/** * This code was auto-generated by a Codezu. * * Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if * the code is regenerated. */ package com.mozu.api.contracts.sitesettings.general; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.io.Serializable; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; import com.mozu.api.contracts.core.AuditInfo; import com.mozu.api.contracts.sitesettings.general.CacheSettings; import com.mozu.api.contracts.sitesettings.general.general.routing.CustomRouteSettings; import com.mozu.api.contracts.sitesettings.general.EmailTypeSetting; import com.mozu.api.contracts.sitesettings.general.EmailTransactionSettings; import com.mozu.api.contracts.sitesettings.general.TaxableTerritory; import com.mozu.api.contracts.sitesettings.general.general.ViewAuthorizations; /** * General settings used on the storefront site. */ @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class GeneralSettings implements Serializable { // Default Serial Version UID private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * If true, the site allows entry of addresses not verified by an address validation service. */ protected Boolean allowInvalidAddresses; public Boolean getAllowInvalidAddresses() { return this.allowInvalidAddresses; } public void setAllowInvalidAddresses(Boolean allowInvalidAddresses) { this.allowInvalidAddresses = allowInvalidAddresses; } /** * An email address to blind carbon copy anytime an automatic email is sent from to a shopper. */ protected String bccEmailAddress; public String getBccEmailAddress() { return this.bccEmailAddress; } public void setBccEmailAddress(String bccEmailAddress) { this.bccEmailAddress = bccEmailAddress; } /** * Custom override of the default subdomain for CDN-hosted content. For example, for SEO reasons you may prefer that the subdomain for your CDN content be instead of the default subdomain, which might be something like . */ protected String customCdnHostName; public String getCustomCdnHostName() { return this.customCdnHostName; } public void setCustomCdnHostName(String customCdnHostName) { this.customCdnHostName = customCdnHostName; } /** * The physical directory path or URL where the mobile favicon image file is stored. The favicon icon is generally 57x57 pixels. The icon appears on a mobile website or on the mobile device's OS Home. */ protected String favIconMobilePath; public String getFavIconMobilePath() { return this.favIconMobilePath; } public void setFavIconMobilePath(String favIconMobilePath) { this.favIconMobilePath = favIconMobilePath; } /** * The physical directory path or URL where the mobile favicon image file is stored. The favicon icon is generally 16x16 pixels. The icon appears on a a browser tab as the website's mini logo or on a browser address bar, or next to the page name in a list of bookmarks. */ protected String favIconPath; public String getFavIconPath() { return this.favIconPath; } public void setFavIconPath(String favIconPath) { this.favIconPath = favIconPath; } /** * The Google Analytics code associated with a particular store. This could be the web tracking code. */ protected String googleAnalyticsCode; public String getGoogleAnalyticsCode() { return this.googleAnalyticsCode; } public void setGoogleAnalyticsCode(String googleAnalyticsCode) { this.googleAnalyticsCode = googleAnalyticsCode; } /** * If true, a service to verify addresses as valid is enabled for the site. */ protected Boolean isAddressValidationEnabled; public Boolean getIsAddressValidationEnabled() { return this.isAddressValidationEnabled; } public void setIsAddressValidationEnabled(Boolean isAddressValidationEnabled) { this.isAddressValidationEnabled = isAddressValidationEnabled; } /** * If true, the Google analytics for eCommerce is enabled for this site. If false, the analytics are not enabled. */ protected Boolean isGoogleAnalyticsEcommerceEnabled; public Boolean getIsGoogleAnalyticsEcommerceEnabled() { return this.isGoogleAnalyticsEcommerceEnabled; } public void setIsGoogleAnalyticsEcommerceEnabled(Boolean isGoogleAnalyticsEcommerceEnabled) { this.isGoogleAnalyticsEcommerceEnabled = isGoogleAnalyticsEcommerceEnabled; } /** * If true, enable Google analytics for this site. If false, analytics are not enabled. */ protected Boolean isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled; public Boolean getIsGoogleAnalyticsEnabled() { return this.isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled; } public void setIsGoogleAnalyticsEnabled(Boolean isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled) { this.isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled = isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled; } /** * If true, this site represents a -hosted web storefront. */ protected Boolean isMozuWebSite; public Boolean getIsMozuWebSite() { return this.isMozuWebSite; } public void setIsMozuWebSite(Boolean isMozuWebSite) { this.isMozuWebSite = isMozuWebSite; } /** * If true, shoppers on this site can create customer wish lists. */ protected Boolean isWishlistCreationEnabled; public Boolean getIsWishlistCreationEnabled() { return this.isWishlistCreationEnabled; } public void setIsWishlistCreationEnabled(Boolean isWishlistCreationEnabled) { this.isWishlistCreationEnabled = isWishlistCreationEnabled; } /** * The physical directory path or URL where the website logo is stored. */ protected String logoPath; public String getLogoPath() { return this.logoPath; } public void setLogoPath(String logoPath) { this.logoPath = logoPath; } /** * The tagline or text that appears when hovering over the site logo. */ protected String logoText; public String getLogoText() { return this.logoText; } public void setLogoText(String logoText) { this.logoText = logoText; } /** * Assigns an image to render in place of broken images and unspecified