package com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.Ellipsoid; /** * Helmert 7-parameter transformation * * * * */ public class HelmertTransformation { private static final int TYPE_POSITION_VECTOR = 1; private static final int TYPE_COORDINATE_FRAME = 2; /** * Parameters to transform from WGS84 to ED50 north of 62deg N. */ public static final HelmertTransformation WGS84_TO_ED50_N62N = new HelmertTransformation(116.641d, 56.931d, 110.559d, -0.000004327d, -0.000004464d, 0.000004444d, ppmToM(3.520d), TYPE_POSITION_VECTOR); /** * Parameters to transform from ED50 to WGS84 north of 62deg N. */ public static final HelmertTransformation ED50_TO_WGS84_N62N = WGS84_TO_ED50_N62N.createReverse(); /** * Parameters to transform from WGS84 to ED50 south of 62deg N. */ public static final HelmertTransformation WGS84_TO_ED50_S62N = new HelmertTransformation(90.365d, 101.130d, 123.384d, -0.000001614d, -0.000000373d, -0.000004334d, ppmToM(-1.994d), TYPE_POSITION_VECTOR); /** * Parameters to transform from ED50 to WGS84 south of 62deg N. */ private static final HelmertTransformation ED50_TO_WGS84_S62N = WGS84_TO_ED50_S62N.createReverse(); private final double dX; private final double dY; private final double dZ; private final double rX; private final double rY; private final double rZ; private final double neg_rX; private final double neg_rY; private final double neg_rZ; private final double m; private final int type; public static final HelmertTransformation find(Ellipsoid source, Ellipsoid dest) { // TODO: include projection center if ((source == Ellipsoid.WGS_84) && (dest == Ellipsoid.INTERNATIONAL)) { return WGS84_TO_ED50_S62N; } if ((source == Ellipsoid.INTERNATIONAL) && (dest == Ellipsoid.WGS_84)) { return ED50_TO_WGS84_S62N; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown transformation from " + source + " to " + dest); } /** * * @param dX * @param dY * @param dZ * @param rX * @param rY * @param rZ * @param m a scale correction factor near 1. see {@link #ppmToM(double)} * @param type */ private HelmertTransformation(double dX, double dY, double dZ, double rX, double rY, double rZ, double m, int type) { this.dX = dX; this.dY = dY; this.dZ = dZ; this.rX = rX; this.rY = rY; this.rZ = rZ; this.neg_rX = -1d * rX; this.neg_rY = -1d * rY; this.neg_rZ = -1d * rZ; this.m = m; this.type = type; } private HelmertTransformation createReverse() { // m should be switched around 1. So 0.9 should be 1.1 and so on. double newM = 2d - m; return new HelmertTransformation(-1d * dX, -1d * dY, -1d * dZ, neg_rX, neg_rY, neg_rZ, newM, type); } public void apply(ECEFPoint coord) { double x = coord.x_; double y = coord.y_; double z = coord.z_; x *= m; y *= m; z *= m; switch (type) { case TYPE_POSITION_VECTOR: x = x + (neg_rZ * y) + (rX * z); y = (rZ * x) + y + (neg_rX * z); z = (neg_rY * x) + (rX * y) + z; break; case TYPE_COORDINATE_FRAME: x = x + (rZ * y) + (neg_rX * z); y = (neg_rZ * x) + y + (rX * z); z = (rY * x) + (neg_rX * y) + z; break; } x += dX; y += dY; z += dZ; coord.setECEF(x, y, z); } /** * Convert the scale factor from parts per million. * * @param ppm scale factor in parts per million * @return scale correction factor. */ private static final double ppmToM(double ppm) { return 1d + (ppm / 1000000d); } }