/** * This code was auto-generated by a Codezu. * * Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if * the code is regenerated. */ package com.mozu.api.contracts.shippingruntime; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.io.Serializable; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; import com.mozu.api.contracts.shippingruntime.ShippingRateLocalizedContent; import com.mozu.api.contracts.shippingruntime.CustomAttribute; import com.mozu.api.contracts.shippingruntime.ShippingRateValidationMessage; import com.mozu.api.contracts.shippingruntime.ShippingItemRate; /** * Properties of a shipping rate calculated for a specified carrier. */ @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class ShippingRate implements Serializable { // Default Serial Version UID private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The total calculated shipping amount requested for the package or shipment. */ protected Double amount; public Double getAmount() { return this.amount; } public void setAmount(Double amount) { this.amount = amount; } /** * The carrier-defined alphanumeric code associated with this shipping rate. */ protected String code; public String getCode() { return this.code; } public void setCode(String code) { this.code = code; } /** * The number of days the shipment will spend between the origin address and the destination address. */ protected Integer daysInTransit; public Integer getDaysInTransit() { return this.daysInTransit; } public void setDaysInTransit(Integer daysInTransit) { this.daysInTransit = daysInTransit; } /** * Localizable content (such as a name and/or description) for an attribute. The content may be localized when displayed according to the locale code specified by the master catalog. Content can include descriptive text for product extensible attributes, catalog-level descriptions (displayed if isContentOverriden is true), product bundles, and customer account notes. */ protected ShippingRateLocalizedContent content; public ShippingRateLocalizedContent getContent() { return this.content; } public void setContent(ShippingRateLocalizedContent content) { this.content = content; } /** * Collection of carrier-specific key-value attribute pairs associated with a shipping carrier. These are required to retrieve a shipping rate request and are returned for the generated shipping label. */ protected List<CustomAttribute> customAttributes; public List<CustomAttribute> getCustomAttributes() { return this.customAttributes; } public void setCustomAttributes(List<CustomAttribute> customAttributes) { this.customAttributes = customAttributes; } /** * Mozu.ShippingRuntime.Contracts.ShippingRate data ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected transient com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode data; public com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode getData() { return this.data; } public void setData(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode data) { this.data = data; } /** * Array list of validation and status messages associated with shipping rates, orders, and product purchasable state. */ protected List<ShippingRateValidationMessage> messages; public List<ShippingRateValidationMessage> getMessages() { return this.messages; } public void setMessages(List<ShippingRateValidationMessage> messages) { this.messages = messages; } /** * Properties of a calculated shipping rate for individual line items in a shipment. */ protected List<ShippingItemRate> shippingItemRates; public List<ShippingItemRate> getShippingItemRates() { return this.shippingItemRates; } public void setShippingItemRates(List<ShippingItemRate> shippingItemRates) { this.shippingItemRates = shippingItemRates; } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.defaultWriteObject(); if(data == null){ out.writeBoolean(false); } else { out.writeBoolean(true); new com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper().configure(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET, false).writeValue(out, data); } } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); if(in.readBoolean()){ this.data = new com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper().configure(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_SOURCE, false).readValue(in, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode.class); } } }