package; /* * #%L * Sigmah * %% * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 URD * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.sigmah.server.dao.PivotDAO; import org.sigmah.server.dao.PivotDAO.Bucket; import org.sigmah.server.util.CalendarDates; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.content.DimensionCategory; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.content.LabeledDimensionCategory; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.content.MonthCategory; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.content.PivotTableData; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.content.QuarterCategory; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.content.SimpleCategory; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.content.YearCategory; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.model.DateDimension; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.model.DateUnit; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.model.Dimension; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.pivot.model.PivotElement; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.DimensionType; import org.sigmah.shared.util.DateRange; import org.sigmah.shared.util.Dates; import org.sigmah.shared.util.Filter; import org.sigmah.shared.util.Month; /** * @author Alex Bertram ( * @param <T> */ public abstract class PivotGenerator<T extends PivotElement> extends BaseGenerator<T> { private final Dates dates = new CalendarDates(); protected PivotTableData generateData(int userId, Locale locale, T element, Filter filter, List<Dimension> rowDims, List<Dimension> colDims) { Populator populator = new Populator(element, rowDims, colDims, locale); if(element.isShowEmptyCells()) { Set<Dimension> dateDimensions = new HashSet<Dimension>(); Set<Dimension> otherDimensions = new HashSet<Dimension>(); for(Dimension dim : (Set<Dimension>)element.allDimensions()) { if(dim instanceof DateDimension) { dateDimensions.add(dim); } else { otherDimensions.add(dim); } } List<Bucket> buckets = Collections.emptyList(); if(!otherDimensions.isEmpty()) { buckets = pivotDAO.queryDimensionCategories(userId, filter, otherDimensions) ; } if(!filter.getDateRange().isClosed() && !dateDimensions.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("If a date dimension is specified in rows/cols and showEmptyCells is set, " + "than a closed DateRange filter must be provided"); } populator.addHeaders(buckets,filter.getDateRange()); } populator.addValues(pivotDAO.aggregate( userId, filter, element.allDimensions())); if(!rowDims.contains(new Dimension(DimensionType.Indicator))) { populator.getTable().getRootRow().total(); } return populator.getTable(); } private class Populator { private Map<Dimension, Comparator<PivotTableData.Axis>> comparators; private List<Dimension> rowDims; private List<Dimension> colDims; private PivotTableData table; private Locale locale; public Populator(T element, List<Dimension> rowDims, List<Dimension> colDims, Locale locale) { this.rowDims = rowDims; this.colDims = colDims; this.locale = locale; comparators = createComparators(element.allDimensions()); table = new PivotTableData(rowDims, colDims); } private void addValues(List<Bucket> buckets) { for(Bucket bucket : buckets) { PivotTableData.Axis row = findRowNode(bucket); row.setValue(findColumnNode(bucket), bucket.doubleValue(), bucket.count(), bucket.aggregation()); } } public PivotTableData getTable() { return table; } private PivotTableData.Axis findColumnNode(Bucket bucket) { return colDims.isEmpty() ? table.getRootColumn() : find(table.getRootColumn(), colDims.iterator(), bucket); } private PivotTableData.Axis findRowNode(Bucket bucket) { return rowDims.isEmpty() ? table.getRootRow() : find(table.getRootRow(), rowDims.iterator(), bucket); } /** * Recursively descends the pivot table axis to find or add the leaf node * for this bucket. * * @param axis * @param dimensionIterator * @param bucket * @return */ private PivotTableData.Axis find(PivotTableData.Axis axis, Iterator<Dimension> dimensionIterator, PivotDAO.Bucket bucket) { Dimension childDimension =; DimensionCategory category = bucket.getCategory(childDimension); PivotTableData.Axis child = null; if(category == null) { // skip this dimension, it's value is missing child = axis; } else { child = axis.getChild(category); if (child == null) { String categoryLabel = childDimension.getLabel(category); if (categoryLabel == null) { categoryLabel = renderLabel(childDimension, category); } child = axis.addChild(childDimension, category, categoryLabel, comparators.get(childDimension)); } } if (dimensionIterator.hasNext()) { return find(child, dimensionIterator, bucket); } else { return child; } } private String renderLabel(Dimension childDimension, DimensionCategory category) { if (category instanceof LabeledDimensionCategory) { return ((LabeledDimensionCategory) category).getLabel(); } else if (category instanceof YearCategory) { return Integer.toString(((YearCategory) category).getYear()); } else if (category instanceof QuarterCategory) { // TODO: i18n QuarterCategory quarter = (QuarterCategory) category; return Integer.toString(quarter.getYear()) + "T" + quarter.getQuarter(); } else if (category instanceof MonthCategory) { return renderMonthLabel(category); } else if (category instanceof SimpleCategory) { return ((SimpleCategory) category).getLabel(); } return "(Totale)"; // TODO } private String renderMonthLabel(DimensionCategory category) { SimpleDateFormat format = (SimpleDateFormat) SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance(SimpleDateFormat.SHORT, locale); String[] months = format.getDateFormatSymbols().getShortMonths(); return months[((MonthCategory) category).getMonth() - 1]; } private Dimension next(List<Dimension> list, Dimension parent) { int index = list.indexOf(parent); return index+1 < list.size() ? list.get(index+1) : null; } private boolean hasNext(List<Dimension> list, Dimension parent) { int index = list.indexOf(parent); return index+1 < list.size(); } private void addHeaders(List<Bucket> databaseRows, DateRange dateRange) { if(!rowDims.isEmpty()) { addHeaders(table.getRootRow(), rowDims, databaseRows, dateRange); } if(!colDims.isEmpty()) { addHeaders(table.getRootColumn(), colDims, databaseRows, dateRange); } } private void addHeaders(PivotTableData.Axis parent, List<Dimension> dims, List<Bucket> buckets, DateRange range) { addHeaders(parent, dims, next(dims, parent.getDimension()), buckets, range); } private void addHeaders(PivotTableData.Axis parent, List<Dimension> dims, Dimension childDimension, List<Bucket> buckets, DateRange range) { if(childDimension instanceof DateDimension) { if(((DateDimension) childDimension).getUnit() == DateUnit.YEAR) { addYears(parent, dims, buckets, range); } else if(((DateDimension) childDimension).getUnit() == DateUnit.MONTH) { addMonths(parent, dims, buckets, range); } } else if(childDimension != null) { // first add those who are missing a value for this dimension addHeaders(parent, dims, next(dims, childDimension), filter(buckets, childDimension, null), range); for(DimensionCategory category : categories(buckets, childDimension)) { PivotTableData.Axis child = parent.addChild(childDimension, category, renderLabel(childDimension, category), comparators.get(childDimension)); addHeaders(child, dims, filter(buckets, childDimension, category), range); } } } private Set<DimensionCategory> categories(List<Bucket> buckets, Dimension dim) { Set<DimensionCategory> set = new HashSet<DimensionCategory>(); for(Bucket bucket : buckets) { DimensionCategory category = bucket.getCategory(dim); if(category != null) { set.add(category); } } return set; } private List<Bucket> filter(List<Bucket> buckets, Dimension dim, DimensionCategory cat) { List<Bucket> filtered = new ArrayList<Bucket>(); for(Bucket bucket : buckets) { DimensionCategory bucketCategory = bucket.getCategory(dim); if( (cat == null && bucketCategory == null) || (cat != null && cat.equals(bucketCategory))) { filtered.add(bucket); } } return filtered; } private void addYears(PivotTableData.Axis parent, List<Dimension> dims, List<Bucket> buckets, DateRange dateRange) { DateDimension yearDim = new DateDimension(DateUnit.YEAR); int startYear = dates.getYear(dateRange.getMinDate()); int endYear = dates.getYear(dateRange.getMaxDate()); for(int year = startYear; year<=endYear;++year) { PivotTableData.Axis child = parent.addChild(yearDim, new YearCategory(year), Integer.toString(year), DEFAULT_COMPARATOR); addHeaders(child, dims, buckets, DateRange.intersection(dateRange, dates.yearRange(year))); } } private void addMonths(PivotTableData.Axis parent, List<Dimension> dims, List<Bucket> buckets, DateRange dateRange) { DateDimension monthDim = new DateDimension(DateUnit.MONTH); Month startMonth = new Month(dates.getYear(dateRange.getMinDate()), dates.getMonth(dateRange.getMinDate())); Month endMonth = new Month(dates.getYear(dateRange.getMaxDate()), dates.getMonth(dateRange.getMaxDate())); for(Month m=startMonth;m.compareTo(endMonth)<=0; { MonthCategory monthCategory = new MonthCategory(m.getYear(), m.getMonth()); PivotTableData.Axis child = parent.addChild(monthDim, monthCategory, renderMonthLabel(monthCategory), DEFAULT_COMPARATOR ); addHeaders(child, dims, buckets, DateRange.intersection(dateRange, dates.monthRange(m))); } } } protected Map<Dimension, Comparator<PivotTableData.Axis>> createComparators(Set<Dimension> dimensions) { Map<Dimension, Comparator<PivotTableData.Axis>> map = new HashMap<Dimension, Comparator<PivotTableData.Axis>>(); for (Dimension dimension : dimensions) { if (dimension.isOrderDefined()) { map.put(dimension, new DefinedCategoryComparator(dimension.getOrdering())); } else { map.put(dimension, new CategoryComparator()); } } return map; } private static final CategoryComparator DEFAULT_COMPARATOR = new CategoryComparator(); private static class CategoryComparator implements Comparator<PivotTableData.Axis> { @Override public int compare(PivotTableData.Axis a1, PivotTableData.Axis a2) { Comparable c1 = a1.getCategory().getSortKey(); Comparable c2 = a2.getCategory().getSortKey(); if (c1 == null && c2 == null) { return 0; } if (c1 == null) { return -1; } if (c2 == null) { return 1; } if(c1.getClass() != c2.getClass()) { // this occurs if we have an unbalanced tree and we end up comparing categories of // different dimensions to each other. we sort by class name to get a stable, if arbitrary // ordering return c1.getClass().getSimpleName().compareTo(c2.getClass().getSimpleName()); } return c1.compareTo(c2); } } private static class DefinedCategoryComparator implements Comparator<PivotTableData.Axis> { private final Map<DimensionCategory, Integer> orderMap; public DefinedCategoryComparator(List<DimensionCategory> order) { orderMap = new HashMap<DimensionCategory, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i != order.size(); ++i) { orderMap.put(order.get(i), i); } } @Override public int compare(PivotTableData.Axis a1, PivotTableData.Axis a2) { Integer o1 = orderMap.get(a1.getCategory()); Integer o2 = orderMap.get(a2.getCategory()); if (o1 == null) { o1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } if (o2 == null) { o2 = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } return o1.compareTo(o2); } } }