// ********************************************************************** // // <copyright> // // BBN Technologies // 10 Moulton Street // Cambridge, MA 02138 // (617) 873-8000 // // Copyright (C) BBNT Solutions LLC. All rights reserved. // // </copyright> // ********************************************************************** // // $Source: /cvs/distapps/openmap/src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/layer/shape/areas/AreaHandler.java,v $ // $RCSfile: AreaHandler.java,v $ // $Revision: $ // $Date: 2009/03/03 04:59:13 $ // $Author: dietrick $ // // ********************************************************************** package com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.areas; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import com.bbn.openmap.PropertyConsumer; import com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape.DbfTableModel; import com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape.ShapeConstants; import com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape.input.DbfInputStream; import com.bbn.openmap.io.FormatException; import com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.CSVShapeInfoFile; import com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer; import com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.SpatialIndex; import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.DrawingAttributes; import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMGeometryList; import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMGraphic; import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMGraphicList; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.ProjMath; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.Projection; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords.GeoCoordTransformation; import com.bbn.openmap.util.ComponentFactory; import com.bbn.openmap.util.Debug; import com.bbn.openmap.util.PropUtils; /** * An object to organize graphics in a shapefile and their corresponding * attributes in OpenMap. A properties object can determine how areas/graphics * are to be colored, or you can grab the graphics directly and color them * yourself. It's called AreaHandler because it was originally intended to be a * management tool for political boundary areas, but it should work for all * shapefiles, really. This object uses a CSV file created from the DBF file * that usually accompanies the shapefile. Also, this class does inflict a * startup burden on the map. Because all the organizational effort occurs in * setProperties(), it occurs even if the handler isn't used in an active Layer. * <P> * Here is a sample of what this thing is looking for by way of properties: * <P> * * <pre> * * * layer.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.areas.AreaShapeLayer * layer.prettyName=Layer Name * layer.shapeFile=/usr/local/data/shape/shapefile.shp * layer.spatialIndex=/usr/local/data/shape/shapefile.ssx * * # Now, provide a data file that says what the shapes in the .shp * # file are. You can use the DBF file: * layer.dbfFile=/usr/local/data/shape/shapefile.dbf * # OR a csv file, created yourself or from the .dbf file. There * # should be the same number of entries in the .csv file that are in * # the .shp file. * layer.csvFile=/usr/local/data/shape/shapefile.csv * # An attribute to tell the AreaHandler to skip over the first row * # of the csv file if it contains descriptive column header names. * layer.csvFileHasHeader=true * * # Default DrawingAttributes properties for everything not defined * # specifically: * layer.lineColor=ff000000 * layer.fillColor=ffff00ff * * # Now add any other attributes accepted by the DrawingAttributes * # object, with the prefix as stated above, i.e. layer.lineColor) * # * # The first column index is 0, not 1. * # * # The key index specifies which column in the csv file contains * # unique area names that are listed in the areas list here in the * # properties. In this case, it's the column that contains MA in one * # of its rows. * layer.keyIndex=4 * * # The name index is the column in the csv file that contains what * # should be displayed in the application when a shape is chosen - the * # object's proper name. * layer.nameIndex=4 * layer.areas=MA RI * layer.areas.MA.fillColor=ffff0000 * layer.areas.MA.lineColor=ff00ff00 * layer.areas.RI.fillColor=ffff0000 * layer.areas.RI.lineColor=ff00ff00 * * * </pre> * * <P> */ public class AreaHandler implements PropertyConsumer { /** * The known political areas, based on the list of OMGraphics each entry * contains. */ protected Hashtable politicalAreas; /** The property that lists special colored areas. */ public static