package; import; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; import org.mapfish.print.attribute.NorthArrowAttribute; import; import org.mapfish.print.config.Configuration; import org.mapfish.print.processor.AbstractProcessor; import org.mapfish.print.processor.http.MfClientHttpRequestFactoryProvider; import org.mapfish.print.processor.jasper.ImagesSubReport; import org.mapfish.print.processor.jasper.JasperReportBuilder; import java.awt.Dimension; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import static org.mapfish.print.Constants.PDF_DPI; /** * <p>Processor to create a north-arrow for a map.</p> * * <p>The north-arrow is rotated according to the rotation * of the associated map.</p> * * <p>Example configuration:</p> * * <pre><code> * attributes: * ... * northArrow: !northArrow * size: 50 * default: * graphic: "file://NorthArrow_10.svg" * * processors: * ... * - !createNorthArrow {} * </code></pre> * <p>See also: <a href="attributes.html#!northArrow">!northArrow</a> attribute</p> * [[examples=verboseExample,print_osm_new_york_nosubreports]] */ public class CreateNorthArrowProcessor extends AbstractProcessor<CreateNorthArrowProcessor.Input, CreateNorthArrowProcessor.Output> { /** * Constructor. */ protected CreateNorthArrowProcessor() { super(Output.class); } @Override protected void extraValidation(final List<Throwable> validationErrors, final Configuration configuration) { } @Override public final Input createInputParameter() { return new Input(); } @Override public final Output execute(final Input values, final ExecutionContext context) throws Exception { checkCancelState(context); final double dpiRatio = / PDF_DPI; final Dimension size = new Dimension( (int) (values.northArrow.getSize().getWidth() * dpiRatio), (int) (values.northArrow.getSize().getHeight() * dpiRatio)); final URI northArrowGraphicFile = NorthArrowGraphic.create( size, values.northArrow.getGraphic(), values.northArrow.getBackgroundColor(),, values.tempTaskDirectory, values.clientHttpRequestFactoryProvider.get()); checkCancelState(context); String strScalebarSubReport = null; if (values.northArrow.isCreateSubReport()) { final URI scalebarSubReport = createNorthArrowSubReport( values.tempTaskDirectory, values.northArrow.getSize(), Lists.newArrayList(northArrowGraphicFile),; strScalebarSubReport = scalebarSubReport.toString(); } return new Output(northArrowGraphicFile.toString(), strScalebarSubReport); } private URI createNorthArrowSubReport(final File printDirectory, final Dimension size, final List<URI> graphics, final double dpi) throws IOException, JRException { final ImagesSubReport subReport = new ImagesSubReport(graphics, size, dpi); final File compiledReport = File.createTempFile("north-arrow-report-", JasperReportBuilder.JASPER_REPORT_COMPILED_FILE_EXT, printDirectory); subReport.compile(compiledReport); return compiledReport.toURI(); } /** * Input for the processor. */ public static class Input { /** * The map the north arrow is created for. */ public MapAttribute.MapAttributeValues map; /** * The parameters for the north arrow. */ public NorthArrowAttribute.NorthArrowAttributeValues northArrow; /** * The path to the temporary directory for the print task. */ public File tempTaskDirectory; /** * The factory to use for making http requests. */ public MfClientHttpRequestFactoryProvider clientHttpRequestFactoryProvider; } /** * Output for the processor. */ public static final class Output { /** * The path to the north arrow graphic (for testing purposes). */ public final String northArrowGraphic; /** * The path to the compiled sub-report for the north arrow. */ public final String northArrowSubReport; private Output(final String northArrowGraphic, final String northArrowSubReport) { this.northArrowGraphic = northArrowGraphic; this.northArrowSubReport = northArrowSubReport; } } }