/** * This code was auto-generated by a Codezu. * * Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if * the code is regenerated. */ package com.mozu.api.contracts.adminuser; import java.util.List; import java.util.HashMap; import java.io.Serializable; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; import com.mozu.api.contracts.tenant.Tenant; import com.mozu.api.contracts.core.UserProfile; /** * Properties of the authentication ticket to be used in user claims with the API. */ @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class TenantAdminUserAuthTicket implements Serializable { // Default Serial Version UID private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Alphanumeric string used to authenticate the user in API request headers. The token stores an encrypted list of the application's configured behaviors and authenticates the application. */ protected String accessToken; public String getAccessToken() { return this.accessToken; } public void setAccessToken(String accessToken) { this.accessToken = accessToken; } /** * The date and time the user access token expires. If the token will expire, a new token will need to be generated and assigned to the account to continue and restore access to the store, data, and account. */ protected DateTime accessTokenExpiration; public DateTime getAccessTokenExpiration() { return this.accessTokenExpiration; } public void setAccessTokenExpiration(DateTime accessTokenExpiration) { this.accessTokenExpiration = accessTokenExpiration; } /** * Date and time when the entity was created, represented in UTC Date/Time. */ protected DateTime createdOn; public DateTime getCreatedOn() { return this.createdOn; } public void setCreatedOn(DateTime createdOn) { this.createdOn = createdOn; } /** * Collection of behaviors encrypted in the developer account authentication ticket. Behaviors are granted to users as part of the role assigned for the given developer account. */ protected List<Integer> grantedBehaviors; public List<Integer> getGrantedBehaviors() { return this.grantedBehaviors; } public void setGrantedBehaviors(List<Integer> grantedBehaviors) { this.grantedBehaviors = grantedBehaviors; } /** * Alphanumeric string used for access tokens. This token refreshes access for accounts by generating a new developer or application account authentication ticket after an access token expires. */ protected String refreshToken; public String getRefreshToken() { return this.refreshToken; } public void setRefreshToken(String refreshToken) { this.refreshToken = refreshToken; } /** * The date and time the developer account or application refresh token expires. */ protected DateTime refreshTokenExpiration; public DateTime getRefreshTokenExpiration() { return this.refreshTokenExpiration; } public void setRefreshTokenExpiration(DateTime refreshTokenExpiration) { this.refreshTokenExpiration = refreshTokenExpiration; } /** * Collection of tenants for which the user authentication ticket grants access. */ protected List<Tenant> availableTenants; public List<Tenant> getAvailableTenants() { return this.availableTenants; } public void setAvailableTenants(List<Tenant> availableTenants) { this.availableTenants = availableTenants; } /** * Tenant information associated with the user authentication ticket or domain lookup service result. */ protected Tenant tenant; public Tenant getTenant() { return this.tenant; } public void setTenant(Tenant tenant) { this.tenant = tenant; } /** * Properties of the user. Users include customers and users. */ protected UserProfile user; public UserProfile getUser() { return this.user; } public void setUser(UserProfile user) { this.user = user; } }