package org.mapfish.print.parser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.util.Assert; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Keeps track of which OneOf groups there are and which ones are satisfied. */ final class OneOfTracker { private Map<String, OneOfGroup> mapping = Maps.newHashMap(); /** * Check if a field is part of a {@link org.mapfish.print.parser.OneOf} relationship and add if necessary. * * @param field the field to register. */ public void register(final Field field) { final OneOf oneOfAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(OneOf.class); String groupName = null; if (oneOfAnnotation != null) { groupName = oneOfAnnotation.value(); } else { final CanSatisfyOneOf canSatisfyOneOf = field.getAnnotation(CanSatisfyOneOf.class); if (canSatisfyOneOf != null) { groupName = canSatisfyOneOf.value(); } } if (groupName != null) { OneOfGroup oneOfGroup = this.mapping.get(groupName); if (oneOfGroup == null) { oneOfGroup = new OneOfGroup(groupName); this.mapping.put(groupName, oneOfGroup); } oneOfGroup.choices.add(field); } } /** * Check if a field is part of a {@link org.mapfish.print.parser.OneOf} relationship and mark the group as satisfied. * * @param field the field that is done. */ public void markAsVisited(final Field field) { final OneOf oneOfAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(OneOf.class); if (oneOfAnnotation != null) { final OneOfGroup oneOfGroup = this.mapping.get(oneOfAnnotation.value()); oneOfGroup.satisfiedBy.add(new OneOfSatisfier(field, false)); } final CanSatisfyOneOf canSatisfyOneOf = field.getAnnotation(CanSatisfyOneOf.class); if (canSatisfyOneOf != null) { final OneOfGroup oneOfGroup = this.mapping.get(canSatisfyOneOf.value()); oneOfGroup.satisfiedBy.add(new OneOfSatisfier(field, true)); } } /** * Check that each group is satisfied by one and only one field. * @param currentPath the json path to the element being checked */ public void checkAllGroupsSatisfied(final String currentPath) { StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder(); for (OneOfGroup group : this.mapping.values()) { if (group.satisfiedBy.isEmpty()) { errors.append("\n"); errors.append("\t* The OneOf choice: ").append(" was not satisfied. One (and only one) of the "); errors.append("following fields is required in the request data: ").append(toNames(group.choices)); } Collection<OneOfSatisfier> oneOfSatisfiers = Collections2.filter(group.satisfiedBy, new Predicate<OneOfSatisfier>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nonnull final OneOfSatisfier input) { return !input.isCanSatisfy; } }); if (oneOfSatisfiers.size() > 1) { errors.append("\n"); errors.append("\t* The OneOf choice: ").append(" was satisfied by too many fields. Only one choice "); errors.append("may be in the request data. The fields found were: ").append(toNames(toFields(group.satisfiedBy))); } } Assert.equals(0, errors.length(), "\nErrors were detected when analysing the @OneOf dependencies of '" + currentPath + "': \n" + errors); } private Collection<Field> toFields(final Set<OneOfSatisfier> satisfiedBy) { return Collections2.transform(satisfiedBy, new Function<OneOfSatisfier, Field>() { @Nullable @Override public Field apply(@Nonnull final OneOfSatisfier input) { return input.field; } }); } private String toNames(final Collection<Field> choices) { StringBuilder names = new StringBuilder(); for (Field choice : choices) { if (names.length() > 0) { names.append(", "); } String type = choice.getType().getName(); if (choice.getType().isArray()) { type = choice.getType().getComponentType().getName() + "[]"; } names.append(type).append(' ').append(choice.getName()); } return names.toString(); } private static final class OneOfGroup { private String name; private Collection<Field> choices = Lists.newArrayList(); private Set<OneOfSatisfier> satisfiedBy = Sets.newHashSet(); public OneOfGroup(final String name) { = name; } } private static final class OneOfSatisfier { private final Field field; private final boolean isCanSatisfy; public OneOfSatisfier(@Nonnull final Field field, final boolean isCanSatisfy) { this.field = field; this.isCanSatisfy = isCanSatisfy; } // CHECKSTYLE:OFF @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; OneOfSatisfier that = (OneOfSatisfier) o; if (!field.equals(that.field)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return field.hashCode(); } // CHECKSTYLE:ON } }