; } // The value is valid if it contains at least one // non-blank character. final boolean isValueOn = !rawValue.trim().equals("") && !(rawValue.length() > size); fireEvents(rawValue, isValueOn); } }); // Sets the value to the field. if (value != null) { textArea.setValue(value); } setLabel(label); textArea.setFieldLabel(getLabel()); textArea.setEnabled(enabled); return textArea; } /** * Creates a date field. <br/> * This method is shared between the start date and the end date fields. * * @param label Label of the field. * @param value Current value. * @param enabled <code>true</code> if the field must be editable, <code>false</code> otherwise. * @return A new date field. */ protected Field<?> buildDateField(String label, Date value, boolean enabled) { final Field<?> field; // Builds the field and sets its value. if (enabled) { final DateField dateField = createDateField(true); dateField.setValue(value); field = dateField; } else { final LabelField labelField = createLabelField(); if (value != null) { labelField.setValue(DateUtils.DATE_SHORT.format(value)); } else { labelField.setValue(EMPTY_VALUE); } field = labelField; } // Sets the field label. setLabel(label); field.setFieldLabel(getLabel()); return field; } protected Component buildCountryField(String country, boolean enabled) { final Field<?> field = buildCountryField((CountryDTO) null, enabled); final int countryId = Integer.parseInt(country); dispatch.execute(new GetCountry(countryId), new CommandResultHandler<CountryDTO>() { @Override public void onCommandFailure(final Throwable caught) { } @Override public void onCommandSuccess(final CountryDTO result) { // BUGFIX #694: Disable events on first set. field.enableEvents(false); if (field instanceof ComboBox) { ((ComboBox<CountryDTO>) field).setValue(result); } else if (field instanceof LabelField) { ((LabelField) field).setValue(result.getName()); } field.enableEvents(true); } }); return field; } protected Field<?> buildCountryField(CountryDTO country, boolean enabled) { final Field<?> field; if (enabled) { final ComboBox<CountryDTO> comboBox = new ComboBox<CountryDTO>(); comboBox.setEmptyText(I18N.CONSTANTS.flexibleElementDefaultSelectCountry()); ensureCountryStore(); comboBox.setStore(countriesStore); comboBox.setDisplayField(CountryDTO.NAME); comboBox.setValueField(CountryDTO.ID); comboBox.setTriggerAction(ComboBox.TriggerAction.ALL); comboBox.setEditable(true); comboBox.setAllowBlank(true); // Listens to the selection changes. comboBox.addSelectionChangedListener(new SelectionChangedListener<CountryDTO>() { @Override public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent<CountryDTO> se) { String value = null; final boolean isValueOn; // Gets the selected choice. final CountryDTO choice = se.getSelectedItem(); // Checks if the choice isn't the default empty choice. isValueOn = choice != null && choice.getId() != null && choice.getId() != -1; if (choice != null) { value = String.valueOf(choice.getId()); } if (value != null) { // Fires value change event. handlerManager.fireEvent(new ValueEvent(AbstractDefaultFlexibleElementDTO.this, value)); } // Required element ? if (getValidates()) { handlerManager.fireEvent(new RequiredValueEvent(isValueOn)); } } }); if (country != null) { comboBox.setValue(country); } field = comboBox; } else /* not enabled */ { final LabelField labelField = createLabelField(); if (country == null) { labelField.setValue(EMPTY_VALUE); } else { labelField.setValue(country.getName()); } field = labelField; } // Sets the field label. setLabel(I18N.CONSTANTS.projectCountry()); field.setFieldLabel(getLabel()); return field; } /** * Creates the organization unit field. * * @param orgUnitId ID of the organization unit. * @param enabled <code>true</code> if the field must be editable, <code>false</code> otherwise. * @return The organization unit field. */ protected Field<?> buildOrgUnitField(String label, String orgUnitId, boolean enabled) { return buildOrgUnitField(label, Integer.parseInt(orgUnitId), enabled); } /** * Creates the organization unit field. * * @param label Label of the field * @param orgUnitId ID of the organization unit. * @param enabled <code>true</code> if the field must be editable, <code>false</code> otherwise. * @return The organization unit field. */ protected Field<?> buildOrgUnitField(String label, Integer orgUnitId, boolean enabled) { final Field<?> field; if (enabled) { final ComboBox<OrgUnitDTO> comboBox = new ComboBox<OrgUnitDTO>(); ensureOrgUnitStore(); comboBox.setStore(orgUnitsStore); comboBox.setDisplayField(OrgUnitDTO.COMPLETE_NAME); comboBox.setValueField(OrgUnitDTO.ID); comboBox.setTriggerAction(ComboBox.TriggerAction.ALL); comboBox.setEditable(true); comboBox.setAllowBlank(true); // BUGFIX #694 : SelectionChangedEvent listener is added AFTER // setting the initial value to avoid sending a // SelectionChangedEvent during view initialization. // Loading the current value from the cache. cache.getOrganizationCache().get(orgUnitId, new AsyncCallback<OrgUnitDTO>() { @Override public void onFailure(final Throwable caught) { // Not found. // Listens to the selection changes. addOrgUnitSelectionChangedListener(comboBox); } @Override public void onSuccess(final