package; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import org.geotools.geometry.DirectPosition2D; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import org.geotools.referencing.GeodeticCalculator; import org.mapfish.print.ExceptionUtils; import org.mapfish.print.FloatingPointUtil; import; import; import; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException; import java.awt.Rectangle; import static org.mapfish.print.Constants.PDF_DPI; /** * Represent Map Bounds with a center location and a scale of the map. * <p></p> * Created by Jesse on 3/26/14. */ public final class CenterScaleMapBounds extends MapBounds { private final Coordinate center; private final Scale scale; /** * Constructor. * * @param projection the projection these bounds are defined in. * @param centerX the x coordinate of the center point. * @param centerY the y coordinate of the center point. * @param scaleDenominator the scale denominator of the map. */ public CenterScaleMapBounds( final CoordinateReferenceSystem projection, final double centerX, final double centerY, final double scaleDenominator) { super(projection); = new Coordinate(centerX, centerY); this.scale = new Scale(scaleDenominator, getProjection(), PDF_DPI); } /** * Constructor. * * @param projection the projection these bounds are defined in. * @param centerX the x coordinate of the center point. * @param centerY the y coordinate of the center point. * @param scale the scale of the map. */ public CenterScaleMapBounds( final CoordinateReferenceSystem projection, final double centerX, final double centerY, final Scale scale) { super(projection); = new Coordinate(centerX, centerY); this.scale = scale; } @Override public ReferencedEnvelope toReferencedEnvelope(final Rectangle paintArea) { ReferencedEnvelope bbox; final DistanceUnit projectionUnit = DistanceUnit.fromProjection(getProjection()); if (projectionUnit == DistanceUnit.DEGREES) { double geoWidthInches = this.scale.getResolutionInInches() * paintArea.width; double geoHeightInches = this.scale.getResolutionInInches() * paintArea.height; bbox = computeGeodeticBBox(geoWidthInches, geoHeightInches); } else { final double centerX =; final double centerY =; double geoWidth = this.scale.getResolution() * paintArea.width; double geoHeight = this.scale.getResolution() * paintArea.height; double minGeoX = centerX - (geoWidth / 2.0); double minGeoY = centerY - (geoHeight / 2.0); double maxGeoX = minGeoX + geoWidth; double maxGeoY = minGeoY + geoHeight; bbox = new ReferencedEnvelope(minGeoX, maxGeoX, minGeoY, maxGeoY, getProjection()); } return bbox; } @Override public MapBounds adjustedEnvelope(final Rectangle paintArea) { return this; } @Override public MapBounds adjustBoundsToNearestScale( final ZoomLevels zoomLevels, final double tolerance, final ZoomLevelSnapStrategy zoomLevelSnapStrategy, final boolean geodetic, final Rectangle paintArea, final double dpi) { final Scale newScale = getNearestScale(zoomLevels, tolerance, zoomLevelSnapStrategy, geodetic, paintArea, dpi); return new CenterScaleMapBounds(getProjection(),,, newScale); } @Override public Scale getScale(final Rectangle paintArea, final double dpi) { return this.scale; } @Override public MapBounds adjustBoundsToRotation(final double rotation) { // nothing to change when rotating, because the center stays the same return this; } @Override public CenterScaleMapBounds zoomOut(final double factor) { if (FloatingPointUtil.equals(factor, 1.0)) { return this; } final double newResolution = this.scale.getResolution() * factor; return new CenterScaleMapBounds(getProjection(),,, this.scale.toResolution(newResolution)); } @Override public MapBounds zoomToScale(final Scale newScale) { return new CenterScaleMapBounds(getProjection(),,, newScale); } @Override public Coordinate getCenter() { return; } private ReferencedEnvelope computeGeodeticBBox(final double geoWidthInInches, final double geoHeightInInches) { try { CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = getProjection(); GeodeticCalculator calc = new GeodeticCalculator(crs); DistanceUnit ellipsoidUnit = DistanceUnit.fromString(calc.getEllipsoid().getAxisUnit().toString()); double geoWidth = DistanceUnit.IN.convertTo(geoWidthInInches, ellipsoidUnit); double geoHeight = DistanceUnit.IN.convertTo(geoHeightInInches, ellipsoidUnit); DirectPosition2D directPosition2D = new DirectPosition2D(,; directPosition2D.setCoordinateReferenceSystem(crs); calc.setStartingPosition(directPosition2D); final int west = -90; calc.setDirection(west, geoWidth / 2.0); double minGeoX = calc.getDestinationPosition().getOrdinate(0); final int east = 90; calc.setDirection(east, geoWidth / 2.0); double maxGeoX = calc.getDestinationPosition().getOrdinate(0); final int south = 180; calc.setDirection(south, geoHeight / 2.0); double minGeoY = calc.getDestinationPosition().getOrdinate(1); final int north = 0; calc.setDirection(north, geoHeight / 2.0); double maxGeoY = calc.getDestinationPosition().getOrdinate(1); return new ReferencedEnvelope( rollLongitude(minGeoX), rollLongitude(maxGeoX), rollLatitude(minGeoY), rollLatitude(maxGeoY), crs); } catch (TransformException e) { throw ExceptionUtils.getRuntimeException(e); } } private double rollLongitude(final double x) { return x - (((int) (x + Math.signum(x) * 180)) / 360) * 360.0; } private double rollLatitude(final double y) { return y - (((int) (y + Math.signum(y) * 90)) / 180) * 180.0; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } if (!super.equals(o)) { return false; } final CenterScaleMapBounds that = (CenterScaleMapBounds) o; if ( != null ? ! : != null) { return false; } return this.scale != null ? this.scale.equals(that.scale) : that.scale == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + ( != null ? : 0); result = 31 * result + (this.scale != null ? this.scale.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("CenterScaleMapBounds{center=%s, scale=%s}",, this.scale); } }