package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p> * Holder class for analyzing data from a specific DataSet. If the DataSet does not have data for * the given DataType / field combination all methods in this class will return <code>NaN</code> * except for {@link #getCount(DataType, String) getCount()}, which returns zero. * </p> * * <p> * This class caches statistics for measurements during a given Interval rather than recalculating * from the raw data each time. Calculations are done lazily, when a statistic is requested, not * when a measurement is added to the record. Data is cached as SoftReference objects, so while this * class could potentially use a large amount of memory, it should not cause OutOfMemoryExceptions. * </p */ public final class AnalysisRecord { private static final Logger LOGGER = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(AnalysisRecord.class); // struct for holding analyzed data // data is analyzed lazily, but everything is calculated on the first call, not for each get // method private static final class AnalysisHolder { int count = 0; double sum = 0; double average = Double.NaN; double granularityMaximum = Double.MIN_VALUE; double median = Double.NaN; double percentile95 = Double.NaN; double percentile99 = Double.NaN; double minimum = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maximum = Double.MIN_VALUE; double standardDeviation = Double.NaN; } private final DataSet data; // associate DataType keys with the set of values for this record private final Map<String, SoftReference<AnalysisHolder>> values = new java.util.HashMap<String, SoftReference<AnalysisHolder>>(); private Interval interval; private int granularity = 60000; public AnalysisRecord(DataSet data) { = data; this.interval = Interval.DEFAULT; } public DataSet getDataSet() { return data; } public Interval getInterval() { return interval; } public void setInterval(Interval interval) { if (!this.interval.equals(interval)) { this.interval = interval; values.clear(); } } public void setGranularity(int granularity) { if (granularity < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("granularity must be greater than 0"); } if (granularity != this.granularity) { this.granularity = granularity; values.clear(); } } public double getAverage(DataType type, String fieldName) { return analyzeIfNecessary(type, fieldName).average; } public double getMinimum(DataType type, String fieldName) { return analyzeIfNecessary(type, fieldName).minimum; } public double getMaximum(DataType type, String fieldName) { return analyzeIfNecessary(type, fieldName).maximum; } public double getGranularityMaximum(DataType type, String fieldName) { return analyzeIfNecessary(type, fieldName).granularityMaximum; } public double getMedian(DataType type, String fieldName) { return analyzeIfNecessary(type, fieldName).median; } public double get95thPercentile(DataType type, String fieldName) { return analyzeIfNecessary(type, fieldName).percentile95; } public double get99thPercentile(DataType type, String fieldName) { return analyzeIfNecessary(type, fieldName).percentile99; } public double getStandardDeviation(DataType type, String fieldName) { return analyzeIfNecessary(type, fieldName).standardDeviation; } public double getSum(DataType type, String fieldName) { return analyzeIfNecessary(type, fieldName).sum; } public int getCount(DataType type, String fieldName) { return analyzeIfNecessary(type, fieldName).count; } private AnalysisHolder analyzeIfNecessary(DataType type, String fieldName) { if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot analyze null " + "type"); } if ((fieldName == null) || "".equals(fieldName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot analyze null " + "field"); } String key = type.getKey(fieldName); SoftReference<AnalysisHolder> holderRef = values.get(key); AnalysisHolder holder = null; if (holderRef != null) { holder = holderRef.get(); if (holder != null) { return holder; } // else valid SoftReference but the actual holder has been GC'ed so recreate it } holder = new AnalysisHolder(); values.put(key, new SoftReference<AnalysisHolder>(holder)); long startT = System.nanoTime(); DataType typeToAnalyze = data.getType(type.getId()); if ((typeToAnalyze != null) && typeToAnalyze.hasField(fieldName)) { // depending on the Interval, all DataRecords may not be processed, but assume // over-allocating here is faster than forcing some number of array resizes List<Double> allValues = new java.util.ArrayList<Double>(data.getRecordCount()); long lastGranularityTime = Math.max(interval.getStart(), data.getStartTime()); int countSinceLastGranularity = 0; double granularityTotal = 0; boolean isProcess = type.getClass() ==; for (DataRecord dataRecord : data.getRecords(interval)) { double value = Double.NaN; // for processes, missing values are 0 since NMON does not output data for processes // if there is no activity if (isProcess) { if (dataRecord.hasData(typeToAnalyze)) { value = dataRecord.getData(typeToAnalyze, fieldName); } if (Double.isNaN(value)) { value = 0; } } else { // for other types, assume missing values really are missing if (dataRecord.hasData(typeToAnalyze)) { value = dataRecord.getData(typeToAnalyze, fieldName); } if (Double.isNaN(value)) { continue; } } holder.sum += value; if (value > holder.maximum) { holder.maximum = value; } if (value < holder.minimum) { holder.minimum = value; } allValues.add(value); ++countSinceLastGranularity; granularityTotal += value; if ((dataRecord.getTime() - lastGranularityTime) >= granularity) { double peakAverage = granularityTotal / countSinceLastGranularity; if (peakAverage > holder.granularityMaximum) { holder.granularityMaximum = peakAverage; } countSinceLastGranularity = 0; granularityTotal = 0; lastGranularityTime = dataRecord.getTime(); } } if (allValues.size() > 0) { holder.count = allValues.size(); holder.average = holder.sum / holder.count; java.util.Collections.sort(allValues); holder.median = calculatePercentile(.5, allValues); holder.percentile95 = calculatePercentile(.95, allValues); holder.percentile99 = calculatePercentile(.99, allValues); double sumSqDiffs = 0; for (double value : allValues) { sumSqDiffs += Math.pow(value - holder.average, 2); } holder.standardDeviation = Math.sqrt(sumSqDiffs / holder.count); } else { // file has data, but not for the given interval // set all values to NaN holder.maximum = Double.NaN; holder.minimum = Double.NaN; holder.granularityMaximum = Double.NaN; } } else { // typeToAnalyze is null or type does not have the field // just return a holder full of NaNs holder.maximum = Double.NaN; holder.minimum = Double.NaN; holder.granularityMaximum = Double.NaN; } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("{}: {}-{} analyzed for {} in {}ms ", new Object[] { data, type, fieldName, TimeFormatCache.formatInterval(interval), (System.nanoTime() - startT) / 1000000.0d }); } return holder; } public static double calculatePercentile(double percentile, List<Double> allValues) { double n = allValues.size() * percentile; int idx = (int) n; if ((n - idx) == 0) { return (allValues.get(idx) + allValues.get(idx - 1)) / 2; } else { return allValues.get(idx); } } }