/** * This code was auto-generated by a Codezu. * * Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if * the code is regenerated. */ package com.mozu.api.contracts.core; import java.io.Serializable; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; /** * System-supplied and read-only information about the user. */ @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class UserSystemData implements Serializable { // Default Serial Version UID private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Date and time when the entity was created, represented in UTC Date/Time. */ protected DateTime createdOn; public DateTime getCreatedOn() { return this.createdOn; } public void setCreatedOn(DateTime createdOn) { this.createdOn = createdOn; } /** * The total number of failed authentication attempts associated with a customer account attempting access. */ protected Byte failedLoginAttemptCount; public Byte getFailedLoginAttemptCount() { return this.failedLoginAttemptCount; } public void setFailedLoginAttemptCount(Byte failedLoginAttemptCount) { this.failedLoginAttemptCount = failedLoginAttemptCount; } /** * The date and time the initial login was unsuccessful. System-supplied and read only. Each time user authentication fails, an update occurs on this field. The amount of failures is calculated together for `failedLoginAttemptCount`. */ protected DateTime firstFailedLoginAttemptOn; public DateTime getFirstFailedLoginAttemptOn() { return this.firstFailedLoginAttemptOn; } public void setFirstFailedLoginAttemptOn(DateTime firstFailedLoginAttemptOn) { this.firstFailedLoginAttemptOn = firstFailedLoginAttemptOn; } /** * Indicates if a customer account and associated data is locked. If true, the user account is locked due to multiple failed authentication attempts. The user cannot login until the account is unlocked. */ protected Boolean isLocked; public Boolean getIsLocked() { return this.isLocked; } public void setIsLocked(Boolean isLocked) { this.isLocked = isLocked; } /** * Indicates if the customer account must have the password changed on login. If true, the login action requires a password change for increased security. If false, the login does not require a password change. */ protected Boolean isPasswordChangeRequired; public Boolean getIsPasswordChangeRequired() { return this.isPasswordChangeRequired; } public void setIsPasswordChangeRequired(Boolean isPasswordChangeRequired) { this.isPasswordChangeRequired = isPasswordChangeRequired; } /** * Provides date and time data when the customer's account was last locked. System-supplied and read-only. */ protected DateTime lastLockedOn; public DateTime getLastLockedOn() { return this.lastLockedOn; } public void setLastLockedOn(DateTime lastLockedOn) { this.lastLockedOn = lastLockedOn; } /** * Provides the date and time the customer last logged into the store. System-supplied and read-only. */ protected DateTime lastLoginOn; public DateTime getLastLoginOn() { return this.lastLoginOn; } public void setLastLoginOn(DateTime lastLoginOn) { this.lastLoginOn = lastLoginOn; } /** * Date and time the customer's password was last modified. System-supplied and read-only. */ protected DateTime lastPasswordChangeOn; public DateTime getLastPasswordChangeOn() { return this.lastPasswordChangeOn; } public void setLastPasswordChangeOn(DateTime lastPasswordChangeOn) { this.lastPasswordChangeOn = lastPasswordChangeOn; } /** * The number of login attempts remaining for the customer. The user must login successfully before this value reaches zero otherwise the account locks. */ protected Integer remainingLoginAttempts; public Integer getRemainingLoginAttempts() { return this.remainingLoginAttempts; } public void setRemainingLoginAttempts(Integer remainingLoginAttempts) { this.remainingLoginAttempts = remainingLoginAttempts; } /** * Date and time when the entity was last updated, represented in UTC Date/Time. */ protected DateTime updatedOn; public DateTime getUpdatedOn() { return this.updatedOn; } public void setUpdatedOn(DateTime updatedOn) { this.updatedOn = updatedOn; } }