package; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Display a time series plot of the selected data. */ public final class DataTypeChartPanel extends LineChartPanel implements IntervalListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7780208253045360843L; private final LineChartBuilder chartBuilder; private ExactDataDefinition definition; public DataTypeChartPanel(NMONVisualizerGui gui) { super(gui, gui.getMainFrame()); chartBuilder = new LineChartBuilder(); chartBuilder.addPlugin(new LineChartBuilderPlugin(gui)); } public void setData(DataSet data, DataType type) { setData(data, type, type.getFields()); } public void setData(DataSet data, DataType type, List<String> fields) { definition = new ExactDataDefinition(data, type, fields); displayChart(); } public DataSet getData() { return definition == null ? null : definition.getDataSet(); } @Override public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (isEnabled() != enabled) { super.setEnabled(enabled); if (enabled) { gui.addPropertyChangeListener("granularity", this); gui.getIntervalManager().addListener(this); chartBuilder.setInterval(gui.getIntervalManager().getCurrentInterval()); chartBuilder.setGranularity(gui.getGranularity()); if (definition != null) { displayChart(); } } else { gui.removePropertyChangeListener("granularity", this); gui.getIntervalManager().removeListener(this); // _super_ => clear chart but not the data super.clearChart(); } } } @Override public void clearChart() { super.clearChart(); this.definition = null; } @Override protected String validateSaveFileName(String filename) { DataType type = definition.getDataType(); List<String> fields = definition.getMatchingFields(type); return super.validateSaveFileName(definition.getDataSet().getHostname() + '_' + type.toString() + (fields.size() == 1 ? '_' + fields.get(0) : "")); } @Override public void intervalAdded(Interval interval) {} @Override public void intervalRemoved(Interval interval) {} @Override public void intervalsCleared() {} @Override public void currentIntervalChanged(Interval interval) { chartBuilder.setInterval(interval); if (getChart() != null) { displayChart(); } } @Override public void intervalRenamed(Interval interval) {} @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { super.propertyChange(evt); if ("granularity".equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { chartBuilder.setGranularity((Integer) evt.getNewValue()); if (getChart() != null) { displayChart(); } } } private void displayChart() { if (isEnabled()) { long startT = System.nanoTime(); DataSet data = definition.getDataSet(); DataType type = definition.getDataType(); List<String> fields = definition.getMatchingFields(type); String fieldLabel = ""; String axisLabel = ""; if (fields.size() == 1) { fieldLabel = " - " + fields.get(0); axisLabel = getAxisLabel(type, fields.get(0)); } else { axisLabel = getAxisLabel(type); } boolean percent = true; if (!type.getName().contains("%")) { for (String field : fields) { if (!field.contains("%")) { percent = false; break; } if (PERCENT_AXIS_EXCEPTIONS.contains(field)) { percent = false; break; } if ((type.getClass() == ProcessDataType.class) && gui.getBooleanProperty("scaleProcessesByCPUs")) { percent = false; break; } } } LineChartDefinition chartDefinition = new LineChartDefinition("", type + fieldLabel); chartDefinition.setYAxisLabel(axisLabel); chartDefinition.setUsePercentYAxis(percent); setSaveSize(chartDefinition.getWidth(), chartDefinition.getHeight()); chartBuilder.initChart(chartDefinition); chartBuilder.addLinesForData(definition, data, NamingMode.FIELD); JFreeChart chart = chartBuilder.getChart(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: {}-{} chart created in {}ms", new Object[] { data.getHostname(), type.getId(), fields.size() == type.getFieldCount() ? '*' : fields, (System.nanoTime() - startT) / 1000000.0d }); } setChart(chart); } } private String getAxisLabel(DataType type) { if ("CPU_ALL".equals(type.getId())) { return ""; } else if (type.getId().startsWith("CPU")) { return "% CPU"; } else { String label = TYPE_AXIS_NAMES.get(type.getId()); if (label == null) { int idx = type.getId().indexOf('('); if (idx != -1) { label = TYPE_AXIS_NAMES.get(type.getId().substring(0, idx - 1)); } } if (label == null) { return ""; } else { return label; } } } private String getAxisLabel(DataType type, String field) { String label = FIELD_AXIS_NAMES.get(field); if (label != null) { return label; } else if (field.endsWith("kb/s")) { return "KB / s"; } else if (field.contains("packets")) { return "Packets / s"; } else if (field.startsWith("nr_")) { return "Count"; } else if (field.startsWith("pg")) { return "Pages / s"; } else if (field.endsWith("ch")) { return "Characters / s"; } else if (field.endsWith("_freed")) { return "MB"; } else if (field.toLowerCase().contains("megabytes")) { return "MB"; } else if (field.toLowerCase().contains("mbytes")) { return "MB"; } else if (field.toLowerCase().contains("kbytes")) { return "KB"; } else if (field.toLowerCase().contains("bytes")) { return "Bytes"; } else if (field.contains("count")) { return "Count"; } else if (field.endsWith("kb")) { return "KB"; } else if (field.endsWith("mb")) { return "MB"; } else { return getAxisLabel(type); } } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); gui.removePropertyChangeListener("granularity", this); gui.getIntervalManager().removeListener(this); } private static final Map<String, String> TYPE_AXIS_NAMES; private static final Map<String, String> FIELD_AXIS_NAMES; private static final Set<String> PERCENT_AXIS_EXCEPTIONS; static { Map<String, String> tempTypes = new java.util.HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> tempFields = new java.util.HashMap<String, String>(); Set<String> tempExceptions = new java.util.HashSet<String>(); tempTypes.put("DISKBSIZE", "KB / Block"); tempTypes.put("DISKBUSY", "% Busy"); tempTypes.put("DISKREAD", "KB / s"); tempTypes.put("DISKWRITE", "KB / s"); tempTypes.put("DISKRXFER", "IO Ops / s"); tempTypes.put("DISKXFER", "IO Ops / s"); tempTypes.put("JFSFILE", "% Used"); tempTypes.put("JFSINODE", "% Used"); tempTypes.put("MEMNEW", "% Used"); tempTypes.put("NET", "KB / s"); tempTypes.put("NETPACKET", "Packets / s"); tempTypes.put("NETERROR", "Errors / s"); tempTypes.put("NETSIZE", "Bytes / Packet"); tempTypes.put("GCAFT", "MB"); tempTypes.put("GCBEF", "MB"); tempTypes.put("GCSINCE", "Seconds"); tempTypes.put("GCTIME", "Milliseconds"); tempTypes.put("GCCOUNT", "Count"); tempTypes.put("SEA", "KB / s"); tempTypes.put("SEAPACKET", "Packets / s"); tempTypes.put("FCREAD", "KB / s"); tempTypes.put("FCWRITE", "KB / s"); tempTypes.put("FCXFERIN", "Frames / s"); tempTypes.put("FCXFEROUT", "Frames / s"); tempTypes.put("RESP", "Seconds"); tempTypes.put("IOStat CPU", "%"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat Device", "%util"), "% Utilization"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat Device", "rMB/s"), "MB / s"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat Device", "wMB/s"), "MB / s"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat Device", "await"), "ms"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat Device", "r_await"), "ms"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat Device", "w_await"), "ms"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat Device", "svctm"), "ms"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat ZPool", "alloc"), "GB"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat ZPool", "free"), "GB"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat ZPool", "rMB/s"), "MB / s"); tempTypes.put(SubDataType.buildId("IOStat ZPool", "wMB/s"), "MB / s"); tempTypes.put("LAT", "μs"); tempTypes.put("CLAT", "μs"); tempTypes.put("SLAT", "μs"); tempTypes.put("BW", "KB / s"); tempFields.put("CPUs", "Count"); tempFields.put("CPU%", "% CPU"); tempFields.put("User%", "% CPU"); tempFields.put("Sys%", "% CPU"); tempFields.put("Wait%", "% CPU"); tempFields.put("%CPU", "% CPU"); tempFields.put("%Usr", "% CPU"); tempFields.put("%Sys", "% CPU"); tempFields.put("%Wait", "% CPU"); tempFields.put("Runnable", "Count"); tempFields.put("pswitch", "Switches / s"); tempFields.put("syscall", "Calls / s"); tempFields.put("fork", "Forks / s"); tempFields.put("forks", "Forks / s"); tempFields.put("pgfault", "Faults / s"); tempFields.put("pgmajfault", "Faults / s"); tempFields.put("faults", "Faults / s"); tempFields.put("pgpgin", "KB / s"); tempFields.put("pgpout", "KB / s"); tempFields.put("pswpin", "Pages / s"); tempFields.put("pswpout", "Pages / s"); tempFields.put("Paging", "Pages / s"); tempFields.put("Size", "KB"); tempFields.put("ResSet", "KB"); tempFields.put("ResText", "KB"); tempFields.put("ResData", "KB"); tempFields.put("ShdLib", "KB"); tempFields.put("MajorFault", "Pages / s"); tempFields.put("MinorFault", "Pages / s"); tempFields.put("cycles", "Count / s"); tempFields.put("finalizers", "Count"); tempFields.put("soft", "Count"); tempFields.put("weak", "Count"); tempFields.put("phantom", "Count"); tempFields.put("tiltratio", "%"); tempFields.put("requested", "Bytes"); tempFields.put("flipped", "Objects"); tempFields.put("tenured", "Objects"); tempFields.put("moved", "Objects"); tempFields.put("throughput", "Tx / s"); tempFields.put("hits", "Hits / s"); tempExceptions.add("EC_User%"); tempExceptions.add("EC_Sys%"); tempExceptions.add("EC_Wait%"); tempExceptions.add("EC_CPU%"); tempExceptions.add("VP_User%"); tempExceptions.add("VP_Sys%"); tempExceptions.add("VP_Wait%"); tempExceptions.add("VP_CPU%"); TYPE_AXIS_NAMES = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap(tempTypes); FIELD_AXIS_NAMES = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap(tempFields); PERCENT_AXIS_EXCEPTIONS = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet(tempExceptions); } }