product images (and unspecified category images, if your theme developer has enabled category images). Specified by the name or ID of the CMS image within . */ protected String missingImageSubstitute; public String getMissingImageSubstitute() { return this.missingImageSubstitute; } public void setMissingImageSubstitute(String missingImageSubstitute) { this.missingImageSubstitute = missingImageSubstitute; } /** * The name of the theme to use when viewing this website on a mobile device. */ protected String mobileTheme; public String getMobileTheme() { return this.mobileTheme; } public void setMobileTheme(String mobileTheme) { this.mobileTheme = mobileTheme; } /** * The email shoppers should use to reply to an automatically-generated email. */ protected String replyToEmailAddress; public String getReplyToEmailAddress() { return this.replyToEmailAddress; } public void setReplyToEmailAddress(String replyToEmailAddress) { this.replyToEmailAddress = replyToEmailAddress; } /** * Email address to set up so that shoppers and users browsing the site can use to contact the merchant. */ protected String senderEmailAddress; public String getSenderEmailAddress() { return this.senderEmailAddress; } public void setSenderEmailAddress(String senderEmailAddress) { this.senderEmailAddress = senderEmailAddress; } /** * An alternate name for the sender email. For example, if your sender email is , you might want to use an alias of . */ protected String senderEmailAlias; public String getSenderEmailAlias() { return this.senderEmailAlias; } public void setSenderEmailAlias(String senderEmailAlias) { this.senderEmailAlias = senderEmailAlias; } /** * Choose a format to use on the site: 12-hour (hh:mm:ss tt) or 24-hour format (HH:mm:ss). */ protected String siteTimeFormat; public String getSiteTimeFormat() { return this.siteTimeFormat; } public void setSiteTimeFormat(String siteTimeFormat) { this.siteTimeFormat = siteTimeFormat; } /** * Choose the time zone to use for the site. */ protected String siteTimeZone; public String getSiteTimeZone() { return this.siteTimeZone; } public void setSiteTimeZone(String siteTimeZone) { this.siteTimeZone = siteTimeZone; } /** * The name of the theme to use when viewing the website on a mobile device. */ protected String tabletTheme; public String getTabletTheme() { return this.tabletTheme; } public void setTabletTheme(String tabletTheme) { this.tabletTheme = tabletTheme; } /** * Unique identifier of the tenant site that site uses to render content for the shopper. For example, if this site represents a third-party sales channel such as Amazon but the company wants to send shopper emails, this value represents the -hosted web storefront site that maintains this content. */ protected Integer templateSiteId; public Integer getTemplateSiteId() { return this.templateSiteId; } public void setTemplateSiteId(Integer templateSiteId) { this.templateSiteId = templateSiteId; } /** * The name of the theme used on the storefront. */ protected String theme; public String getTheme() { return this.theme; } public void setTheme(String theme) { this.theme = theme; } /** * The name of the website to display on the storefront with no spaces. */ protected String websiteName; public String getWebsiteName() { return this.websiteName; } public void setWebsiteName(String websiteName) { this.websiteName = websiteName; } /** * Identifier and datetime stamp information recorded when a user or application creates, updates, or deletes a resource entity. This value is system-supplied and read-only. */ protected AuditInfo auditInfo; public AuditInfo getAuditInfo() { return this.auditInfo; } public void setAuditInfo(AuditInfo auditInfo) { this.auditInfo = auditInfo; } /** * Set of settings to deal with site caching. */ protected CacheSettings cacheSettings; public CacheSettings getCacheSettings() { return this.cacheSettings; } public void setCacheSettings(CacheSettings cacheSettings) { this.cacheSettings = cacheSettings; } /** * Site-level settings for custom routing, which allows you to use your own custom URL patterns for common pages. */ protected CustomRouteSettings customRoutes; public CustomRouteSettings getCustomRoutes() { return this.customRoutes; } public void setCustomRoutes(CustomRouteSettings customRoutes) { this.customRoutes = customRoutes; } /** * A collection of overrides that allow you to apply unique email settings to the email template(s) of your choice. */ protected List<EmailTypeSetting> emailTypes; public List<EmailTypeSetting> getEmailTypes() { return this.emailTypes; } public void setEmailTypes(List<EmailTypeSetting> emailTypes) { this.emailTypes = emailTypes; } /** * Supressed emails. Setting any of these to 'true' will block from sending that email and an event will be published instead. */ protected EmailTransactionSettings supressedEmailTransactions; public EmailTransactionSettings getSupressedEmailTransactions() { return this.supressedEmailTransactions; } public void setSupressedEmailTransactions(EmailTransactionSettings supressedEmailTransactions) { this.supressedEmailTransactions = supressedEmailTransactions; } /** * The territories configured for the site that are subject to sales tax. */ protected List<TaxableTerritory> taxableTerritories; public List<TaxableTerritory> getTaxableTerritories() { return this.taxableTerritories; } public void setTaxableTerritories(List<TaxableTerritory> taxableTerritories) { this.taxableTerritories = taxableTerritories; } /** * A collection of authorizations that control access to viewing the pending and live sites. */ protected ViewAuthorizations viewAuthorizations; public ViewAuthorizations getViewAuthorizations() { return this.viewAuthorizations; } public void setViewAuthorizations(ViewAuthorizations viewAuthorizations) { this.viewAuthorizations = viewAuthorizations; } }