package org.mapfish.print.processor; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import; import; import; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.util.Assert; import jsr166y.RecursiveTask; import org.mapfish.print.ExceptionUtils; import org.mapfish.print.output.Values; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; /** * Represents one node in the Processor dependency graph ({@link ProcessorDependencyGraph}). * <p></p> * * @param <In> Same as {@link org.mapfish.print.processor.Processor} <em>In</em> parameter * @param <Out> Same as {@link org.mapfish.print.processor.Processor} <em>Out</em> parameter */ public final class ProcessorGraphNode<In, Out> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProcessorGraphNode.class); private final Processor<In, Out> processor; private final Set<ProcessorGraphNode> dependencies = Sets.newHashSet(); private final Set<ProcessorGraphNode> requirements = Sets.newHashSet(); private final MetricRegistry metricRegistry; /** * Constructor. * * @param processor The processor associated with this node. * @param metricRegistry registry for timing the execution time of the processor. */ public ProcessorGraphNode( @Nonnull final Processor<In, Out> processor, @Nonnull final MetricRegistry metricRegistry) { this.processor = processor; this.metricRegistry = metricRegistry; } public Processor<?, ?> getProcessor() { return this.processor; } /** * Add a dependency to this node. * * @param node the dependency to add. */ public void addDependency(final ProcessorGraphNode node) { Assert.isTrue(node != this, "A processor can't depends on himself"); this.dependencies.add(node); node.addRequirement(this); } private void addRequirement(final ProcessorGraphNode node) { this.requirements.add(node); } protected Set<ProcessorGraphNode> getRequirements() { return this.requirements; } protected Set<ProcessorGraphNode> getDependencies() { return this.dependencies; } /** * Returns true if the node has requirements, that is there are other * nodes that should be run first. */ public boolean hasRequirements() { return !this.requirements.isEmpty(); } /** * Create a ForkJoinTask for running in a fork join pool. * * @param execContext the execution context, used for tracking certain aspects of the execution. * @return a task ready to be submitted to a fork join pool. */ public Optional<ProcessorNodeForkJoinTask<In, Out>> createTask( @Nonnull final ProcessorExecutionContext execContext) { if (!execContext.tryStart(this)) { return Optional.absent(); } else { return Optional.of(new ProcessorNodeForkJoinTask<In, Out>(this, execContext)); } } /** * Get the output mapper from processor. */ @Nonnull public BiMap<String, String> getOutputMapper() { final BiMap<String, String> outputMapper = this.processor.getOutputMapperBiMap(); if (outputMapper == null) { return HashBiMap.create(); } return outputMapper; } /** * Return input mapper from processor. */ @Nonnull public BiMap<String, String> getInputMapper() { final BiMap<String, String> inputMapper = this.processor.getInputMapperBiMap(); if (inputMapper == null) { return HashBiMap.create(); } return inputMapper; } /** * Create a string representing this node. * * @param builder the builder to add the string to. * @param indent the number of steps of indent for this node */ public void toString(final StringBuilder builder, final int indent) { int spaces = (indent) * 2; for (int i = 0; i < spaces; i++) { builder.append(' '); } if (indent > 0) { builder.append("+-- "); } builder.append(this.processor); for (ProcessorGraphNode dependency : this.dependencies) { builder.append('\n'); dependency.toString(builder, indent + 1); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); toString(builder, 0); return builder.toString(); } public String getName() { return this.processor.toString(); } /** * Create a set containing all the processor at the current node and the entire subgraph. */ public Set<? extends Processor<?, ?>> getAllProcessors() { IdentityHashMap<Processor<?, ?>, Void> all = new IdentityHashMap<Processor<?, ?>, Void>(); all.put(this.getProcessor(), null); for (ProcessorGraphNode<?, ?> dependency : this.dependencies) { for (Processor<?, ?> p : dependency.getAllProcessors()) { all.put(p, null); } } return all.keySet(); } /** * A ForkJoinTask that will run the processor and all of its dependencies. */ public static final class ProcessorNodeForkJoinTask<In, Out> extends RecursiveTask<Values> { private final ProcessorExecutionContext execContext; private final ProcessorGraphNode<In, Out> node; private ProcessorNodeForkJoinTask(final ProcessorGraphNode<In, Out> node, final ProcessorExecutionContext execContext) { this.node = node; this.execContext = execContext; } @Override protected Values compute() { final Values values = this.execContext.getValues(); final Processor<In, Out> process = this.node.processor; final MetricRegistry registry = this.node.metricRegistry; final String name = String.format("%s.compute(): %s", ProcessorGraphNode.class.getName(), process.getClass()); Timer.Context timerContext = registry.timer(name).time(); try { In inputParameter = ProcessorUtils.populateInputParameter(process, values); Out output; try { LOGGER.debug("Executing process: {}", process); output = process.execute(inputParameter, this.execContext.getContext()); LOGGER.debug("Succeeded in executing process: {}", process); } catch (Exception e) { if (this.execContext.getContext().isCanceled()) { // the processor is already canceled, so we don't care if something fails throw new CancellationException(); } else { LOGGER.error("Error while executing process: " + process, e); throw ExceptionUtils.getRuntimeException(e); } } if (output != null) { ProcessorUtils.writeProcessorOutputToValues(output, process, values); } } finally { this.execContext.finished(this.node); final long processorTime = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert( timerContext.stop(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);"Time taken to run processor: '{}' was {} ms", process.getClass(), processorTime); } if (this.execContext.getContext().isCanceled()) { throw new CancellationException(); } executeDependencyProcessors(); return values; } private void executeDependencyProcessors() { final Set<ProcessorGraphNode> dependencyNodes = this.node.dependencies; List<ProcessorNodeForkJoinTask<?, ?>> tasks = new ArrayList<ProcessorNodeForkJoinTask<?, ?>>( dependencyNodes.size()); // fork all but 1 dependencies (the first will be ran in current thread) for (final ProcessorGraphNode<?, ?> depNode : dependencyNodes) { Optional<? extends ProcessorNodeForkJoinTask<?, ?>> task = depNode.createTask( this.execContext); if (task.isPresent()) { tasks.add(task.get()); if (tasks.size() > 1) { task.get().fork(); } } } if (!tasks.isEmpty()) { // compute one task in current thread so as not to waste threads tasks.get(0).compute(); for (ProcessorNodeForkJoinTask task : tasks.subList(1, tasks.size())) { task.join(); } } } } }