package org.sigmah.client.ui.presenter; /* * #%L * Sigmah * %% * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016 URD * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.sigmah.client.dispatch.CommandResultHandler; import org.sigmah.client.event.UpdateEvent; import org.sigmah.client.i18n.I18N; import org.sigmah.client.inject.Injector; import; import; import; import org.sigmah.client.ui.notif.ConfirmCallback; import org.sigmah.client.ui.notif.N10N; import org.sigmah.client.ui.presenter.base.AbstractPagePresenter; import org.sigmah.client.ui.view.CreateProjectView; import org.sigmah.client.ui.view.base.ViewInterface; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.Loadable; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.button.Button; import org.sigmah.client.ui.widget.form.FormPanel; import org.sigmah.client.util.ClientUtils; import org.sigmah.client.util.MessageType; import org.sigmah.client.util.NumberUtils; import org.sigmah.shared.command.CreateEntity; import org.sigmah.shared.command.GetOrgUnits; import org.sigmah.shared.command.GetProjectModels; import org.sigmah.shared.command.GetTestProjects; import org.sigmah.shared.command.UpdateEntity; import org.sigmah.shared.command.result.CreateResult; import org.sigmah.shared.command.result.ListResult; import org.sigmah.shared.command.result.VoidResult; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.ProjectDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.ProjectModelDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.orgunit.OrgUnitDTO; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.ProjectModelStatus; import org.sigmah.shared.dto.referential.ProjectModelType; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.BaseEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.ButtonEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Events; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Listener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.SelectionChangedEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.SelectionChangedListener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.SelectionListener; import; import; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.ComboBox; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.LabelField; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.NumberField; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.TextField; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.grid.Grid; import; import; import; /** * Create project presenter. * * @author Tom Miette ( */ @Singleton public class CreateProjectPresenter extends AbstractPagePresenter<CreateProjectPresenter.View> { /** * View interface. */ @ImplementedBy(CreateProjectView.class) public static interface View extends ViewInterface { void setTitle(String title); FormPanel getFormPanel(); TextField<String> getNameField(); TextField<String> getFullNameField(); NumberField getBudgetField(); ComboBox<OrgUnitDTO> getOrgUnitsField(); ComboBox<ProjectModelDTO> getModelsField(); void setProjectModelType(ProjectModelType type); LabelField getBaseProjectBudgetField(); NumberField getAmountField(); LabelField getPercentageField(); Button getCreateButton(); void setDeleteTestProjectAction(DeleteTestProjectAction deleteTestProjectAction); Grid<ProjectDTO> getTestProjectsField(); } /** * Defines the different modes for the creation. * * @author Tom Miette ( */ public static enum Mode { /** * Create project mode. */ PROJECT, /** * Create a project which is funding the base project (must be passed through the page request). */ FUNDING_ANOTHER_PROJECT, /** * Create a project which is funded by the base project (must be passed through the page request). */ FUNDED_BY_ANOTHER_PROJECT, /** * Create a test project. */ TEST_PROJECT; private static final Mode DEFAULT_MODE = PROJECT; private static Mode fromRequestParameterValue(String param) { if (ClientUtils.isNotBlank(param)) { for (final Mode m : Mode.values()) { if (param.equalsIgnoreCase( { return m; } } } return null; } } /** * The action to delete a test project. This action is passed to the view. * * @author Tom Miette ( */ public static interface DeleteTestProjectAction { /** * Deletes the given test project. * * @param testProject * The test project. * @param loadable * The corresponding {@link Loadable} component. */ void deleteTestProject(ProjectDTO testProject, Loadable loadable); } // Utility constants. private static final double ZERO = 0.0d; private static final String ZERO_PERCENT = "0 %"; /** * The current creation mode. */ private Mode currentMode; /** * The base project for funding / funded case. */ private ProjectDTO baseProject; @Inject public CreateProjectPresenter(final View view, final Injector injector) { super(view, injector); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Page getPage() { return Page.CREATE_PROJECT; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onBind() { // Project models store listeners. view.getModelsField().getStore().addStoreListener(new StoreListener<ProjectModelDTO>() { @Override public void storeClear(StoreEvent<ProjectModelDTO> se) { view.getModelsField().setEnabled(false); } @Override public void storeAdd(StoreEvent<ProjectModelDTO> se) { view.getModelsField().setEnabled(true); } }); // Org unit models store listeners. view.getOrgUnitsField().getStore().addStoreListener(new StoreListener<OrgUnitDTO>() { @Override public void storeClear(StoreEvent<OrgUnitDTO> se) { view.getOrgUnitsField().setEnabled(false); } @Override public void storeAdd(StoreEvent<OrgUnitDTO> se) { view.getOrgUnitsField().setEnabled(true); } }); // Project models field listener. view.getModelsField().addSelectionChangedListener(new SelectionChangedListener<ProjectModelDTO>() { @Override public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent<ProjectModelDTO> se) { final ProjectModelType type; if (se != null && se.getSelectedItem() != null) { type = se.getSelectedItem().getVisibility(injector.getAuthenticationProvider().get().getOrganizationId()); } else { type = null; } view.setProjectModelType(type); } }); // Amount field listener. view.getAmountField().addListener(Events.Change, new Listener<BaseEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) { final NumberField budgetField = view.getBudgetField(); final NumberField amountField = view.getAmountField(); final LabelField percentageField = view.getPercentageField(); // Checks that values are filled. if (amountField.getValue() == null || amountField.getValue().doubleValue() < ZERO) { amountField.setValue(ZERO); } if (budgetField.getValue() == null || budgetField.getValue().doubleValue() < ZERO) { budgetField.setValue(ZERO); amountField.setValue(ZERO); } // If there is no base project, the percentage cannot be computed. if (baseProject == null) { percentageField.setValue(I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectPercentageNotAvailable()); return; } // -- // -- Computes the ratio between the amount and the base project. // -- final double baseBudget = baseProject.getPlannedBudget() != null ? baseProject.getPlannedBudget().doubleValue() : ZERO; final double budget = budgetField.getValue().doubleValue(); final double amountBudget = amountField.getValue().doubleValue(); final double minBudget = Math.min(baseBudget, budget); switch (currentMode) { // -- // -- CASE: the created project is funded by the base project. // -- case FUNDED_BY_ANOTHER_PROJECT: // If the budget of the created project is zero, the it is funded to the amount of 0%. if (budget <= ZERO) { amountField.setValue(ZERO); percentageField.setValue(ZERO_PERCENT); } // Else if the amount budget is higher than the minimum budget between the created project and the base // project, the amount budget is set the that minimum. Then, computes the ratio. else if (minBudget < amountBudget) { amountField.setValue(minBudget); percentageField.setValue(NumberUtils.ratioAsString(minBudget, budget)); } // Else, simply computes the ratio. else { percentageField.setValue(NumberUtils.ratioAsString(amountBudget, budget)); } break; // -- // -- CASE: the created project is funding the base project. // -- case FUNDING_ANOTHER_PROJECT: // If the budget of the base project is zero, then it is funded to the amount of 0%. if (baseBudget <= ZERO) { percentageField.setValue(ZERO_PERCENT); } // If the budget of the created project is zero, the it is funding the base project to the amount of 0%. else if (budget <= ZERO) { amountField.setValue(ZERO); percentageField.setValue(ZERO_PERCENT); } // Else if the amount budget is higher than the minimum budget between the created project and the base // project, the amount budget is set the that minimum. Then, computes the ratio. else if (minBudget < amountBudget) { amountField.setValue(minBudget); percentageField.setValue(NumberUtils.ratioAsString(minBudget, baseBudget)); } // Else, simply computes the ratio. else { percentageField.setValue(NumberUtils.ratioAsString(amountBudget, baseBudget)); } break; // -- // -- CASE: creates a test project (must not happen). // -- case TEST_PROJECT: budgetField.setValue(ZERO); amountField.setValue(ZERO); percentageField.setValue(I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectPercentageNotAvailable()); break; // -- // -- CASE: creates a simple project (must not happen). // -- default: amountField.setValue(ZERO); percentageField.setValue(I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectPercentageNotAvailable()); break; } } }); // Delete button action. view.setDeleteTestProjectAction(new DeleteTestProjectAction() { @Override public void deleteTestProject(final ProjectDTO testProject, final Loadable loadable) { // Request confirm test project delete N10N.confirmation(I18N.CONSTANTS.deleteTestProjectHeader(), I18N.CONSTANTS.deleteTestProjectConfirm(), new ConfirmCallback() { @Override public void onAction() { // Builds the command. final Map<String, Object> changes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); changes.put("dateDeleted", new Date()); // Executes the command. dispatch.execute(new UpdateEntity(testProject, changes), new CommandResultHandler<VoidResult>() { @Override public void onCommandFailure(final Throwable arg0) { N10N.error(I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectFailed(), I18N.CONSTANTS.deleteTestProject()); } @Override public void onCommandSuccess(final VoidResult result) { view.getTestProjectsField().getStore().remove(testProject); view.getTestProjectsField().getStore().commitChanges(); N10N.notification(I18N.CONSTANTS.deleteProjectNotificationTitle(), I18N.CONSTANTS.deleteProjectNotificationContent(), MessageType.VALID); eventBus.fireEvent(new UpdateEvent(UpdateEvent.PROJECT_DRAFT_DELETE, testProject)); } }, loadable, view.getCreateButton()); } }); } }); // Create button action. view.getCreateButton().addSelectionListener(new SelectionListener<ButtonEvent>() { @Override public void componentSelected(ButtonEvent ce) { createProject(); } }); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onPageRequest(final PageRequest request) { // Retrieves the current creation mode. currentMode = Mode.fromRequestParameterValue(request != null ? request.getParameter(RequestParameter.TYPE) : null); if (currentMode == null) { currentMode = Mode.DEFAULT_MODE; } // Retrieves the funded / funding project. baseProject = null; if (currentMode == Mode.FUNDED_BY_ANOTHER_PROJECT || currentMode == Mode.FUNDING_ANOTHER_PROJECT) { baseProject = (ProjectDTO) (request != null ? request.getData(RequestParameter.DTO) : null); } // Clears the form. view.getFormPanel().clearAll(); view.getModelsField().setEnabled(false); view.getOrgUnitsField().setEnabled(false); view.getTestProjectsField().getStore().removeAll(); // Fill pre-defined values if provided. String preselectedModelName = null; if(request != null) { // Code. if(request.getData(RequestParameter.CODE) != null) { view.getNameField().setValue((String) request.getData(RequestParameter.CODE)); } // Title. if(request.getData(RequestParameter.TITLE) != null) { view.getFullNameField().setValue((String) request.getData(RequestParameter.TITLE)); } // Planned budget. if(request.getData(RequestParameter.BUDGET) != null) { view.getBudgetField().setValue((Double) request.getData(RequestParameter.BUDGET)); } // Project model name. if(request.getData(RequestParameter.MODEL) != null) { preselectedModelName = (String) request.getData(RequestParameter.MODEL); } } // Loads the lists. loadOrgUnits(currentMode); loadProjectModels(currentMode, preselectedModelName); loadTestProjects(currentMode); // -- // -- Customizes the form for the current mode. // -- final boolean showBudgetField; final boolean showOrgUnitsField; final boolean showAmountField; final String amountFieldLabel; final boolean showTestProjectsField; final String viewTitle; final String baseProjectBudgetLabel; final Double baseProjectBudget; switch (currentMode) { // -- // -- CASE: the created project is funded by the base project. // -- case FUNDED_BY_ANOTHER_PROJECT: showBudgetField = true; showOrgUnitsField = true; showAmountField = true; amountFieldLabel = I18N.MESSAGES.projectFinancesDetails(baseProject.getName()) + " (" + I18N.CONSTANTS.currencyEuro() + ')'; baseProjectBudgetLabel = null; baseProjectBudget = null; showTestProjectsField = false; viewTitle = I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectTypePartnerCreateDetails(); break; // -- // -- CASE: the created project is funding the base project. // -- case FUNDING_ANOTHER_PROJECT: showBudgetField = true; showOrgUnitsField = true; showAmountField = true; amountFieldLabel = I18N.MESSAGES.projectFundedByDetails(baseProject.getName()) + " (" + I18N.CONSTANTS.currencyEuro() + ')'; baseProjectBudgetLabel = I18N.MESSAGES.projectFundsDetails(baseProject.getName()) + " (" + I18N.CONSTANTS.currencyEuro() + ')' + I18N.CONSTANTS.form_label_separator(); baseProjectBudget = baseProject.getPlannedBudget(); showTestProjectsField = false; viewTitle = I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectTypeFundingCreateDetails(); break; // -- // -- CASE: creates a test project. // -- case TEST_PROJECT: showBudgetField = false; showOrgUnitsField = false; showAmountField = false; amountFieldLabel = null; baseProjectBudgetLabel = null; baseProjectBudget = null; showTestProjectsField = true; viewTitle = I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectTest(); break; // -- // -- CASE: creates a simple project. // -- default: showBudgetField = true; showOrgUnitsField = true; showAmountField = false; amountFieldLabel = null; baseProjectBudgetLabel = null; baseProjectBudget = null; showTestProjectsField = false; viewTitle = I18N.CONSTANTS.createProject(); break; } // Budget field. view.getBudgetField().setVisible(showBudgetField); view.getBudgetField().setAllowBlank(!showBudgetField); // Org units field. view.getOrgUnitsField().setVisible(showOrgUnitsField); view.getOrgUnitsField().setAllowBlank(!showOrgUnitsField); // Linked budget field. view.getBaseProjectBudgetField().setFieldLabel(baseProjectBudgetLabel); view.getBaseProjectBudgetField().setValue(baseProjectBudget != null ? baseProjectBudget : ZERO); view.getBaseProjectBudgetField().setVisible(baseProjectBudget != null); // Amount field. view.getAmountField().setValue(ZERO); view.getAmountField().setVisible(showAmountField); view.getAmountField().setAllowBlank(!showAmountField); view.getAmountField().setFieldLabel(amountFieldLabel); // Percentage field. view.getPercentageField().setVisible(showAmountField); // Test projects field. view.getTestProjectsField().setVisible(showTestProjectsField); // View title. view.setTitle(viewTitle); } /** * Loads the organization units list. * * @param mode * The current creation mode. */ private void loadOrgUnits(final Mode mode) { dispatch.execute(new GetOrgUnits(OrgUnitDTO.Mode.WITH_TREE), new CommandResultHandler<ListResult<OrgUnitDTO>>() { @Override public void onCommandFailure(Throwable e) { if (Log.isErrorEnabled()) { Log.error("Error while getting the organization units list.", e); } N10N.error(I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectDisableOrgUnitError()); hideView(); } @Override public void onCommandSuccess(final ListResult<OrgUnitDTO> result) { if (result == null) { N10N.warn(I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectDisableOrgUnit()); hideView(); return; } for (OrgUnitDTO orgUnitDTO : result.getData()) { fillOrgUnitsCombobox(orgUnitDTO); } } }, view.getCreateButton()); } /** * Fills combobox with given the children of the given root org units. * * @param unit * The root org unit. */ private void fillOrgUnitsCombobox(OrgUnitDTO unit) { if (unit.isCanContainProjects() && view.getOrgUnitsField().getStore().findModel(OrgUnitDTO.ID, unit.getId()) == null) { view.getOrgUnitsField().getStore().add(unit); } final Set<OrgUnitDTO> children = unit.getChildrenOrgUnits(); if (children != null && !children.isEmpty()) { for (final OrgUnitDTO child : children) { fillOrgUnitsCombobox(child); } } } /** * Loads the project models list. * * @param mode * The current creation mode. * @param preselectedModelName * If not <code>null</code> and found, select this model in the list. */ private void loadProjectModels(final Mode mode, final String preselectedModelName) { final GetProjectModels command; if (mode == Mode.TEST_PROJECT) { command = new GetProjectModels(ProjectModelDTO.Mode.WITH_VISIBILITIES, ProjectModelStatus.DRAFT); } else { command = new GetProjectModels(ProjectModelDTO.Mode.WITH_VISIBILITIES); } dispatch.execute(command, new CommandResultHandler<ListResult<ProjectModelDTO>>() { @Override public void onCommandFailure(final Throwable e) { if (Log.isErrorEnabled()) { Log.error("Error while getting the project models list.", e); } N10N.error(I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectDisableModelError()); hideView(); } @Override public void onCommandSuccess(final ListResult<ProjectModelDTO> result) { if (result.isEmpty()) { N10N.warn(I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectDisableModel()); hideView(); return; } view.getModelsField().getStore().add(result.getList()); view.getModelsField().getStore().commitChanges(); if(preselectedModelName != null) { for(final ProjectModelDTO projectModel : result.getList()) { if(preselectedModelName.equals(projectModel.getName())) { view.getModelsField().setValue(projectModel); } } } } }, view.getCreateButton()); } /** * Loads the test projects list. * * @param mode * The current creation mode. */ private void loadTestProjects(final Mode mode) { if (mode != Mode.TEST_PROJECT) { // Nothing to do. return; } dispatch.execute(new GetTestProjects(), new CommandResultHandler<ListResult<ProjectDTO>>() { @Override public void onCommandFailure(final Throwable e) { if (Log.isErrorEnabled()) { Log.error("Error while getting the test projects list.", e); } N10N.error(I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectDisableModelError()); hideView(); } @Override public void onCommandSuccess(final ListResult<ProjectDTO> result) { view.getTestProjectsField().getStore().add(result.getList()); view.getTestProjectsField().getStore().commitChanges(); } }, view.getCreateButton()); } /** * Create the project with the current form values. */ private void createProject() { // Checks that the form is valid. if (!view.getFormPanel().isValid()) { return; } // Retrieves values. final String name = view.getNameField().getValue(); final String fullName = view.getFullNameField().getValue(); final double budget = view.getBudgetField().getValue() != null ? view.getBudgetField().getValue().doubleValue() : ZERO; final Integer projectModelId = view.getModelsField().getValue() != null ? view.getModelsField().getValue().getId() : null; final String orgUnitId = view.getOrgUnitsField().getValue() != null ? String.valueOf(view.getOrgUnitsField().getValue().getId()) : null; if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Create a new project with parameters: "); sb.append("name = "); sb.append(name); sb.append(" ; full name = "); sb.append(fullName); sb.append(" ; budget = "); sb.append(budget); sb.append(" ; model id = "); sb.append(projectModelId); sb.append(" ; org unit id = "); sb.append(orgUnitId); Log.debug(sb.toString()); } // Stores the project properties in a map to be send to the server. final HashMap<String, Object> projectProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); projectProperties.put(ProjectDTO.NAME, name); projectProperties.put(ProjectDTO.FULL_NAME, fullName); projectProperties.put(ProjectDTO.BUDGET, budget); projectProperties.put(ProjectDTO.MODEL_ID, projectModelId); projectProperties.put(ProjectDTO.ORG_UNIT_ID, orgUnitId); projectProperties.put(ProjectDTO.CALENDAR_NAME, I18N.CONSTANTS.calendarDefaultName()); projectProperties.put(ProjectDTO.CREATION_MODE, currentMode); if(currentMode == Mode.FUNDING_ANOTHER_PROJECT || currentMode == Mode.FUNDED_BY_ANOTHER_PROJECT) { projectProperties.put(ProjectDTO.AMOUNT, view.getAmountField().getValue().doubleValue()); projectProperties.put(ProjectDTO.BASE_PROJECT, baseProject); } // Creates the project. dispatch.execute(new CreateEntity(ProjectDTO.ENTITY_NAME, projectProperties), new CommandResultHandler<CreateResult>() { @Override public void onCommandFailure(Throwable arg0) { N10N.error(I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectFailed(), I18N.CONSTANTS.createProjectFailedDetails(), null); } @Override public void onCommandSuccess(CreateResult result) { final ProjectDTO project = (ProjectDTO) result.getEntity(); if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) { Log.debug("Project created with id #" + project.getId() + "."); } // -- // -- Launches the creation event. // -- final Object[] eventParams = new Object[3]; eventParams[0] = currentMode; // the creation mode. eventParams[1] = project; // The created project. switch (currentMode) { case FUNDED_BY_ANOTHER_PROJECT: eventParams[2] = view.getAmountField().getValue().doubleValue(); // The funded amount. break; case FUNDING_ANOTHER_PROJECT: eventParams[2] = view.getAmountField().getValue().doubleValue(); // The funding amount. break; case TEST_PROJECT: // Add the new test project to the test projects field. view.getTestProjectsField().getStore().add(project); view.getTestProjectsField().getStore().commitChanges(); break; default: break; } // Hides the view unless the test mode is active. if (currentMode != Mode.TEST_PROJECT) { hideView(); } // Notifies the project creation. eventBus.fireEvent(new UpdateEvent(UpdateEvent.PROJECT_CREATE, eventParams)); } }, view.getCreateButton()); } }