// ********************************************************************** // // <copyright> // // BBN Technologies // 10 Moulton Street // Cambridge, MA 02138 // (617) 873-8000 // // Copyright (C) BBNT Solutions LLC. All rights reserved. // // </copyright> // ********************************************************************** // $Source: /cvs/distapps/openmap/src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/layer/vpf/AreaTable.java,v $ // $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2005/12/09 21:08:58 $ $Author: dietrick $ // ********************************************************************** package com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.bbn.openmap.io.FormatException; import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMGraphic; import com.bbn.openmap.proj.coords.LatLonPoint; /** * Read VPF format edge, face, and ring tables to generate filled polygon * graphics for OpenMap. */ public class AreaTable extends PrimitiveTable { /** the ring table for the tile we are working on */ final private DcwRecordFile rings; /** the edge table for the tile we are working on */ final private EdgeTable edges; /** if the edgetable is private or shared */ final private boolean privateEdgeTable; /** the column number of our ring ID column */ final private int ringIDColumn; /** the column number of our face ID column */ final private int faceIDColumn; /** the column number of our start_edge column */ final private int ringStartColumn; /** TilingAdapters used to retrieve edge table information */ final private TilingAdapter edgeRightFaceAdapter, edgeLeftFaceAdapter, edgeRightEdgeAdapter, edgeLeftEdgeAdapter; /** * Construct an AreaTable for a tile. * * @param cov the coverage table that is our "parent" * @param edg the edge table for the same tile as us (can be null) * @param tile the tile to parse * @exception FormatException if something goes wrong reading the area */ public AreaTable(CoverageTable cov, EdgeTable edg, TileDirectory tile) throws FormatException { super(cov, tile, Constants.faceTableName); ringIDColumn = whatColumn(Constants.FAC_RINGPTR); privateEdgeTable = (edg == null); edges = privateEdgeTable ? new EdgeTable(cov, tile) : edg; edgeRightFaceAdapter = edges.getRightFaceTilingAdapter(); edgeLeftFaceAdapter = edges.getLeftFaceTilingAdapter(); edgeRightEdgeAdapter = edges.getRightEdgeTilingAdapter(); edgeLeftEdgeAdapter = edges.getLeftEdgeTilingAdapter(); if (edges.topologyLevel() != 3) { throw new FormatException("AreaTable: need level 3 topology: " + edges.topologyLevel()); } rings = new DcwRecordFile(cov.getDataPath() + tile.getPath() + Constants.ringTableName + (cov.appendDot ? "." : "")); if ((ringStartColumn = rings.whatColumn(Constants.RNG_STARTEDGE)) == -1) { throw new FormatException("ring has no start edge: " + rings.filename); } if ((faceIDColumn = rings.whatColumn(Constants.RNG_FACEID)) == -1) { throw new FormatException("ring has no face_id: " + rings.filename); } } /** * Close the files associated with this tile. If an edgetable was passed to * the constructor, that table is NOT closed. If this instance created its * own edgetable, it IS closed. */ public void close() { if (privateEdgeTable) { edges.close(); } rings.close(); super.close(); } /** * Computes the full set of points that determine the edge of the area. * * @param facevec a row from the VPF face table for this area * @param allLLPoints a List that gets modified to contain CoordFloatString * objects defining the area. CoordFloatString objects with a * negative element count (e.g. -3) contain the absolute value of the * count (e.g. 3), but must be traversed in reverse order. * @return the total number of points that define the polygon * @exception FormatException may throw FormatExceptions */ public int computeEdgePoints(List<Object> facevec, List<CoordFloatString> allLLPoints) throws FormatException { int ring_ptr = ((Number) facevec.get(ringIDColumn)).intValue(); List<Object> ring1 = new ArrayList<Object>(rings.getColumnCount()); rings.getRow(ring1, ring_ptr); int fac_id = ((Number) ring1.get(faceIDColumn)).intValue(); int startedgeid = ((Number) ring1.get(ringStartColumn)).intValue(); if (startedgeid <= 0) { return 0; } int nextedgeid = startedgeid; boolean firsttime = true; allLLPoints.clear(); int polySize = 0; int prev_node = -1; final List<Object> edge = new ArrayList<Object>(edges.getColumnCount()); do { edges.getRow(edge, nextedgeid); int start_node = edges.getStartNode(edge); int end_node = edges.getEndNode(edge); int rht_face = edgeRightFaceAdapter.getPrimId(edge); int lft_face = edgeLeftFaceAdapter.getPrimId(edge); int right_edge = edgeRightEdgeAdapter.getPrimId(edge); int left_edge = edgeLeftEdgeAdapter.getPrimId(edge); if (firsttime) { prev_node = start_node; firsttime = false; } // Debug.message("dcwSpecialist", // "edge: " + nextedgeid + " start->end: " // + start_node + "->" + end_node); CoordFloatString cfs = edges.getCoordinates(edge); if ((fac_id == rht_face) && (fac_id == lft_face)) { if (start_node == prev_node) { nextedgeid = right_edge; prev_node = end_node; } else if (end_node == prev_node) { nextedgeid = left_edge; prev_node = start_node; } else { throw new FormatException(" node matching assertion failed "); } } else if (fac_id == rht_face) { nextedgeid = right_edge; prev_node = end_node; polySize += cfs.tcount; allLLPoints.add(cfs); } else if (fac_id == lft_face) { // reverse direction nextedgeid = left_edge; prev_node = start_node; polySize += cfs.tcount; cfs.tcount *= -1;// flag reverse allLLPoints.add(cfs); } else { throw new FormatException("Node Assertion failed"); } } while (nextedgeid != startedgeid); return polySize; } /** * Parse the area records for this tile, calling warehouse.createArea once * for each record. * * @param warehouse the warehouse used for createArea calls (must not be * null) * @param dpplat threshold for latitude thinning (passed to warehouse) * @param dpplon threshold for longitude thinngin (passed to warehouse) * @param ll1 upperleft of selection region (passed to warehouse) * @param ll2 lowerright of selection region (passed to warehouse) * @see VPFGraphicWarehouse#createArea */ public void drawTile(VPFGraphicWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2) { try { for (List<Object> area = new ArrayList<Object>(getColumnCount()); parseRow(area);) { warehouse.createArea(covtable, this, area, ll1, ll2, dpplat, dpplon); } } catch (FormatException f) { System.out.println("Exception: " + f.getClass() + " " + f.getMessage()); } } /** * Use the warehouse to create a graphic from a feature in the AreaTable. * * @param warehouse the warehouse used for createArea calls (must not be * null) * @param dpplat threshold for latitude thinning (passed to warehouse) * @param dpplon threshold for longitude thinning (passed to warehouse) * @param ll1 upperleft of selection region (passed to warehouse) * @param ll2 lowerright of selection region (passed to warehouse) * @param area a List containing the AreaTable row contents. * @param featureType the string representing the feature type, in case the * warehouse wants to do some intelligent rendering. * @param primID the primitive ID of the feature, in order to gather attributes if * necessary. * @see VPFGraphicWarehouse#createEdge */ public OMGraphic drawFeature(VPFFeatureWarehouse warehouse, double dpplat, double dpplon, LatLonPoint ll1, LatLonPoint ll2, List<Object> area, String featureType, int primID) { if (warehouse == null) { return null; } return warehouse.createArea(covtable, this, area, ll1, ll2, dpplat, dpplon, featureType, primID); } }