package; /* * #%L * Sigmah * %% * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 URD * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sigmah.client.util.ClientUtils; import org.sigmah.shared.command.result.ContactHistory; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.ContactDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.ContactModelType; public class PagingContactsProxy extends MemoryProxy<PagingLoadResult<DashboardContact>> { private List<DashboardContact> allContacts = new ArrayList<DashboardContact>(); public PagingContactsProxy() { super(null); } @Override public void load(DataReader<PagingLoadResult<DashboardContact>> reader, Object loadConfig, AsyncCallback<PagingLoadResult<DashboardContact>> callback) { FilterPagingLoadConfig config = (FilterPagingLoadConfig)loadConfig; List<DashboardContact> results; int totalLength = 0; int offset = config.getOffset(); if (ClientUtils.isEmpty(allContacts)) { results = Collections.emptyList(); } else { sortContacts(config.getSortInfo()); List<DashboardContact> filteredList = filterContacts(config.getFilterConfigs()); totalLength = filteredList.size(); if (offset > totalLength) { offset = 0; } int limit = offset + config.getLimit(); if (limit >= totalLength) { limit = totalLength; } results = filteredList.subList(offset, limit); } callback.onSuccess(new BasePagingLoadResult<DashboardContact>(results, offset, totalLength)); } private void sortContacts(SortInfo sortInfo) { if (sortInfo.getSortField() != null) { final String sortField = sortInfo.getSortField(); if (sortField != null) { Collections.sort(allContacts, sortInfo.getSortDir().comparator(new Comparator<DashboardContact>() { public int compare(DashboardContact p1, DashboardContact p2) { if (sortField.equals(ContactDTO.TYPE)) { return compareNullableStrings(ContactModelType.getName(p1.getContact().getType()), ContactModelType.getName(p2.getContact().getType())); } if (sortField.equals(ContactDTO.NAME)) { return compareNullableStrings(p1.getContact().getName(), p2.getContact().getName()); } if (sortField.equals(ContactDTO.FIRSTNAME)) { return compareNullableStrings(p1.getContact().getFirstname(), p2.getContact().getFirstname()); } if (sortField.equals(ContactHistory.FORMATTED_CHANGE_TYPE)) { return compareNullableStrings(p1.getLastChange().getFormattedChangeType(), p2.getLastChange().getFormattedChangeType()); } if (sortField.equals(ContactHistory.SUBJECT)) { return compareNullableStrings(p1.getLastChange().getSubject(), p2.getLastChange().getSubject()); } if (sortField.equals(ContactHistory.FORMATTED_VALUE)) { return compareNullableStrings(p1.getLastChange().getFormattedValue(), p2.getLastChange().getFormattedValue()); } if (sortField.equals(ContactDTO.EMAIL)) { return compareNullableStrings(p1.getContact().getEmail(), p2.getContact().getEmail()); } if (sortField.equals(ContactDTO.ID)) { return compareNullableStrings(String.valueOf(p1.getContact().getId()), String.valueOf(p2.getContact().getId())); } if (sortField.equals(ContactDTO.PARENT)) { ContactDTO org1 = p1.getContact().getParent(); ContactDTO org2 = p2.getContact().getParent(); String nom1 = org1 == null ? "" : org1.getOrganizationName(); String nom2 = org2 == null ? "" : org2.getOrganizationName(); return compareNullableStrings(nom1, nom2); } if (sortField.equals(ContactDTO.ROOT)) { ContactDTO org1 = p1.getContact().getRoot(); ContactDTO org2 = p2.getContact().getRoot(); String nom1 = org1 == null ? "" : org1.getOrganizationName(); String nom2 = org2 == null ? "" : org2.getOrganizationName(); return compareNullableStrings(nom1, nom2); } if (sortField.equals(ContactHistory.UPDATED_AT)) { Date d1 = p1.getLastChange() != null ? p1.getLastChange().getUpdatedAt() : null; Date d2 = p2.getLastChange() != null ? p2.getLastChange().getUpdatedAt() : null; return compareNullableDates(d1, d2); } if (sortField.equals(ContactHistory.COMMENT)) { return compareNullableStrings(p1.getLastChange().getComment(), p2.getLastChange().getComment()); } return 0; } })); } } } private List<DashboardContact> filterContacts(List<FilterConfig> filters) { List<DashboardContact> filtered = new ArrayList<DashboardContact>(); if(ClientUtils.isEmpty(filters)) { filtered.addAll(allContacts); return filtered; } for (DashboardContact contact : allContacts) { boolean valid = true; for (FilterConfig filter : filters) { if(filter.getValue() == null) { continue; } if(contact.get(filter.getField()) == null || filter.isFiltered(contact, filter.getValue(), filter.getComparison(), contact.get(filter.getField()))) { valid = false; break; } } if (valid) { filtered.add(contact); } } return filtered; } private int compareNullableStrings(String s1, String s2) { if(s1 == s2) { return 0; } if (s1 == null) { return -1; } if (s2 == null) { return 1; } return s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2); } private int compareNullableDates(Date d1, Date d2) { if (d1 == null) { return -1; } if (d2 == null) { return 1; } return d1.compareTo(d2); } public void clearContacts() { this.allContacts.clear(); } public void addContact(DashboardContact contact) { if(this.allContacts.contains(contact)) { this.allContacts.remove(contact); } this.allContacts.add(contact); } }