package org.libtiff.jai.codec; /* * XTIFF: eXtensible TIFF libraries for JAI. * * The contents of this file are subject to the JAVA ADVANCED IMAGING * SAMPLE INPUT-OUTPUT CODECS AND WIDGET HANDLING SOURCE CODE License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The Original Code is JAVA ADVANCED IMAGING SAMPLE INPUT-OUTPUT CODECS * AND WIDGET HANDLING SOURCE CODE. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.. * Portions created by: Niles Ritter * are Copyright (C): Niles Ritter,, 1999,2000. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): Niles Ritter */ import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; import org.libtiff.jai.util.JaiI18N; import; /** * XTIFFDirectory is an extensible TIFF directory object. This class may be * extended without changing the XTIFF codec by overriding the XTIFFFactory * instance registered in this class. In addition, this class is the repository * of all XTIFFTileCodec's which may be augmented with new codecs, again without * overriding the ImageCodec. If the jai "tiff" codec has been overridden * through the <code>XTIFFDescriptor.register()</code> method, each XTIFF image * will possess a property called "" which will be an object of * the type created by the factory. The class is declared as serializable to * permit its transmission to remote images as a set of parameters to the codec, * and to be able to survive as an instantiated property of the RenderedImage. * * * @serializable * @author Niles Ritter * @see XTIFFDescriptor * @see XTIFFField * @see XTIFFTileCodec * @see XTIFFFactory */ public class XTIFFDirectory extends Object implements { private int imageType; /** default directory factory */ protected static XTIFFFactory factory = new XTIFFFactory(); protected static Hashtable tileCodecs = new Hashtable(); /** The stream being read. Not persisted */ transient protected SeekableStream stream; /** A boolean storing the endianness of the stream. */ boolean isBigEndian; /** A boolean indicating tiled tagset */ boolean _isTiled = false; /** for dynamically adding fields in sorted order */ TreeMap fieldIndex = new TreeMap(); /** The default constructor. Publicized for Serializability */ public XTIFFDirectory() { } private static boolean isValidEndianTag(int endian) { return ((endian == 0x4949) || (endian == 0x4d4d)); } /** * If true this image uses TIFF 6.0 tiling */ public boolean isTiled() { return _isTiled; } /** * reads the TIFF header. Not likely to be overridden. */ protected void readHeader() throws IOException { // Read the TIFF header; int endian = stream.readUnsignedShort(); if (!isValidEndianTag(endian)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(JaiI18N.getString("XTIFFDirectory1")); } isBigEndian = (endian == 0x4d4d); // Verify that Douglas Addams still has influence in software: int magic = readUnsignedShort(stream); if (magic != 42) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(JaiI18N.getString("XTIFFDirectory2")); } } /** * Constructs a XTIFFDirectory from a SeekableStream. The directory parameter * specifies which directory to read from the linked list present in the * stream; directory 0 is normally read but it is possible to store multiple * images in a single TIFF file by maintaing multiple directories. * * @param stream a SeekableStream to read from. * @param directory the index of the directory to read. */ protected XTIFFDirectory(SeekableStream stream, int directory) throws IOException { = stream; long global_save_offset = stream.getFilePointer(); long ifd_offset; readHeader(); // Get the initial ifd offset as an unsigned int (using a long) ifd_offset = readUnsignedInt(stream); for (int i = 0; i < directory; i++) { if (ifd_offset == 0L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(JaiI18N.getString("XTIFFDirectory3")); }; int entries = readUnsignedShort(stream); stream.skip(12 * entries); ifd_offset = readUnsignedInt(stream); }; initialize();; } /** * Constructs a XTIFFDirectory by reading a SeekableStream. The ifd_offset * parameter specifies the stream offset from which to begin reading; this * mechanism is sometimes used to store private IFDs within a TIFF file that * are not part of the normal sequence of IFDs. * * @param stream a SeekableStream to read from. * @param ifd_offset the long byte offset of the directory. */ protected XTIFFDirectory(SeekableStream stream, long ifd_offset) throws IOException { = stream; long global_save_offset = stream.getFilePointer(); readHeader();; initialize();; } private static final int[] _sizeOfType = { 0, // 0 = n/a 1, // 1 = byte 1, // 2 = ascii 2, // 3 = short 4, // 4 = long 8, // 5 = rational 1, // 6 = sbyte 1, // 7 = undefined 2, // 8 = sshort 4, // 9 = slong 8, // 10 = srational 4, // 11 = float 8 // 12 = double }; /** * Return the size of a data type. Extend if you need to define new TIFF * field types. Also override the createField() method of the XTIFFFactory, * the XTIFFField class, and the readFieldValue() method here. * * @param type the XTIFFField type code * @see XTIFFField * @see XTIFFFactory */ public int sizeOfType(int type) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException { return _sizeOfType[type]; } /** * Create and add a TIFF field to this directory. * * @param tag the TIFF tag listed in XTIFF * @param type the TIFF field type listed in XTIFFField * @param count the number of values in array obj * @param obj the array of values * @see XTIFFField * @see XTIFF */ public void addField(int tag, int type, int count, Object obj) { addField(factory.createField(tag, type, count, obj)); } /** * Create a TIFF field * * @param tag the TIFF tag listed in XTIFF * @param type the TIFF field type listed in XTIFFField * @param count the number of values in array obj * @param obj the array of values * @see XTIFFField * @see XTIFF */ public static XTIFFField createField(int tag, int type, int count, Object obj) { return factory.createField(tag, type, count, obj); } /** * Add an existing TIFF field to this directory. * * @param type the XTIFFField type code * @see XTIFFField */ public void addField(XTIFFField field) { fieldIndex.put(new Integer(field.tag), field); } /** * Initialize the directory from a stream */ protected void initialize() throws IOException { XTIFFField field; // long nextTagOffset; int numEntries = readUnsignedShort(stream); for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { try { field = readField(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ae) { // if the data type is unknown we should skip this TIFF Field continue; } addField(field); } } /** Returns the number of directory entries. */ public int getNumEntries() { return fieldIndex.size(); } /** * Returns the value of a given tag as a XTIFFField, or null if the tag is * not present. */ public XTIFFField getField(int tag) { return (XTIFFField) fieldIndex.get(new Integer(tag)); } /** * Returns true if a tag appears in the directory. */ public boolean isTagPresent(int tag) { return fieldIndex.containsKey(new Integer(tag)); } /** * Returns an ordered array of ints indicating the tag values. */ public int[] getTags() { int[] tags = new int[fieldIndex.size()]; Iterator it = fieldIndex.keySet().iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { tags[i++] = ((Integer); } return tags; } /** * Returns an array of XTIFFFields containing all the fields in this * directory. */ public XTIFFField[] getFields() { XTIFFField[] fields = new XTIFFField[fieldIndex.size()]; Iterator it = fieldIndex.values().iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { fields[i++] = (XTIFFField); } return fields; } /** * Returns the value of a particular index of a given tag as a byte. The * caller is responsible for ensuring that the tag is present and has type * XTIFFField.TIFF_SBYTE, TIFF_BYTE, or TIFF_UNDEFINED. */ public byte getFieldAsByte(int tag, int index) { return (getField(tag).getAsBytes())[index]; } /** * Returns the value of index 0 of a given tag as a byte. The caller is * responsible for ensuring that the tag is present and has type * XTIFFField.TIFF_SBYTE, TIFF_BYTE, or TIFF_UNDEFINED. */ public byte getFieldAsByte(int tag) { return getFieldAsByte(tag, 0); } /** * Returns the value of a particular index of a given tag as a long. The * caller is responsible for ensuring that the tag is present and has type * TIFF_BYTE, TIFF_SBYTE, TIFF_UNDEFINED, TIFF_SHORT, TIFF_SSHORT, TIFF_SLONG * or TIFF_LONG. */ public long getFieldAsLong(int tag, int index) { return getField(tag).getAsLong(index); } /** * Returns the value of index 0 of a given tag as a long. The caller is * responsible for ensuring that the tag is present and has type TIFF_BYTE, * TIFF_SBYTE, TIFF_UNDEFINED, TIFF_SHORT, TIFF_SSHORT, TIFF_SLONG or * TIFF_LONG. */ public long getFieldAsLong(int tag) { return getFieldAsLong(tag, 