package org.mapfish.print.cli; import com.sampullara.cli.Argument; /** * The CLI API definition. */ public final class CliDefinition extends CliHelpDefinition { CliDefinition() { // this is intentionally empty } /** * Filename for the configuration (templates and CO). */ @Argument(description = "Filename for the configuration (templates&CO)", required = true) public String config = null; /** * The location of the description of what has to be printed. */ @Argument(description = "The location of the description of what has to be printed. By default, STDIN") public String spec = null; /** * Used only if log4jConfig is not specified. */ @Argument(description = "Used only if log4jConfig is not specified. 3 if you want everything, 2 if you " + "want the debug information (stacktraces are shown), 1 for infos and 0 for only warnings and " + "errors") public String verbose = "1"; /** * The destination file. */ @Argument(description = "The destination file. By default, Standard Out") public String output = null; /** * Get the config for the client form. */ @Argument(description = "Get the config for the client form. Doesn't generate a PDF") public boolean clientConfig = false; /** * Spring configuration file to use in addition to the default. */ @Argument(description = "Spring configuration file to use in addition to the default. This allows " + "overriding certain values if desired") public String springConfig = null; /** * If true then request data (spec) is in a old api request data (Mapfish v2 compatible). */ @Argument(description = "If true then request data (spec) is in a old api request data (Mapfish v2 " + "compatible).", alias = "v2") public boolean v2Api = false; }