/** * This code was auto-generated by a Codezu. * * Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if * the code is regenerated. */ package com.mozu.api.contracts.productadmin; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.io.Serializable; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; import com.mozu.api.contracts.core.AuditInfo; /** * Mozu.ProductAdmin.Contracts.PriceList ApiType DOCUMENT_HERE */ @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class PriceList implements Serializable { // Default Serial Version UID private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Mozu.ProductAdmin.Contracts.PriceList defaultForSites ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected List<Integer> defaultForSites; public List<Integer> getDefaultForSites() { return this.defaultForSites; } public void setDefaultForSites(List<Integer> defaultForSites) { this.defaultForSites = defaultForSites; } /** * The localized description in text for the object, displayed per the locale code. For example, descriptions are used for product descriptions, attributes, and pre-authorization transaction types. */ protected String description; public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } /** * Indicates if the capability or app is enabled for the tenant/site. If true, the capability/application is enabled for the tenant. System-supplied and read-only. */ protected Boolean enabled; public Boolean getEnabled() { return this.enabled; } public void setEnabled(Boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; } /** * When true, only products with valid price list entries will be visible in the storefront. Default is false */ protected Boolean filteredInStorefront; public Boolean getFilteredInStorefront() { return this.filteredInStorefront; } public void setFilteredInStorefront(Boolean filteredInStorefront) { this.filteredInStorefront = filteredInStorefront; } /** * Mozu.ProductAdmin.Contracts.PriceList indexedSites ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected List<Integer> indexedSites; public List<Integer> getIndexedSites() { return this.indexedSites; } public void setIndexedSites(List<Integer> indexedSites) { this.indexedSites = indexedSites; } /** * List of customer segment code associated with this price list. Used to resolve default price list */ protected List<String> mappedCustomerSegments; public List<String> getMappedCustomerSegments() { return this.mappedCustomerSegments; } public void setMappedCustomerSegments(List<String> mappedCustomerSegments) { this.mappedCustomerSegments = mappedCustomerSegments; } /** * The display name of the source product property. For a product field it will be the display name of the field. For a product attribute it will be the Attribute Name. */ protected String name; public String getName() { return this.name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } /** * Parent PriceList code, Can be null for root level priceLists */ protected String parentPriceListCode; public String getParentPriceListCode() { return this.parentPriceListCode; } public void setParentPriceListCode(String parentPriceListCode) { this.parentPriceListCode = parentPriceListCode; } /** * Parent PriceList name, Can be null for root level priceLists. Read only in contract. */ protected String parentPriceListName; public String getParentPriceListName() { return this.parentPriceListName; } public void setParentPriceListName(String parentPriceListName) { this.parentPriceListName = parentPriceListName; } /** * Mozu.ProductAdmin.Contracts.PriceList priceListCode ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String priceListCode; public String getPriceListCode() { return this.priceListCode; } public void setPriceListCode(String priceListCode) { this.priceListCode = priceListCode; } /** * Mozu.ProductAdmin.Contracts.PriceList priceListSequence ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected Integer priceListSequence; public Integer getPriceListSequence() { return this.priceListSequence; } public void setPriceListSequence(Integer priceListSequence) { this.priceListSequence = priceListSequence; } /** * Used to prioritize price list resolution when more than 1 price list maps */ protected Integer rank; public Integer getRank() { return this.rank; } public void setRank(Integer rank) { this.rank = rank; } /** * Determines if this price list can be resolved as the current price list within a session. */ protected Boolean resolvable; public Boolean getResolvable() { return this.resolvable; } public void setResolvable(Boolean resolvable) { this.resolvable = resolvable; } /** * When true, no valid sites need to be specifiied. Price list is considered valid for all sites. Default is true */ protected Boolean validForAllSites; public Boolean getValidForAllSites() { return this.validForAllSites; } public void setValidForAllSites(Boolean validForAllSites) { this.validForAllSites = validForAllSites; } /** * When ValidForAllSites = false, a list of siteIDs that the price list is valid for should be supplied */ protected List<Integer> validSites; public List<Integer> getValidSites() { return this.validSites; } public void setValidSites(List<Integer> validSites) { this.validSites = validSites; } /** * Basic audit info about the object, including date, time, and user account. Identifier and datetime stamp information recorded when a user or application creates, updates, or deletes a resource entity. This value is system-supplied and read-only. */ protected AuditInfo auditInfo; public AuditInfo getAuditInfo() { return this.auditInfo; } public void setAuditInfo(AuditInfo auditInfo) { this.auditInfo = auditInfo; } }