0); } /** * Returns the value of a particular index of a given tag as a float. The * caller is responsible for ensuring that the tag is present and has numeric * type (all but TIFF_UNDEFINED and TIFF_ASCII). */ public float getFieldAsFloat(int tag, int index) { return getField(tag).getAsFloat(index); } /** * Returns the value of index 0 of a given tag as a float. The caller is * responsible for ensuring that the tag is present and has numeric type (all * but TIFF_UNDEFINED and TIFF_ASCII). */ public float getFieldAsFloat(int tag) { return getFieldAsFloat(tag, 0); } /** * Returns the value of a particular index of a given tag as a double. The * caller is responsible for ensuring that the tag is present and has numeric * type (all but TIFF_UNDEFINED and TIFF_ASCII). */ public double getFieldAsDouble(int tag, int index) { return getField(tag).getAsDouble(index); } /** * Returns the value of index 0 of a given tag as a double. The caller is * responsible for ensuring that the tag is present and has numeric type (all * but TIFF_UNDEFINED and TIFF_ASCII). */ public double getFieldAsDouble(int tag) { return getFieldAsDouble(tag, 0); } /** * TIFF field-value reader. Override if there are new field types. Also * override sizeOfType() and, possibly the createField method of the factory, * if the field needs new accessors. */ public Object readFieldValue(int tag, int type, int count) throws IOException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException { int j; Object obj = null; switch (type) { case XTIFFField.TIFF_BYTE: case XTIFFField.TIFF_SBYTE: case XTIFFField.TIFF_UNDEFINED: case XTIFFField.TIFF_ASCII: byte[] bvalues = new byte[count]; stream.readFully(bvalues, 0, count); if (type == XTIFFField.TIFF_ASCII) { // Can be multiple strings int index = 0, prevIndex = 0; Vector v = new Vector(); while (index < count) { while ((index < count) && (bvalues[index++] != 0)) { ; } // When we encountered zero, means one string has ended v.add(new String(bvalues, prevIndex, (index - prevIndex))); prevIndex = index; } count = v.size(); String strings[] = new String[count]; for (int c = 0; c < count; c++) { strings[c] = (String) v.elementAt(c); } obj = strings; } else { obj = bvalues; } break; case XTIFFField.TIFF_SHORT: char[] cvalues = new char[count]; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { cvalues[j] = (char) (readUnsignedShort(stream)); } obj = cvalues; break; case XTIFFField.TIFF_LONG: long[] lvalues = new long[count]; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { lvalues[j] = readUnsignedInt(stream); } obj = lvalues; break; case XTIFFField.TIFF_RATIONAL: long[][] llvalues = new long[count][2]; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { llvalues[j][0] = readUnsignedInt(stream); llvalues[j][1] = readUnsignedInt(stream); } obj = llvalues; break; case XTIFFField.TIFF_SSHORT: short[] svalues = new short[count]; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { svalues[j] = readShort(stream); } obj = svalues; break; case XTIFFField.TIFF_SLONG: int[] ivalues = new int[count]; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { ivalues[j] = readInt(stream); } obj = ivalues; break; case XTIFFField.TIFF_SRATIONAL: int[][] iivalues = new int[count][2]; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { iivalues[j][0] = readInt(stream); iivalues[j][1] = readInt(stream); } obj = iivalues; break; case XTIFFField.TIFF_FLOAT: float[] fvalues = new float[count]; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { fvalues[j] = readFloat(stream); } obj = fvalues; break; case XTIFFField.TIFF_DOUBLE: double[] dvalues = new double[count]; for (j = 0; j < count; j++) { dvalues[j] = readDouble(stream); } obj = dvalues; break; default: System.err.println(JaiI18N.getString("XTIFFDirectory0")); break; } return obj; } /** * Method for reading a field from stream. Positions stream at the next field * location. */ private XTIFFField readField() throws IOException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException { // int j; int tag = readUnsignedShort(stream); int type = readUnsignedShort(stream); int count = (int) readUnsignedInt(stream); int value = 0; // The place to return to to read the next tag long nextTagOffset = stream.getFilePointer() + 4; try { // If the tag data can't fit in 4 bytes, the next 4 bytes // contain the starting offset of the data if (count * sizeOfType(type) > 4) { value = (int) (readUnsignedInt(stream));; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ae) { System.err.println(tag + " " + JaiI18N.getString("XTIFFDirectory4")); // if the data type is unknown we should skip this TIFF Field; throw ae; } Object obj = readFieldValue(tag, type, count); // Position stream at next field and return this one; return createField(tag, type, count, obj); } // Methods to read primitive data types from the stream protected short readShort(SeekableStream stream) throws IOException { if (isBigEndian) { return stream.readShort(); } else { return stream.readShortLE(); } } protected int readUnsignedShort(SeekableStream stream) throws IOException { if (isBigEndian) { int val = stream.readUnsignedShort(); return val; } else { int val = stream.readUnsignedShortLE(); return val; } } protected int readInt(SeekableStream stream) throws IOException { if (isBigEndian) { return stream.readInt(); } else { return stream.readIntLE(); } } protected long readUnsignedInt(SeekableStream stream) throws IOException { if (isBigEndian) { return stream.readUnsignedInt(); } else { return stream.readUnsignedIntLE(); } } protected long readLong(SeekableStream stream) throws IOException { if (isBigEndian) { return stream.readLong(); } else { return stream.readLongLE(); } } protected float readFloat(SeekableStream stream) throws IOException { if (isBigEndian) { return stream.readFloat(); } else { return stream.readFloatLE(); } } protected double readDouble(SeekableStream stream) throws IOException { if (isBigEndian) { return stream.readDouble(); } else { return stream.readDoubleLE(); } } // Static methods used by the public static method below private static int readUnsignedShort(SeekableStream stream, boolean isBigEndian) throws IOException { if (isBigEndian) { return stream.readUnsignedShort(); } else { return stream.readUnsignedShortLE(); } } private static long readUnsignedInt(SeekableStream stream, boolean isBigEndian) throws IOException { if (isBigEndian) { return stream.readUnsignedInt(); } else { return stream.readUnsignedIntLE(); } } // Utilities /** * Returns the number of image directories (subimages) stored in a given TIFF * file, represented by a <code>SeekableStream</code>. */ public static int getNumDirectories(SeekableStream stream) throws IOException { long pointer = stream.getFilePointer(); // Save stream pointer; int endian = stream.readUnsignedShort(); if (!isValidEndianTag(endian)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(JaiI18N.getString("XTIFFDirectory1")); } boolean isBigEndian = (endian == 0x4d4d); int magic = readUnsignedShort(stream, isBigEndian); if (magic != 42) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(JaiI18N.getString("XTIFFDirectory2")); }; long offset = readUnsignedInt(stream, isBigEndian); int numDirectories = 0; while (offset != 0L) { ++numDirectories;; int entries = readUnsignedShort(stream, isBigEndian); stream.skip(12 * entries); offset = readUnsignedInt(stream, isBigEndian); }; // Reset stream pointer return numDirectories; } /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether the byte order used in the the TIFF * file is big-endian (i.e. whether the byte order is from the most * significant to the least significant) */ public boolean isBigEndian() { return isBigEndian; } /** * Specifies the type of compression to be used. The compression type * specified will be honored only if it is compatible with the image being * written out. * * @param compression The compression type. */ public void setCompression(int compression) { // this.compression = compression; // Check to see if compression supported // Add Field addField(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION, XTIFFField.TIFF_SHORT, 1, new char[] { (char) compression }); } /** * Return the type of compression indicated in the TIFF fields, or * XTIFF.COMPRESSION_NON if not specified. */ public int getCompression() { if (getField(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION) == null) return XTIFF.COMPRESSION_NONE; return (int) getFieldAsLong(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION); } /** * If set, the data will be written out in tiled format, instead of in * strips. * * @param isTiled Specifies whether the image data should be wriiten out in * tiled format. */ public void setIsTiled(boolean isTiled) { this._isTiled = isTiled; } /** * Constructs a tile codec for