package; import; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LinearRing; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTSFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import org.mapfish.print.attribute.Attribute; import org.mapfish.print.attribute.DataSourceAttribute; import org.mapfish.print.attribute.DataSourceAttribute.DataSourceAttributeValue; import; import; import; import; import org.mapfish.print.config.Configuration; import; import org.mapfish.print.processor.AbstractProcessor; import org.mapfish.print.processor.ProvideAttributes; import org.mapfish.print.processor.RequireAttributes; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static org.mapfish.print.Constants.PDF_DPI; /** * <p>Processor used to display a map on multiple pages.</p> * <p> * This processor will take the defined <a href="attributes.html#!map">map attribute</a> and using the geometry defined in the * <a href="attributes.html#!map">map attribute's</a> area of interest, will create an Iterable<Values> each of which * contains: * </p> * <ul> * <li>a new definition of a <a href="attributes.html#!map">map attribute</a></li> * <li>name value which is a string that roughly describes which part of the main map this sub-map is</li> * <li>left value which is the name of the sub-map to the left of the current map</li> * <li>right value which is the name of the sub-map to the right of the current map</li> * <li>top value which is the name of the sub-map to the top of the current map</li> * <li>bottom value which is the name of the sub-map to the bottom of the current map</li> * </ul> * <p> * The iterable of values can be consumed by a <a href="processors.html#!createDataSource">!createDataSource</a> processor * and as a result be put in the report (or one of the sub-reports) table. One must be careful as * this can result in truly giant reports. * </p> * <p>See also: <a href="attributes.html#!paging">!paging</a> attribute</p> * [[examples=paging]] */ public class CreateMapPagesProcessor extends AbstractProcessor<CreateMapPagesProcessor.Input, CreateMapPagesProcessor.Output> implements ProvideAttributes, RequireAttributes { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CreateMapPagesProcessor.class); private static final int DO_NOT_RENDER_BBOX_INDEX = -1; private static final String MAP_KEY = "map"; private final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory(); private MapAttribute mapAttribute; /** * Constructor. */ protected CreateMapPagesProcessor() { super(Output.class); } @Override protected void extraValidation(final List<Throwable> validationErrors, final Configuration configuration) { } @Override public final Input createInputParameter() { return new Input(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public final Output execute(final Input values, final ExecutionContext context) throws Exception { final MapAttributeValues map =; final PagingAttribute.PagingProcessorValues paging = values.paging; CoordinateReferenceSystem projection = map.getMapBounds().getProjection(); final Rectangle paintArea = new Rectangle(map.getMapSize()); final DistanceUnit projectionUnit = DistanceUnit.fromProjection(projection); AreaOfInterest areaOfInterest = map.areaOfInterest; if (areaOfInterest == null) { areaOfInterest = new AreaOfInterest(); areaOfInterest.display = AreaOfInterest.AoiDisplay.NONE; ReferencedEnvelope mapBBox = map.getMapBounds().toReferencedEnvelope(paintArea); areaOfInterest.setPolygon(this.geometryFactory.toGeometry(mapBBox)); } Envelope aoiBBox = areaOfInterest.getArea().getEnvelopeInternal(); final double paintAreaWidthIn = paintArea.getWidth() * paging.scale / PDF_DPI; final double paintAreaHeightIn = paintArea.getHeight() * paging.scale / PDF_DPI; final double paintAreaWidth = DistanceUnit.IN.convertTo(paintAreaWidthIn, projectionUnit); final double paintAreaHeight = DistanceUnit.IN.convertTo(paintAreaHeightIn, projectionUnit); final double overlapProj = DistanceUnit.IN.convertTo(paging.overlap * paging.scale / PDF_DPI, projectionUnit); final int nbWidth = (int) Math.ceil((aoiBBox.getWidth() + overlapProj) / (paintAreaWidth - overlapProj)); final int nbHeight = (int) Math.ceil((aoiBBox.getHeight() + overlapProj) / (paintAreaHeight - overlapProj)); final double marginWidth = (paintAreaWidth * nbWidth - (nbWidth - 1) * overlapProj - aoiBBox.getWidth()) / 2; final double marginHeight = (paintAreaHeight * nbHeight - (nbHeight - 1) * overlapProj - aoiBBox.getHeight()) / 2; final double minX = aoiBBox.getMinX() - marginWidth - overlapProj / 2; final double minY = aoiBBox.getMinY() - marginHeight - overlapProj / 2;"Paging generate a grid of " + nbWidth + "x" + nbHeight + " potential maps."); final int[][] mapIndexes = new int[nbWidth][nbHeight]; final Envelope[][] mapsBounds = new Envelope[nbWidth][nbHeight]; int mapIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nbHeight; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < nbWidth; i++) { final double x1 = minX + i * (paintAreaWidth - overlapProj); final double x2 = x1 + paintAreaWidth; final double y1 = minY + j * (paintAreaHeight - overlapProj); final double y2 = y1 + paintAreaHeight; Coordinate[] coords = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(x1, y1), new Coordinate(x1, y2), new Coordinate(x2, y2), new Coordinate(x2, y1), new Coordinate(x1, y1) }; LinearRing ring = this.geometryFactory.createLinearRing(coords); final Polygon bbox = this.geometryFactory.createPolygon(ring); if (areaOfInterest.getArea().intersects(bbox)) { mapsBounds[i][j] = bbox.getEnvelopeInternal(); mapIndexes[i][j] = mapIndex; mapIndex++; } else { mapIndexes[i][j] = DO_NOT_RENDER_BBOX_INDEX; } } } final List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < nbHeight; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < nbWidth; i++) { if (mapIndexes[i][j] != DO_NOT_RENDER_BBOX_INDEX) { Map<String, Object> mapValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(); mapValues.put("name", mapIndexes[i][j]); mapValues.put("left", i != 0 ? mapIndexes[i - 1][j] : DO_NOT_RENDER_BBOX_INDEX); mapValues.put("bottom", j != 0 ? mapIndexes[i][j - 1] : DO_NOT_RENDER_BBOX_INDEX); mapValues.put("right", i != nbWidth - 1 ? mapIndexes[i + 1][j] : DO_NOT_RENDER_BBOX_INDEX); mapValues.put("top", j != nbHeight - 1 ? mapIndexes[i][j + 1] : DO_NOT_RENDER_BBOX_INDEX); final Envelope mapsBound = mapsBounds[i][j]; MapAttributeValues theMap = map.copy(map.getWidth(), map.getHeight(), new Function<MapAttributeValues, Void>() { @Nullable @Override public Void apply(@Nonnull final MapAttributeValues input) { = null; input.bbox = new double[]{ mapsBound.getMinX(), mapsBound.getMinY(), mapsBound.getMaxX(), mapsBound.getMaxY() }; input.dpi = PDF_DPI; if (paging.aoiDisplay != null) { input.areaOfInterest.display = paging.aoiDisplay; } if (paging.aoiStyle != null) { = paging.aoiStyle; } return null; } }); mapValues.put(MAP_KEY, theMap); mapList.add(mapValues); } } }"Paging generate " + mapList.size() + " maps definitions."); DataSourceAttributeValue datasourceAttributes = new DataSourceAttributeValue(); datasourceAttributes.attributesValues = mapList.toArray(new Map[mapList.size()]); return new Output(datasourceAttributes); } /** * Set the map attribute. * * @param name the attribute name * @param attribute the attribute */ public void setAttribute(final String name, final Attribute attribute) { if (name.equals(MAP_KEY)) { this.mapAttribute = (MapAttribute) attribute; } } /** * Gets the attributes provided by the processor. * * @return the attributes */ public Map<String, Attribute> getAttributes() { Map<String, Attribute> result = new HashMap<String, Attribute>(); DataSourceAttribute datasourceAttribute = new DataSourceAttribute(); Map<String, Attribute> dsResult = new HashMap<String, Attribute>(); dsResult.put(MAP_KEY, this.mapAttribute); datasourceAttribute.setAttributes(dsResult); result.put("datasource", datasourceAttribute); return result; } /** * The Input object for processor. */ public static class Input { /** * The required parameters for the map. */ public MapAttribute.MapAttributeValues map; /** * Attributes that define how each page/sub-map will be generated. It defines the scale and how to render the area of interest, * etc... */ public PagingAttribute.PagingProcessorValues paging; } /** * Output of processor. */ public static final class Output { /** * Resulting list of values for the maps. */ public final DataSourceAttributeValue datasource; private Output(final DataSourceAttributeValue tableList) { this.datasource = tableList; } } }