package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import; /** * A DataSet designed to hold data for a single 'system' or host across a number of parsed files. * Parsed files are identified by the {@link DataSet#getStartTime() start time} of the file, so * these times should be unique. */ public final class SystemDataSet extends ProcessDataSet { private static final Logger LOGGER = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(SystemDataSet.class); private final TreeMap<Long, Map<String, String>> systemInfo = new TreeMap<Long, Map<String, String>>(); private final TreeMap<Long, Map<String, String>> metadata = new TreeMap<Long, Map<String, String>>(); private final TreeMap<Interval, String> sourceFiles = new java.util.TreeMap<Interval, String>(); private final String hostname; private String typeIdPrefix = "TOP"; public SystemDataSet(String hostname) { if ((hostname == null) || "".equals(hostname)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("hostname cannot be " + "null"); } this.hostname = hostname; } public final String getHostname() { return hostname; } @Override public void setHostname(String hostname) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("hostname cannot be " + "changed"); } public String getSourceFile() { int size = sourceFiles.size(); if (size == 0) { return "no data"; } else if (size == 1) { return sourceFiles.values().iterator().next(); } else { return size + " files"; } } public Iterable<String> getSourceFiles() { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableCollection(sourceFiles.values()); } public String getSourceFile(Interval interval) { return sourceFiles.get(interval); } public int getSourceFileCount() { return sourceFiles.size(); } public Iterable<Interval> getSourceFileIntervals() { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet(sourceFiles.keySet()); } public boolean containsSourceFile(String sourceFile) { return sourceFiles.values().contains(sourceFile); } public void addData(SystemDataSet newData) { long startT = System.nanoTime(); merge(newData); sourceFiles.putAll(newData.sourceFiles); metadata.putAll(newData.metadata); systemInfo.putAll(newData.systemInfo); if (!typeIdPrefix.equals(newData.typeIdPrefix)) { typeIdPrefix += " + " + newData.typeIdPrefix; } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("data for {} consolidated into data for {} in {}ms ", new Object[] { newData, getHostname(), (System.nanoTime() - startT) / 1000000.0d }); } } public void addData(String sourceFile, DataSet newData) { long startT = System.nanoTime(); if ((sourceFile == null) || "".equals(sourceFile)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("source file cannot be null"); } merge(newData); long start = newData.getStartTime(); long end = newData.getEndTime(); sourceFiles.put(new Interval(start, end), sourceFile); if (newData.getClass().equals(BasicDataSet.class)) { metadata.put(start, ((BasicDataSet) newData).getMetadata()); } else if (newData.getClass().equals(NMONDataSet.class)) { NMONDataSet nmonData = (NMONDataSet) newData; systemInfo.put(start, nmonData.getSystemInfo()); metadata.put(start, nmonData.getMetadata()); } else if (newData.getClass().equals(PerfmonDataSet.class)) { PerfmonDataSet nmonData = (PerfmonDataSet) newData; metadata.put(start, nmonData.getMetadata()); } if (newData instanceof ProcessDataSet) { String newPrefix = ((ProcessDataSet) newData).getTypeIdPrefix(); if (getRecordCount() == newData.getRecordCount()) { typeIdPrefix = newPrefix; } else if (!typeIdPrefix.contains(newPrefix)) { typeIdPrefix += " + " + newPrefix; } // else already added } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("data for {} consolidated into data for {} in {}ms ", new Object[] { sourceFile, getHostname(), (System.nanoTime() - startT) / 1000000.0d }); } } private void merge(DataSet newData) { if (newData == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DataSet cannot be null"); } if (newData.getRecordCount() == 0) { return; } Set<Long> combinedTimes = null; // minor optimization - if this data set is empty, only addNewType will be called below and // combinedTimes will not be needed but initialize it here to avoid doing that once per type // when it is needed if (getRecordCount() != 0) { combinedTimes = new java.util.HashSet<Long>(getTimes()); combinedTimes.addAll(newData.getTimes()); } for (DataType newType : newData.getTypes()) { if (newType instanceof ProcessDataType) { // handle processes differently since the the start time is calculated for each file // processed // assume a process with the same name and pid is the same for merging purposes ProcessDataType newProcessType = (ProcessDataType) newType; Process newProcess = newProcessType.getProcess(); Process existingProcess = null; for (Process toSearch : getProcesses()) { if (newProcess.getName().equals(toSearch.getName()) && (newProcess.getId() == toSearch.getId())) { existingProcess = toSearch; break; } } if (existingProcess != null) { addProcessData(newData, newProcessType, existingProcess); } else { addProcess(newProcess); addType(newProcessType); addDataForType(newData, newProcessType); } } else { // not a process if (!containsType(newType.getId())) { // new type - add it to the data addType(newType); addDataForType(newData, newType); } else { mergeDataForType(newData, newType, combinedTimes); } } } } private void addDataForType(DataSet data, DataType type) { long start = System.nanoTime(); int n = 0; for (DataRecord newRecord : data.getRecords()) { long time = newRecord.getTime(); DataRecord recordToUpdate = getRecord(time); if (recordToUpdate == null) { recordToUpdate = new DataRecord(time, newRecord.getTimestamp()); addRecord(recordToUpdate); } if (recordToUpdate.hasData(type)) { LOGGER.warn("not overwriting existing {} data at time {}", type, newRecord.getTimestamp()); } else