decoding data, using the compression defined * in the current directory. * * @param param the encoding param * @see XTIFFTileCodec */ public XTIFFTileCodec createTileCodec(XTIFFDecodeParam param) throws IOException { int compression = getCompression(); XTIFFTileCodec codec = getTileCodec(compression); if (codec == null) throw new IOException("Compression type (" + compression + ") not supported"); return codec.create(param); } /** * Constructs a tile codec for encoding data, using the compression defined * in the current directory. * * @param param the encoding param * @see XTIFFTileCodec */ public XTIFFTileCodec createTileCodec(XTIFFEncodeParam param) throws IOException { int compression = getCompression(); XTIFFTileCodec codec = getTileCodec(compression); if (codec == null) throw new IOException("Compression type (" + compression + ") not supported"); return codec.create(param); } /** * Set the XTIFFFactory, which is used to construct the XTIFFDirectory object * assigned as a "" property in the resulting jai image. * * @param fact the factory to register. The factory is guaranteed to always * be non-null; if a null is passed in then the default XTIFFFactory * is used. a null object is passed in * @see XTIFFFactory */ public static void setFactory(XTIFFFactory fact) { if (fact == null) factory = new XTIFFFactory(); else factory = fact; } /** * Constructs a XTIFFDirectory from a SeekableStream. The directory parameter * specifies which directory to read from the linked list present in the * stream; directory 0 is normally read but it is possible to store multiple * images in a single TIFF file by maintaing multiple directories. * * @param stream a SeekableStream to read from. * @param directory the index of the directory to read. * @see XTIFFFactory */ public static XTIFFDirectory create(SeekableStream stream, int directory) throws IOException { return factory.createDirectory(stream, directory); } /** * Constructs a TIFFDirectory by reading a SeekableStream. The ifd_offset * parameter specifies the stream offset from which to begin reading; this * mechanism is sometimes used to store private IFDs within a TIFF file that * are not part of the normal sequence of IFDs. Uses the XTIFFFactory to do * this, so to extend the directory class, the factory method should be * extended and registered instead of this one. * * @param stream a SeekableStream to read from. * @param ifd_offset the long byte offset of the directory. * @see XTIFFFactory */ public static XTIFFDirectory create(SeekableStream stream, long ifd_offset) throws IOException { return factory.createDirectory(stream, ifd_offset); } /** * Constructs an XTIFFDirectory from the currently. registered XTIFFDirectory * factory. * * @see XTIFFFactory */ public static XTIFFDirectory create() { return factory.createDirectory(); } /** * Return the currently registered XTIFFTileCodec for this compression type. * Used by the XTIFFImage to decode the compression data. * * @see XTIFFTileCodec */ public static XTIFFTileCodec getTileCodec(int comp) { return (XTIFFTileCodec) tileCodecs.get(new Integer(comp)); } /** * UnRegister the XTIFFTileCodec corresponding to the TIFF compression type. * * @param comp The TIFF compression code indicated */ public static void unRegisterTileCodec(int comp) { XTIFFTileCodec cod = getTileCodec(comp); tileCodecs.remove(cod); } /** * Register a new XTIFFTileCodec for encoding and decoding compressed TIFF * image data. This overrides any existing codec previously registered. * * @param comp The TIFF compression code indicated by the * @param codec The codec to register. XTIFF.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION field. * @see XTIFFTileCodec */ public static void registerTileCodec(int comp, XTIFFTileCodec codec) { tileCodecs.put(new Integer(comp), codec); } /** * Get the JAI Image decoded type. This method is called by the * XTIFFTileCodeImpl object during the decode() method to determine what type * of colorspace and sample model to use. */ public int getImageType() { return imageType; } /** * Set the JAI Image decoded type. This method is called by the XTIFFImage * constructor to indicate to the XTIFFTileCodec what type of colorspace and * sample model to use. The types are enumerated in the XTIFF class. * * @see XTIFF * @see XTIFFImage * @see XTIFFTileCodec */ public void setImageType(int image_type) { imageType = image_type; } }