OrgUnitDTO result) { comboBox.setValue(result); // Listens to the selection changes. addOrgUnitSelectionChangedListener(comboBox); } }); field = comboBox; } else { // Builds the field and sets its value. final LabelField labelField = createLabelField(); cache.getOrganizationCache().get(orgUnitId, new AsyncCallback<OrgUnitDTO>() { @Override public void onSuccess(final OrgUnitDTO result) { // BUGFIX: Issue #718 if(result != null) { labelField.setValue(result.getName() + " - " + result.getFullName()); } else { labelField.setValue(EMPTY_VALUE); } } @Override public void onFailure(final Throwable caught) { labelField.setValue(EMPTY_VALUE); } }); field = labelField; } // Sets the field label. setLabel(label); field.setFieldLabel(getLabel()); return field; } /** * Creates the organization unit field. * * @param orgUnit Organization unit. * @param enabled <code>true</code> if the field must be editable, <code>false</code> otherwise. * @return The organization unit field. */ protected Field<?> buildOrgUnitField(String label, OrgUnitDTO orgUnit, boolean enabled) { final Field<?> field; if (enabled) { final ComboBox<OrgUnitDTO> comboBox = new ComboBox<OrgUnitDTO>(); ensureOrgUnitStore(); comboBox.setStore(orgUnitsStore); comboBox.setDisplayField(OrgUnitDTO.COMPLETE_NAME); comboBox.setValueField(OrgUnitDTO.ID); comboBox.setTriggerAction(ComboBox.TriggerAction.ALL); comboBox.setEditable(true); comboBox.setAllowBlank(true); // BUGFIX #694 : SelectionChangedEvent listener is added AFTER // setting the initial value to avoid sending a // SelectionChangedEvent during view initialization. comboBox.setValue(orgUnit); // Listens to the selection changes. addOrgUnitSelectionChangedListener(comboBox); field = comboBox; } else { // Builds the field and sets its value. final LabelField labelField = createLabelField(); if(orgUnit != null) { labelField.setValue(orgUnit.getName() + " - " + orgUnit.getFullName()); } else { labelField.setValue(EMPTY_VALUE); } field = labelField; } // Sets the field label. setLabel(label); field.setFieldLabel(getLabel()); return field; } protected String formatCountry(String value) { if (cache != null) { try { final CountryDTO c = cache.getCountryCache().get(Integer.valueOf(value)); if (c != null) { return c.getName(); } else { return '#' + value; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return ""; } } else { return '#' + value; } } protected String formatDate(String value) { try { final long time = Long.parseLong(value); final Date date = new Date(time); // Using a shared instance to allow parsing from client and server side. final formatter = DateUtils.SHARED_DATE_SHORT; return formatter.format(date); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return ""; } } protected String formatText(String value) { return value.replace("\n", "<br>"); } protected String formatOrgUnit(String value) { if (cache != null) { try { final OrgUnitDTO o = cache.getOrganizationCache().get(Integer.valueOf(value)); if (o != null) { return o.getName() + " - " + o.getFullName(); } else { return '#' + value; } } catch(NumberFormatException e) { return ""; } } else { return '#' + value; } } /** * Creates and populates the shared country store if needed. */ protected void ensureCountryStore() { if (countriesStore == null) { countriesStore = new ListStore<CountryDTO>(); } // if country store is empty if (countriesStore.getCount() == 0) { if (cache != null) { cache.getCountryCache().get(new AsyncCallback<List<CountryDTO>>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { Log.error("[getComponent] Error while getting countries list.", e); } @Override public void onSuccess(List<CountryDTO> result) { // Fills the store. countriesStore.add(result); } }); } else /* cache is null */ { dispatch.execute(new GetCountries(CountryDTO.Mode.BASE), new CommandResultHandler<ListResult<CountryDTO>>() { @Override protected void onCommandSuccess(final ListResult<CountryDTO> result) { // Fills the store. countriesStore.add(result.getData()); } @Override protected void onCommandFailure(final Throwable caught) { Log.error("[getComponent] Error while getting countries list.", caught); } }); } } } /** * Creates and populates the shared org unit store if needed. */ protected void ensureOrgUnitStore() { if (orgUnitsStore == null) { orgUnitsStore = new ListStore<OrgUnitDTO>(); } if(orgUnitsStore.getCount() == 0) { cache.getOrganizationCache().get(new AsyncCallback<OrgUnitDTO>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { Log.error("[getComponent] Error while getting users info.", e); } @Override public void onSuccess(OrgUnitDTO result) { // Fills the store. recursiveFillOrgUnitsList(result); } }); } } /** * Fills recursively the org unit store from the given root org unit. * * @param root * The root org unit. */ private void recursiveFillOrgUnitsList(OrgUnitDTO root) { if (root.isCanContainProjects()) { orgUnitsStore.add(root); } for (final OrgUnitDTO child : root.getChildrenOrgUnits()) { recursiveFillOrgUnitsList(child); } } /** * Adds the selection changed listener to the given orgunit combobox. * * @param comboBox Combo box to configure. */ protected abstract void addOrgUnitSelectionChangedListener(final ComboBox<OrgUnitDTO> comboBox); }