if (newRecord.hasData(type)) { recordToUpdate.addData(type, newRecord.getData(type)); ++n; } else { // dangerous since this can potentially log a huge amount for process data // if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { // LOGGER.trace("no data for {} at time {}",, // existingRecord.getTimestamp()); } } } if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("{} of {} data records for {} {} added in {}ms ", new Object[] { n, data.getRecordCount(), data, type, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000.0d }); } } private void addProcessData(DataSet data, ProcessDataType processType, Process existingProcess) { long start = System.nanoTime(); int n = 0; Process newProcess = processType.getProcess(); long newStartTime = Math.min(newProcess.getStartTime(), existingProcess.getStartTime()); Process updatedProcess = changeStartTime(existingProcess, newStartTime); ProcessDataType updatedProcessType = getType(updatedProcess); for (DataRecord newRecord : data.getRecords()) { long time = newRecord.getTime(); DataRecord recordToUpdate = getRecord(time); if (recordToUpdate == null) { recordToUpdate = new DataRecord(time, newRecord.getTimestamp()); addRecord(recordToUpdate); } if (recordToUpdate.hasData(updatedProcessType)) { LOGGER.warn("not overwriting existing {} data at time {}", updatedProcessType, newRecord.getTimestamp()); } else if (newRecord.hasData(processType)) { // note processType since the new records have not been updated recordToUpdate.addData(updatedProcessType, newRecord.getData(processType)); ++n; } else { // dangerous since this can potentially log a huge amount // if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { // LOGGER.trace("no data for {} at time {}",, // existingRecord.getTimestamp()); } } } if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("{} of {} process data records for {} {} added in {}ms ", new Object[] { n, data.getRecordCount(), data, updatedProcessType, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000.0d }); } } private void mergeDataForType(DataSet newData, DataType newType, Set<Long> combinedTimes) { DataType existingType = getType(newType.getId()); // union of the fields ... Set<String> combinedFields = new java.util.TreeSet<String>(existingType.getFields()); combinedFields.addAll(newType.getFields()); // no new fields in either data set // just add the records without overwriting the existing if ((combinedFields.size() == existingType.getFieldCount()) && (combinedFields.size() == newType.getFieldCount())) { addDataForType(newData, newType); return; } // otherwise, actually merge the data long start = System.nanoTime(); DataType combinedType = null; if (existingType instanceof SubDataType) { SubDataType subType = (SubDataType) existingType; combinedType = new SubDataType(subType.getPrimaryId(), subType.getSubId(), existingType.getName(), combinedFields.toArray(new String[0])); } else { combinedType = new DataType(existingType.getId(), existingType.getName(), combinedFields.toArray(new String[0])); } // data set now only contains the combined type removeType(existingType); addType(combinedType); int fieldCount = combinedFields.size(); // for every record, re-add the field values when available for (long time : combinedTimes) { DataRecord existingRecord = getRecord(time); DataRecord newRecord = newData.getRecord(time); boolean hasExistingData = (existingRecord != null) && existingRecord.hasData(existingType); boolean hasNewData = (newRecord != null) && newRecord.hasData(newType); if (hasExistingData || hasNewData) { double[] combinedData = new double[fieldCount]; int n = 0; for (String field : combinedFields) { if (newType.hasField(field)) { // existingType has the same field and has data for this time. // Use that data and do not overwrite with new data if (hasExistingData && existingType.hasField(field)) { combinedData[n] = existingRecord.getData(existingType, field); LOGGER.warn("not overwriting existing {} data at time {}", newType, existingRecord.getTimestamp()); } else if (hasNewData) { combinedData[n] = newRecord.getData(newType, field); } else { combinedData[n] = Double.NaN; } } else { if (hasExistingData) { combinedData[n] = existingRecord.getData(existingType, field); } else { combinedData[n] = Double.NaN; } } ++n; } if (existingRecord == null) { DataRecord combinedRecord = new DataRecord(newRecord.getTime(), newRecord.getTimestamp()); combinedRecord.addData(combinedType, combinedData); addRecord(combinedRecord); } else { existingRecord.removeData(existingType); existingRecord.addData(combinedType, combinedData); } } // else no data at this time from either new or existing, // just leave the record empty for this type } if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace("data records for {} {} merged in {}ms ", new Object[] { newData, combinedType, (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000.0d }); } } public Iterable<Long> getSystemInfoTimes() { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet(systemInfo.keySet()); } public Map<String, String> getSystemInfo(long time) { Map<String, String> toReturn = systemInfo.get(time); if (toReturn == null) { return java.util.Collections.emptyMap(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap(toReturn); } } public int getSystemInfoCount() { return systemInfo.size(); } public Iterable<Long> getMetadataTimes() { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet(metadata.keySet()); } public Map<String, String> getMetadata(long time) { Map<String, String> toReturn = metadata.get(time); if (toReturn == null) { return java.util.Collections.emptyMap(); } else { return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap(toReturn); } } public int getMetadataCount() { return metadata.size(); } @Override public String getTypeIdPrefix() { return typeIdPrefix; } }