/** * This code was auto-generated by a Codezu. * * Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if * the code is regenerated. */ package com.mozu.api.contracts.productadmin; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.io.Serializable; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; import com.mozu.api.contracts.productadmin.AttributeVocabularyValue; import com.mozu.api.contracts.productadmin.ProductExtraValueDeltaPrice; /** * Properties of a defined value for a product extra attribute. */ @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class ProductExtraValue implements Serializable { // Default Serial Version UID private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The difference between the weight associated with this product, variation option, or extra and the base product. For example, if a product with a monogram weighs an extra 1/4 lb, the DeltaWeight value is "0.25". The amount of the delta is set by the weight type for the storefront. */ protected Double deltaWeight; public Double getDeltaWeight() { return this.deltaWeight; } public void setDeltaWeight(Double deltaWeight) { this.deltaWeight = deltaWeight; } /** * If true, the value for the product extra is selected by default. Shopper entered extras cannot be defaulted. */ protected Boolean isDefaulted; public Boolean getIsDefaulted() { return this.isDefaulted; } public void setIsDefaulted(Boolean isDefaulted) { this.isDefaulted = isDefaulted; } /** * The specified quantity of objects and items. This property is used for numerous object types including products, options, components within a product bundle, cart and order items, returned items, shipping line items, items in a digital product. and items associated with types and reservations. */ protected Integer quantity; public Integer getQuantity() { return this.quantity; } public void setQuantity(Integer quantity) { this.quantity = quantity; } /** * The value of a property, used by numerous objects within including facets, attributes, products, localized content, metadata, capabilities ( and third-party), location inventory adjustment, and more. The value may be a string, integer, or double. Validation may be run against the entered and saved values depending on the object type. */ protected Object value; public Object getValue() { return this.value; } public void setValue(Object value) { this.value = value; } /** * Properties of an individual vocabulary value for an attribute. For example, a "color" attribute might have the following vocabulary values: Red, Blue, Green. */ protected AttributeVocabularyValue attributeVocabularyValueDetail; public AttributeVocabularyValue getAttributeVocabularyValueDetail() { return this.attributeVocabularyValueDetail; } public void setAttributeVocabularyValueDetail(AttributeVocabularyValue attributeVocabularyValueDetail) { this.attributeVocabularyValueDetail = attributeVocabularyValueDetail; } /** * If the product is in relative pricing mode, this is the difference between associated prices for a product, variation option, or extra. The difference is calculated by subtracting the base price from the associated price with this product, option, and/or extra. For example, if a product with a defined monogram extra costs an additional $10, the `deltaPrice `value is "10". Between options, a price for a medium may be $10 and a large $12 giving a `deltaPrice `value of "2".Refer to [Product Variant Pricing and Weight](../../../guides/catalog/products.htm#product_variant_pricing_and_weight) in the Products guides topic for more information. */ protected ProductExtraValueDeltaPrice deltaPrice; public ProductExtraValueDeltaPrice getDeltaPrice() { return this.deltaPrice; } public void setDeltaPrice(ProductExtraValueDeltaPrice deltaPrice) { this.deltaPrice = deltaPrice; } /** * The difference between associated prices for a product, variation option, or extra that is localized per the `localeCode`. The difference is calculated by subtracting the base price from the associated price with this product, option, and/or extra. Depending on the localeCode, the price may be converted such as from USD (US Dollar) to EUR (euro). */ protected List<ProductExtraValueDeltaPrice> localizedDeltaPrice; public List<ProductExtraValueDeltaPrice> getLocalizedDeltaPrice() { return this.localizedDeltaPrice; } public void setLocalizedDeltaPrice(List<ProductExtraValueDeltaPrice> localizedDeltaPrice) { this.localizedDeltaPrice = localizedDeltaPrice; } }