package; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.labels.StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.BarRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.StackedBarRenderer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class BarChartBuilder extends BaseChartBuilder<BarChartDefinition> { public BarChartBuilder() { super(); } protected JFreeChart createChart() { CategoryAxis categoryAxis = new CategoryAxis(); ValueAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis(); BarRenderer renderer = null; if (definition.isStacked()) { renderer = new StackedBarRenderer(); } else { renderer = new BarRenderer(); } CategoryPlot plot = new CategoryPlot(new DataTupleCategoryDataset(false), categoryAxis, valueAxis, renderer); if (definition.hasSecondaryYAxis()) { // second Y axis uses a separate dataset and axis plot.setDataset(1, new DataTupleCategoryDataset(false)); valueAxis = new NumberAxis(); if (definition.isStacked()) { plot.setRenderer(1, new StackedBarRenderer()); } else { plot.setRenderer(1, new BarRenderer()); } plot.setRangeAxis(1, valueAxis); plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(1, 1); } return new HighlightableBarChart("", JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, false); } @Override protected void formatChart() { super.formatChart(); chart.setTitle(definition.getTitle()); CategoryPlot plot = (CategoryPlot) chart.getPlot(); plot.getDomainAxis().setLabel(definition.getCategoryAxisLabel()); plot.getRangeAxis().setLabel(definition.getYAxisLabel()); if (definition.hasSecondaryYAxis()) { plot.getRangeAxis(1).setLabel(definition.getSecondaryYAxisLabel()); } if (definition.usePercentYAxis()) { setPercentYAxis(); } for (int i = 0; i < plot.getRendererCount(); i++) { BarRenderer renderer = (BarRenderer) plot.getRenderer(i); renderer.setShadowVisible(false); renderer.setDrawBarOutline(false); renderer.setBarPainter(new GradientPainters.GradientBarPainter()); renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator("{1} {0} - {2} ({3})", Styles.NUMBER_FORMAT)); renderer.setBaseOutlineStroke(OUTLINE_STROKE); renderer.setBaseOutlinePaint(OUTLINE_COLOR); plot.getRangeAxis(i).setLabelFont(LABEL_FONT); plot.getRangeAxis(i).setTickLabelFont(AXIS_FONT); } plot.getDomainAxis().setCategoryMargin(0.15d); plot.getDomainAxis().setTickMarksVisible(false); // position of first bar start and last bar end // 1.5% of the chart area within the axis will be blank space on each end plot.getDomainAxis().setLowerMargin(.015); plot.getDomainAxis().setUpperMargin(.015); plot.getDomainAxis().setLabelFont(LABEL_FONT); plot.getDomainAxis().setTickLabelFont(AXIS_FONT); // gray grid lines plot.setRangeGridlinePaint(GRID_COLOR); plot.setRangeGridlineStroke(GRID_LINES); } public void addBar(AnalysisRecord record) { if (chart == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("initChart() must be called first"); } if (definition == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("BarChartDefintion cannot be null"); } // Note that both this builder and the AnalysisRecord have an Interval stored. Note that // these are _not_ synchronized here under the assumption that a) the client application has // already done this and b) the client application is caching a number of records and does // not expect different records to have different Intervals. So, the record's internal // Interval is used rather than this class' record. CategoryPlot plot = (CategoryPlot) chart.getPlot(); DataTupleCategoryDataset dataset = (DataTupleCategoryDataset) plot .getDataset(definition.hasSecondaryYAxis() ? 1 : 0); DataSet data = record.getDataSet(); Statistic previousStat = null; for (DataDefinition dataDefinition : definition.getData()) { if (dataDefinition.matchesHost(data)) { for (DataType type : dataDefinition.getMatchingTypes(data)) { for (String field : dataDefinition.getMatchingFields(type)) { String barName = definition.getBarNamingMode().getName(dataDefinition, data, type, field, getGranularity()); String categoryName = definition.getCategoryNamingMode().getName(dataDefinition, data, type, field, getGranularity()); Statistic currentStat = dataDefinition.getStatistic(); double value = currentStat.getValue(record, type, field); if ((previousStat != null) && (previousStat != currentStat)) { dataset.setCategoriesHaveDifferentStats(true); } previousStat = currentStat; dataset.addValue(value, barName, categoryName); dataset.associateTuple(barName, categoryName, new DataTuple(data, type, field)); } } } } // subtract the value for each category from the previous values if (definition.isSubtractionNeeded() && (dataset.getRowCount() != 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < dataset.getColumnCount(); i++) { // prime total with the first value in each bar // the first value is not modified double total = (double) dataset.getValue(0, i).doubleValue(); String barName = (String) dataset.getColumnKey(i); for (int j = 1; j < dataset.getRowCount(); j++) { double value = dataset.getValue(j, i).doubleValue() - total; String categoryName = (String) dataset.getRowKey(j); dataset.setValue(value, categoryName, barName); total += value; } } } if (chart.getLegend() == null) { int rowCount = plot.getDataset(0).getRowCount(); if (definition.hasSecondaryYAxis()) { rowCount += plot.getDataset(1).getRowCount(); } if (rowCount > 1) { addLegend(); } } // smaller font size for charts with a lot of bars if (dataset.getColumnCount() > 32) { plot.getDomainAxis().setTickLabelFont(AXIS_FONT.deriveFont(AXIS_FONT.getSize() * 0.9f)); } plot.configureRangeAxes(); } public void setPercentYAxis() { NumberAxis yAxis = (NumberAxis) ((CategoryPlot) chart.getPlot()).getRangeAxis(); yAxis.setRange(0, 100); } }