final String areasProperty = "areas"; /** * A property that sets an image URL to use for point objects. Only one * image for all point objects. */ public static final String pointImageURLProperty = "pointImageURL"; /** * The property that specifies an index location for the area search key for * a shape graphic in the database file. Default is 1. The contents of this * column should match the area key used to specify the drawingattributes of * that particular object as listed in these properties. */ public static final String keyIndexProperty = "keyIndex"; /** * The property that specifies an index location for the area name for a * shape graphic in the database file. Default is 0. */ public static final String nameIndexProperty = "nameIndex"; /** * The resource name, URL or file name of the serialized graphics file. */ public static final String CacheFileProperty = "cacheFile"; /** * The name of the property that holds the name of the CSV file with the * area attributes, like the name and the abbreviation (or search Key). */ public final static String csvFileProperty = "csvFile"; /** Set if the CSVFile has a header record. Default is true. */ public final static String csvHeaderProperty = "csvFileHasHeader"; /** * The name of the property that holds the name of the DBF file with the * area attributes, like the name and the abbreviation (or search Key). */ public final static String dbfFileProperty = "dbfFile"; /** * The list of areas that have special coloring needs. Used to write the * properties back out. */ protected Vector areasItems = new Vector(); /** * The index of the column that holds the name of the area. This name will * be used for display in the GUI for a particular map object. */ protected int nameIndex = 0; /** * The index of the column that holds the search key of the area. This is * the field that is the key to use for the Hashtable holding all the area * descriptions, and should be unique for each named area. */ protected int keyIndex = 1; /** The URL location of the cached graphics file. */ protected URL cacheURL = null; /** The graphics list */ protected OMGraphicList omgraphics = null; /** * Default draw parameters of the graphics that don't have something * specific set for it. */ protected DrawingAttributes drawingAttributes; /** The location of the CSV attribute file. */ protected CSVShapeInfoFile infoFile = null; /** The DBF attribute file table model. */ protected DbfTableModel dbfModel = null; /** * Flag that specifies that the first line consists of header information, * and should not be mapped to a graphic. */ protected boolean csvHasHeader = true; protected Properties originalProperties = null; protected String originalPrefix = null; protected SpatialIndex spatialIndex = null; protected GeoCoordTransformation coordTransform = null; // public AreaHandler() {} /** * Construct an AreaHandler. Needs an external SpatialIndex, and default * DrawingAttributes. */ public AreaHandler(SpatialIndex si, DrawingAttributes da) { setDrawingAttributes(da); setSpatialIndex(si); } public void setDrawingAttributes(DrawingAttributes da) { drawingAttributes = da; } public DrawingAttributes getDrawingAttributes() { return drawingAttributes; } public void setSpatialIndex(SpatialIndex si) { spatialIndex = si; } public SpatialIndex getSpatialIndex() { return spatialIndex; } public Hashtable getPoliticalAreas() { return politicalAreas; } public void setProperties(Properties props) { setProperties(null, props); } /** * Initializes this object from the given properties * * @param props * the <code>Properties</code> holding settings for this object */ public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties props) { if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler: setting properties"); } setPropertyPrefix(prefix); originalProperties = props; // These will get initialized when someone asks for it. // Otherwise, it delays the startup of the map. politicalAreas = null; String realPrefix = PropUtils.getScopedPropertyPrefix(prefix); String transClassName = props.getProperty(realPrefix + ShapeLayer.TransformProperty); if (transClassName != null) { try { coordTransform = (GeoCoordTransformation) ComponentFactory.create( transClassName, realPrefix + ShapeLayer.TransformProperty, props); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { } } } /** PropertyConsumer method. */ public Properties getProperties(Properties props) { if (props == null) { props = new Properties(); } if (coordTransform instanceof PropertyConsumer) { ((PropertyConsumer) coordTransform).getProperties(props); } return props; } /** PropertyConsumer method. */ public Properties getPropertyInfo(Properties props) { if (props == null) { props = new Properties(); } return props; } /** PropertyConsumer method. */ public void setPropertyPrefix(String pre) { originalPrefix = pre; } /** PropertyConsumer method. */ public String getPropertyPrefix() { return originalPrefix; } /** * Go through the properties, loading the shapefile, information file and * attributes files, and resolve how everything should be drawn. Might take * awhile if the files are large. Called from getRectangle, which is called * when the AreaShapeLayer is added to the map. * * @param prefix * property file entry header name * @param props * the properties to look through. */ public void initialize(String prefix, Properties props) { if (props == null) { Debug.error("AreaHandler: initialize received bad input:\n\tprefix: " + prefix + "\n\tproperties: " + (props == null ? "null" : "OK")); politicalAreas = null; return; } prefix = PropUtils.getScopedPropertyPrefix(prefix); politicalAreas = new Hashtable(); // OK, Get the graphics. We are not expecting that all the // graphics in the file are not too much to handle. Also, we // test for the serialized graphics file first, and if it // isn't designated, then look for a shapefile and spatial // index file to create an OMGraphicsList. String cacheFile = props.getProperty(prefix + CacheFileProperty); // First find the resource, if not, then try as a file-URL... try { cacheURL = PropUtils.getResourceOrFileOrURL(this, cacheFile); if (cacheURL != null) { omgraphics = readCachedGraphics(cacheURL); } else { // We'll use the spatial index set from the // ShapeLayer. // Now, get the attribute file String dbfFile = props.getProperty(prefix + dbfFileProperty); URL dbfFileURL = null; if (dbfFile != null) { dbfFileURL = PropUtils.getResourceOrFileOrURL(this, dbfFile); } if (dbfFileURL != null) { InputStream is = dbfFileURL.openStream(); dbfModel = new DbfTableModel(new DbfInputStream(is)); } if (dbfModel == null) { String csvFile = props.getProperty(prefix + csvFileProperty); URL infofileURL = null; if (csvFile != null) { infofileURL = PropUtils.getResourceOrFileOrURL(this, csvFile); } // Read them in. if (infofileURL != null) { infoFile = new CSVShapeInfoFile(csvFile); infoFile.setHeadersExist(PropUtils.booleanFromProperties( props, prefix + csvHeaderProperty, true)); infoFile.loadData(true); } } } } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException murle) { omgraphics = new OMGraphicList(); } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) { omgraphics = new OMGraphicList(); } catch (Exception exc) { omgraphics = new OMGraphicList(); } // This is handled properly yet. The PoliticalArea should be // updated to handle URLs for area points, and have different // icons for different areas. // String defaultPointImageURLString = // props.getProperty(prefix + pointImageURLProperty); // Now, match the attributes to the graphics. Find the // indexes of the name and the search key. Also figure out // which areas have special coloring needs. keyIndex = PropUtils.intFromProperties(props, prefix + keyIndexProperty, keyIndex); nameIndex = PropUtils.intFromProperties(props, prefix + nameIndexProperty, nameIndex); String areas = props.getProperty(prefix + areasProperty); if (areas == null) areas = ""; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(areas, " "); // All this uses the properties to set the individual colors // of any area String currentArea; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { currentArea = tokenizer.nextToken(); PoliticalArea newParams = new PoliticalArea(currentArea); if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler: setting SPECIALIZED attributes for \"" + newParams.id + "\""); } areasItems.addElement(currentArea); newParams.drawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes(prefix + areasProperty + "." + currentArea, props); politicalAreas.put(newParams.id.toUpperCase().intern(), newParams); } if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler: finished initialization"); } } /** * Read a cache of OMGraphics */ public OMGraphicList readCachedGraphics(URL url) throws java.io.IOException { if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("Reading cached graphics"); } OMGraphicList omgraphics = new OMGraphicList(); if (url != null) { omgraphics.readGraphics(url); } return omgraphics; } /** * Get all the graphics from the shapefile, colored appropriately. */ public OMGraphicList getGraphics() { if (omgraphics == null) { omgraphics = new OMGraphicList(); try { spatialIndex.getOMGraphics(-180, -90, 180, 90, omgraphics, drawingAttributes, (Projection) null, coordTransform); updateDrawingParameters(omgraphics); } catch (IOException ioe) { Debug.error(ioe.getMessage()); } catch (FormatException fe) { Debug.error(fe.getMessage()); } } return omgraphics; } protected void updateDrawingParameters(OMGraphicList omgl) { if (omgl != null) { for (OMGraphic omg : omgl) { Integer recNum = (Integer) omg.getAttribute(ShapeConstants.SHAPE_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE); if (recNum != null) { getDrawParams(recNum.intValue()).setTo(omg); omg.putAttribute(OMGraphic.INFOLINE, getName(recNum)); } } } } /** * Get the graphics for a particular lat/lon area. * * @param ulLat * upper left latitude, in decimal degrees. * @param ulLon * upper left longitude, in decimal degrees. * @param lrLat * lower right latitude, in decimal degrees. * @param lrLon * lower right longitude, in decimal degrees. * @return OMGraphicList */ public OMGraphicList getGraphics(double ulLat, double ulLon, double lrLat, double lrLon) { return getGraphics(ulLat, ulLon, lrLat, lrLon, (Projection) null); } /** * Get the graphics for a particular lat/lon area. * * @param ulLat * upper left latitude, in decimal degrees. * @param ulLon * upper left longitude, in decimal degrees. * @param lrLat * lower right latitude, in decimal degrees. * @param lrLon * lower right longitude, in decimal degrees. * @param proj * the current map projection. * @return OMGraphicList */ public OMGraphicList getGraphics(double ulLat, double ulLon, double lrLat, double lrLon, Projection proj) { if (cacheURL != null) { return omgraphics; } if (spatialIndex == null) { return new OMGraphicList(); } if (politicalAreas == null) { initialize(originalPrefix, originalProperties); } OMGraphicList list = new OMGraphicList(); // check for dateline anomaly on the screen. we check for // ulLon >= lrLon, but we need to be careful of the check for // equality because of floating point arguments... if (ProjMath.isCrossingDateline(ulLon, lrLon, proj.getScale())) { if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHander.getGraphics(): Dateline is on screen"); } double ymin = Math.min(ulLat, lrLat); double ymax = Math.max(ulLat, lrLat); try { list = spatialIndex.getOMGraphics(ulLon, ymin, 180.0d, ymax, list, drawingAttributes, proj, coordTransform); list = spatialIndex.getOMGraphics(-180.0d, ymin, lrLon, ymax, list, drawingAttributes, proj, coordTransform); } catch (InterruptedIOException iioe) { // This means that the thread has been interrupted, // probably due to a projection change. Not a big // deal, just return, don't do any more work, and let // the next thread solve all problems. list = null; } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (FormatException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); } } else { double xmin = (double) Math.min(ulLon, lrLon); double xmax = (double) Math.max(ulLon, lrLon); double ymin = (double) Math.min(ulLat, lrLat); double ymax = (double) Math.max(ulLat, lrLat); try { list = spatialIndex.getOMGraphics(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, list, drawingAttributes, proj, coordTransform); } catch (InterruptedIOException iioe) { // This means that the thread has been interrupted, // probably due to a projection change. Not a big // deal, just return, don't do any more work, and let // the next thread solve all problems. list = null; } catch (java.io.IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (FormatException fe) { fe.printStackTrace(); } } updateDrawingParameters(list); return list; } /** * Return the graphic name, given the infofile vector on the graphic. The * AreaHandler knows which one is the name. Returns an empty string if * something goes wrong. */ public String getName(Vector vector) { try { String string = (String) vector.elementAt(nameIndex); return string; } catch (ClassCastException cce) { } return ""; } /** * Get the name of the object at the index of the list. This is a * zero-based index. Remember, the record number out of the shape * file is one-based. The index stored in the OMGraphic attribute * created from the shape files is zero-based to help with * lookups. * * @param integer a zero-based index. * @return an empty string if something goes wrong, or the name as * a String. */ public String getName(Integer integer) { try { if (infoFile != null) { Vector vector = infoFile.getRecord(integer.intValue()); if (vector != null) { return (String) vector.elementAt(nameIndex); } } else if (dbfModel != null) { Object obj = dbfModel.getValueAt(integer.intValue(), nameIndex); if (obj != null) { if (obj instanceof String) { return (String) obj; } else { return obj.toString(); } } } } catch (ClassCastException cce) { } return ""; } /** * Given the shapefile record number, find the drawing parameters that * should be used for the shape. * * @param recordNumber