package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; /** * Simple non-validating XML parser. */ public abstract class BasicXMLParser { protected final Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private LineNumberReader in; protected boolean skip = false; protected final void parse(String filename) throws IOException { in = new LineNumberReader(new; parse(); } protected final void parse(InputStream stream) throws IOException { in = new LineNumberReader(new; parse(); } private void parse() throws IOException { try { String line = null; // attempt to search for <?xml> first - abort if not present // only search the first few lines boolean valid = false; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("file ended before " + "<?xml> tag"); } else if (line.contains("<?xml")) { valid = true; break; } } if (!valid) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("file contains no " + "<?xml> tag" + " in the first 10 lines "); } line = in.readLine(); int searchStart = 0; while (line != null) { int elementStart = line.indexOf('<', searchStart) + 1; // no xml element => try next line if (elementStart == 0) { line = in.readLine(); searchStart = 0; continue; } char c = line.charAt(elementStart); if (c == '!') { // comment or other xml directive // lastIndexOf here because the comment can contain other xml elements // look for the very last > to find the end of the comment int elementEnd = line.lastIndexOf('>'); // no '>' => append next line and try again if (elementEnd == -1) { line += in.readLine(); continue; } else if (line.charAt(elementEnd - 1) == '-') { // comment complete line = in.readLine(); searchStart = 0; } else { line += in.readLine(); } } else { // no '>' => append next line and try again int elementEnd = line.indexOf('>', elementStart); if (elementEnd == -1) { line += in.readLine(); continue; } boolean start = true; boolean end = false; int nameStart = elementStart; // </element... if (c == '/') { start = false; end = true; ++nameStart; } if (nameStart == elementEnd) { logger.warn("ignoring unnamed element at line {}", getLineNumber()); searchStart = elementEnd + 1; continue; } int nameEnd = line.indexOf(' ', nameStart); // <element... / if (line.charAt(elementEnd - 1) == '/') { end = true; if (nameEnd == -1) { // <element/> => drop '/' at end of name nameEnd = elementEnd - 1; } } else { if (nameEnd == -1) { nameEnd = elementEnd; } } String name = DataHelper.newString(line.substring(nameStart, nameEnd)); if (start) { String unparsedAttributes = line.substring(nameEnd, elementEnd); logger.trace("start element '{}' with attributes '{}'", name, unparsedAttributes); startElement(name, unparsedAttributes); } if (end) { logger.trace("end element '{}'", name); endElement(name); } // more data on the current line? if (elementEnd == (line.length() - 1)) { line = in.readLine(); searchStart = 0; } else { searchStart = elementEnd + 1; } } } } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } in = null; } } } protected void reset() { skip = false; } protected abstract void startElement(String element, String unparsedAttributes); protected abstract void endElement(String element); /** * Attributes are not parsed unless needed. Subclasses should call this method to turn the * unparsed attributes string into a Map of strings to values. */ protected final Map<String, String> parseAttributes(String unparsedAttributes) { return XMLParserHelper.parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes); } /** * Only valid during parsing. * * @throws NullPointerException if a parse is not currently in progress */ protected final int getLineNumber() { return in.getLineNumber(); } }