/** * This code was auto-generated by a Codezu. * * Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if * the code is regenerated. */ package com.mozu.api.contracts.paymentservice.request; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.io.Serializable; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; import com.mozu.api.contracts.paymentservice.Address; import com.mozu.api.contracts.paymentservice.Contact; import com.mozu.api.contracts.paymentservice.GatewayCredentialFieldValue; import com.mozu.api.contracts.paymentservice.CustomData; import com.mozu.api.contracts.paymentservice.OrderItem; /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest ApiType DOCUMENT_HERE */ @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class FraudScreenRequest implements Serializable { // Default Serial Version UID private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest avsCodes ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String avsCodes; public String getAvsCodes() { return this.avsCodes; } public void setAvsCodes(String avsCodes) { this.avsCodes = avsCodes; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest cardId ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String cardId; public String getCardId() { return this.cardId; } public void setCardId(String cardId) { this.cardId = cardId; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest cardNumberPart ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String cardNumberPart; public String getCardNumberPart() { return this.cardNumberPart; } public void setCardNumberPart(String cardNumberPart) { this.cardNumberPart = cardNumberPart; } /** * The 2-letter geographic code representing the country for the physical or mailing address. Currently limited to the US. */ protected String countryCode; public String getCountryCode() { return this.countryCode; } public void setCountryCode(String countryCode) { this.countryCode = countryCode; } /** * The localized currency code for the monetary amount. */ protected String currencyCode; public String getCurrencyCode() { return this.currencyCode; } public void setCurrencyCode(String currencyCode) { this.currencyCode = currencyCode; } /** * Unique identifier of the customer in Mozu, used to associate customers with data, orders, returns, and in-store credit. */ protected String customerId; public String getCustomerId() { return this.customerId; } public void setCustomerId(String customerId) { this.customerId = customerId; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest cvV2Codes ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String cvV2Codes; public String getCvV2Codes() { return this.cvV2Codes; } public void setCvV2Codes(String cvV2Codes) { this.cvV2Codes = cvV2Codes; } /** * The two-digit month a credit card expires for a payment method. */ protected Integer expireMonth; public Integer getExpireMonth() { return this.expireMonth; } public void setExpireMonth(Integer expireMonth) { this.expireMonth = expireMonth; } /** * The four-digit year the credit card expires for a payment method. */ protected Integer expireYear; public Integer getExpireYear() { return this.expireYear; } public void setExpireYear(Integer expireYear) { this.expireYear = expireYear; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest gatewayAccountId ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String gatewayAccountId; public String getGatewayAccountId() { return this.gatewayAccountId; } public void setGatewayAccountId(String gatewayAccountId) { this.gatewayAccountId = gatewayAccountId; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest merchantTransactionId ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String merchantTransactionId; public String getMerchantTransactionId() { return this.merchantTransactionId; } public void setMerchantTransactionId(String merchantTransactionId) { this.merchantTransactionId = merchantTransactionId; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest orderNumber ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected Integer orderNumber; public Integer getOrderNumber() { return this.orderNumber; } public void setOrderNumber(Integer orderNumber) { this.orderNumber = orderNumber; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest paymentTransactionId ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String paymentTransactionId; public String getPaymentTransactionId() { return this.paymentTransactionId; } public void setPaymentTransactionId(String paymentTransactionId) { this.paymentTransactionId = paymentTransactionId; } /** * The type of payment, such as credit card, check, or PayPal Express. Additional payment types will be supported in future releases. */ protected String paymentType; public String getPaymentType() { return this.paymentType; } public void setPaymentType(String paymentType) { this.paymentType = paymentType; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest requestorIp ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String requestorIp; public String getRequestorIp() { return this.requestorIp; } public void setRequestorIp(String requestorIp) { this.requestorIp = requestorIp; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest requestorUrl ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String requestorUrl; public String getRequestorUrl() { return this.requestorUrl; } public void setRequestorUrl(String requestorUrl) { this.requestorUrl = requestorUrl; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest requestorUserAgent ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String requestorUserAgent; public String getRequestorUserAgent() { return this.requestorUserAgent; } public void setRequestorUserAgent(String requestorUserAgent) { this.requestorUserAgent = requestorUserAgent; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest shipType ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected String shipType; public String getShipType() { return this.shipType; } public void setShipType(String shipType) { this.shipType = shipType; } /** * Total is used to indicate the monetary, estimated total amount of the cart or order, including items, sales tax, shipping costs, and other fees. Totals are not estimated for wish lists at this time. */ protected Double total; public Double getTotal() { return this.total; } public void setTotal(Double total) { this.total = total; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest billingAddress ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected Address billingAddress; public Address getBillingAddress() { return this.billingAddress; } public void setBillingAddress(Address billingAddress) { this.billingAddress = billingAddress; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest billingContact ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected Contact billingContact; public Contact getBillingContact() { return this.billingContact; } public void setBillingContact(Contact billingContact) { this.billingContact = billingContact; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest credentialFieldsOverride ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected List<GatewayCredentialFieldValue> credentialFieldsOverride; public List<GatewayCredentialFieldValue> getCredentialFieldsOverride() { return this.credentialFieldsOverride; } public void setCredentialFieldsOverride(List<GatewayCredentialFieldValue> credentialFieldsOverride) { this.credentialFieldsOverride = credentialFieldsOverride; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest customData ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected List<CustomData> customData; public List<CustomData> getCustomData() { return this.customData; } public void setCustomData(List<CustomData> customData) { this.customData = customData; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest orderItems ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected List<OrderItem> orderItems; public List<OrderItem> getOrderItems() { return this.orderItems; } public void setOrderItems(List<OrderItem> orderItems) { this.orderItems = orderItems; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest shippingAddress ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected Address shippingAddress; public Address getShippingAddress() { return this.shippingAddress; } public void setShippingAddress(Address shippingAddress) { this.shippingAddress = shippingAddress; } /** * Mozu.PaymentService.Contracts.Request.FraudScreenRequest shippingContact ApiTypeMember DOCUMENT_HERE */ protected Contact shippingContact; public Contact getShippingContact() { return this.shippingContact; } public void setShippingContact(Contact shippingContact) { this.shippingContact = shippingContact; } }