the zero-based record number from the OMGraphicList. */ public DrawingAttributes getDrawParamsFromCSV(int recordNumber) { if (infoFile == null) { return drawingAttributes; } // OFF BY ONE!!! The shape record numbers // assigned to the records start with 1, while // everything else we do starts with 0... Vector info = infoFile.getRecord(recordNumber); if (info == null) { if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler.getDrawParameters: record " + recordNumber + " has no info"); } return drawingAttributes; } Object keyObj = info.elementAt(keyIndex); String key = null; PoliticalArea pa = null; if (keyObj != null) { key = createStringFromKeyObject(keyObj); pa = (PoliticalArea) politicalAreas.get(key); } if (pa == null) { if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler.getDrawParameters: record " + recordNumber + " has key \"" + key + "\" and DEFAULT attributes"); } return drawingAttributes; } else { // Only bother with this the first time around. if (pa.name == null) { String name = (String) info.elementAt(nameIndex); if (name != null) { pa.name = name; } else { pa.name = ""; } } if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler.getDrawParameters: record " + recordNumber + " has key \"" + key + "\" and SPECIALIZED attributes"); } return pa.drawingAttributes; } } /** * Given the shapefile record number, find the drawing parameters from the * DBF model that should be used for the shape. Returns the default coloring * if the key for the drawing parameters isn't found. * * @param recordNumber the zero-based record number from the OMGraphicList */ public DrawingAttributes getDrawParamsFromDBF(int recordNumber) { if (dbfModel == null) { return drawingAttributes; } if (dbfModel == null || dbfModel.getRowCount() < recordNumber) { if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler.getDrawParameters: record " + recordNumber + " has no info"); } return drawingAttributes; } Object keyObj = dbfModel.getValueAt(recordNumber, keyIndex); String key = null; PoliticalArea pa = null; if (keyObj != null) { key = createStringFromKeyObject(keyObj); pa = (PoliticalArea) politicalAreas.get(key); } if (pa == null) { if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler.getDrawParameters: record " + recordNumber + " has key \"" + key + "\" and DEFAULT attributes"); } return drawingAttributes; } else { // Only bother with this the first time around. if (pa.name == null) { // String name = (String) info.elementAt(nameIndex); String name = (String) dbfModel.getValueAt(recordNumber, nameIndex); if (name != null) { pa.name = name; } else { pa.name = ""; } } if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler.getDrawParameters: record " + recordNumber + " has key \"" + key + "\" and SPECIALIZED attributes"); } return pa.drawingAttributes; } } /** * OK, we can't assume that we are assigning a string as a key, you might * want to key in on a specific attribute that is a number, like the country * coloring code that ESRI has in the country file. We're going to assume * that if the number has an integer value, it shouldn't have decimal * places. That is, a 1.0 will be truncated to 1, because that makes more * sense in a data file where you are using a key as a factor. If the double * value doesn't match the integer value, though, we'll assume that's what * was meant and leave it alone. * <p> */ protected String createStringFromKeyObject(Object keyObj) { String key = null; if (keyObj instanceof String) { key = ((String) keyObj).toUpperCase().intern(); } else if (keyObj instanceof Number) { Number keyNum = (Number) keyObj; if (keyNum.doubleValue() == (double) keyNum.intValue()) { // Strips off empty decimal places, for sure key = Integer.toString(keyNum.intValue()).intern(); } else { key = Double.toString(keyNum.doubleValue()).intern(); } } else { try { key = keyObj.toString().toUpperCase().intern(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error("AreaHandler.createStringFromKeyObject: bad key object:" + keyObj); } } return key; } /** * Given the shapefile record number, find the drawing parameters that * should be used for the shape. Returns the default coloring if the key for * the drawing parameters isn't found. * * @param recordNumber the zero-based record number from the OMGraphics. */ public DrawingAttributes getDrawParams(int recordNumber) { if (dbfModel != null) return getDrawParamsFromDBF(recordNumber); else return getDrawParamsFromCSV(recordNumber); } /** * This function takes an OMGraphicList and loads each one with the array * representing the records in the dbf file. Each graphics stores the * graphic in its object slot. */ public void loadDbfModelIntoGraphics(OMGraphicList