package org.sigmah.server.dao.impl; /* * #%L * Sigmah * %% * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 URD * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.sigmah.server.dao.IndicatorDAO; import org.sigmah.server.dao.base.AbstractDAO; import org.sigmah.server.dao.util.SqlQueryBuilder; import org.sigmah.server.dao.util.SqlQueryBuilder.ResultHandler; import org.sigmah.server.domain.Indicator; import org.sigmah.shared.command.result.IndicatorListResult; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.IndicatorDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.IndicatorGroup; /** * IndicatorDAO implementation. * * @author Alexander Bertram * @author Denis Colliot ( */ public class IndicatorHibernateDAO extends AbstractDAO<Indicator, Integer> implements IndicatorDAO { private Map<Integer, IndicatorGroup> groupMap = new HashMap<Integer, IndicatorGroup>(); private List<IndicatorGroup> groupList = new ArrayList<IndicatorGroup>(); private List<IndicatorDTO> allIndicators = new ArrayList<IndicatorDTO>(); private Map<Integer, IndicatorDTO> indicatorMap = new HashMap<Integer, IndicatorDTO>(); private List<IndicatorDTO> ungroupedIndicators = new ArrayList<IndicatorDTO>(); @Override public void queryIndicatorGroups(Connection connection, final int databaseId) {"g.activityId").appendField("").from("Activity g").whereTrue("g.databaseId=" + databaseId).whereTrue("g.dateDeleted is null") .orderBy("g.sortOrder").forEachResult(connection, new ResultHandler() { @Override public void handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { IndicatorGroup dto = new IndicatorGroup(); dto.setId(rs.getInt(1)); dto.setName(rs.getString(2)); groupList.add(dto); groupMap.put(dto.getId(), dto); } }); } /** * Returns a sorted list of IndicatorDTOs for the given database, as well as their current aggregate value. * * @param connection * @param databaseId */ @Override public void queryIndicatorsByDatabaseWithCurrentValues(Connection connection, final int databaseId) { SqlQueryBuilder .select("i.indicatorId") .appendField("") .appendField("i.aggregation") .appendField("i.units") .appendField("i.category") .appendField("i.description") .appendField("i.listHeader") .appendField("i.objective") .appendField("SUM(v.Value)") .appendField("COUNT(v.Value)") .appendField("i.SourceOfVerification") .appendField("i.activityId as groupId") .appendField("i.directDataEntryEnabled") .from("Indicator i") .leftJoin( "(SELECT pv.indicatorid, pv.value FROM indicatorvalue pv " + " UNION ALL " + "SELECT ds.indicatorid, dsv.value FROM indicator_datasource ds " + "LEFT JOIN indicatorvalue dsv ON (ds.indicatorsourceid = dsv.indicatorid)) AS v") .on("v.indicatorId=i.indicatorId") .whereTrue("i.databaseId=" + databaseId) .whereTrue("i.dateDeleted is null") .groupBy( "i.indicatorId,, i.aggregation, i.units, i.category, i.description, i.listheader,i.objective," + "i.sourceOfVerification,i.sortOrder,i.activityId,i.directDataEntryEnabled").orderBy("i.sortOrder").forEachResult(connection, new ResultHandler() { @Override public void handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { IndicatorDTO dto = new IndicatorDTO(); dto.setId(rs.getInt(1)); dto.setName(rs.getString(2)); dto.setAggregation(rs.getInt(3)); dto.setUnits(rs.getString(4)); dto.setCategory(rs.getString(5)); dto.setDescription(rs.getString(6)); dto.setCode(rs.getString(7)); dto.setDatabaseId(databaseId); dto.setSourceOfVerification(rs.getString(11)); double objective = rs.getDouble(8); if (!rs.wasNull()) { dto.setObjective(objective); } Double currentValue = null; if (dto.getAggregation() == IndicatorDTO.AGGREGATE_SUM) { currentValue = rs.getDouble(9); if (!rs.wasNull()) { dto.setCurrentValue(currentValue); } } else if (dto.getAggregation() == IndicatorDTO.AGGREGATE_AVG) { currentValue = rs.getDouble(9) / rs.getDouble(10); if (!rs.wasNull()) { dto.setCurrentValue(currentValue); } } int groupId = rs.getInt(12); if (rs.wasNull()) { ungroupedIndicators.add(dto); } else { IndicatorGroup group = groupMap.get(groupId); group.addIndicator(dto); dto.setGroupId(group.getId()); } dto.setDirectDataEntryEnabled(rs.getBoolean(13)); allIndicators.add(dto); indicatorMap.put(dto.getId(), dto); } }); SqlQueryBuilder .select("i.indicatorId") .appendField("l.code") .appendField("l.element") .appendField("COUNT(v.Value)") .from("Indicator i") .leftJoin("Indicator_labels l") .on("i.IndicatorId = l.Indicator_IndicatorId") .leftJoin( "(SELECT pv.indicatorid, pv.value FROM indicatorvalue pv " + " UNION ALL " + "SELECT ds.indicatorid, dsv.value FROM indicator_datasource ds " + "LEFT JOIN indicatorvalue dsv ON (ds.indicatorsourceid = dsv.indicatorid)) AS v").on("v.indicatorId=i.indicatorId AND v.value=l.code") .whereTrue("i.databaseId=" + databaseId).where("i.aggregation").equalTo(IndicatorDTO.AGGREGATE_MULTINOMIAL).groupBy("i.indicatorId, l.element, l.code") .orderBy("l.code").forEachResult(connection, new ResultHandler() { @Override public void handle(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { int id = rs.getInt(1); // int code = rs.getInt(2); String label = rs.getString(3); int count = rs.getInt(4); IndicatorDTO dto = indicatorMap.get(id); if (dto.getLabels() == null) { dto.setLabels(new ArrayList<String>()); } dto.getLabels().add(label); if (dto.getLabelCounts() == null) { dto.setLabelCounts(new ArrayList<Integer>()); } dto.getLabelCounts().add(count); } }); } @Override public IndicatorListResult getResult() { IndicatorListResult result = new IndicatorListResult(allIndicators); result.setGroups(groupList); result.setUngroupedIndicators(ungroupedIndicators); return result; } }