package com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TreeMap; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.Ellipsoid; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.GeoProj; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.LLXYLoader; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.LambertConformalLoader; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.MercatorLoader; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.Planet; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.ProjectionFactory; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.ProjectionLoader; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.UTMProjectionLoader; public class CoordinateReferenceSystem { private String code; private GeoCoordTransformation coordTransform; private ProjectionLoader projLoader; private BoundingBox boundingBox; private String projLoaderClassName; private Ellipsoid ellipsoid = Ellipsoid.WGS_84; private Properties defaultProjectionParameters = new Properties(); private AxisOrder axisOrder; protected static final Map<String, CoordinateReferenceSystem> crss = Collections.synchronizedMap(new TreeMap<String, CoordinateReferenceSystem>()); static { // unprojected wgs84 addCrs(new CoordinateReferenceSystem("EPSG:4326", LatLonGCT.INSTANCE, LLXYLoader.class, Ellipsoid.WGS_84, null, null, AxisOrder.northBeforeEast)); addCrs(new CoordinateReferenceSystem("CRS:84", LatLonGCT.INSTANCE, LLXYLoader.class, Ellipsoid.WGS_84)); // unprojected ED50 addCrs(new CoordinateReferenceSystem("EPSG:4230", new DatumShiftGCT(Ellipsoid.INTERNATIONAL), LLXYLoader.class, Ellipsoid.INTERNATIONAL)); // Spherical Mercator for overlaying with Google Maps // addCrs(new CoordinateReferenceSystem("EPSG:900913", new MercatorMeterGCT(Planet.wgs84_earthEquatorialRadiusMeters_D, Planet.wgs84_earthEquatorialRadiusMeters_D), MercatorLoader.class, Ellipsoid.WGS_84)); addCrs(new CoordinateReferenceSystem("EPSG:3857", new MercatorMeterGCT(Planet.wgs84_earthEquatorialRadiusMeters_D, Planet.wgs84_earthEquatorialRadiusMeters_D), MercatorLoader.class, Ellipsoid.WGS_84)); addUtms(); // Estonian Coordinate System of 1997 - EPSG:3301 // // bounding box values from a national WMS from Estonian addLcc("EPSG:3301", Ellipsoid.GRS_1980, 59.33333333333334, 58d, 57.51755393055556d, 24d, 500000, 6375000, new BoundingBox(300000, 6.3e+06, 800000, 6.7e+06), AxisOrder.northBeforeEast); // SWEREF 99 TM (EPSG:3006) // addUtm("EPSG:3006", 33, 'N', Ellipsoid.GRS_1980, new BoundingBox(218128.7031d, 6126002.9379d, 1083427.2970d, 7692850.9468d), AxisOrder.northBeforeEast); // ETRS89 / ETRS-TM35FIN // addUtm("EPSG:3067", 35, 'N', Ellipsoid.GRS_1980, new BoundingBox(50199.4814d, 6582464.0358d, 761274.6247d, 7799839.8902d)); } private static void addLcc(String code, Ellipsoid ellps, double sp1, double sp2, double refLat, double centMeri, double falseEast, double falseNorth, BoundingBox bbox, AxisOrder axisOrder) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put(LambertConformalLoader.StandardParallelOneProperty, Double.toString(sp1)); props.put(LambertConformalLoader.StandardParallelTwoProperty, Double.toString(sp2)); props.put(LambertConformalLoader.ReferenceLatitudeProperty, Double.toString(refLat)); props.put(LambertConformalLoader.CentralMeridianProperty, Double.toString(centMeri)); props.put(LambertConformalLoader.FalseEastingProperty, Double.toString(falseEast)); props.put(LambertConformalLoader.FalseNorthingProperty, Double.toString(falseNorth)); props.put(ProjectionFactory.DATUM, ellps); props.put(ProjectionFactory.CENTER, new LatLonPoint.Double(refLat, centMeri)); addCrs(new CoordinateReferenceSystem(code, new LambertConformalGCT(props), LambertConformalLoader.class, ellps, props, bbox, axisOrder)); } public static void addCrs(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) { crss.put(crs.getCode(), crs); } private static void addUtms() { for (int zone = 1; zone <= 60; zone++) { String zoneCode = String.valueOf(zone); while (zoneCode.length() < 2) { zoneCode = "0" + zoneCode; } // wgs84 utm addUtm("EPSG:326" + zoneCode, zone, 'N', Ellipsoid.WGS_84, null); addUtm("EPSG:327" + zoneCode, zone, 'S', Ellipsoid.WGS_84, null); // ed50 utm if ((zone >= 28) && (zone <= 38)) { addUtm("EPSG:230" + zoneCode, zone, 'N', Ellipsoid.INTERNATIONAL, null); } // ETRS89 utm if ((zone >= 28) && (zone <= 38)) { addUtm("EPSG:258" + zoneCode, zone, 'N', Ellipsoid.GRS_1980, null); } } } private static void addUtm(String epsg, int zone_number, char zone_letter, Ellipsoid ellps, BoundingBox bbox) { addUtm(epsg, zone_number, zone_letter, ellps, bbox, AxisOrder.eastBeforeNorth); } private static void addUtm(String epsg, int zone_number, char zone_letter, Ellipsoid ellps, BoundingBox bbox, AxisOrder axisOrder) { // some properties for the projection loader Properties projProps = new Properties(); projProps.put(UTMProjectionLoader.ZONE_NUMBER, Integer.toString(zone_number)); projProps.put(UTMProjectionLoader.ZONE_LETTER, Character.toString(zone_letter)); UTMGCT utmgct = new UTMGCT(zone_number, zone_letter); utmgct.setEllipsoid(ellps); GeoCoordTransformation gct = utmgct; // add datum shift for non-wgs84/grs80 if (!