package; import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry; import jsr166y.ForkJoinPool; import org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridCoverage2D; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import org.mapfish.print.URIUtils; import; import org.mapfish.print.config.Configuration; import org.mapfish.print.http.MfClientHttpRequestFactory; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.springframework.http.client.ClientHttpRequest; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; /** * Strategy object for rendering Osm based layers. */ public final class OsmLayer extends AbstractTiledLayer { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OsmLayer.class); private final OsmLayerParam param; /** * Constructor. * * @param forkJoinPool the thread pool for doing the rendering. * @param styleSupplier strategy for loading the style for this layer. * @param param the information needed to create OSM requests. * @param registry the metrics registry. * @param configuration the configuration. */ public OsmLayer( @Nonnull final ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool, @Nonnull final StyleSupplier<GridCoverage2D> styleSupplier, @Nonnull final OsmLayerParam param, @Nonnull final MetricRegistry registry, @Nonnull final Configuration configuration) { super(forkJoinPool, styleSupplier, param, registry, configuration); this.param = param; } @Override protected TileCacheInformation createTileInformation( final MapBounds bounds, final Rectangle paintArea, final double dpi) { return new OsmTileCacheInformation(bounds, paintArea, dpi); } private final class OsmTileCacheInformation extends TileCacheInformation { private final double resolution; private final int resolutionIndex; public OsmTileCacheInformation( final MapBounds bounds, final Rectangle paintArea, final double dpi) { super(bounds, paintArea, dpi, OsmLayer.this.param); final double targetResolution = bounds.getScale(paintArea, dpi).getResolution(); Double[] resolutions = OsmLayer.this.param.resolutions; int pos = resolutions.length - 1; double result = resolutions[pos]; for (int i = resolutions.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { double cur = resolutions[i]; if (cur <= targetResolution * OsmLayer.this.param.resolutionTolerance) { result = cur; pos = i; OsmLayer.this.imageBufferScaling = cur / targetResolution; } } this.resolution = result; this.resolutionIndex = pos; } @Nonnull @Override public ClientHttpRequest getTileRequest(final MfClientHttpRequestFactory httpRequestFactory, final String commonUrl, final ReferencedEnvelope tileBounds, final Dimension tileSizeOnScreen, final int column, final int row) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { final URI uri; if (commonUrl.contains("{x}") && commonUrl.contains("{z}") && (commonUrl.contains("{y}") || commonUrl.contains("{-y}"))) { String url = commonUrl .replace("{z}", String.format("%02d", this.resolutionIndex)) .replace("{x}", Integer.toString(column)) .replace("{y}", Integer.toString(row)); if (commonUrl.contains("{-y}")) { // {-y} is for OSGeo TMS layers, see also: url = url.replace("{-y}", Integer.toString( (int) Math.pow(2, this.resolutionIndex) - 1 - row)); } uri = new URI(url); } else { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); if (!commonUrl.endsWith("/")) { path.append('/'); } path.append(String.format("%02d", this.resolutionIndex)); path.append('/').append(column); path.append('/').append(row); path.append('.').append(OsmLayer.this.param.imageExtension); uri = new URI(commonUrl + path.toString()); } return httpRequestFactory.createRequest( URIUtils.addParams(uri, OsmLayerParam.convertToMultiMap(OsmLayer.this.param.customParams), URIUtils.getParameters(uri).keySet()), HttpMethod.GET); } @Override public double getResolution() { return this.resolution; } @Override public Double getLayerDpi() { return OsmLayer.this.param.dpi; } @Override public Dimension getTileSize() { return OsmLayer.this.param.getTileSize(); } @Nonnull @Override protected ReferencedEnvelope getTileCacheBounds() { return new ReferencedEnvelope(OsmLayer.this.param.getMaxExtent(), this.bounds.getProjection()); } } @Override public RenderType getRenderType() { return RenderType.fromFileExtension(this.param.imageExtension); } }