package; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.HeadlessException; import; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import; /** * Base class for file selection dialogs. Supports the notion of a default file name that can be * used when the user has not entered a file name. */ public class GUIFileChooser extends JFileChooser { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3483905864541979923L; protected final NMONVisualizerGui gui; private String defaultFileName; public GUIFileChooser(NMONVisualizerGui gui, String title) { this(gui, title, null); } public GUIFileChooser(NMONVisualizerGui gui, String title, String filename) { super(); this.gui = gui; this.defaultFileName = filename; setDialogTitle(title); // these must be set _before_ setting the selected file or the selection will be lost! setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); String directory = gui.getPreferences().get("lastSaveDirectory", null); if (defaultFileName != null) { setSelectedFile(new File(directory, defaultFileName)); } else if (directory != null) { setCurrentDirectory(new File(directory)); } } @Override public int showDialog(Component parent, String approveButtonText) throws HeadlessException { int toReturn = super.showDialog(parent, approveButtonText); saveLastSaveLocation(); return toReturn; } @Override public int showOpenDialog(Component parent) throws HeadlessException { int toReturn = super.showOpenDialog(parent); saveLastSaveLocation(); return toReturn; } @Override public int showSaveDialog(Component parent) throws HeadlessException { int toReturn = super.showSaveDialog(parent); saveLastSaveLocation(); return toReturn; } private final void saveLastSaveLocation() { if (getSelectedFile() != null) { File parent = getSelectedFile(); if (!parent.isDirectory()) { parent = parent.getParentFile(); } if (parent != null) { gui.getPreferences().put("lastSaveDirectory", parent.getAbsolutePath()); } } } protected static void addComponentToChooser(JFileChooser chooser, String toLabel, JComponent toAdd) { // huge hack that only works with the Nimbus look and feel // get the bottom panel and add the new component after the file type drop down JPanel bottom = ((JPanel) chooser.getComponent(chooser.getComponentCount() - 1)); JPanel newPanel = new JPanel(); newPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(newPanel, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS)); if (toLabel != null) { // use the formatting of the combo box label in the component being added // count - 1 => buttons // count - 2 => filter filter combo box JPanel filterPanel = (JPanel) bottom.getComponent(bottom.getComponentCount() - 2); // count - 1 => combo box // count - 2 => label JLabel filterLabel = (JLabel) filterPanel.getComponent(filterPanel.getComponentCount() - 2); JLabel label = new JLabel(toLabel); label.setFont(filterLabel.getFont()); label.setBorder(filterLabel.getBorder()); label.setPreferredSize(filterLabel.getPreferredSize()); newPanel.add(label); } newPanel.add(toAdd); bottom.add(newPanel, bottom.getComponentCount() - 1); } }