package; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import*; import*; import*; import; import; public final class ChartDefinitionParser extends BasicXMLParser { private final List<BaseChartDefinition> charts = new java.util.ArrayList<BaseChartDefinition>(); private BaseChartDefinition currentChart; private HostMatcher hostMatcher; private NameTransformer hostTransformer; private TypeMatcher typeMatcher; private NameTransformer typeTransformer; // allow multiple field matchers; endDataElement() will handle as appropriate private final List<FieldMatcher> fieldMatchers = new java.util.ArrayList<FieldMatcher>(3); // but, allow only a single RegexNameTransformer for all fields private final Map<String, SimpleNameTransformer> fieldTransformers = new java.util.HashMap<String, SimpleNameTransformer>( 3); private RegexNameTransformer regexFieldRegexTransformer; private boolean inData; private Statistic currentStat; private final Set<Statistic> markers = new java.util.HashSet<Statistic>(3); private boolean useSecondaryYAxis; public ChartDefinitionParser() { reset(); } public List<BaseChartDefinition> parseCharts(String filename) throws IOException { long start = System.nanoTime(); try { parse(filename); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("parse complete for file '{}' in {}ms", filename, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000.0d); } if (charts.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("chart definition file '" + filename + "' does not appear to have any charts defined"); } return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList<BaseChartDefinition>(charts)); } finally { reset(); } } public List<BaseChartDefinition> parseCharts(InputStream in) throws IOException { long start = System.nanoTime(); reset(); parse(in); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Parse complete for input stream '{}' in {}ms", in, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000.0d); } if (charts.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("chart definition input stream '" + in + "' does not appear to have any charts defined"); } try { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(new java.util.ArrayList<BaseChartDefinition>(charts)); } finally { reset(); } } @Override protected void startElement(String element, String unparsedAttributes) { if ("linechart".equals(element)) { createLineChart(parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes)); } else if ("intervalchart".equals(element)) { createIntervalChart(parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes)); } else if ("barchart".equals(element)) { createBarChart(parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes)); } else if ("histogram".equals(element)) { createHistogram(parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes)); } else if ("yAxis".equals(element)) { if (currentChart instanceof YAxisChartDefinition) { Map<String, String> attributes = parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes); ((YAxisChartDefinition) currentChart).setUsePercentYAxis(Boolean.valueOf(attributes.get("asPercent"))); ((YAxisChartDefinition) currentChart).setYAxisLabel(attributes.get("label")); } else { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<yAxis>" + " element for chart " + (currentChart == null ? currentChart : currentChart.getShortName()) + " without a Y axis" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); } } else if ("yAxis2".equals(element)) { if (currentChart instanceof YAxisChartDefinition) { Map<String, String> attributes = parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes); if (attributes.get("asPercent") != null) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "asPercent" + " attribute for " + "<yAxis2>" + " element for chart '" + (currentChart == null ? currentChart : currentChart.getShortName()) + '\'' + " at line {}" + "; secondary axes do not support percentages", getLineNumber()); } if (currentChart instanceof BarChartDefinition && ((BarChartDefinition) currentChart).isStacked()) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<yAxis2>" + " element for chart " + (currentChart == null ? currentChart : currentChart.getShortName()) + " at line {}" + "; stacked bar charts do not support secondary axes", getLineNumber()); } else { ((YAxisChartDefinition) currentChart).setSecondaryYAxisLabel(attributes.get("label")); ((YAxisChartDefinition) currentChart).setHasSecondaryYAxis(true); } } else { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<yAxis2>" + " element for chart " + (currentChart == null ? currentChart : currentChart.getShortName()) + " without a Y axis" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); } } else if ("xAxis".equals(element)) { if (currentChart instanceof LineChartDefinition) { Map<String, String> attributes = parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes); ((LineChartDefinition) currentChart).setXAxisLabel(attributes.get("label")); } else if (currentChart instanceof BarChartDefinition) { Map<String, String> attributes = parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes); ((BarChartDefinition) currentChart).setCategoryAxisLabel(attributes.get("label")); } else if (currentChart instanceof HistogramChartDefinition) { Map<String, String> attributes = parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes); ((HistogramChartDefinition) currentChart).setXAxisLabel(attributes.get("label")); String minString = attributes.get("min"); String maxString = attributes.get("max"); if (((minString != null) && (maxString == null)) || ((maxString != null) && (minString == null))) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<histogram>" + " attributes 'min' and 'max' " + "must both be specified " + " at line {}" + ", if a defined range is desired", getLineNumber()); } else { try { ((HistogramChartDefinition) currentChart).setXAxisRange(new .parseInt(minString), Integer.parseInt(maxString))); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<histogram>" + " attributes 'min' and 'max' " + "with values '{}' and '{}'" + " at line {}" + ", are not a valid numbers", minString, maxString, getLineNumber()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<histogram>" + " attributes 'min' and 'max' " + "with values '{}' and '{}'" + " at line {}" + ", invalid range", minString, maxString, getLineNumber()); } } } else { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<xAxis>" + " element for chart " + (currentChart == null ? currentChart : currentChart.getShortName()) + " without an X axis" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); } } else if ("data".equals(element)) { if (currentChart == null) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<data>" + " element outside of a chart"); inData = false; skip = true; } else { inData = true; skip = false; Map<String, String> attributes = parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes); String stat = attributes.get("stat"); if (stat != null) { try { currentStat = Statistic.valueOf(stat); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "invalid " + "'stat'" + " attribute {} at line {}", stat, getLineNumber()); } } useSecondaryYAxis = Boolean.parseBoolean(attributes.get("useYAxis2")); } } else if ("host".equals(element)) { parseHost(parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes)); } else if ("type".equals(element)) { parseType(parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes)); } else if ("field".equals(element)) { parseField(parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes)); } else if ("fieldAlias".equals(element)) { parseFieldAlias(parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes)); } else if ("marker".equals(element)) { Map<String, String> attributes = parseAttributes(unparsedAttributes); String stat = attributes.get("stat"); if (stat != null) { try { markers.add(Statistic.valueOf(stat)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "invalid " + "'marker'" + " attribute {} at line {}", stat, getLineNumber()); } } } else if ("charts".equals(element)) { // do nothing but also do not log a spurious warning } else { logger.warn("unknown element {} at line {}", element, getLineNumber()); } } @Override protected void endElement(String element) { if (currentChart == null) { if (!"charts".equals(element)) { logger.warn("ignoring" + " element </{}> at line {}; current chart is not defined", element, getLineNumber()); } // else no chart should be defined when ending the root </charts> element return; } if ("linechart".equals(element)) { charts.add(currentChart); currentChart = null; } else if ("intervalchart".equals(element)) { charts.add(currentChart); currentChart = null; } else if ("barchart".equals(element)) { charts.add(currentChart); currentChart = null; } else if ("histogram".equals(element)) { charts.add(currentChart); currentChart = null; } else if ("data".equals(element)) { if (!skip) { endDataElement(); } resetData(); } } private void createLineChart(Map<String, String> attributes) { if (currentChart != null) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<linechart>" + " element inside another chart definition" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } String title = attributes.get("name"); if ((title == null) || "".equals(title)) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<linechart>" + " element with no name" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } String shortName = attributes.get("shortName"); boolean stacked = Boolean.valueOf(attributes.get("stacked")); currentChart = new LineChartDefinition(shortName == null ? title : shortName, title, stacked); if (attributes.get("subtitledBy") != null) { NamingMode mode = NamingMode.valueOf(attributes.get("subtitledBy")); if (mode != null) { currentChart.setSubtitleNamingMode(mode); } } if (attributes.get("linesNamedBy") != null) { NamingMode mode = NamingMode.valueOf(attributes.get("linesNamedBy")); ((LineChartDefinition) currentChart).setLineNamingMode(mode); } parseSize("<linechart>", attributes); logger.debug("parsed line chart {}", currentChart.getShortName()); } private void createIntervalChart(Map<String, String> attributes) { if (currentChart != null) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<intervalchart>" + " element inside another chart definition" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); skip = true; } String title = attributes.get("name"); if ((title == null) || "".equals(title)) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<intervalchart>" + " element with no name" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } String shortName = attributes.get("shortName"); currentChart = new IntervalChartDefinition(shortName == null ? title : shortName, title); if (attributes.get("subtitledBy") != null) { NamingMode mode = NamingMode.valueOf(attributes.get("subtitledBy")); if (mode != null) { currentChart.setSubtitleNamingMode(mode); } } if (attributes.get("linesNamedBy") != null) { NamingMode mode = NamingMode.valueOf(attributes.get("linesNamedBy")); ((LineChartDefinition) currentChart).setLineNamingMode(mode); } parseSize("<intervalchart>", attributes); logger.debug("parsed interval chart {}", currentChart.getShortName()); } private void createBarChart(Map<String, String> attributes) { if (currentChart != null) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<barchart>" + " element inside another chart definition" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } String title = attributes.get("name"); if ((title == null) || "".equals(title)) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<barchart>" + " element with no name" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } String shortName = attributes.get("shortName"); boolean stacked = Boolean.valueOf(attributes.get("stacked")); boolean subtractionNeeded = Boolean.valueOf(attributes.get("subtractionNeeded")); currentChart = new BarChartDefinition(shortName == null ? title : shortName, title, stacked, subtractionNeeded); if (attributes.get("subtitledBy") != null) { NamingMode mode = NamingMode.valueOf(attributes.get("subtitledBy")); if (mode != null) { currentChart.setSubtitleNamingMode(mode); } } if (attributes.get("barsNamedBy") != null) { NamingMode mode = NamingMode.valueOf(attributes.get("barsNamedBy")); ((BarChartDefinition) currentChart).setBarNamingMode(mode); } if (attributes.get("categoriesNamedBy") != null) { NamingMode mode = NamingMode.valueOf(attributes.get("categoriesNamedBy")); ((BarChartDefinition) currentChart).setCategoryNamingMode(mode); } parseSize("<barchart>", attributes); logger.debug("parsed bar chart {}", currentChart.getShortName()); } private void createHistogram(Map<String, String> attributes) { if (currentChart != null) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<histogram>" + " element inside another chart definition" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } String title = attributes.get("name"); if ((title == null) || "".equals(title)) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<histogram>" + " element with no name" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } String shortName = attributes.get("shortName"); currentChart = new HistogramChartDefinition(shortName == null ? title : shortName, title); if (attributes.get("barsNamedBy") != null) { NamingMode mode = NamingMode.valueOf(attributes.get("barsNamedBy")); ((HistogramChartDefinition) currentChart).setHistogramNamingMode(mode); } if (attributes.get("subtitledBy") != null) { NamingMode mode = NamingMode.valueOf(attributes.get("subtitledBy")); if (mode != null) { currentChart.setSubtitleNamingMode(mode); } } String temp = attributes.get("bins"); if (temp != null) { try { ((HistogramChartDefinition) currentChart).setBins(Integer.parseInt(temp)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<histogram>" + " attribute 'bins' with value {}" + " at line {}" + ", it is not a valid number", temp, getLineNumber()); } } temp = attributes.get("showMarkers"); // null => default, which is to show markers if ((temp != null) && !Boolean.valueOf(attributes.get("showMarkers"))) { ((HistogramChartDefinition) currentChart).setMarkers(new Statistic[0]); } parseSize("<histogram>", attributes); logger.debug("parsed histogram chart {}", currentChart.getShortName()); } private void parseHost(Map<String, String> attributes) { if (!inData) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<host>" + " element