/** * This code was auto-generated by a Codezu. * * Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if * the code is regenerated. */ package com.mozu.api.contracts.commerceruntime.payments; import java.io.Serializable; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ClassNotFoundException; /** * Properties of a credit card used to submit payment for an order. */ @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) public class PaymentCard implements Serializable { // Default Serial Version UID private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * The masked credit card number part returned from the payment gateway. */ protected String cardNumberPartOrMask; public String getCardNumberPartOrMask() { return this.cardNumberPartOrMask; } public void setCardNumberPartOrMask(String cardNumberPartOrMask) { this.cardNumberPartOrMask = cardNumberPartOrMask; } /** * The two-digit month a credit card expires for a payment method. */ protected short expireMonth; public short getExpireMonth() { return this.expireMonth; } public void setExpireMonth(short expireMonth) { this.expireMonth = expireMonth; } /** * The four-digit year the credit card expires for a payment method. */ protected short expireYear; public short getExpireYear() { return this.expireYear; } public void setExpireYear(short expireYear) { this.expireYear = expireYear; } /** * If true, the credit card information is saved to the customer account for future use. */ protected Boolean isCardInfoSaved; public Boolean getIsCardInfoSaved() { return this.isCardInfoSaved; } public void setIsCardInfoSaved(Boolean isCardInfoSaved) { this.isCardInfoSaved = isCardInfoSaved; } /** * If true, the credit card is used for a recurring order payment. */ protected Boolean isUsedRecurring; public Boolean getIsUsedRecurring() { return this.isUsedRecurring; } public void setIsUsedRecurring(Boolean isUsedRecurring) { this.isUsedRecurring = isUsedRecurring; } /** * The full name printed on a credit card. The name should match what is printed on the card exactly, used in validation during a payment. */ protected String nameOnCard; public String getNameOnCard() { return this.nameOnCard; } public void setNameOnCard(String nameOnCard) { this.nameOnCard = nameOnCard; } /** * The type of credit card, such as Visa or Amex. */ protected String paymentOrCardType; public String getPaymentOrCardType() { return this.paymentOrCardType; } public void setPaymentOrCardType(String paymentOrCardType) { this.paymentOrCardType = paymentOrCardType; } /** * Unique identifier of the credit card from the payment service. */ protected String paymentServiceCardId; public String getPaymentServiceCardId() { return this.paymentServiceCardId; } public void setPaymentServiceCardId(String paymentServiceCardId) { this.paymentServiceCardId = paymentServiceCardId; } }