list) { if (list != null && dbfModel.getRowCount() > 0) { int numgraphics = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numgraphics; i++) { try { OMGraphic omg = list.getOMGraphicAt(i); Integer recnum = (Integer) (omg.getAttribute(ShapeConstants.SHAPE_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE)); // OFF BY ONE!!! The shape record numbers // assigned to the records start with 0, while // everything else we do starts with 0. The DbfTableModel // follows java convention and starts at 0. The integer // stored in the OMG should know it too. Object inforec = dbfModel.getRecord(recnum.intValue()); omg.putAttribute(ShapeConstants.SHAPE_DBF_INFO_ATTRIBUTE, inforec); } catch (ClassCastException cce) { if (Debug.debugging("shape")) { cce.printStackTrace(); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { npe.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * Find a PoliticalArea named by the search key. If the shapefile is large, * the first query will take a little extra time on the first query to read * in the files. * * @param area_key * the lookup key, of which the index for the column was * designated in the properties file. */ public PoliticalArea findPoliticalArea(String area_key) { // Right now, this method gathers all the graphics in the // shape file, groups them, and then returns the PoliticalArea // for the key. In the future, it would be nice to have the // option to actually search through the data file, find the // indexes of the graphics that go to the area, and assemble a // temporary list to pass back. if (politicalAreas == null) { Debug.message("areas", "AreaHandler: initializing graphic attributes"); initialize(originalPrefix, originalProperties); if (omgraphics == null) { omgraphics = getGraphics(); if (dbfModel != null) loadDbfModelIntoGraphics(omgraphics); else infoFile.loadIntoGraphics(omgraphics); } politicalAreas = determinePoliticalAreas(omgraphics); Debug.message("areas", "AreaHandler: completed initialization"); } if (politicalAreas != null) { String key = area_key.toUpperCase().intern(); // Just to // be sure. return (PoliticalArea) politicalAreas.get(key); } else { Debug.error("AreaHandler: initialization failed for " + originalPrefix + "\n\tNo data will be displayed"); return null; } } /** * Find the graphics that are represented by an search key. If the shapefile * is large, the first query will take a little extra time on the first * query to read in the files. * * @param area_key * the lookup key, of which the index for the column was * designated in the properties file. */ public OMGeometryList findGraphics(String area_key) { PoliticalArea area = findPoliticalArea(area_key); if (area == null) { return null; } else { return area.getGeometry(); } } /** * DeterminePoliticalAreas goes over a list of omgraphics, and spits out a * hashtable that holds PoliticalArea objects for every area key. * * @param graphicList * the list of graphics. The top level graphic entries on the * list represent areas. */ public Hashtable determinePoliticalAreas(OMGraphicList graphicList) { if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler: Determining political areas from OMGraphicList"); } Hashtable poli_areas = new Hashtable(); return determinePoliticalAreas(graphicList, poli_areas); } /** * DeterminePoliticalAreas goes over a list of omgraphics, and spits out a * hashtable that holds PoliticalArea objects for every area key. When an ID * is found in the graphics, it is checked in the hashtable for like * graphics, and added to that PoliticalArea if found. If not found, a new * PoliticalArea is created and placed in the Hashtable. This will duplicate * graphics if you call it more than once for the same graphic list. * * @param graphicList * the list of graphics. The top level graphic entries on the * list represent areas. */ public Hashtable determinePoliticalAreas(OMGraphicList graphicList, Hashtable poli_areas) { // Simple case. No graphics means an empty list of regions. String name = null; String key = null; if (graphicList != null) { int size = graphicList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { OMGraphic graphic = graphicList.getOMGraphicAt(i); // below should be a vector like [ "Massachusetts", // "MA" ]; Object obj = graphic.getAttribute(ShapeConstants.SHAPE_DBF_INFO_ATTRIBUTE); if (obj == null) { if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.error("AreaHandler: No attributes for graphic #" + i); } continue; } if (obj instanceof Vector) { Vector pair = (Vector) obj; name = (String) pair.elementAt(nameIndex); key = ((String) pair.elementAt(keyIndex)).toUpperCase().intern(); if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler: looking at " + name + ", " + key); } } else if (obj instanceof String) { // Assume that the key is stored here, I guess. key = (String) obj; if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler: String app object, looking at " + key); } } else { if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler: Unidentified app object type " + obj); } } // Get the political area object for this keyiation. PoliticalArea area = (PoliticalArea) poli_areas.get(key); if (area == null) { // key is not in table area = new PoliticalArea(name, key); poli_areas.put(key, area); // add it to the table // AreaDrawParams adp = // (AreaDrawParams)drawingParams.get(key); // if (adp != null) { // area.setDrawingAttributes(adp.drawingAttributes); // } } // Add the graphic to the list for this political // area. area.addGraphic(graphic); } if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler: Finished determinePoliticalAreas: " + poli_areas.size() + " areas defined."); } } return poli_areas; } protected Color getColor(String colorString) { Color result = Color.black; try { result = PropUtils.parseColor(colorString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { result = GetColorFromString(colorString); } return result; } /** * This function would return a Color object for string such as red, * green,.. (all that are available from java.awt.color class). It can also * return a specific color represented by HEX or Octal number like * 0xffeeffee */ protected Color GetColorFromString(String token) { String tokstring = (String) token; Color result = Color.black; if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler: GetColorFromString(" + tokstring + ")"); } // Thank the heavens for Emacs macros! if (tokstring.equals("black")) result = Color.black; else if (tokstring.equals("blue")) result = Color.blue; else if (tokstring.equals("cyan")) result = Color.cyan; else if (tokstring.equals("darkGray")) result = Color.darkGray; else if (tokstring.equals("gray")) result = Color.gray; else if (tokstring.equals("green")) result = Color.green; else if (tokstring.equals("lightGray")) result = Color.lightGray; else if (tokstring.equals("magenta")) result = Color.magenta; else if (tokstring.equals("orange")) result = Color.orange; else if (tokstring.equals("pink")) result = Color.pink; else if (tokstring.equals("red")) result = Color.red; else if (tokstring.equals("white")) result = Color.white; else if (tokstring.equals("yellow")) result = Color.yellow; else // decode a hex color string. result = Color.decode(tokstring); if (Debug.debugging("areas")) { Debug.output("AreaHandler.GetColorFromToken returns (" + result + ")"); } return result; } public GeoCoordTransformation getCoordTransform() { return coordTransform; } public void setCoordTransform(GeoCoordTransformation dataTransform) { this.coordTransform = dataTransform; } /** * This main function basically reads in the data sources (the shape file * and the csv information file, and creates a serialized graphics file that * will act like a cache later. */ public static void main(String[] argv) { String propertiesFile = null; String prefix = null; String outputFile = null; Debug.init(); if (argv.length < 6) printUsage(); for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) { if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-props")) { propertiesFile = argv[++i]; } else if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-prefix")) { prefix = argv[++i]; } else if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-file")) { outputFile = argv[++i]; } } if (propertiesFile == null || prefix == null || outputFile == null) { printUsage(); } try { Properties properties = new Properties(); // Read in the properties. URL propertiesURL = new URL(propertiesFile); InputStream is = propertiesURL.openStream(); properties.load(is); // Let's make a file ShapeLayer sl = new ShapeLayer(); sl.setProperties(prefix, properties); AreaHandler ah = new AreaHandler(sl.getSpatialIndex(), sl.getDrawingAttributes()); // Set the properties in the handler. ah.setProperties(prefix, properties); // Write the saved graphics. ah.getGraphics().writeGraphics(outputFile); } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException murle) { Debug.error("Bad URL for properties file : " + propertiesFile); printUsage(); } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) { Debug.error("IOException creating cached graphics file: " + outputFile); printUsage(); } } public static void printUsage() { Debug.output("Usage: java com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.areas.AreaHandler -props <URL to properties file> -prefix <handler property prefix> -file <path to output file>"); System.exit(-1); } }