package org.libtiff.jai.codec; /* * XTIFF: eXtensible TIFF libraries for JAI. * * The contents of this file are subject to the JAVA ADVANCED IMAGING * SAMPLE INPUT-OUTPUT CODECS AND WIDGET HANDLING SOURCE CODE License * Version 1.0 (the "License"); You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations * under the License. * * The Original Code is JAVA ADVANCED IMAGING SAMPLE INPUT-OUTPUT CODECS * AND WIDGET HANDLING SOURCE CODE. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.. * Portions created by: Niles Ritter * are Copyright (C): Niles Ritter,, 1999,2000. * All Rights Reserved. * Contributor(s): Niles Ritter */ /** * XTIFFField is class representing a field in a TIFF 6.0 Image File Directory. * Unlike the JAI <code>TIFFField</code> class, this one is serializable, * assuming the underlying data object is. Revision: Fix getAsLongs to support * arrays of Short. * * @see * @see TIFFDirectory */ public class XTIFFField extends Object implements, Comparable { /** Flag for 8 bit unsigned integers. */ public static final int TIFF_BYTE = 1; /** Flag for null-terminated ASCII strings. */ public static final int TIFF_ASCII = 2; /** Flag for 16 bit unsigned integers. */ public static final int TIFF_SHORT = 3; /** Flag for 32 bit unsigned integers. */ public static final int TIFF_LONG = 4; /** Flag for pairs of 32 bit unsigned integers. */ public static final int TIFF_RATIONAL = 5; /** Flag for 8 bit signed integers. */ public static final int TIFF_SBYTE = 6; /** Flag for 8 bit uninterpreted bytes. */ public static final int TIFF_UNDEFINED = 7; /** Flag for 16 bit signed integers. */ public static final int TIFF_SSHORT = 8; /** Flag for 32 bit signed integers. */ public static final int TIFF_SLONG = 9; /** Flag for pairs of 32 bit signed integers. */ public static final int TIFF_SRATIONAL = 10; /** Flag for 32 bit IEEE floats. */ public static final int TIFF_FLOAT = 11; /** Flag for 64 bit IEEE doubles. */ public static final int TIFF_DOUBLE = 12; /** The tag number. */ int tag = 0; /** The tag type. */ int type; /** The number of data items present in the field. */ int count; /** The field data. (NB must be serializble!) */ Object data; /** The default constructor. Made public for Serialization */ public XTIFFField() {} /** * Constructs a XTIFFField with arbitrary data. The data parameter must be * an array of a Java type appropriate for the type of the TIFF field. Since * there is no available 32-bit unsigned datatype, long is used. The mapping * between types is as follows: * * <table border=1> * <tr> * <th> TIFF type </th> * <th> Java type </th> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_BYTE</tt></td> * <td><tt>byte</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_ASCII</tt></td> * <td><tt>String</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_SHORT</tt></td> * <td><tt>char</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_LONG</tt></td> * <td><tt>long</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_RATIONAL</tt></td> * <td><tt>long[2]</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_SBYTE</tt></td> * <td><tt>byte</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_UNDEFINED</tt></td> * <td><tt>byte</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_SSHORT</tt></td> * <td><tt>short</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_SLONG</tt></td> * <td><tt>int</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_SRATIONAL</tt></td> * <td><tt>int[2]</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_FLOAT</tt></td> * <td><tt>float</tt></td> * <tr> * <td><tt>TIFF_DOUBLE</tt></td> * <td><tt>double</tt></td> * </table> */ public XTIFFField(int tag, int type, int count, Object data) { this.tag = tag; this.type = type; this.count = count; = data; } /** * Returns the tag number, between 0 and 65535. */ public int getTag() { return tag; } /** * Returns the type of the data stored in the IFD. For a TIFF6.0 file, the * value will equal one of the TIFF_ constants defined in this class. For * future revisions of TIFF, higher values are possible. * */ public int getType() { return type; } /** * Returns the number of elements in the IFD. (Image File Directory) * * @see XTIFFDirectory */ public int getCount() { return count; } /** * Returns the data as an uninterpreted array of bytes. The type of the * field must be one of TIFF_BYTE, TIFF_SBYTE, or TIFF_UNDEFINED; * * <p> * For data in TIFF_BYTE format, the application must take care when * promoting the data to longer integral types to avoid sign extension. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_BYTE, TIFF_SBYTE, or TIFF_UNDEFINED. */ public byte[] getAsBytes() { return (byte[]) data; } /** * Returns the data as an array of Strings. The type of the field must be * TIFF_ASCII. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_ASCII */ public String[] getAsStrings() { return (String[]) data; } /** * Returns TIFF_SHORT data as an array of chars (unsigned 16-bit integers). * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_SHORT. */ public char[] getAsChars() { return (char[]) data; } /** * Returns TIFF_SSHORT data as an array of shorts (signed 16-bit integers). * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_SSHORT. */ public short[] getAsShorts() { return (short[]) data; } /** * Returns TIFF_SLONG data as an array of ints (signed 32-bit integers). * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_SLONG. */ public int[] getAsInts() { return (int[]) data; } /** * Returns TIFF_LONG data as an array of longs (signed 64-bit integers). * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not an array of type * TIFF_LONG or TIFF_SHORT. */ public long[] getAsLongs() { if (type == TIFF_SHORT) { char[] vals = (char[]) data; long[] newvals = new long[vals.length]; for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) newvals[i] = vals[i] & 0xffff; return newvals; } else { return (long[]) data; } } /** * Returns TIFF_FLOAT data as an array of floats. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_FLOAT. */ public float[] getAsFloats() { return (float[]) data; } /** * Returns TIFF_DOUBLE data as an array of doubles. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_DOUBLE. */ public double[] getAsDoubles() { return (double[]) data; } /** * Returns TIFF_SRATIONAL data as an array of 2-element arrays of ints. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_SRATIONAL. */ public int[][] getAsSRationals() { return (int[][]) data; } /** * Returns TIFF_RATIONAL data as an array of 2-element arrays of longs. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_RATTIONAL. */ public long[][] getAsRationals() { return (long[][]) data; } /** * Returns data in TIFF_BYTE, TIFF_SBYTE, TIFF_UNDEFINED, TIFF_SHORT, * TIFF_SSHORT, or TIFF_SLONG format as an int. * * <p> * TIFF_BYTE and TIFF_UNDEFINED data are treated as unsigned; that is, no * sign extension will take place and the returned value will be in the * range [0, 255]. TIFF_SBYTE data will be returned in the range [-128, * 127]. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_BYTE, TIFF_SBYTE, TIFF_UNDEFINED, TIFF_SHORT, TIFF_SSHORT, or * TIFF_SLONG. */ public int getAsInt(int index) { switch (type) { case TIFF_BYTE: case TIFF_UNDEFINED: return ((byte[]) data)[index] & 0xff; case TIFF_SBYTE: return ((byte[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_SHORT: return ((char[]) data)[index] & 0xffff; case TIFF_SSHORT: return ((short[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_SLONG: return ((int[]) data)[index]; default: throw new ClassCastException(); } } /** * Returns data in TIFF_BYTE, TIFF_SBYTE, TIFF_UNDEFINED, TIFF_SHORT, * TIFF_SSHORT, TIFF_SLONG, or TIFF_LONG format as a long. * * <p> * TIFF_BYTE and TIFF_UNDEFINED data are treated as unsigned; that is, no * sign extension will take place and the returned value will be in the * range [0, 255]. TIFF_SBYTE data will be returned in the range [-128, * 127]. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_BYTE, TIFF_SBYTE, TIFF_UNDEFINED, TIFF_SHORT, TIFF_SSHORT, * TIFF_SLONG, or TIFF_LONG. */ public long getAsLong(int index) { switch (type) { case TIFF_BYTE: case TIFF_UNDEFINED: return ((byte[]) data)[index] & 0xff; case TIFF_SBYTE: return ((byte[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_SHORT: return ((char[]) data)[index] & 0xffff; case TIFF_SSHORT: return ((short[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_SLONG: return ((int[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_LONG: return ((long[]) data)[index]; default: throw new ClassCastException(); } } /** * Returns data in any numerical format as a float. Data in TIFF_SRATIONAL * or TIFF_RATIONAL format are evaluated by dividing the numerator into the * denominator using double-precision arithmetic and then truncating to * single precision. Data in TIFF_SLONG, TIFF_LONG, or TIFF_DOUBLE format * may suffer from truncation. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is of type * TIFF_UNDEFINED or TIFF_ASCII. */ public float getAsFloat(int index) { switch (type) { case TIFF_BYTE: return ((byte[]) data)[index] & 0xff; case TIFF_SBYTE: return ((byte[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_SHORT: return ((char[]) data)[index] & 0xffff; case TIFF_SSHORT: return ((short[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_SLONG: return ((int[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_LONG: return ((long[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_FLOAT: return ((float[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_DOUBLE: return (float) ((double[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_SRATIONAL: int[] ivalue = getAsSRational(index); return (float) ((double) ivalue[0] / ivalue[1]); case TIFF_RATIONAL: long[] lvalue = getAsRational(index); return (float) ((double) lvalue[0] / lvalue[1]); default: throw new ClassCastException(); } } /** * Returns data in any numerical format as a float. Data in TIFF_SRATIONAL * or TIFF_RATIONAL format are evaluated by dividing the numerator into the * denominator using double-precision arithmetic. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is of type * TIFF_UNDEFINED or TIFF_ASCII. */ public double getAsDouble(int index) { switch (type) { case TIFF_BYTE: return ((byte[]) data)[index] & 0xff; case TIFF_SBYTE: return ((byte[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_SHORT: return ((char[]) data)[index] & 0xffff; case TIFF_SSHORT: return ((short[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_SLONG: return ((int[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_LONG: return ((long[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_FLOAT: return ((float[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_DOUBLE: return ((double[]) data)[index]; case TIFF_SRATIONAL: int[] ivalue = getAsSRational(index); return (double) ivalue[0] / ivalue[1]; case TIFF_RATIONAL: long[] lvalue = getAsRational(index); return (double) lvalue[0] / lvalue[1]; default: throw new ClassCastException(); } } /** * Returns a TIFF_ASCII data item as a String. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_ASCII. */ public String getAsString(int index) { return ((String[]) data)[index]; } /** * Returns a TIFF_SRATIONAL data item as a two-element array of ints. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_SRATIONAL. */ public int[] getAsSRational(int index) { return ((int[][]) data)[index]; } /** * Returns a TIFF_RATIONAL data item as a two-element array of ints. * * <p> * A ClassCastException will be thrown if the field is not of type * TIFF_RATIONAL. */ public long[] getAsRational(int index) { return ((long[][]) data)[index]; } /** * For sorting, implement Comparable */ public int compareTo(Object o) throws ClassCastException { if (!(o instanceof XTIFFField)) throw new ClassCastException("comparator is not an XTIFFField"); if (o == null) throw new NullPointerException("comparator"); return tag - ((XTIFFField) o).tag; } }