package; import; import; import; abstract class JavaGCCycle implements GCState { protected boolean beforeGC; protected boolean error; public JavaGCCycle() { reset(); } @Override public void reset() { this.error = false; this.beforeGC = true; } /** * Convert free and total bytes to KB then calculate used KB. */ protected final void calculateSizes(GCParserContext context, String type, String freeAttribute, String totalAttribute) { String typeId = beforeGC ? "GCBEF" : "GCAFT"; double free = context.parseDouble(freeAttribute) / 1024.0 / 1024.0; double total = context.parseDouble(totalAttribute) / 1024.0 / 1024.0; double used = total - free; context.setValue(typeId, "free_" + type, free); context.setValue(typeId, "used_" + type, used); context.setValue(typeId, "total_" + type, total); } /** * Calculate total values from the nursery and tenured values. */ protected final void calculateTotalSizes(GCParserContext context) { DataType type = context.getDataType("GCBEF"); DataRecord currentRecord = context.getCurrentRecord(); double freeNurseryBefore = currentRecord.getData(type, "free_nursery"); double usedNurseryBefore = currentRecord.getData(type, "used_nursery"); double totalNurseryBefore = currentRecord.getData(type, "total_nursery"); double freeTenuredBefore = currentRecord.getData(type, "free_tenured"); double usedTenuredBefore = currentRecord.getData(type, "used_tenured"); double totalTenuredBefore = currentRecord.getData(type, "total_tenured"); // if GC is not gencon, then do not add as the nursery values will be NaN if (context.isGencon()) { currentRecord.setValue(type, "free", freeNurseryBefore + freeTenuredBefore); currentRecord.setValue(type, "used", usedNurseryBefore + usedTenuredBefore); currentRecord.setValue(type, "total", totalNurseryBefore + totalTenuredBefore); } else { currentRecord.setValue(type, "free", freeTenuredBefore); currentRecord.setValue(type, "used", usedTenuredBefore); currentRecord.setValue(type, "total", totalTenuredBefore); } type = context.getDataType("GCAFT"); double freeNurseryAfter = currentRecord.getData(type, "free_nursery"); double usedNurseryAfter = currentRecord.getData(type, "used_nursery"); double totalNurseryAfter = currentRecord.getData(type, "total_nursery"); double freeTenuredAfter = currentRecord.getData(type, "free_tenured"); double usedTenuredAfter = currentRecord.getData(type, "used_tenured"); double totalTenuredAfter = currentRecord.getData(type, "total_tenured"); if (context.isGencon()) { currentRecord.setValue(type, "free", freeNurseryAfter + freeTenuredAfter); currentRecord.setValue(type, "used", usedNurseryAfter + usedTenuredAfter); currentRecord.setValue(type, "total", totalNurseryAfter + totalTenuredAfter); } else { currentRecord.setValue(type, "free", freeTenuredAfter); currentRecord.setValue(type, "used", usedTenuredAfter); currentRecord.setValue(type, "total", totalTenuredAfter); } type = context.getDataType("GCMEM"); // add the requested size back if any // the after stats are after the request has been filled double requested = 0; if (currentRecord.hasData(type)) { requested = currentRecord.getData(type, "requested") / 1024.0 / 1024.0; } double nurseryFreed = freeNurseryAfter - freeNurseryBefore + requested; double tenuredFreed = freeTenuredAfter - freeTenuredBefore + requested; currentRecord.setValue(type, "nursery_freed", nurseryFreed); currentRecord.setValue(type, "tenured_freed", tenuredFreed); if (context.isGencon()) { currentRecord.setValue(type, "total_freed", nurseryFreed + tenuredFreed); } else { currentRecord.setValue(type, "total_freed", tenuredFreed); } } }