outside of <data>" + " at line {}" + "; <data> will be skipped", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } if (hostMatcher == null) { String name = attributes.get("name"); if (name != null) { if (HostMatcher.ALL.toString().equals(name)) { hostMatcher = HostMatcher.ALL; } else { hostMatcher = new ExactHostMatcher(name); } } else { String regex = attributes.get("regex"); if (regex != null) { hostMatcher = new RegexHostMatcher(regex); } else { String os = attributes.get("os"); if (os != null) { hostMatcher = new OSMatcher(os); } else { logger.error("either 'name', 'regex' or 'os'" + " must be defined for " + "<host>" + " at line {}" + "; <data> will be skipped", getLineNumber()); skip = true; } } } hostTransformer = createTransformer(attributes, true, hostTransformer); } else { logger.warn("ignoring " + "extra " + "<host>" + " element" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); } } private void parseType(Map<String, String> attributes) { if (!inData) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<type>" + " element outside of <data>" + " at line {}" + "; <data> will be skipped", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } if (typeMatcher == null) { String name = attributes.get("name"); if (name != null) { if ("$PROCESSES".equals(name)) { typeMatcher = ProcessMatcher.INSTANCE; } else if (TypeMatcher.ALL.toString().equals(name)) { typeMatcher = TypeMatcher.ALL; } else { typeMatcher = new ExactTypeMatcher(name); } } else { String regex = attributes.get("regex"); if (regex != null) { typeMatcher = new RegexTypeMatcher(regex); } else { logger.error("either 'name' or 'regex'" + " must be defined for " + "<type>" + " at line {}" + "; <data> will be skipped", getLineNumber()); skip = true; } } typeTransformer = createTransformer(attributes, true, typeTransformer); } else { logger.warn("ignoring " + "extra " + "<type>" + " element" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); } } private void parseField(Map<String, String> attributes) { if (!inData) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<field>" + " element outside of <data>" + " at line {}" + "; <data> will be skipped", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } String name = attributes.get("name"); if (name != null) { if (FieldMatcher.ALL.toString().equals(name)) { fieldMatchers.add(FieldMatcher.ALL); } else { fieldMatchers.add(new ExactFieldMatcher(name)); } NameTransformer transformer = createTransformer(attributes, true, null); if (transformer != null) { fieldTransformers.put(name, (SimpleNameTransformer) transformer); } } else { String regex = attributes.get("regex"); if (regex != null) { fieldMatchers.add(new RegexFieldMatcher(regex)); // if the field is being matched by regex, there can be only a single, global // regex field transform NameTransformer transformer = createTransformer(attributes, false, regexFieldRegexTransformer); if (transformer != null) { regexFieldRegexTransformer = (RegexNameTransformer) transformer; } } else { logger.error("either 'name' or 'regex'" + " must be defined for " + "<field>" + " at line {}" + "; <data> will be skipped", getLineNumber()); skip = true; } } } private void parseFieldAlias(Map<String, String> attributes) { if (!inData) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<fieldAlias>" + " element outside of <data>" + " at line {}" + "; <data> will be skipped", getLineNumber()); skip = true; return; } String name = attributes.get("name"); if (name == null) { logger.warn("'name'" + " must be defined for " + "<fieldAlias>" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); return; } else { String value = attributes.get("value"); if (value == null) { logger.warn("'value'" + " must be defined for " + "<fieldAlias>" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); } else { fieldTransformers.put(name, new SimpleNameTransformer(value)); } } } private void parseSize(String elementName, Map<String, String> attributes) { if (attributes.get("width") != null) { String temp = attributes.get("width"); try { currentChart.setWidth(Integer.parseInt(temp)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.warn("ignoring " + elementName + " attribute " + "'width'" + " with value '{}'" + " at line {}" + ", is not a valid number", temp, getLineNumber()); } } if (attributes.get("height") != null) { String temp = attributes.get("height"); try { currentChart.setHeight(Integer.parseInt(temp)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.warn("ignoring " + elementName + " attribute " + "'height'" + " with value '{}'" + " at line {}" + ", is not a valid number", temp, getLineNumber()); } } } private void endDataElement() { if (typeMatcher == null) { logger.warn("ignoring " + "<data>" + " element without a <type>" + "at