((ellps == Ellipsoid.WGS_84) || (ellps == Ellipsoid.GRS_1980))) { DatumShiftGCT egct = new DatumShiftGCT(ellps); gct = new MultiGCT(new GeoCoordTransformation[] { egct, utmgct }); } addCrs(new CoordinateReferenceSystem(epsg, gct, UTMProjectionLoader.class, ellps, projProps, bbox, axisOrder)); } public CoordinateReferenceSystem(String code, GeoCoordTransformation coordConverter, Class<?> projLoaderClass, Ellipsoid ellipsoid) { this.code = code; this.coordTransform = coordConverter; this.projLoaderClassName = projLoaderClass.getName(); this.ellipsoid = ellipsoid; this.axisOrder = AxisOrder.eastBeforeNorth; defaultProjectionParameters.put(ProjectionFactory.DATUM, ellipsoid); } public CoordinateReferenceSystem(String code, GeoCoordTransformation coordConverter, Class<?> projLoaderClass, Ellipsoid ellipsoid, Properties projectionParameters, BoundingBox boundingBox, AxisOrder axisOrder) { this(code, coordConverter, projLoaderClass, ellipsoid); if (projectionParameters != null) { defaultProjectionParameters.putAll(projectionParameters); } this.boundingBox = boundingBox; this.axisOrder = axisOrder; } public static CoordinateReferenceSystem getForCode(String code) { CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = crss.get(code); // TODO: handle extra parameters like // AUTO2:42003,0.3048006096012192,-100,45. See ISO/DIS 19128 wms v1.3.0 // chapter // TODO: clone to simplify transformator by not being thread safe? return crs; } public static Collection<String> getCodes() { return crss.keySet(); } protected ProjectionLoader projectionLoader() { if (projLoader != null) { return projLoader; } try { Class<?> cl = Class.forName(projLoaderClassName); Object o = cl.newInstance(); projLoader = (ProjectionLoader) o; return projLoader; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage()); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage()); } } public GeoProj createProjection(Properties overrideProjectionParameters) { Properties projectionParameters = new Properties(); projectionParameters.putAll(defaultProjectionParameters); projectionParameters.putAll(overrideProjectionParameters); return (GeoProj) projectionLoader().create(projectionParameters); } /** * Return a EPSG code like "EPSG:4326" * * @return EPSG code */ public String getCode() { return code; } /** * Return the bounding box of this coordinate system or null if the bounding * box is not defined. */ public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() { return boundingBox; } public AxisOrder getAxisOrder() { return axisOrder; } public void prepareProjection(GeoProj proj) { // TODO: do we need this?? proj.setPlanetRadius(ellipsoid.radius); } /** * Convert the given (projected) coordinate in the CRS to a LatLonPoint * without respect for axis order. * * @param x * @param y * @return LatLonPoint from inverse projected x, y coordinate */ public LatLonPoint inverse(double x, double y) { return coordTransform.inverse(x, y); } /** * Convert the given (projected) coordinate in the CRS to a LatLonPoint. If * the useAxisOrder parameter is true, then the * {@link CoordinateReferenceSystem}s {@link AxisOrder} will be used. * * @param x * @param y * @return LatLonPoint from inverse projected x, y coordinate */ public LatLonPoint inverse(double x, double y, boolean useAxisOrder) { if (useAxisOrder && (getAxisOrder() == AxisOrder.northBeforeEast)) { return coordTransform.inverse(y, x); } return coordTransform.inverse(x, y); } public Point2D forward(double lat, double lon) { return coordTransform.forward(lat, lon); } public Point2D forward(double lat, double lon, boolean useAxisOrder) { Point2D p = coordTransform.forward(lat, lon); if (useAxisOrder && (getAxisOrder() == AxisOrder.northBeforeEast)) { double x = p.getX(); double y = p.getY(); p.setLocation(y, x); } return p; } public int hashCode() { return getCode().hashCode(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } CoordinateReferenceSystem o = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) obj; return getCode().equals(o.getCode()); } }