/* * @(#)CStubGenerator.java 1.15 06/10/10 * * Copyright 1990-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version * 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is * included at /legal/license.txt). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 or visit www.sun.com if you need additional * information or have any questions. * */ package runtime; import consts.Const; import util.*; import components.*; import vm.*; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Hashtable; public class CStubGenerator{ char CDelim = '_'; String exportPrefix = ""; boolean tracemode; String outfileName; final static char DIR_DELIM = '/'; final static char INNER_DELIM = '$'; PrintStream o; public CStubGenerator( boolean dotrace, PrintStream outfile ){ tracemode = dotrace; o = outfile; } // this data is really per-header. // it is guarded by synchronous method access String className; static String strsub( String src, char substitute ){ return src.replace( DIR_DELIM, substitute).replace(INNER_DELIM, substitute ); } class StubGenerator extends util.SignatureIterator{ public String funcName; public boolean tracemode; public boolean isStatic; public int argn; public String retTypeWord = null; public String params; public String proto = ""; public String protoThis; public String result = ""; String quotedClassFunc; String methodName; public StubGenerator( String name, boolean isStaticMember, String initialProto, String sig, boolean tm, String mname ){ super( sig ); funcName = name; isStatic = isStaticMember; if ( isStaticMember ){ params = "NULL"; argn = 0; } else { params = "_P_[0].p"; argn = 1; } protoThis = initialProto; tracemode = tm; methodName = mname; } private void prefix( String returntype ){ result += " extern "+returntype+" "+funcName+"("+protoThis+proto+");\n"; if ( tracemode ){ quotedClassFunc = "\""+className+"\",\""+methodName+"\""; String thisParam = isStatic ? ",%s,\"NULL\"" : ",0x%08x,_P_[0].p"; result += " ENTER_STUB("+quotedClassFunc+thisParam+",\""+proto+"\");\n"; } } private void suffix( String fmt, String val, String rtn ){ if ( tracemode ){ if ( fmt == null ) result += " EXIT_VOID_STUB("+quotedClassFunc+");\n"; else result += " EXIT_STUB("+quotedClassFunc+",\""+fmt+"\","+val+");\n"; } result += rtn; } public void do_scalar( char t ){ // default scalar types: int, char, byte, short if ( isReturnType ){ prefix( "long" ); result += " _P_[0].i = "+funcName+"("+params+");\n"; suffix( "%d", "_P_[0].i", "\treturn _P_ + 1;\n"); } else { params += ", _P_["+argn+"].i"; proto += ",int"; argn += 1; } } public void do_float(){ if ( isReturnType ){ prefix( "float" ); result += " _P_[0].f = "+funcName+"("+params+");\n"; suffix( "%f", "_P_[0].f", "\treturn _P_ + 1;\n"); } else { params += ", _P_["+argn+"].f"; proto += ",float"; argn += 1; } } public void do_double(){ if ( isReturnType ){ result += " Java8 _tval;\n"; prefix( "double" ); result += " SET_DOUBLE(_tval, _P_, "+funcName+"("+params+"));\n"; suffix( null, null, "\treturn _P_ + 2;\n" ); } else { result += " Java8 _t"+argn+";\n"; params += ",GET_DOUBLE(_t"+argn+", _P_+"+argn+") "; proto += ",double"; argn += 2; } } public void do_long(){ if ( isReturnType ){ result += " Java8 _tval;\n"; prefix ("int64_t"); result += " SET_INT64(_tval, _P_, "+funcName+"("+params+"));\n"; suffix( null, null, "\treturn _P_ + 2;\n" ); } else { result += " Java8 _t"+argn+";\n"; params += ",GET_INT64(_t"+argn+", _P_+"+argn+")"; proto += ",int64_t"; argn += 2; } } public void do_void(){ if ( isReturnType ){ prefix("void"); result += " (void) "+funcName+"("+params+");\n"; suffix( null, null, "\treturn _P_;\n" ); } else { System.out.println(Localizer.getString("cstubgenerator.void_parameter_type")); } } public void do_boolean(){ if ( isReturnType ){ prefix("long"); result += " _P_[0].i = "+funcName+"("+params+")? TRUE : FALSE;\n"; suffix( "%d", "_P_[0].i", "\treturn _P_ + 1;\n"); } else { params += ", _P_["+argn+"].i"; proto += ",int"; argn += 1; } } public void do_object( int startname, int endname ){ if ( isReturnType ){ prefix ("void*"); result += " _P_[0].p = "+funcName+"("+params+");\n"; suffix("0x%08x", "_P_[0].p", "\treturn _P_ + 1;\n"); } else { params += ", _P_["+argn+"].p"; proto += ",void *"; argn += 1; } } public void do_array( int depth, int startname, int endname ){ if ( isReturnType ){ prefix ("void*"); result += " _P_[0].p = "+funcName+"("+params+");\n"; suffix("0x%08x", "_P_[0].p", "\treturn _P_ + 1;\n"); } else { params += ", _P_["+argn+"].p"; proto += ",void *"; argn += 1; } } } private boolean printStub( MethodInfo m ){ if ( (m.access&Const.ACC_NATIVE) == 0 ) return false; // we're here in error. String mName = strsub( m.name.string, CDelim ); String funcName = className+"_"+mName; String stubName = "Java_"+funcName+"_stub"; StubGenerator g = new StubGenerator( funcName, m.isStaticMember(), "void *", m.type.string, tracemode, mName ); try { g.iterate_parameters(); g.iterate_returntype(); } catch ( DataFormatException e ){ e.printStackTrace(); return false; } o.println(exportPrefix+"stack_item *"+stubName+"(stack_item *_P_,struct execenv *_EE_) {"); o.print( g.result ); o.println("}"); return true; } private void prolog(){ o.println("/* Stubs for class "+className+" */"); } private void epilog(){ } void fileProlog(){ o.println("/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */"); o.println("#include <StubPreamble.h>"); if ( tracemode ){ o.println("#include <threads.h>\n"); o.println("#ifndef ENTER_STUB"); o.println("#define ENTER_STUB(n,fcn,fmt,s,p)\\"); o.println(" printf(\"0x%08x: %s_%s(\" #fmt \"%s)\\n\", threadSelf(), n, fcn, s, p);"); o.println("#endif"); o.println("#ifndef EXIT_STUB"); o.println("#define EXIT_STUB(n,f,fmt,r)\\"); o.println(" printf(\"0x%08x: %s_%s returned \" #fmt \"\\n\", threadSelf(), n, f, r);"); o.println("#define EXIT_VOID_STUB(n,f)\\"); o.println(" printf(\"0x%08x: %s_%s returned\\n\", threadSelf(), n, f);"); o.println("#endif"); } } private void dumpStubs( ClassInfo c ){ className = strsub( c.className, CDelim ); if ( (c.methods == null) || (c.methods.length==0 )) return; prolog(); MethodInfo t[] = c.methods; for ( int i = 0; i < t.length; i++ ){ if ( (t[i].access&Const.ACC_NATIVE) != 0 ) printStub( t[i] ); } epilog(); } synchronized public void writeStubs( ClassInfo c[], int nclasses, ClassnameFilterList nativeTypes ){ fileProlog(); for ( int i = 0; i < nclasses; i++ ){ String[] types = nativeTypes.getTypes( c[i].className ); for ( int j = 0; j < types.length; ++j ) { String type = types[j]; if ( type.substring(0, 3).equals("JDK") ){ dumpStubs( c[i] ); break; } } } } }