line {}" + " <type> is required", getLineNumber()); return; } // as a convenience to users, allow multiple <field> elements // but, as an optimization, roll up all the ExactFieldMatchers into a SetFieldMatcher since // there has to be a DataDefinition per matcher List<FieldMatcher> consolidatedMatchers = new java.util.ArrayList<FieldMatcher>(fieldMatchers.size()); List<String> names = new java.util.ArrayList<String>(fieldMatchers.size()); for (FieldMatcher matcher : fieldMatchers) { if (matcher.getClass().equals(ExactFieldMatcher.class)) { String name = ((ExactFieldMatcher) matcher).getField(); if ("$DISKS".equals(name)) { consolidatedMatchers.add(DiskMatcher.INSTANCE); } else if ("$PARTITIONS".equals(name)) { consolidatedMatchers.add(PartitionMatcher.INSTANCE); } // else if ("$ALL".equals(name)) covered by having the names list be empty else { names.add(name); } } else { consolidatedMatchers.add(matcher); } } if ((names.size() == 0) && (consolidatedMatchers.size() == 0)) { consolidatedMatchers.add(FieldMatcher.ALL); } else if (names.size() == 1) { consolidatedMatchers.add(new ExactFieldMatcher(names.get(0))); } else if (names.size() > 1) { consolidatedMatchers.add(new SetFieldMatcher(names.toArray(new String[names.size()]))); } // for each matcher create new DataDefinition for (FieldMatcher fieldMatcher : consolidatedMatchers) { DefaultDataDefinition definition = new DefaultDataDefinition(hostMatcher, typeMatcher, fieldMatcher, currentStat, useSecondaryYAxis); for (String field : fieldTransformers.keySet()) { definition.addFieldTransformer(field, fieldTransformers.get(field)); } if (hostTransformer != null) { // no <host> element => hostMatcher and hostTransformer will be null, no need for // hostMatcher null check here if (hostMatcher.getClass().equals(ExactHostMatcher.class)) { definition.addHostnameTransformer(((ExactHostMatcher) hostMatcher).getHostname(), hostTransformer); } else { definition.addHostnameTransformer(DefaultDataDefinition.DEFAULT_NAME_TRANSFORMER_KEY, hostTransformer); } } if (typeTransformer != null) { // no <type> element => typeMatcher and typeTransformer will be null, no need for // typeMatcher null check here if (typeMatcher.getClass().equals(ExactTypeMatcher.class)) { definition.addTypeTransformer(((ExactTypeMatcher) typeMatcher).getType(), typeTransformer); } else { definition.addTypeTransformer(DefaultDataDefinition.DEFAULT_NAME_TRANSFORMER_KEY, typeTransformer); } } if (regexFieldRegexTransformer != null) { definition.addFieldTransformer(DefaultDataDefinition.DEFAULT_NAME_TRANSFORMER_KEY, regexFieldRegexTransformer); } currentChart.addData(definition); if (currentChart instanceof HistogramChartDefinition) { HistogramChartDefinition histogramChart = ((HistogramChartDefinition) currentChart); // count will be zero if 'showMarkers' is set to false // ignore parsed markers if that is the case if ((histogramChart.getMarkerCount() != 0) && (markers.size() > 0)) { histogramChart.setMarkers(markers.toArray(new Statistic[markers.size()])); } } logger.debug("added {} to chart {}", definition, currentChart.getShortName()); } } private NameTransformer createTransformer(Map<String, String> attributes, boolean aliasAllowed, NameTransformer existing) { String alias = attributes.get("alias"); if (alias != null) { if (aliasAllowed) { return new SimpleNameTransformer(alias); } else { logger.warn("ignoring invalid 'alias' attribute" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); return existing; } } else { String regex = attributes.get("aliasRegex"); if (regex == null) { // try to reuse existing regex regex = attributes.get("regex"); } if (regex != null) { if (existing != null) { logger.warn( "an existing regex substitution has already been defined, ignoring additional substitutions" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); return existing; } else { String group = attributes.get("aliasByGroup"); if (group == null) { String replacement = attributes.get("aliasByReplacement"); if ((replacement != null) && !"".equals(replacement)) { return new RegexNameTransformer(regex, replacement); } else { return new RegexNameTransformer(regex); } } else { try { return new RegexNameTransformer(regex, Integer.parseInt(group)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.warn("'aliasByGroup' must be a number" + " at line {}", getLineNumber()); } return existing; } } } else { return existing; } } } @Override protected void reset() { super.reset(); charts.clear(); currentChart = null; resetData(); } private void resetData() { hostMatcher = null; hostTransformer = null; typeMatcher = null; typeTransformer = null; fieldMatchers.clear(); fieldTransformers.clear(); regexFieldRegexTransformer = null; inData = false; skip = false; currentStat = Statistic.AVERAGE; useSecondaryYAxis = false; } }